LARC in the News
LARC in the News
- CDC Recommends IUDs for Teens
The University of Rochester Medical Center’s Doctor Kate Greenberg quotes the CDC report with optimism — close to 90 percent of teens used birth control the last time they had sex, but less than 5 percent use LARC. - UR Medicine Launches New Initiative on Birth Control (12/19/14)
Studies show they are 99 percent effective, but doctors say the LARC's history is haunting it today. The Dalkon Shield, IUD of the 70s and 80s, really bears no resemblance to the modern IUD. "The modern IUD looks different, works differently and is much safer than that device was." said Katherine Greenberg, M.D., an adolescent medicine specialist at Golisano Children’s Hospital. - LARC Initiative Provides Education on Most Effective Birth Control (12/19/14)
“There’s been a lot of research about how these devices are safe for teens,” said Andy Aligne, M.D., executive director of the Hoekelman Center. “But some myths from several decades ago persist, and even some doctors don’t have all the updated information.” - Combating Teen Pregnancy in Rochester (12/22/14)
Rochester's teen pregnancy rate is one of the highest in the country. A new initiative hopes to change that by educating those who work directly with teens. LARCs are birth control the American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends for teens seeking a contraceptive. - Birth Control Initiative (12/22/14)
Golisano Children's Hospital launched an initiative to educate providers on most effective birth control. The program called "LARC Initiative" is supported by a $258,000 Opportunity Grant from the Greater Rochester Health Foundation. - Dr. Katherine Greenberg discusses new birth control recommendations by the AAP on WXXI. She is helping to lead the Hoekelman Center's "Preventing Teen Pregnancy with LARC" initiative.