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Get More Out of Your CTSI Grant Applications

The CTSI is implementing a new forum this May to help junior investigators become independently funded. In addition, several “funding pathways” will be introduced that set a framework for investigators to revise their scientific proposals for KL2 Mentored Career Development and CTSI Pilot awards into proposals for K or R21 awards from the National Institutes of Health.

Director’s Update – Applying for a New Collaborative Innovation Award

Every month, the CTSI Stories Blog will post excerpts from ongoing conversations with the institute’s co-directors. This month, Martin Zand, M.D., Ph.D. discusses a new funding opportunity that encourages investigators to streamline the process of translating initial discoveries into patient care in collaboration with other CTSA institutions.

REDCap Tip of the Month: Creating Test Records for REDCap Surveys

When designing forms in REDCap, it is not immediately apparent whether your branching logic or calculations will actually work as designed. To test that, you need to create test records. Read on to learn how.

Cullen Joins CTSI to Bring Renewed Focus on Diversity and Inclusion

John Cullen, Ph.D., joined the CTSI at the new director of Diversity & Inclusion in January. Cullen hopes to spread the message among researchers that focusing on diversity – specifically studying diverse populations or ensuring that a study cohort is adequately diverse – is a worthwhile endeavor.

CTSI Director’s Update February 2016: URMC and UB Create a New Collaborative Genomics Pilot Funding Program

The University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) and the SUNY University at Buffalo (UB) have started a new Collaborative Genomics pilot award program to fund projects that will lead to accelerated collaboration between UB and URMC in the area of large-scale, collaborative genomics. The program is seeking projects that will build on established strengths at both institutions and leverage the collaboration to apply for future NY state opportunities for regional collaborative centers.