University of Rochester Robotic Surgeon Teaches Colleagues about Prostatectomy By Leslie White Mar. 24, 2009 One of the country’s top robotic surgeons will remove the cancerous prostate of a Binghamton-area man in a live demonstration of robotic surgery on Wednesday, April 8. University of Rochester Medical ...
Patient Care Screening Key to Early Detection of Colorectal Cancers By Leslie White Mar. 11, 2009 Colorectal cancer screening is an essential part of the health checkups you need as you grow older. If you're over 50, University of Rochester Medical Center doctors encourage you to schedule a ...
Get Your Platform Shoes Out for Ugly Disco Bash April 4 By Leslie White Mar. 9, 2009 The disco ball will be twirling as people celebrate the leisure suit, afro and platform shoes at the 2009 Ugly Disco Bash at 8 p.m. Saturday, April 4, at the Riverside Convention Center. The event, ...
Doctors Choose Variety of Treatments for Follicular Lymphoma By Leslie White Mar. 8, 2009 People with follicular lymphoma are treated in a wide variety of ways depending on their physician’s preference and the region of the country that they live, according to scientists at the University ...
Research Link Between, Bacteria, Cancer Explored With Funding from American Cancer Society By URMC Communications Mar. 2, 2009 The role of bacteria in the development of colorectal cancer is coming under scrutiny at the University of Rochester Medical Center, thanks to an $840,000 research award from the American Cancer ...
Patient Care Talk to Focus on Cancer, Aging – and Fruit Flies By URMC Communications Feb. 10, 2009 Dirk Bohmann, Ph.D., asks the biggest of questions using a tiny organism. Bohmann, professor of genetics in the Department of Biomedical Genetics, will speak about his exploits mining fruit flies for ...
Research Wilmot Cancer Stem Cell Scientist Featured in NCI Bulletin By Leslie White Feb. 10, 2009 One of the cancer field’s most respected information sources, the National Cancer Institute Bulletin, recently featured the work of Craig Jordan, Ph.D., a cancer stem cell scientist at the University ...
Research First Genome-Wide Expression Analysis Yields Better Understanding of Leukemia By Leslie Orr Feb. 9, 2009 In a collaborative study published Feb. 9, 2009, in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), scientists performed a genome-wide expression analysis comparing highly enriched normal ...
Feb. 16 Session Focuses on Managing Physical, Emotional Health By Leslie White Feb. 8, 2009 Women with metastatic breast cancer can develop techniques for managing their physical and emotional health during a talk from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 16, at the James P. Wilmot Cancer Center.
Meditation Talk Offered Feb. 17 at Wilmot Cancer Center By Leslie White Feb. 8, 2009 The healing benefits of meditation will be discussed during a talk from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 17, at the James P. Wilmot Cancer Center.