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URMC / Employee Assistance Program / News & Events / UR Medicine EAP Blog / February 2018 / Building More Authentic Relationships

Building More Authentic Relationships

Authentic relationships are those that allow us to show our true selves. Authentic relationships at work have value because they reduce stress, allow us to feel more connected, and give our jobs meaning. It can be riskier at work to let our guard down and allow our limitations and vulnerabilities to show, so building authentic relationships must be a conscious process. Step one is do your job well. Be a team player. Getting the work done is still priority one, and it’s critical to building a foundation of trust. Second, be genuine. People are attracted to those who are genuine because they project safety, honesty, acceptance, and a willingness to be vulnerable; in turn, their real personality becomes more visible. Genuine people are approachable, so growing relationships with them is easier. Third, show genuine interest in others’ needs and concerns. Then, notice how the reciprocity of coworkers grows more authenticity in your relationships with them.


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