How Much Do You Know About Stroke?
Strokes are a leading cause of death and a leading cause of serious, long-term disability. They are the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S. Find out more about stroke by taking this quiz.
1. What is another name for a stroke?
2. An ischemic stroke occurs when a blood clot blocks a blood vessel to the brain.
3. Which of these is a symptom of stroke?
4. Which of these lifestyle factors plays the biggest role in increasing the risk
for stroke in younger adults?
5. If a person has an ischemic stroke, how quickly should the person be treated to
minimize long-term problems?
6. Which type of medicine is given to help prevent a stroke?
7. Which of these may be a long-term problem after a stroke?
Medical Reviewers:
- Southard, Chris, RN
- Sudheendra, Deepak, MD
- Turley, Raymond Kent, BSN, MSN, RN