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UR Medicine


Soft Skills: Maintain a Positive Attitude

Being positive is much more than avoiding or ignoring negativity. A positive mindset has major benefits when practiced regularly. This blog post will give you realistic and useful ways to consider boosting your positive mindset practice.

Do Meditation and Exercise Fend Off Flu?

Mindfulness practice has been linked to many mental, emotional, relational, and health benefits. This blogpost explains the findings of a recent study purporting the benefits of mindfulness on rates of illness.

How Complacency Increases Risk

Complacency is the number one cause of workplace accidents. Repetitive tasks requiring alertness can cause you to become complacent, often leading to dismissal of safety steps. Be sure to make safety rules a part of who you are as an employee.

Mindful Communication: Should You Text or Call?

Fast communication is not always meaningful and effective. So, should you pick up the phone or meet in person to discuss that important issue with your coworker, colleague, boss, or customer? It could make a difference in your getting the job, smoothing over a conflict, explaining a mistake, or getting the sale. This is called “mindful communication”-- choosing the right communication method. That might be text, but be mindful about it. Communication “tools” include voice, tone, appearance, and nonverbal behaviors. These resources—and those of your counterpart—may be what deliver your goal. The meaning of your communication is found in the response you get back. If it is not what you want, switch methods.