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Students and Faculty Recognized at the Undergraduate Research Symposium

Friday, April 15, 2011

Congratulations to the RCBU and BME students whose work was recognized at the prestigious annual University of Rochester Undergraduate Research Exposition 2011. Undergraduate students from RCBU and BME research laboratories participated in the symposium. BME undergrads Benjamin Freedman '11 and Kelli Summers '11 were both invited to speak at the Engineering and Applied Sciences Symposium Talks.

Freedman discussed his work, What is Q-Angle really measuring? A novel alternative to predict patellar maltracking, which received the Dean's Award. Summers spoke about her research with Dr. James McGrath, Mechanisms Underlying Collective Cell Migration in Vitro, which was recognized by President Seligman with the President's Award. Aaron Zakrzewski (ME '11), mentored by Mechanical Engineering Professor Sheryl Gracewski, gave an oral presentation of his research titled Natural frequency of bubbles within rigid and compliant tubes. Aaron also received a Deans' Award for Undergraduate Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences for his presentation. In addition, five of the seven poster exhibitions from the Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences were by BME students:

Molly Boutin (Benoit Lab) BME '11
A Polymeric Delivery System to Induce Differentiation in hMSCs
Jasmine Carvalho (Dalecki Lab) BME '11
Investigations of Ultrasound Parameters to Promote Spatial Organization of Cells in Three-Dimensional Engineered Tissues
Vlabhav Kakkad (McAleavey Lab) BME '12
Experimental Implementation of Shear Wave Induced Phase Encoding Imaging
Angela Ketterer (Carney Lab) BME '12
Design and Implementation of a Behavioral Apparatus for Auditory Research in Birds
Hannah Watkins (Benoit Lab) BME '11
Novel Parthenolide Delivery System for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treatment
(Received the Professor's Choice Award)
Read More: Students and Faculty Recognized at the Undergraduate Research Symposium