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UR Medicine


Brow Lift

closeup of woman's eyebrow, brown eyeWhat is it?

There are many approaches to brow lifts. Generally, these procedures are used to treat sagging eyebrows. They are generally considered as a forehead rejuvenation procedure, but can be combined with eyelid and facelift procedures to provide rejuvenation of the entire face. Often the position of the eyebrows can cause a heavy or tired appearance. As we age, the skin and soft tissues of the face start to sag due to gravity. Sometimes this can become so severe that the droop can cause issues with vision.          

How does it work?

Botox injections can be used to inject around the eyes and give a very slight 1-2 mm eyebrow elevation. The results of these non-invasive techniques last generally around 3 months. In cases where permanent results are desired, surgery may be considered. The goal of surgery is to reposition the sagging eyebrows to a higher position. These approaches include direct or mid-forehead brow lifts, pre-tricheal or coronal, and lastly the endoscopic brow lift. Factors to consider for each of these include the position of your hairline, where the scars are hidden, and recovery time. Each procedure has distinct advantages and disadvantages that your surgeon will discuss with you to help you get the best possible outcome.


1-2 weeks. After the first week, you may gradually increase activity back to normal. In cases where endoscopic techniques are used, staples and screws may be removed after 3 weeks in clinic.

What to expect after surgery?

Typically expect 1 week off of work. Depending on the type of work you do this may be less. Avoid heavy lifting after surgery. Some bruising along the forehead and eyelids is expected. This may work its way down the face over several days. Depending on the approach used, sometimes there is temporary numbness of the forehead that improves over several months.