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Engaging Research Partners

The Center for Community Health & Prevention plays a pivotal role in fostering collaborative academic-community research partnerships and enhancing public trust in clinical and translational research.

For Investigators

  • "Health Equity in Progress" - A new segment added to ongoing Population Health Coordinating Committee (PHCC) meetings. Members of our health equity research networks and the rest of the University community are invited to participate in exciting updates on research being conducted to address health inequities throughout our region, as well as offer opportunities to identify potential collaborators and facilitate greater partnership.
  • Community Engagement—Fostering research partnerships by linking investigators with community partners and by offering guiding principles and consultation services for researchers and partners.
  • RocHealthData—Providing maps, reports and data about our region's health challenges and resources available to deal with those challenges. Rochester community health data at your fingertips.
  • Research in Public Health —This guide from the University of Rochester's Miner Library contains links to resources that will help with public health research.

Books and tablets


For Research Volunteers

  • URMC Health Research—Recruiting research volunteers to help us find better ways to treat and prevent disease. Learn how you can make a difference and participate as a research volunteer.
  •—Bringing together two groups of people who are looking for one another: (1) people who are trying to find research studies, and (2) researchers who are looking for people to participate in their studies.? It is a free and secure national registry of research volunteers.

Research Objectives

  1. Engaging more effectively with community organizations, agencies, and diverse population groups to identify research questions critical to the community and to improve methods to reflect community preferences;
  2. Developing more effective strategies for recruitment and retention of participants in clinical studies;
  3. Improving the dissemination of information from health promotion interventions and/or clinical trials to increase the community’s knowledge of health promotion and disease prevention.

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