A Day in the Life of a Scientific Jack-of-all-Trades
Career Story Blog Post By Christine (Crisy) Sanfilippo, PhD, Manager, Pharmaceutical Medical Affairs at Bausch & Lomb, a division of Valeant Pharmaceuticals
What exactly does a job in Medical Affairs entail? I had the same question when approached by a colleague at Bausch + Lomb, wondering if I would be interested in an open position in that department. So when asked to write this blog post, I figured I’d share with fellow scientists my view of Medical Affairs and the tasks performed during an “atypical” typical day at my job.
Scientific Careers: The Big Picture
Career Story Blog Post By Donald Moir, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer at Microbiotix, Inc.
I’ve been asked to reflect a bit on my career and to share some stories. These are some of my experiences from a career at small biotech companies. I hope these anecdotes and suggestions will be helpful, at least as starting points for a larger discussion about scientific careers.
Your Career: A Work in Progress
By Melony Sorbero, PhD, Policy Researcher at RAND Corporation
Life with a PhD is not easy. You’ve voluntarily selected a life where the hours are long, and the hours are too long to move forward without some degree of passion. So somewhere along the way you need to figure out what drives you - what revs you up?
I want to be a change agent for our children
By Nsedu Obot Witherspoon, MPH, Executive Director for the Children's Environmental Health Network
I want to be a change agent for equality, general decency, and overall protection of our most vulnerable...our children! I have had this same calling since I can remember...
On June 4, 2012, my dear Uncle, Professor Emmanuel Obot, was killed along with all other passengers in the Dana Airlines crash in Lagos, Nigeria. That tragedy has had a huge impact on our family and my view of my purpose in life. My uncle ran all of the 6 nature conservatories in Nigeria and was an internationally recognized environmental health leader, researcher, and advocate. His passing has provided me with an even stronger passion and desire to do all that I can to protect children from harm and uplift them to their full potential.
What I love about my job
By Stephen Dewhurst, PhD, Chairman of Microbiology and Immunology, and Vice Dean for Research, University of Rochester
One of my least favorite things in life is to talk about myself – or worse yet to act like I have some special insight or wisdom that anyone would give two cents (or less) about. Its partly my upbringing – I’m English, and we just don’t go in for the self-promotional thing – and its partly my personality.
So when one of my colleagues asked to write about myself, I agreed only with considerable reluctance. She asked me to write about several things related to my career: What do I do all day? Why am I qualified to do what I do? What aspects do I love most about my job? I’ve decided to answer the last question, and let the others slide. If you don’t love your job, then your qualifications aren’t terribly important. So what is it that gets me out of bed in the morning?