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Supplemental Funding from the NIH Promotes Diversity in Research

The National Science Foundation has shown that individuals from certain racial and ethnic groups are greatly underrepresented in health sciences across the nation. Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research from the National Institutes of Health are designed to create a pipeline for under-represented individuals to careers in health sciences. 

“mPower”-ing Patients with Parkinson’s Disease

Ray Dorsey, M.D., one of 3000 researchers at URMC working on cures, discusses his research involving a smartphone application that helps assess symptoms of Parkinson’s disease patients from the comfort of their own homes.

REDCap Tip of the Month: Leveraging the Codebook

REDCap projects often have multiple stakeholders, each with a different area of interest for the project and with varying REDCap proficiencies. Read on to find out how to leverage REDCap's Codebook to allow stakeholders to quickly view and follow a variable name, field label, branching logic, and field attributes for each and every variable in your project.

RocHackHealth: A Path Toward New Solutions to Health Care Issues

The University of Rochester CTSI hosted a health care data hackathon, called RocHackHealth, April 8-10. Teams of “hactivists” competed to come up with innovative big data solutions to three issues currently facing the US health care system.

REDCap Tip of the Month: Adding Confirmation Emails in REDCap

Have you ever wished REDCap could automatically send a confirmation email whenever a respondent completes your survey?  A recent upgrade to REDCap now allows you to do just that. Read on to find out how!