Computational Radiology Lab welcomes Rohith and Udaysankar
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Rohith and Udaysankar (Uday), both MD/PhD students, will be working on individual projects for their lab rotations.
Rohith will be working on generating realistic simulated fMRI data to evaluate methods developed at the Wismüller lab for studying connectivity in the resting-state fMRI data. Uday will be investigating how these methods compare to conventionally used approaches for establishing connectivity, by analyzing them from a graph-theoretical perspective.
Congratulations to Anas, Adora and team on winning Challenge #1 at the RocHackHealth2016
Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Wismüller Computational Radiology Lab congratulates Alykhan Alani, Adora DSouza, Arnab Sarkar, and Anas Abidin on securing the first place at the ‘RocHackHealth2016, Challenge #1: Predicting Hospital Readmissions’. They successfully developed a novel approach to predict patients who would be readmitted to hospital care by adopting techniques from feature selection and machine learning. Adora’s and Anas’s success demonstrates our commitment to contribute to data mining and knowledge discovery in big data retrieved from electronic medical health records.
Computational Radiology Lab welcomes Botao Deng
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Botao Deng, a graduate student at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, will be working at the Wismüller Lab on applying deep learning techniques to analyze clinical imaging data from patients with interstitial lung disease.
Computational Radiology Lab attends SPIE Medical Imaging 2016 Conference, San Diego, California`
Friday, March 4, 2016
Adora D’Souza and Anas Abidin received travel grants from the Wismüller Lab for attending the SPIE Medical Imaging 2016 conference in San Diego, California, where five scientific papers had been accepted for publication. We contributed four oral presentations entitled (i) Mutual connectivity analysis (MCA) using generalized radial basis function neural networks for nonlinear functional connectivity network recovery in resting-state functional MRI, (ii) Large-scale Granger causality analysis on resting-state functional MRI, (iii) Investigating Changes in Brain Network Properties in HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disease (HAND) using Mutual Connectivity Analysis (MCA), and (iv) Detecting altered connectivity patterns in HIV associated neurocognitive impairment using Mutual Connectivity Analysis.
In addition, we presented a poster entitled Assessing vertebral fracture risk on volumetric quantitative computed tomography by geometric characterization of trabecular bone structure.
Adora presenting at SPIE Medical Imaging.