A diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is important for
good health. How does diet affect your risk for cancer? Find out by taking this quiz,
based in part on information from the American Cancer Society (ACS).
1. Eating 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day may lower your cancer
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Eating enough fruits and vegetables may help prevent several types of cancer. These
include cancers of the mouth and pharynx, esophagus, stomach, colon-rectum, larynx,
lung, ovary, bladder, and kidney.
2. Eating red meat won't raise your cancer risk.
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Limiting how much red meat and other high-fat animal products you eat may lower your
risk for certain cancers. Several studies have linked eating red meat to colorectal
3. People who eat foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, and carotenoids may lower their
cancer risk.
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Vitamin C, vitamin A, and carotenoids are antioxidants. People who get these antioxidants
by taking dietary supplements do not get the same protection. To prevent cancer, it's
best to get antioxidants from foods such as fruits and vegetables.
4. Limiting how much preserved meat you eat may lower your cancer risk.
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The ACS says that eating large amounts of preserved meats such as lunch meat, ham,
and hot dogs may raise the risk for colorectal and stomach cancers.
5. Eating plenty of fiber is good for your heart, but it may not protect you against
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The ACS says that more studies are needed to see if dietary fiber can help prevent
cancer. Fiber is found in grains such as breads and cereals. It's also found in fruits,
vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Dietary fiber does lower your cholesterol levels.
Lower cholesterol levels cut your risk for heart disease.
6. Eating lots of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower may lower
your cancer risk.
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Cruciferous vegetables are related to the cabbage family. Other cruciferous vegetables
are Brussels sprouts and cabbage. Eating these vegetables may lower your risk for
colorectal cancer.
7. Using artificial sweeteners can raise your cancer risk.
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This hasn't been proved, the ACS says.
8. Drinking red wine can lower your cancer risk.
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Drinking red wine and other alcoholic beverages may lower your risk for heart disease.
But alcohol raises the risk for cancers of the mouth, esophagus, liver, and breast,
the ACS says.