Find out what you know about getting immunized by taking this quiz.
1. You should get a tetanus and diphtheria booster every 15 years.
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You should get this booster every 10 years.
2. You should get a polio booster as an adult if you travel to countries where polio
is still common.
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If you got the poliovirus vaccine as a child, you are considered to be fully protected
against polio. But if you travel to areas of the world where polio is still common,
talk with your healthcare provider about getting a booster shot. You should also have
a booster shot if you work in a lab that deals with polio samples, or if you are healthcare
worker who treats patients who have polio.
3. Vaccines can prevent all types of pneumonia.
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Pneumonia is a serious infection of the lungs caused by viruses and many kinds of
bacteria. The pneumonia (pneumococcal) vaccines can help protect against forms of
pneumonia caused by the pneumococcal bacteria. The flu (influenza) vaccine can help
protect against pneumonia caused by influenza viruses. But no vaccine can prevent
all kinds of pneumonia.
4. An annual flu shot should be given to most people age 6 months or older.
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The flu vaccine should be given to most babies once they are 6 months old, and to
children and adults. Talk with your healthcare provider about the type of vaccine
you should get.
5. The best time to get a flu shot is December or January, when flu season starts.
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The best time to get this shot is when it becomes available in your community, before
flu season starts. This is usually in September, October, or November.
6. If you live or work in, or travel to countries where hepatitis A is common, you
should get the hepatitis A vaccine.
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Areas of the world where hepatitis A is fairly common include Central and South America,
Africa, and Eastern Europe.
7. If you are planning to become pregnant, you may need the measles, mumps, and rubella
(MMR) vaccine.
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Children routinely get this vaccine. A booster is given to women of childbearing age
if their immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella is low. A simple blood test can find
out your immunity.
8. You're more likely to be exposed to infectious diseases if you travel to developing
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See your healthcare provider to check on recommended vaccines before you travel to
developing countries.
9. Only children need to have the chickenpox vaccine.
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Chickenpox can be more serious in adults. Talk with your healthcare provider if you
didn't have chickenpox as a child or didn’t have the vaccines.