Calculate the Air Change Rate of Your Portable Air Cleaner

If you already have a PAC in a dental treatment room, and you want to know what number of equivalent ACH it adds to the room, follow the steps below:

  1. Measure the length, width, and height of the dental treatment room
  2. Input the height, length, width of the room in this calculator
  3. Obtain the CADR rating for tobacco smoke (usually on the box of the PAC)
  4. Input the CADR rating of your PAC
  5. Click the “Calculate” button, the number you get is ACHpac, or the number of equivalent ACH added to your room by your PAC.

Room Dimensions

Portable Air Cleaner

Field Descriptions

  • Length: Length of the dental treatment room in feet.
  • Width: Width of the dental treatment room in feet.
  • Height: Height of the dental treatment room in feet.
  • CADR: Clean air delivery rate of the portable air cleaner.
  • ACHpac: This is the air change rate per hour of the portable air cleaner.

Questions?  Contact Eastman Institute for Oral Health experts at