URMC Expert to Give Free Talk on Alzheimer's Treatment Strategies By URMC Communications Mar. 22, 2009 Anton P. Porsteinsson, M.D., director of the University of Rochester’s Alzheimer’s Disease Care, Research and Education Program, and its Memory Disorders Clinic, will present a free talk from 4 to ...
Research Abnormal EKG Can Predict Death in Stroke Patients By Leslie Orr Mar. 19, 2009 People who suffer an ischemic stroke and also have an abnormality in the heart’s electrical cycle are at a higher risk of death within 90 days than people who do not have abnormal electrical activity ...
Research URMC Scientists Awarded $6.8 Million in Stem Cell Research Grants By Mark Michaud Mar. 17, 2009 Ten scientists from the University of Rochester Medical Center have been awarded more than $6.8 million by the Empire State Stem Cell Board. The grants are for a wide range of research programs in ...
University of Rochester Eye Institute Debuts New Research Space By Karin Gaffney Christensen Mar. 17, 2009 Tours of the recently completed addition of 22,000 square feet of laboratory space for the University of Rochester Eye Institute will be offered during UREI’s 54th annual ophthalmology conference.
Research Weighing the Options after Life-Altering Stroke By URMC Communications Mar. 11, 2009 Choosing to have aggressive brain surgery after suffering a severe stroke generally improves the patients’ lives and allows them to live longer, according to research by neurologists.
Outspoken Health Care Reformer, Obama Advisor, Visits URMC By Leslie Orr Mar. 10, 2009 THIS LECTURE IS CANCELLED. David Blumenthal, M.D., M.P.P., a key health care advisor to President Barack Obama during the 2008 campaign, will speak at the University of Rochester Medical Center on ...
Get Your Platform Shoes Out for Ugly Disco Bash April 4 By Leslie White Mar. 9, 2009 The disco ball will be twirling as people celebrate the leisure suit, afro and platform shoes at the 2009 Ugly Disco Bash at 8 p.m. Saturday, April 4, at the Riverside Convention Center. The event, ...
Research Long-Term Effects of Early Parkinson’s Treatments Similar By Mark Michaud Mar. 9, 2009 A study published online today in the Archives of Neurology involving two common drugs used to treat early-stage Parkinson’s disease shows that, while the drugs each have advantages and ...
Doctors Choose Variety of Treatments for Follicular Lymphoma By Leslie White Mar. 8, 2009 People with follicular lymphoma are treated in a wide variety of ways depending on their physician’s preference and the region of the country that they live, according to scientists at the University ...
Research Community Participation Key to Improving Medical Research By Mark Michaud Mar. 3, 2009 The University of Rochester Medical Center has launched a new initiative to raise awareness and increase community participation in medical research. The effort, which is being supported by the ...