Exemplify Inclusion in Places and Digital Spaces
Exemplify Inclusion in Places and Digital Spaces
Exemplify inclusion through our physical spaces, digital communications, and learning approaches.
Major Themes
- URMC physical campus
- URMC digital presence
Key Milestones for FY2021
- Open former Whipple office as a multi-cultural learner space
- URMC web visitation and engagement metrics with links to SON
- Ensure URMC’s campus reflects diversity and inclusion values
- Create a space aesthetic plan based on best practices
- Ensure inclusivity in URMC’s historical accounts
- Convert Dean Whipple’s former office to a multi-cultural space for learners
- Diversify artwork and public displays
- Ensure URMC’s digital presence reinforces diversity and inclusion values
- Redesign URMC Office of Equity and Inclusion website
- Assure online information about equity and inclusion, including reporting and other resources, are more accessible
In Progress
- School of Medicine and Dentistry Office of Equity and Inclusion website is being updated and will include links to SMD affinity groups to help them amplify their recruitment and grow mentorship networks.
- Old Whipple Office/Museum renovation complete and has been renamed Dr. Gina Cuyler Wellness Room.
- Developed welcome sign for the wellness room.
- Aesthetics committee now has an OEI representative to provide DEI perspective.
- The work of the Finger Lakes COVID-19 Vaccine Hub included a DEI perspective with input from the SMD OEI Director of Public Relations and Community Engagement. Public service announcements, radio ads, and social media videos addressing hesitancy were produced in English and Spanish.