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Wallace Osgood Fenn, Ph.D.


Wallace Osgood Fenn, Ph.D.Wallace Osgood Fenn was a member of the Department of Physiology at the University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry from 1924 until 1971. He was chairman of the Department from 1924 until 1959. The author of 267 publications, Dr. Fenn was a physiologist of international stature, known for his pioneer work in muscle metabolism, electrolyte physiology, the physiology of respiration, and space and undersea physiology.

The papers of Wallace Osgood Fenn span the period 1915 to 1971. They include extensive correspondence dating from the early 1920s; materials relating to his involvement in national and international scientific societies; reports from government and military contracts; lecture notes; and an extensive series of laboratory notebooks and other work data. The collection was presented to the Edward G. Miner Library by Mrs. Clara Fenn in 1971. Processing of the collection was completed on August 3, 1988. The collection is contained in fifty-eight document boxes and 114 bound notebooks occupying thirty-six linear feet.

Biographical Data and Sources

Wallace Osgood Fenn was born at Lanesborough, Mass. on August 27, 1893, the descendant of a family that had been settled in New England since the 17th century. His father was William Wallace Fenn, Bussey Professor of Theology at Harvard University, and his mother Faith Huntington Fisher. W.W. Fenn later became Dean of the Harvard Divinity School.

WOF attended the Cambridge Latin School, following which he entered Harvard University with the intention of preparing for the ministry. After attending the biology lectures of W.J.V. Osterhout, WOF decided on a career in physiology. Graduating from Harvard in 1914, WOF's graduate studies were interrupted by service with the U.S. Army Sanitary Corps during the First World War. Upon his discharge in 1919, WOF submitted his thesis and became Instructor in Applied Physiology in the Department of Industrial Hygiene of the Harvard Medical School. It was during this period (1919-21) that WOF engaged in studies of the phagocytosis of solid particles by white blood cells.

In 1922 WOF accepted a Rockefeller Travel Fellowship, and became the first American to work in A.V. Hill's laboratory in London. It was during this period that he made his first recognized contribution to physiology: defining the relationship between the heat production of muscles and the work they perform, a phenomenon subsequently termed the " Fenn Effect" by A.V. Hill. WOF also spent six months with H.H. Dale at the National Institute for Medical Research (London).

In 1924, at the urgings of Simon Flexner and George Hoyt Whipple, WOF accepted the chair of Physiology at the newly formed University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. His initial research in Rochester concentrated on measuring gas exchanges by nerve and by muscle. In 1927, he measured for the first time the amount of oxygen required by a nerve to conduct an impulse. Further studies on muscle metabolism led WOF to consider electrolytes (particularly potassium) in nerve and muscle activity -- studies which ushered in a new era in electrolyte physiology. Continued research during the 1930s made possible the first determinations of potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium in nerve; and more importantly, showed that during contraction potassium was lost from muscle in exchange for sodium. With the availability of radioactive potassium in the late 1930s, WOF was able to study more closely the kinetics of potassium metabolism and was the first to show the incorporation of potassium into blood cells.

With the outbreak of the Second World War, WOF switched his research efforts to respiratory physiology and the pressure breathing problems faced by aviators in non-pressurized aircraft. Two important concepts resulted from this work. WOF's studies of respiratory mechanics led to his pressure-volume diagram of the lung and thorax; and his researches into pulmonary gas exchange resulted in the oxygen-carbon dioxide diagram of the composition of alveolar gas.

In the mid-1950s WOF extended these interests to the physiology of breathing in two new human environments: outer space and the depths of the sea. Particularly important were his work on the toxicity of oxygen at high pressures and his investigations of the effects of hydraulic pressure on biological reactions (which he termed "barophysiology").

Dr. Fenn was active in numerous national and international scientific societies, his involvement in which is reflected in the collection. As a member of the American Physiological Society (Boxes 4-10), WOF served as a member of the Board of Publication Trustees (1935-49), Treasurer (1936-40), Secretary (1942-46), and President (1946-48). He also edited the respiratory section of the Society's Handbook of Physiology (1964-5). In his association with the International Union of Physiological Sciences (Boxes 21- 23), WOF was Chairman of the U.S. National Committee (1956-60), Secretary General (1959-65), and President (1968-71). He served in various capacities with the National Academy of Sciences after his election in 1943 (Boxes 26-29), and was one of the organizing members of the American Institute of Biological Sciences (Boxes 2-3), of which he was President in 1956-57.

At the University of Rochester , WOF was Chairman of the Department of Physiology for thirty-five years (1924-59), was Assistant Dean to George Hoyt Whipple (1949-53), and Director of the University's Space Science Center (1962-66). Dr. Fenn was named Distinguished University Professor of Physiology in 1961.

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Among his major awards were the John F. Lewis Prize of the American Philosophical Society (1949), the Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Award of the International Academy of Astronautics (1964), the Antonio Feltrinelli Prize of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (1964), the Research Achievement Award of the American Heart Association (1967), and the Johannes Muller Medallion of the German Physiological Society. He also received honorary degrees from the Universidad de San Marcos, Lima (1959), the Universite de Paris (1960), and the Universite libre de Bruxelles (1965); and was elected to honorary memberships in the Sociedad Argentina de Biologia (1951), the Societa Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale (1963), the Canadian Physiological Society (1965), the Physiological Society of Great Britain (1965), the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (1965), and the Academie Royale de Medecine de Belgique (1970).

Wallace Osgood Fenn married Clara Bryce Comstock in September 1919. They had four children: William Wallace, Ruth, Priscilla, and David Bryce. Dr. Fenn died in Rochester, New York on September 20, 1971.

The Papers

The Papers of Wallace Osgood Fenn are organized into six distinct series, which correspond to the arrangement of Dr. Fenn's own files:

General File (Boxes 1-39)

  • The largest of the these series is the General File, which largely maintains the original organization of Dr. Fenn's correspondence with individuals, scientific societies, universities, and other organizations (including journals). Materials are arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent or organization.

Government & Military Contract reports (Boxes 40-41)

  • This brief series contains written reports for the various government and military contracts (OEM, Army, Navy, Air Force) in which Dr. Fenn and his associates were involved between 1942 and 1958. Most of the contracts involved research on pressure breathing and oxygen toxicity.

Laboratory Notebooks and Work Data, 1915-27 (Boxes 42-44)

  • The notebooks and work data in this series represent WOF's research from the time of his graduate studies at Harvard through his arrival in Rochester. They include notebooks from graduate work at Woods Hole and Harvard from 1915 to 1917; his work on phagocytosis prior to leaving for England (1919-21); research notes from his years on a Rockefeller Travel Fellowship at the Physiology Laboratory of the University of Manchester and University College's Institute of Physiology; and early work at the University of Rochester. Laboratory Notebooks, 1926-1970 These pasteboard-covered notebooks provide a chronological record of the activities of Dr. Fenn's laboratory from 1926 until 1970. There were originally one hundred and sixteen numbered notebooks. Two are now missing (#s 112 & 114).

Work Data, 1926-1971 (Boxes 45-52)

  • The material in this series supplements the LABORATORY NOTESBOOKS, 1926-1970. Also arranged chronologically, the work data series includes original data summarized in the laboratory notebooks, as well as data summarized from the laboratory notebooks.

Lectures Notes (Boxes 53-58)

  • This series includes notes for lectures delivered by WOF at the School of Medicine and elsewhere. The series is arranged alphabetically by subject, as it was in Dr. Fenn's original files. The subject matter of much of this material will be of use in supplementing the laboratory notes and work data of the previous two series. It includes many lectures on muscle physiology, nerves, potassium, and respiration.

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Inventory List

Box One - General File

Folder 1 - 'A' Correspondence (pre-1941)
Folder 2 - 'A' Correspondence (AB-AM)
Folder 3 - 'A' Correspondence (AN-AZ)
Folder 4 - Academie Royale de Medecine de Belgique. Membre honoraire etranger (1968-71)
Folder 5 - Accademia Medica Lombarda. "Regulations of respiration in exercise," by WOF (Sep 1963)
Folder 6 - Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Feltrinelli Prize (1965) -- Correspondence
Folder 7 - Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Feltrinelli Prize (1965) -- WOF's talk
Folder 8 - Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Feltrinelli Prize (1965) -- Clippings
Folder 9 - Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Feltrinelli Prize (1965) -- Letters of congratulations, May-Jul 1964
Folder 10 - Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Feltrinelli Prize (1965) -- Letters of congratulations, Oct 1965-Aug 1965
Folder 11 - Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Feltrinelli prize (1965) -- Miscellaneous
Folder 12 - Adler, Terrine K. -- Correspondence, 1962-71
Folder 13 - Adolph, Edward F. -- Correspondence, 1925-
Folder 14 - Aero Medical Association, 1949-60
Folder 15 - Agostoni, Emilio -- Correspondence, 1963-71
Folder 16 - Amberson, William R. -- Correspondence, 1928-34
Folder 17 - American Association for the Advancement of Science -- Correspondence, 1961-65

Box Two - General File

Folder 1 - American Heart Association. Research Achievement Award (1967)
Folder 2 - American Institute of Biological00:Sciences (AIBS). Organizing committee, 1946-48
Folder 3 - AIBS. Minutes, correspondence, Jan-May 1950
Folder 4 - AIBS. Minutes, correspondence, Jun-Dec 1950
Folder 5 - AIBS. NRC annual, quarterly & bimonthly reports, vol. 5 (1947)
Folder 6 - AIBS. NRC annual, quarterly & bimonthly reports, vols. V & VI (1947)
Folder 7 - AIBS. Executive Committee (1949)
Folder 8 - AIBS. FASEB-AIBS Joint Public Relations Committee, 1955-58
Folder 9 - AIBS. Publications, 1955-58
Folder 10 - AIBS. Governing Board. Organizational memberships, 1956-59
Folder 11 - AIBS. Civil Service Commission action on salaries for biologists, 1957-58
Folder 12 - AIBS. Space Biology Symposium, May 1967

Box Three - General File

Folder 1 - AIBS. International Symposium on Submarine and Space Medicine (1st : Sep 8-12, 1958 : New London, Ct.)
Folder 2 - AIBS. General file, 1957-58
Folder 3 - AIBS. General file, Feb-Jun 1960
Folder 4 - AIBS. General file, Jul-Dec 1960
Folder 5 - AIBS. General file, Jan-May 1961
Folder 6 - AIBS. General file, Jun-Dec 1961
Folder 7 - AIBS. General file, 1962
Folder 8 - AIBS. General file, 1963-71
Folder 9 - AIBS. Meeting, Stillwater, Okl., Aug 29, 1960
Folder 10 - AIBS. Biological Sciences Communications Project, 1961-62
Folder 11 - AIBS. Conference on Minimum Ecological Systems for Man (1st : Oct 13-16, 1963 : Princeton, N.J.)
Folder 12 - AIBS. Conference on Minimum Ecological Systems for Man (1st : Oct 13-16, 1963 : Princeton, N.J.)
Folder 13 - AIBS. Conference on Minimum Ecological Systems for Man (2nd : Oct 11-14, 1964 : Princeton, N.J.)
Folder 14 - AIBS. Conference on Minimum Ecological Systems for Man (2nd : Oct 11-14, 1964 : Princeton, N.J.)
Folder 15 - AIBS. Space Biology Workshop (Jan 9-10, 1964 : Rochester, N.Y.)

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Box Four - General File

Folder 1 - American Instrument Co. -- Correspondence, 1934-36
Folder 2 - American journal of physical medicine. Editorial Board -- Correspondence, Jun 1951- Dec 1958
Folder 3 - American journal of physical medicine. Editorial Board -- Correspondence, Mar 1959- Apr 1968
Folder 4 - American Philosophical Society proceedings. Ms. & galleys of "Life under high pressure," 1970.
Folder 5 - American Physiological Society (APS). Reports, minutes, correspondence, 1934.
Folder 6 - APS. Board of Publication Trustees. Reports, minutes, correspondence, 1935
Folder 7 - APS. Board of Publication Trustees. Reports, minutes, correspondence, Jan-Jun 1936
Folder 8 - APS. Board of Publication Trustees. Reports, minutes, correspondence, Jul-Dec 1936
Folder 9 - APS. Board of Publication Trustees. Reports, minutes, correspondence, 1937
Folder 10 - APS. Board of Publication Trustees. Reports, minutes, correspondence, 1938-39
Folder 11 - APS. Board of Publication Trustees. Reports, minutes, correspondence, 1940
Folder 12 - APS. Board of Publication Trustees. Reports, minutes, correspondence, 1941
Folder 13 - APS. Board of Publication Trustees. Reports, minutes, correspondence, 1942
Folder 14 - APS. Board of Publication Trustees. Reports, minutes, correspondence, 1943-46

Box Five - General File

Folder 1 - APS. Board of Publication Trustees. Reports, minutes, correspondence, 1947
Folder 2 - APS. Board of Publication Trustees. Reports, minutes, correspondence, 1948
Folder 3 - APS. Board of Publication Trustees. Reports, minutes, correspondence, 1949
Folder 4 - APS. Board of Publication Trustees. Two-column format for American journal of physiology, 1938-39
Folder 5 - APS. Regional meetings -- Correspondence, 1942-43
Folder 6 - APS. Physiological Survey Committee, 1945-46
Folder 7 - APS. President -- Correspondence, Feb-Jun 1946
Folder 8 - APS. President -- Correspondence, Jul-Aug 1946
Folder 9 - APS. President -- Correspondence, Sep-Oct 1946
Folder 10 - APS. President -- Correspondence, Nov 1946- Feb 1947
Folder 11 - APS. President -- Correspondence, Mar-May 1947
Folder 12 - APS. Committee on Training of Physiologists (R.W. Gerard), 1946-47
Folder 13 - APS. Respiratory Section annual dinner, 1952

Box Six - General File

Folder 1 - APS. Survey of Physiological Science -- Correspondence, Nov 1951-Jul 1952
Folder 2 - APS. Survey of Physiological Science -- Correspondence, Sep 1952-Mar 1953
Folder 3 - APS. Survey of Physiological Science -- Correspondence, Apr 1953-Aug 1955
Folder 4 - APS. Eighth autumn meeting (Sep 4-7, 1956 : Rochester, N.Y.)
Folder 5 - APS. Office of the Executive Secretary -- Correspondence, 1955-59
Folder 6 - APS. Committee on Senior Physiologists, Aug 1955-Oct 1957
Folder 7 - APS. Committee on Senior Physiologists, Feb 1958-Jul 1960
Folder 8 - APS. Committee on Senior Physiologists, Aug 1960-May 1962
Folder 9 - APS. Committee on International Relations, 1959
Folder 10 - APS. American journal of physiology. Editorial Board, 1959-63
Folder 11 - APS. Revision of by-laws committee, 1960-61
Folder 12 - APS. General correspondence, 1960-61
Folder 13 - APS. General correspondence, 1962-63

Box Seven - General File

Folder 1 - APS. General correspondence, 1964-70
Folder 2 - APS. History of the APS ... 1937-62 (1963) -- Correspondence, Jul 1962-Feb 1963
Folder 3 - APS. History of the APS ... 1937-62 (1963) -- Correspondence, Mar 1963
Folder 4 - APS. History of the APS ... 1937-62 (1963) -- Correspondence, Apr-Dec 1963
Folder 5 - APS. American journal of physiology -- Correspondence re: ms. "Volume decreases during hemolysis," 1968-70
Folder 6 - APS. Handbook of physiology (1964-65). Sect 3: respiration -- 'A' correspondence
Folder 7 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Agostoni, Emilio -- Correspondence
Folder 8 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). 'B' correspondence
Folder 9 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Bouhuys, Arend -- Correspondence
Folder 10 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Briscoe, William A. -- Correspondence
Folder 11 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). 'C' correspondence
Folder 12 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Comroe, Julius H. -- Correspondence

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Box Eight - General File

Folder 1 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). 'D' correspondence
Folder 2 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Defares, James G. -- Correspondence
Folder 3 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Dubois, Arthur B. -- Correspondence
Folder 4 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). 'F-H' correspondence
Folder 5 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Forster, Robert H. -- Correspondence
Folder 6 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Gaensler, Edward A. -- Correspondence
Folder 7 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Gilbert, Daniel L. -- Correspondence
Folder 8 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Greene, David G. -- Correspondence
Folder 9 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Hyatt, Robert E. -- Correspondence
Folder 10 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Irving, Laurence -- Correspondence
Folder 11 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Joebsis, Fran J. -- Correspondence
Folder 12 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). 'K-L' correspondence
Folder 13 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Krahl, Vernon -- Correspondence
Folder 14 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Lambertson, C.J. -- Correspondence

Box Nine - General File

Folder 1 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Leslie, Sarah -- Correspondence, 1960-63
Folder 2 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Leslie, Sarah -- Correspondence, 1964-66
Folder 3 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). "M" correspondence
Folder 4 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Mead, Jere -- Correspondence
Folder 5 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Otis, Arthur -- Correspondence
Folder 6 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Perkins, John E. -- Correspondence
Folder 7 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Piiper, Johannes -- Correspondence
Folder 8 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Proctor, Donald F. -- Correspondence
Folder 9 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). "R" correspondence
Folder 10 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Radford, Edward P. -- Correspondence
Folder 11 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Rahn, Hermann -- Correspondence

Box Ten - General File

Folder 1 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Roughton, F.J.W. -- Correspondence
Folder 2 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Schilling, John A. -- Correspondence
Folder 3 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Severinghaus, J.W. -- Correspondence
Folder 4 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Stevens, Kenneth -- Correspondence
Folder 5 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Stokinger, Herbert F, -- Correspondence
Folder 6 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). Tenney, Marsh -- Correspondence
Folder 7 - APS. Handbook (Sect 3). 'V-W' correspondence
Folder 8 - APS, Handbook (Sect 3). Weibel, Ewald R. -- Correspondence
Folder 9 - Animal experimentation correspondence, 1944-47
Folder 10 - Animal experimentation correspondence, 1948-50
Folder 11 - Animal experimentation correspondence, 1951
Folder 12 - Animal experimentation correspondence, 1952-57
Folder 13 - Animal experimentation correspondence, 1960-61
Folder 14 - Animal experimentation correspondence, 1963-64
Folder 15 - Arnett, Vitold -- Correspondence, 1937-41

Box Eleven - General File

Folder 1 - Asano, Tomo -- Correspondence, Sep 1957-Jul 1963
Folder 2 - Asano, Tomo -- Correspondence, Aug 1963-Feb 1971
Folder 3 - Association Medica Argentina, 1949
Folder 4 - Azzolini, Rodolfo -- Correspondence, 1967
Folder 5 - 'B' correspondence (pre-1941), BA-BE
Folder 6 - 'B' correspondence (pre-1941), BI-BROD
Folder 7 - 'B' correspondence (pre-1941), BROO-BU
Folder 8 - 'B' correspondence, BAC-BAX
Folder 9 - 'B' correspondence, BEA-BES
Folder 10 - 'B' correspondence, BHA-BOY
Folder 11 - 'B' correspondence, BRA-BY

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Box Twelve - General File

Folder 1 - Binational Conference on Education and Research in Life Sciences (1971 : Bangalore, India)
Folder 2 - Biological abstracts -- Correspondence, 1949-51
Folder 3 - Biological abstracts -- Correspondence, 1960-67
Folder 4 - Bjurstedt, Hilding -- Correspondence, 1957-64
Folder 5 - Blair, Henry A. -- Correspondence, 1937-48
Folder 6 - The Blakiston Company, 1952-55
Folder 7 - Blasius, Wilhelm -- Correspondence, 1969-71
Folder 8 - "Born fifty years too soon," WFO (Ann. rev. phys., 1961)
Folder 9 - Bouhuys, Arend -- Correspondence, 1960-71

Folder 10 - Bozler, Emil -- Correspondence, 1929-33
Folder 11 - Bronk, Detlev -- Correspondence, 1931-33, 1937-41, 1950, 1970
Folder 12 - "The brownies in the physiology laboratory," WFO, 1947
Folder 13 - Bryn Mawr College, 1958-59
Folder 14 - Burton, Alan C. -- Correspondence, 1966-70
Folder 15 - 'C' correspondence (pre-1941), CA
Folder 16 - 'C' correspondence (pre-1941), CE-CL
Folder 17 - 'C' correspondence (pre-1941), CO-CU

Box Thirteen - General File

Folder 1 - 'C' correspondence, CAB-CAV
Folder 2 - 'C' correspondence, CE-COE
Folder 3 - 'C' correspondence, COG-COS
Folder 4 - 'C' correspondence, COT-CU
Folder 5 - Canadian Physiological Society -- Correspondence, 1963-67
Folder 6 - Cannon, Walter B. -- Correspondence, 1922-33
Folder 7 - Chambers, Robert -- Correspondence, 1928-37
Folder 8 - Chamber's encyclopaedia, 1946-49
Folder 9 - Clark, Robert T. -- Correspondence, 1951-60
Folder 10 - Clark, Robert T. -- Correspondence, 1961-66
Folder 11 - Columbia University. College of Physicians & Surgeons. Visiting professor, Feb 28-Mar 9, 1967
Folder 12 - Comroe, Julius H. -- Correspondence, 1959-67
Folder 13 - Conference on Dynamic Operating Characteristics of Physiological Systems (1973) -- Correspondence, 1970-71
Folder 14 - Conference on In Vitro and In Vivo Effects of Amine Buffers (Dec 12-14, 1960 : New York)

Box Fourteen - General File

Folder 1 - Conference on Tissue Elasticity (Sep 1-3, 1955 : Dartmouth College)
Folder 2 - Corner, George W. -- Correspondence, 1924, 1949-70
Folder 3 - Cosmos, Ethel -- Correspondence, 1960-68
Folder 4 - Cosmos Club, 1954-66
Folder 5 - Cosmos Club, 1967-71
Folder 6 - Committee on Space Research (COSPAR). Reports, correspondence, etc., 1958
Folder 7 - COSPAR. Reports, correspondence, etc., Jan-Apr 1959
Folder 8 - COSPAR. Reports, correspondence, etc. Jun-Dec 1959
Folder 9 - COSPAR. Reports, correspondence, etc. 1960
Folder 10 - COSPAR. Reports, correspondence, etc. Jan 1961-Jun 1962

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Box Fifteen - General File

Folder 1 - COSPAR. Reports, correspondence, etc. Jul 1962
Folder 2 - COSPAR. Reports, correspondence, etc. Aug 1962-Aug 1963
Folder 3 - COSPAR. Reports, correspondence, etc. Jan-May 1964
Folder 4 - COSPAR. Reports, correspondence, etc. Nov 1964-Jun 1966
Folder 5 - COSPAR. N.A.S. Space Science Board, Dec 1958-May 1959
Folder 6 - COSPAR. N.A.S. Space Science Board, Jul 1959-Dec 1965
Folder 7 - Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences -- Correspondence, 1960-65
Folder 8 - 'D' correspondence (pre-1941), DA-DI
Folder 9 - 'D' correspondence (pre-1941), DO-DY
Folder 10 - 'D' correspondence, DA-DIL
Folder 11 - 'D' correspondence, DOM-DUY

Box Sixteen - General File

Folder 1 - Davis, Hallowell -- Correspondence, 1922-39, 1966
Folder 2 - Dejours, Pierre -- Correspondence, 1952-71
Folder 3 - Djanian, Aida Y. -- Correspondence, 1955-71
Folder 4 - Drinker, Cecil K. -- Correspondence, 1922-33
Folder 5 - Dubois, Arthur -- Correspondence, 1950-71
Folder 6 - Duke University. Physiology seminar, May 1967
Folder 7 - 'E' correspondence (pre-1941)
Folder 8 - 'E' correspondence
Folder 9 - Eggleton, Philip -- Correspondence, 1935-39
Folder 10 - 'F' correspondence (pre-1941)
Folder 11 - 'F' correspondence, FA-FISHER
Folder 12 - 'F' correspondence, FISHMAN-FU
Folder 13 - Farhi, Leon -- Correspondence, 1957-68
Folder 14 - Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB). Federation proceedings. Control Committee - Correspondence, Dec 1938-May 1941
Folder 15 - FASEB. Federation proceedings. Control Committee -- Correspondence, Jun-Nov 1941

Box Seventeen - General File

Folder 1 - FASEB. Federation proceedings. Control Committee -- Correspondence, Dec 1941- Mar 1942
Folder 2 - FASEB. Correspondence, 1951-68
Folder 3 - FASEB. Handbooks of circulation/respiration -- Correspondence, 1968-69
Folder 4 - Fenn, W.O. -- curricula vitae, autobiographical data, etc.
Folder 5 - Fischer, Ernst -- Correspondence, May 1929- June 1933
Folder 6 - Fischer, Ernst -- Correspondence, Sep 1933- Jun 1934
Folder 7 - Fischer, Ernst -- Correspondence, Jul 1934- Sep 1936
Folder 8 - Flexner, Simon -- Correspondence, 1921-27
Folder 9 - Forbes, Alexander (1882-1965). Biographical memoirs for Am. Phil. Soc. & Nat. Acad. Sci. -- Correspondence, 1965-69
Folder 10 - Forbes, Alexander (1882-1965). Biographical memoirs for Am. Phil. Soc. & Nat. Acad. Sci. -- Fenn ms. & others
Folder 11 - Forster, Robert E. -- Correspondence, 1959-70
Folder 12 - Fulton, John F. -- Correspondence, 1922-32
Folder 13 - 'G' correspondence (pre-1941), GA-GE
Folder 14 - 'G' correspondence (pre-1941), GI-GU

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Box Eighteen - General File

Folder 1 - 'G' correspondence, GA-GL
Folder 2 - 'G' correspondence, GN-GU
Folder 3 - Gasteiger, Edgar L., Jr. -- Correspondence, 1962-70
Folder 4 - Gerard, Ralph W. -- Correspondence, 1926-33,
Folder 5 - Gerschmann, Rebecca -- Correspondence, Dec 1940-Nov 1959
Folder 6 - Gerschmann, Rebecca -- Correspondence, Jan 1960-Jan 1967
Folder 7 - Goettsch, Marianne -- Correspondence & mss., 1934-37
Folder 8 - Goodman, Joan Wright -- Correspondence, 1960-71
Folder 9 - 'H' correspondence (pre-1941), HAA-HAS
Folder 10 - 'H' correspondence (pre-1941), HE-HU
Folder 11 - 'H' correspondence, HAD-HAY

Box Nineteen - General File

Folder 1 - 'H' correspondence, HEA-HIN
Folder 2 - 'H' correspondence, HOD-HY
Folder 3 - Harashima, Susumu -- Correspondence, 1932-33
Folder 4 - Harashima, Susumu -- Correspondence, 1957-71
Folder 5 - Harris, E.J. -- Correspondence, 1957-60
Folder 6 - Harvard University. Committee to Visit the Department of Biology and the Bussey Institution, 1948-51
Folder 7 - Haywood, Charlotte -- Correspondence, 1946-69
Folder 8 - Heppel, Leon -- Correspondence, 1940-70
Folder 9 - Heymans, Corneille -- Correspondence, 1960-68
Folder 10 - Hill, Archibald V. -- Correspondence, 1922-27
Folder 11 - Hill, Archibald V. -- Correspondence, 1929-32
Folder 12 - Hill, Archibald V. -- Correspondence, 1939-56
Folder 13 - Hill, Archibald V. -- Correspondence, 1959-71
Folder 14 - Hill, Archibald V. -- Honorary degree from the University of Rochester, 1959
Folder 15 - Hursh, John B. -- Correspondence, 1932-41(*h)h)XX

Box Twenty - General File

Folder 1 - Hydrostatic Pressure Newsletter, 1969
Folder 2 - 'I' correspondence (pre-1941)
Folder 3 - 'I' correspondence
Folder 4 - Institute for Defense Analyses, 1958-60
Folder 5 - Institute of Electrical Engineers. Symposium (Oct 23-25, 1950 : New York)
Folder 6 - International Academy of Astronautics. Guggenheim Award, 1964
Folder 7 - International Academy of Astronautics -- Correspondence, 1966-71
Folder 8 - International Academy of Astronautics. Reports, meetings, etc., 1965-67
Folder 9 - International Academy of Astronautics. Reports, meetings, etc., 1968-71
Folder 10 - International Astronautical Federation Congress (15th : Sep 7-12, 1964 : Warsaw)
Folder 11 - International Biological Program. Special Committee, 1963-65
Folder 12 - International Biological Program. U.S. National Committee. Subcommittee on Environmental Physiology, 1966
Folder 13 - International Biological Program. U.S. National Committee. Subcommittee on Environmental Physiology, 1967-68
Folder 14 - International Biological Project, ca. 1963
Folder 15 - International Conference on Respiratory and Laryngeal Control Systems (1971 : London)
Folder 16 - International Congress on Physiology (25th : Jul 20-22, 1971 : Monaco)
Folder 17 - International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) -- Correspondence, 1961-63
Folder 18 - ICSU -- Correspondence, 1964-66

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Box Twenty-One - General File

Folder 1 - ICSU. ICSU Review -- Correspondence, 1959-62
Folder 2 - ICSU. Committee on Future Structure, 1959-63
Folder 3 - ICSU. Abstracting Board, 1959-65
Folder 4 - International Federation for Medical Electronics, 1961
Folder 5 - International Symposium on High Altitude Biology (Nov 23-30, 1949 : Lima, Peru)
Folder 6 - International Union of Biochemistry. IUPS-IUB correspondence, 1959-64
Folder 7 - International Union of Biological Sciences -- Correspondence, 1956-64
Folder 8 - International Union of Biological Sciences -- Correspondence, 1957-60
Folder 9 - International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS). U.S. National Committee, 1955-57
Folder 10 - IUPS. U.S. National Committee, 1958-59
Folder 11 - IUPS. U.S. National Committee, 1960
Folder 12 - IUPS. U.S. National Committee, 1961-62

Box Twenty-Two - General File

Folder 1 - IUPS. Correspondence with Ulf von Euler, 1959-64
Folder 2 - IUPS. Correspondence with Bernardo Houssay, Aug 1959-May 1960
Folder 3 - IUPS. Correspondence with Bernardo Houssay, Jun 1960-Mar 1962
Folder 4 - IUPS. Correspondence with Bernardo Houssay, Apr 1962-Mar 1965
Folder 5 - IUPS. Correspondence with Lindor Brown, 1960-63
Folder 6 - IUPS. Correspondence with Lindor Brown, 1964-65
Folder 7 - IUPS. Congress (22nd : Sep 10-17, 1962 : Leiden) Correspondence, 1960 Correspondence, Jan-Sep 1961
Folder 9 - IUPS. Congress (22nd : Sep 10-17, 1962 : Leiden) Correspondence, Oct-Dec 1961
Folder 10 - IUPS. Congress (22nd : Sep 10-17, 1962 : Leiden) Correspondence, 1962
Folder 11 - IUPS. Congress (22nd : Sep 10-17, 1962 : Leiden) Correspondence, 1963-64
Folder 12 - IUPS.Correspondence regarding future congresses, 1962-65
Folder 13 - IUPS. Excerpta Medica Foundation, 1963-65
Folder 14 - IUPS. Congress (23rd : Sep 1-9, 1965 : Tokyo) Correspondence, 1959-63
Folder 15 - IUPS. Congress (23rd : Sep 1-9, 1965 : Tokyo) Correspondence, Jan 1964-Mar 1965
Folder 16 - IUPS. Congress (23rd : Sep 1-9, 1965 : Tokyo) Correspondence, Apr-Aug 1965

Box Twenty-Three - General File

Folder 1 - IUPS. Congress (25th : Jul 25-31, 1971 : Munich), Correspondence, Apr 1968-Aug 1970
Folder 2 - IUPS. Congress (25th : Jul 25-31, 1971 : Munich), Correspondence, Sep 1970-Mar 1971
Folder 3 - IUPS. Congress (25th : Jul 25-31, 1971 : Munich), Correspondence, Apr 1971-Oct 1971
Folder 4 - IUPS. Congress (25th : Jul 25-31, 1971 : Munich), Programs, agenda, etc.
Folder 5 - Institute for the Advancement of Medical Communications, 1959-61
Folder 6 - Institute for the Advancement of Medical Communications, 1962-63
Folder 7 - 'J' correspondence (pre-1941)
Folder 8 - 'J' correspondence
Folder 9 - Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation Conference Program. Conference Group on Space Medicine, 1959
Folder 10 - Journal of general physiology -- Correspondence, 1944-48
Folder 11 - Journal of general physiology -- Correspondence, 1949-50
Folder 12 - Journal of general physiology -- Correspondence, 1951-54
Folder 13 - Journal of general physiology-- Correspondence, 1955-60
Folder 14 - Journal of general physiology -- Correspondence, 1961-68

Box Twenty-Four - General File

Folder 1 - 'K' correspondence (pre-1941), KA-KAU
Folder 2 - 'K' correspondence (pre-1941), KE-KU
Folder 3 - 'K' correspondence, KA-KN
Folder 4 - 'K' correspondence, KO-KY
Folder 5 - Keller, Rudolph -- Correspondence, 1936-38
Folder 6 - Koehn, Wilbur R. -- Correspondence, 1951-58
Folder 7 - 'L' correspondence (pre-1941)
Folder 8 - 'L' correspondence, LAM-LAT
Folder 9 - 'L' correspondence, LAU-LEW
Folder 10 - 'L' correspondence, LIB-LIS
Folder 11 - 'L' correspondence, LIT-LY
Folder 12 - Lambertsen, Christopher -- Correspondence, 1957-69
Folder 13 - Leslie, Sarah -- Correspondence, Dec 1967- Jan 1971
Folder 14 - Lotspeich, William D. -- Correspondence, 1959-69

[Back to top]

Box Twenty-Five - General File

Folder 1 - 'M' correspondence (pre-1941), MAC-MAV
Folder 2 - 'M' correspondence (pre-1941), ME-MU
Folder 3 - 'M' correspondence, McB-MARQ
Folder 4 - 'M' correspondence, MARS-MAS
Folder 5 - 'M' correspondence, MAT-MIC
Folder 6 - 'M' correspondence, MIL-MIT
Folder 7 - 'M' correspondence, MO-MU
Folder 8 - Margaria, Rodolfo -- Correspondence, 1954-67
Folder 9 - Margaria, Rodolfo -- Correspondence, 1968-71
Folder 10 - Maurer, Frank W. -- Correspondence, 1934-41
Folder 11 - Medical Society of the State of New York. 159th annual convention; 6th annual symposium on space medicine (Feb 16, 1965 : New York)
Folder 12 - Modern Medicine Award, 1966
Folder 13 - Mommaerts, W.F.H.M. -- Correspondence, 1948-70
Folder 14 - Moore, William J. -- Correspondence, 1952-54

Box Twenty-Six - General File

Folder 1 - Murlin eulogy, 1960-62
Folder 2 - Muscular Dystrophy Association of America, 1953-63
Folder 3 - 'N' correspondence
Folder 4 - National Academy of Sciences (NAS) -- Misc. correspondence
Folder 5 - NAS. Ad Hoc Conference on Carbon Monoxide in Cockpits of Jet Aircraft (Oct 1955)
Folder 6 - NAS. Committee to Consider Loyalty in Relation to Government Support of Unclassified Research, reports 1955
Folder 7 - NAS. Committee to Consider Loyalty in Relation to Government Support of Unclassified Research, reports 1956
Folder 8 - NAS. Committee to Consider Loyalty in Relation to Government Support of Unclassified Research, correspondence, 1955-56
Folder 9 - NAS. National Research Council. Division of Medical Sciences, 1957-66

Box Twenty-Seven - General File

Folder 1 - NAS. Office of International Relations, 1956-69
Folder 2 - NAS. Armed Forces-NRC Committee on Bio-Astronautics, 1959
Folder 3 - NAS. Armed Forces-NRC Committee on Bio-Astronautics, 1960
Folder 4 - NAS. Council, May-Oct 1966
Folder 5 - NAS. Council, Nov 1966-Apr 1967
Folder 6 - NAS. Council, May 1967-Jun 1968
Folder 7 - NAS. Council, Jul 1968-Oct 1970
Folder 8 - NAS. Symposium on Underwater Physiology (3rd : Mar 23-25, 1966 : Washington, D.C.)
Folder 9 - NAS. Space Science Board, Jul 1958-Oct 1959
Folder 10 - NAS. Space Science Board, Nov 1959-Sep 1960
Folder 11 - NAS. Space Science Board, 1964-68

[Back to top]

Box Twenty-Eight - General File

Folder 1 - NAS. Space Science Board. Committee on International Relations -- Correspondence, 1958-60
Folder 2 - NAS. Space Science Board. Summer Conference on Physiology (1966 : Woods Hole)
Folder 3 - NAS. Space Science Board. Space Biology Summer Study, 1969
Folder 4 - NAS. Space Science Board, 1967
Folder 5 - NAS. Space Science Board, 1968
Folder 6 - NAS. Council. Construction plans, 1968
Folder 7 - NAS. Committee on the Quality and Organization of International Scientific Meetings (Noyes report), 1967-68
Folder 8 - NAS. Advisory Committee on International Organizations and Programs, 1967
Folder 9 - NAS. Advisory Committee on International Organizations and Programs, 1968-70
Folder 10 - NAS. Advisory Committee on International Organizations and Programs, 1971

Box Twenty-Nine - General File

Folder 1 - NAS. UFO Committee, 1968-69
Folder 2 - NAS. UFO Committee, 1968-69
Folder 3 - NAS. William Shockley, 1968-69
Folder 4 - NASA. Report of Bioscience Advisory Committee, Jan 25, 1960
Folder 5 - NASA. Biological Sciences Communication Project, 1964-66
Folder 6 - National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis
Folder 7 - National Institutes of Health. General Medical Research Program. Project Committee, 1961-64.
Folder 8 - National Research Council (NRC). Committee on Undersea Warfare, 1947-50
Folder 9 - NRC. Committee on Undersea Warfare. Underwater Swimmer Technology Panel, Jan 1949-Mar 1957
Folder 10 - NRC. Committee on Undersea Warfare. Underwater Swimmer Technology Panel, Apr 1957-Nov 1958
Folder 11 - NRC. Committee on Undersea Warfare. Underwater Swimmer Technology Panel, Dec 1958-Oct 1062
Folder 12 - NRC. Committee Advisory to U.S. Army Chemical Corps, Oct 1957-Apr 1958

Box Thirty - General File

Folder 1 - NRC. Committee Advisory to U.S. Army Chemical Corps, May 1958
Folder 2 - NRC. Division of Medical Sciences, Jan-Mar 1967
Folder 3 - NRC. Division of Medical Sciences, Apr 1967- Jun 1970
Folder 4 - NRC. Division of Medical Science. Committee on Aviation Medicine. Conference on Fatigue (1948)
Folder 5 - National Science Foundation -- Correspondence, 1952-53
Folder 6 - National Science Foundation -- Correspondence, 1954-65
Folder 7 - New York Academy of Sciences -- Correspondence, 1947-63
Folder 8 - New York Academy of Sciences -- Correspondence, 1964-69
Folder 9 - New York Academy of Sciences. Conference on Minimum Ecological Systems for Man (3rd : Oct 10-13, 1965 : Princeton, N.J. -- Correspondence, Aug 1964-Jun 1965
Folder 10 - New York Academy of Sciences. Conference on Minimum Ecological Systems for Man (3rd : Oct 10-13, 1965 : Princeton, N.J. -- Correspondence, Jul 1965-Dec 1966
Folder 11 - New York Academy of Sciences. Conference on Minimum Ecological Systems for Man (4th : Not Held) -- Correspondence, Nov 1965-Jan 1966

[Back to top]

Box Thirty-One - General File

Folder 1 - New York Academy of Sciences. Conference on Sound Production in Man (Nov 7-9, 1966 : New York) -- Correspondence, mss, etc., 1965-68
Folder 2 - New York Academy of Sciences. Conference on Biological Effects of Carbon Monoxide (Jan 12- 14, 1970 : New York) -- Correspondence & mss.
Folder 3 - New York Heart Association. Symposium on the Plasma Membrane (Dec 8-9, 1961 : New York)
Folder 4 - New York State League for Nursing. Biennial Convention (Oct 1-3, 1962 : Syracuse) -- Correspondence & ms.
Folder 5 - Noonan, Thomas R. -- Correspondence, 1938-41
Folder 6 - 'O' correspondence (pre-1941)
Folder 7 - 'O' correspondence
Folder 8 - Oklahoma City University, Jul 1964
Folder 9 - Osher, William J. -- Correspondence, 1949-50
Folder 10 - Osterhout, W.J.V. -- Correspondence, 1951-58
Folder 11 - Otis, Arthur B. -- Correspondence, 1941-71
Folder 12 - Oxygen-Carbon Dioxide Diagram -- Correspondence, 1954-60
Folder 13 - 'P' correspondence (pre-1941)
Folder 14 - 'P' correspondence, PA-PII
Folder 15 - 'P' correspondence, PIN-PUL
Folder 16 - Panel on Shipboard and Submarine Medicine (9th : Mar 5, 1952)

Box Thirty-Two - General File

Folder 1 - Perspectives in biology. Houssay memorial volume, 1961
Folder 2 - Physical chemistry of cells and tissues (ed. by E. Hoeber). Philadelphia: Blakiston, 1945 -- Correspondence, 1941-49
Folder 3 - The Physiological Society (Gt. Brit.), 1949-65
Folder 4 - Polissar, Milton J. -- Correspondence, 1949-53
Folder 5 - Ponder, Eric -- Correspondence, 1933-39
Folder 6 - Pozo-Olano, Juan de Dios -- Correspondence, 1966-69
Folder 7 - Princeton University. Palmer Physical Laboratory. Colloquium (May 1971)
Folder 8 - 'Q' correspondence
Folder 9 - 'R' correspondence (pre-1941)
Folder 10 - 'R' correspondence, RA-RE
Folder 11 - 'R' correspondence, RI-RU
Folder 12 - Rahn, Hermann -- Correspondence, 1957-64
Folder 13 - Rahn, Hermann -- Correspondence, 1965-67
Folder 14 - Rahn, Hermann -- Correspondence, 1968-71

Box Thirty-Three - General File

Folder 1 - Ramsey, Robert W. -- Correspondence, 1933-70
Folder 2 - Redfield, Alfred C. -- Correspondence, 1926-42
Folder 3 - Respiratory physiology, 1965-70
Folder 4 - Review of Scientific Instruments. Editorial Board, 1947-48
Folder 5 - Rhees, Rush -- Correspondence, 1924-35
Folder 6 - Rochester Museum and Science Center, 1971 citation
Folder 7 - Rodgers, Suzanne H. -- Correspondence, 1965-71
Folder 8 - 'S' correspondence (pre-1941), SAB-SHA
Folder 9 - 'S' correspondence (pre-1941), SHI-SU
Folder 10 - 'S' correspondence, SA-SCH
Folder 11 - 'S; correspondence, SCI-SIN
Folder 12 - 'S' correspondence, SIS-SO
Folder 13 - 'S' correspondence, SP-SW

Box Thirty-Four - General File

Folder 1 - Sabine, Jean Captain -- Correspondence, 1938-48
Folder 2 - Sabine, Jean Captain -- Correspondence, 1953-71
Folder 3 - Saslow, George -- Correspondence, 1930-39
Folder 4 - Scholander, P.F. -- Correspondence, 1957-71
Folder 5 - Scientific American -- Correspondence, 1948-50
Folder 6 - Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Physiological Research Laboratory. Advisory Board, Sep 1961-Jul 1964
Folder 7 - Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Physiological Research Laboratory. Advisory Board, Aug 1964-Jan 1965
Folder 8 - Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Physiological Research Laboratory. Advisory Board, Feb 1965-Feb 1970
Folder 9 - Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Alpha Helix [ship], Jun 1965-Apr 1966
Folder 10 - Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Alpha Helix [ship], May 1966-Jun 1967
Folder 11 - Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Alpha Helix [ship], Aug 1967-Oct 1967
Folder 12 - Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Alpha Helix [ship], Nov-Dec 1967

[Back to top]

Box Thirty-Five - General File

Folder 1 - Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Alpha Helix [ship], 1968
Folder 2 - Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Alpha Helix [ship], 1969
Folder 3 - Sears, Fred -- Correspondence, 1960-62
Folder 4 - Sears, Fred -- Correspondence, 1964-71
Folder 5 - Shilling, Charles W. -- Correspondence, 1949-70
Folder 6 - Sociedad Argentina de Biologia, 1951-53
Folder 7 - Societa Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale. Bottazzi Lecture, Catania, Oct 1963
Folder 8 - Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine -- Correspondence, 1952-62
Folder 9 - Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. President, Jun 1957-Dec 1958
Folder 10 - Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. President, Jan 1959-Jul 1959
Folder 11 - Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Ad Hoc Committee to Find a Successor to Dr. Goldforb, 1959-60

Box Thirty-Six - General File

Folder 1 - Stannard, J. Newell -- Correspondence, 1934-41
Folder 2 - Stannard, J. Newell -- Correspondence, 1942-47
Folder 3 - SUNY Buffalo. Visiting Research Professor of Physiology, 1959-62
Folder 4 - SUNY Buffalo. Pulmonary Emphysema Program (Oct 10-12, 1968)
Folder 5 - Steinbach, Burr -- Correspondence, 1951-65
Folder 6 - 'T' correspondence (pre-1941)
Folder 7 - 'T' correspondence
Folder 8 - Tenney, S. Marsh -- Correspondence, 1959-71
Folder 9 - Thimm, Frederick F. -- Correspondence, 1960-70
Folder 10 - Thomas, Joseph J., Jr. -- Correspondence, 1964-70
Folder 11 - Thomas, W.B.L. -- Correspondence, 1941
Folder 12 - Tipton, Sam R. -- Correspondence, 1933-40
Folder 13 - 'U-V' correspondence (pre-1941)
Folder 14 - 'U-V' correspondence

Box Thirty-Seven - General File

Folder 1 - USSR trip (1956) -- Correspondence, 1956-58
Folder 2 - USSR trip (1956) -- Reports
Folder 3 - United States Air Force -- Correspondence, 1948-54
Folder 4 - United States Air Force -- Correspondence, 1955-61
Folder 5 - United States Air Force. NAS-ARDC Special Study, 1957-59
Folder 6 - United States Navy -- Correspondence, 1955-69
Folder 7 - Universidad de San Marcos (Lima). Honorary degree, 1959
Folder 8 - Universite de Paris. Doctor honoris causa, 1960 -- Correspondence
Folder 9 - Universite libre de Bruxelles. Doctor honoris causa, 1965
Folder 10 - Universities Space Research Association, 1969
Folder 11 - University of California (Berkeley). Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science. Advisory Board, 1960-62
Folder 12 - University of Chicago. Honorary doctor of science, 1950
Folder 13 - University of Chicago. Lecture series in cardiovascular and pulmonary physiology, 1961
Folder 14 - University of Chicago. Dept. pf Physiology. Guest scientist, Nov 3-4, 1966
Folder 15 - University of Florida. College of Medicine. Physiology seminar, Feb 1968
Folder 16 - University of Hawaii. Pacific Biomedical Research Center, 1963
Folder 17 - University of Illinois. Dedication of Burrill Hall (Sep 8, 1959) -- Correspondence

[Back to top]

Box Thirty-Eight - General File

Folder 1 - University of Rochester (UR). Eastman School of Music. Seminar on the Physiology of Breathing for Woodwind and Brass Instruments (1964)
Folder 2 - UR. Research Advisory Committee, Dec 1948
Folder 3 - UR. School of Medicine & Dentistry. Athletic Committee, 1933-37
Folder 4 - UR. School of Medicine & Dentistry. Medical Alumni Association. "Report to the alumni from the Department of Physiology," Oct 4, 1957
Folder 5 - UR. School of Medicine & Dentistry. Medical Alumni Association. Gold Medal Award, Oct 4, 1958
Folder 6 - UR. School of Medicine & Dentistry. Dept. Physiology. "Early history of the Department of Physiology," by WFO, no date
Folder 7 - UR. Space Science Center. Proposal for the establishment of additional facilities (NASA),1963
Folder 8 - UR. Space Science Center. Misc. publications
Folder 9 - UR. Space Science Center. Advisory Board & Executive Committee, 1962-68
Folder 10 - UR. Space Science Center. Advisory Board & Executive Committee, 1969-70
Folder 11 - UR. Space Science Center -- Correspondence, 1961-66
Folder 12 - UR. Space Science Center. Orientation course
Folder 13 - UR. Space Science Center. Seminars -- Correspondence, 1962-64
Folder 14 - University of Tennessee. Commencement address, Mar 24, 1952

Box Thirty-Nine - General File

Folder 1 - 'W' correspondence (pre-1941), WA-WE
Folder 2 - 'W' correspondence (pre-1941), WI-WU
Folder 3 - 'W' correspondence, WA-WE
Folder 4 - 'W' correspondence, WH-WI
Folder 5 - 'W' correspondence, WO-WY
Folder 6 - Wallis, W. Allen -- Correspondence, 1963-71
Folder 7 - Whipple, George H. -- Correspondence
Folder 8 - Whipple, George H. -- Portrait
Folder 9 - Wilde, Walter S. -- Correspondence, 1936-42
Folder 10 - World Book Encyclopedia Science Service. "Gaseous environment for space flights," 1967
Folder 11 - Wright, Charles I. -- Correspondence, 1932-41
Folder 12 - 'X-Y-Z' correspondence
Folder 13 - Young, Alan C. -- Correspondence, 1935-40

Box Forty - Govt. & Military Contract Reports

Folder 1 - Contract OEMcmr-147: Report no. I, Dec 18, 1942. Physiological effects of pressure breathing.
Folder 2 - Contract OEMcmr-147: Report no. II, Dec 1, 1943. Physiology of pressure breathing (CAM report #249)
Folder 3 - Contract OEMcmr 147: Report no. III, Jun 1, 1944. Physiology of pressure breathing (CAM report #304)
Folder 4 - Contract OEMcmr-147: A study of hyperventilation as a means of gaining altitude (pts. III- V), Dec 18, 1944; Pressure breathing after phosgene poisoning, Dec 19, 1944 (CAM report #410)
Folder 5 - Contract OEMcmr-147: The pneumatic balance resuscitator, Mar 5, 1945
Folder 6 - Contract OEMcmr-147: Report no IV, May 10, 1945. The physiology of pressure breathing (CAM report #430)
Folder 7 - Contract OEMcmr-147: Performance as related to composition of alveolar air, Nov 28, 1945
Folder 8 - Contract OEMcmr-147: Final report, Aug 16, 1946. The physiology of pressure breathing
Folder 9 - Contract OEMcmr-250: Final report. Some local processes concerned in the genesis of traumatic shock
Folder 10 - U.S. Navy contractsN6-or-241-2 and CO-503-2. Correspondence, 1946-55

[Back to top]

Box Forty-One - Govt. & Military Contract Reports

Folder 1 - U.S. Navy. Research progress reports, 1947-59
Folder 2 - U.S. Army. Chemical Corps Medical Laboratories. Mechanical artificial respirator. Reports and correspondence, Apr 1951-Aug 1952
Folder 3 - U.S. Army. Chemical Corps Medical Laboratories. Mechanical artificial respirator. Reports and correspondence, Sep 1952-Apr 1953
Folder 4 - Contract no. CO-549: Report, Jul 31, 1953. Studies on oxygen poisoning
Folder 5 - Contract AF 18(600)-556: Informal reports, 1953-57
Folder 6 - Contract AF 18(600)-556: Final report, Feb 1954
Folder 7 - Contract AF 18(600)-556: Formal report, Aug 11, 1954
Folder 8 - Contract AF 18(600)-556: Final report, Mar 1955
Folder 9 - Contract AF 18(600)-556: Final report. A study of oxygen poisoning, Feb 1, 1955-Jan 31, 1956
Folder 10 - Contract AF 18(600)-556: Progress report, Aug 1, 1956
Folder 11 - Contract AF 18(600)-556: Final report. [High oxygen pressures], Feb 1, 1956-Mar 31, 1956
Folder 12 - Contract AF 18(600)-556: Formal report, Apr 1- May 31, 1957
Folder 13 - Naval Medical Research Institute -- Correspondence & reports, 1954-66
Folder 14 - Contract AF 41(657)-165: Formal report. [Oxygen toxicity], Sep 1, 1957-Feb 28, 1958

Box Forty-Two - Laboratory Notebooks & Data, 1915-27

Folder 1 - Physiology notebook, Woods Hole, summer 1915
Folder 2 - Laboratory notes, Botany 9, 1916?
Folder 3 - Laboratory notes, Botany 9, 1916?
Folder 4 - Laboratory notebook I, Botany 20e, Jun 1916(*h)h)XX
Folder 5 - Laboratory notebook II, Botany 20e, Jan 1917
Folder 6 - Laboratory notebook III, Botany 20e?, n.d.
Folder 7 - Laboratory notebook IV, Botany 20e?, Jan 1917
Folder 8 - Two small undated notebooks

Box Forty-Three - Laboratory Notebooks & Data, 1915-27

Folder 1 - Notes on salt antagonism in gelatin
Folder 2 - Colloids - literature, ca. 1917
Folder 3 - Hemolysis experiments, after 1917
Folder 4 - "Photosynthesis" and other typescript data
Folder 5 - "A diagramatic representation of the effects of salt mixtures on the alcohol number of gelatin, with applications to antagonism," after 1918
Folder 6 - "The effects of electrolytes on organisms and on gelatin," Thesis (Ph.D.)--Harvard, May 1919
Folder 7 - Phagocytosis - ingestion of quartz particles
Folder 8 - Quartz: chances of collision & change of K, 1920
Folder 9 - Phagocytosis data, 1919-21
Folder 10 - Phagocytosis notes and summaries, ca. 1921

[Back to top]

Box Forty-Four - Laboratory Notebooks & Data, 1915-27

Folder 1 - Manchester University. Physiology Lab., - 1 unnumbered notebook - notebooks I-VII, Aug 1922-Aug 1923
Folder 2 - University College (London). Institute of Physiology, notebooks A-D, undated
Folder 3 - [Unspecified London notebook], Sep 1923- Jan 1924
Folder 4 - University of Rochester. Carbon dioxide notebooks, Aug 1926-Oct 1927
Folder 5 - University of Rochester? 1 notebook containing expts. numbered A-F, Oct 192-?


1926 - v. 1-3 ------------ 1947 - v. 69
1927 - v. 405 ------------ 1948 - v. 70 + Bailly vol.
1928 - v. 6-8 ------------ 1953 - v. 72
1929 - v. 9-11, 72 -------- 1954 - v. 73-75, 76a + gas analysis notebook
1930 - v. 12-14
1931 - v. 15-21 ---------- 1955 - v. 76-77, 80
1932 - v. 22-24 ---------- 1956 - v. 78-79
1933 - v. 25-29 ---------- 1957 - v. 83-84
1934 - v. 30-31 ---------- 1959 - v. 86
1935 - v. 32-34 ---------- 1960 - v. 85
1936 - v. 35-36 ---------- 1961 - v. 87-88
1937 - v. 37-39 ---------- 1962 - v. 89-91
1938 - v. 40-43 ---------- 1963 - v. 92-93
1939 - v. 44-50 ---------- 1964 - v. 94-96
1940 - v. 51-54 ---------- 1965 - v. 97-99
1941 - v. 55-59 ---------- 1966 - v. 100-102
1942 - v. 60-61 ---------- 1967 - v. 103-107
1943 - v. 62-63 ---------- 1968 - v. 108-111
1944 - v. 64-68, 71 ------- 1969 - v. 113
----------- 1970 - v. 115-116

Box Forty-Five - Work Data, 1926-1971

Folder 1 - Problems - future work
Folder 2 - Dog fish, 1926
Folder 3 - Muscle graphs, 1926
Folder 4 - Data for experiments 68-112, 1926
Folder 5 - Data for experiments 113-137, 1927
Folder 6 - Data sheets > 136, 1927
Folder 7 - Anaerobiosis experiments, 1927
Folder 8 - Frog nerve, 1927
Folder 9 - Nerve metabolism: summaries, calculations, etc., 1927
Folder 10 - Simultaneous carbon dioxide and oxygen in muscle
Folder 11 - Simultaneous carbon dioxide and oxygen in nerve during stimulation, 1927
Folder 12 - A study in muscular fatigue (H.A. Kuppinger & H.C. Carpenter, Jun 1927
Folder 13 - Carbon dioxide content in muscle
Folder14- Oxygen and carbon dioxide of muscle: calculations and summary, 1928
Folder 15 - Carbon dioxide dissoriation curve of tissues,1928?
Folder 16 - Oxygen debt of nerve, 1928-29
Folder 17 - RQ of resting muscle

Box Forty-Six - Work Data, 1926-71

Folder 1 - Running: data and calculations, 1929
Folder 2 - X-rays on tissues, 1927-31
Folder 3 - Maintenance heat, 1932
Folder 4 - CO, 1932
Folder 5 - Conductivity data
Folder 6 - Adenosine, 1932
Folder 7 - Cat nerves
Folder 8 - Cat muscle viscosity - Marsh, 1932-34
Folder 9 - Nerve electrolytes, 1933
Folder 10 - Frog muscle viscosity, 1933-34
Folder 11 - Frog muscle viscosity, 1933-34

[Back to top]

Box Forty-Seven - Work Data, 1926-71

Folder 1 - Hypo- vs. hypertonic solutions
Folder 2 - Oxygen consumption vs. K in muscle, 1935
Folder 3 - Velocity in quick releases, 1935
Folder 4 - Potassium: white blood cell analyses, 1935
Folder 5 - Kinetic energy - runners
Folder 6 - Ca analyses, 1935-36
Folder 7 - Potassium analyses in heart muscle, 1936-37
Folder 8 - Insulin treatment K, 1937
Folder 9 - Potassium
Folder 10 - Potassium
Folder 11 - Stimulation - fate of K
Folder 12 - Potassium and ammonium in muscle
Folder 13 - Muscle tonus
Folder 14 - KCl injection
Folder 15 - Kelp K
Folder 16 - K vs. lactic acid
Folder 17 - Rabbitt K*

Box Forty-Eight - Work Data, 1926-1971

Folder 1 - Rat liver
Folder 2 - Control - K liver
Folder 3 - Radioactive K - rat, 1939
Folder 4 - Radioactive K - frog, cat
Folder 5 - Myosin-renosin (Haege)
Folder 6 - Glycogen in liver, 1940; & Siliprandi correspondence (1948). Ms. & work data
Folder 7 - Tissue respiration experiments
Folder 8 - Abdominal gas in high altitude flying (H. Blair & Fenn), 1943
Folder 9 - Anaerobic carbon dioxide formation
Folder 10 - Alveolar ventilation - theoretical
Folder 11 - Alveolar air equations, mid-1940s
Folder 12 - Asphyxia - intermittent vs. continuous
Folder 13 - Carbon dioxide vs. oxygen in blood (Adler), 1945
Folder 14 - Gas mixtures (G. Nahas), 1947
Folder 15 - Adler-Fenn mss. on cortin & potassium, 1947-49
Folder 16 - Hemolysis in plasma samples, 1948
Folder 17 - Ac. choline experiments, 1949
Folder 18 - PO2-CO2 - altitude, ca. 1950
Folder 19 - Oxygen consumption of rats, 1952

Box Forty-Nine - Work Data, 1926-71

Folder 1 - Diffusion respiration - dogs - original data, 1951-52
Folder 2 - Diffusion respiration - dogs - original data, 1951-52
Folder 3 - Diffusion respiration
Folder 4 - Diffusion respiration - summary of data, 1952?
Folder 5 - Breath holding curve experiments, 1952
Folder 6 - Breath holding curve experiments, 1952
Folder 7 - Carbon dioxide analyzer (Fowler, Vosteen, Thompson), 1952
Folder 8 - Carbon dioxide analyzer - circuit schematic & description, 1952
Folder 9 - Frog muscles, 1954

[Back to top]

Box Fifty - Work Data, 1926-71

Folder 1 - K, Cl, Na analyses - Anne Cegelski's lab notes, 1956
Folder 2 - "Iron bomb," 1962
Folder 3 - Injected carbon dioxide and respiration, 1962
Folder 4 - Drosophila: fly food recipe "+ other things"
Folder 5 - Drosophila: life span, 1963
Folder 6 - Drosophila: oxygen toxicity curve analysis
Folder 7 - Drosophila: tabulated data from book 91 (II) - beginning of use of plastic chamber
Folder 8 - Drosophila: recovery from high pressures of oxygen
Folder 9 - Drosophila: N2, He
Folder 10 - Drosophila: tabulated data from experiments
Folder 11 - Drosophila: alcohol experiments, 1964
Folder 12 - Drosophila: N2O summaries, 1964
Folder 13 - Drosophila: bends
Folder 14 - Drosophila: argon
Folder 15 - Drosophila: carbon dioxide
Folder 16 - Drosophila: oxygen poisoning - ms.
Folder 17 - Recovery from oxygen poisoning in drosophila - ms., 1967
Folder 18 - Drosophila: oxygen consumption
Folder 19 - Drosophila: interaction of oxygen and inert gases - ms. & correspondence, 1967

Box Fifty-One - Work Data, 1926-71

Folder 1 - Drosophila: recovery from 1 atm
Folder 2 - Drosophila: life span after initial oxygen
Folder 3 - Bacteria, 1965-66
Folder 4 - Bacteria - general, 1967 + ms.
Folder 5 - Bacteria - pressure experiments, 1967
Folder 6 - Xenon, argon - bacteria - data + ms.
Folder 7 - Xenon, paramecia, N2O, alcohol, CO2, pH
Folder 8 - Paramecia: argon, nitrogen
Folder 9 - Marquis & Fenn mss. on pressure
Folder 10 - Oxygen consumption of frog tissues under high hydrostatic pressure - ms.
Folder 11 - Serratia & vol. changes
Folder 12 - Oxygen poisoning and inert gas narcosis in paramescium caldatum, 1968 - ms.
Folder 13 - Oxygen consumption of skin and muscle under high hydrostatic pressure - ms. & data
Folder 14 - Respiratory control - ms. & data

Box Fifty-Two - Work Data, 1926-71

Folder 1 - NaOH2 + HCl vs. saponin hemolysate
Folder 2 - Volume changes of muscles in chemical contracture
Folder3 - Effects of CO2 inhalation on potassium liberations from the liver (Fenn & Asano) ms. + data
Folder 4 - Bennett, P.B., & Elliot, D.H. Physiology and pathology of raised environmental pressures; Fenn, W.O. "Physiological effects of hydrostatic pressures," 1969
Folder 5 - Hemoglobin - general, 1969
Folder 6 - Hemoglobin - oxygen and CO
Folder 7 - Hemoglobin and carbon dioxide
Folder 8 - Hemoglobin-oxygen mss. & correspondence, 1970
Folder 9 - Hemolysis mss., 1969
Folder 10 - Hemolysis data
Folder 11 - Hemolysis under high hydrostatic pressure - data, ms. & correspondence, 1970
Folder 12 - Partial molar volumes of oxygen and carbon monoxide in blood - ms. & correspondence, 1971

[Back to top]

Box Fifty-Three - Lecture Notes

Folder 1 - Afferent impulses
Folder 2 - Altitude
Folder 3 - Antagonisms
Folder 4 - Arteries
Folder 5 - Barophysiology
Folder 6 - Berger rhythm
Folder 7 - Blood gases
Folder 8 - Blood volumes
Folder 9 - Calcium
Folder 10 - Cancer and tissue metabolism
Folder 11 - Capillaries
Folder 12 - Carbon dioxide and narcosis
Folder 13 - Carbon dioxide dissoc. curve Carbon anhydrase
Folder 14 - Cardiac output - diffusion
Folder 15 - Central nervous system
Folder 16 - Circulation rate

Box Fifty-Four - Lecture Notes

Folder 1 - Carbon dioxide poisoning
Folder 2 - Circulation
Folder 3 - Circulation: chemical control
Folder 4 - Circulation: readings
Folder 5 - Circulation: special organs
Folder 6 - Coronary circulation
Folder 7 - Electric eel
Folder 8 - Electrocardiogram: interpretation(&*h)h)XX
Folder 9 - Electrolyte experiments
Folder 10 - Electrolytes and body fluids
Folder 11 - Extracellular fluid
Folder 12 - Eye - optics
Folder 13 - Fenn effect
Folder 14 - Fick, A.
Folder 15 - Guggenheim paper
Folder 16 - Hearing
Folder 17 - Heart excitation
Folder 18 - Heart: mechanics and energetics
Folder 19 - Introduction to physiology and electro- physiology, 1928
Folder 20 - Kidney and lymph

Box Fifty-Five - Lecture Notes

Folder 1 - Lymph
Folder 2 - Magnesium
Folder 3 - Membranes
Folder 4 - Muscle chemistry
Folder 5 - Muscle chemistry
Folder 6 - Muscle contractions
Folder 7 - Muscle diseases
Folder 8 - Muscle: dual functions
Folder 9 - Muscle elasticity
Folder 10 - Muscle heat
Folder 11 - Muscle histology
Folder 12 - Muscle: literature notes
Folder 13 - Muscle mechanics('*h)h)XX
Folder 14 - Muscle mechanics
Folder 15 - Muscle: mechanism of contraction; molecular structure
Folder 16 - Muscle: oxygen
Folder 17 - Muscle physiology

[Back to top]

Box Fifty-Six - Lecture Notes

Folder 1 - Muscle: reading notes
Folder 2 - Muscle: smooth
Folder 3 - Muscle: venous potassium
Folder 4 - Muscular exercise
Folder 5 - Muscular exercise
Folder 6 - Nerve: IT curves
Folder 7 - Nerve lectures
Folder 8 - Nerve: myoneural inhibition
Folder 9 - Nerve energetics
Folder 10 - Nervous system lectures
Folder 11 - Neurology: laboratory outlines, Feb 1931
Folder 12 - Nystagmus and eye movements
Folder 13 - Phonation
Folder 14 - Oxidation - reduction
Folder 15 - Oxidations, etc.
Folder 16 - Oxygen
Folder 17 - Oxygen

Box Fifty-Seven - Lecture Notes

Folder 1 - Oxygen and anoxia
Folder 2 - Oxygen intake
Folder 3 - Oxygen transport
Folder 4 - Phosphates
Folder 5 - Physiological time
Folder 6 - Physiology 205, ca. 1956
Folder 7 - Physiology lecture syllabi, 1963-64
Folder 8 - Positive and negative work
Folder 9 - Potassium lecture, ca. 1935
Folder 10 - Potassium
Folder 11 - Potassium distribution - blood and tissues seminar materials
Folder 12 - Potassium - radioactive K & red cells
Folder 13 - Potassium - radioactive K - general
Folder 14 - Pressure - general
Folder 15 - Protein loss
Folder 16 - Public health lecture, 1926
Folder 17 - Reflex conduction
Folder 18 - Respiration: airway

Box Fifty-Eight - Lecture Notes

Folder 1 - Respiration: chemical control
Folder 2 - Respiration lectures
Folder 3 - Respiration lectures
Folder 4 - Respiration: nervous control
Folder 5 - Respiration: lung volumes, pressures, mechanics
Folder 6 - Respiration: miscellaneous
Folder 7 - Respiration: pulmonary gas exchange
Folder 8 - Respiration: resuscitation
Folder 9 - Respiration: work of breathing
Folder 10 - Respiration: "The work of breathing," WGY Science Forum radio talk, 1950
Folder 11 - Shock
Folder 12 - Sleep
Folder 13 - Sodium
Folder 14 - Space medicine lectures
Folder 15 - Space medicine lectures
Folder 16 - Venous pressure
Folder 17 - Ventilation and exercise


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