Education White Coat Ceremony Celebrates Beginning of Medical School Journey By Karin Gaffney Christensen Aug. 18, 2023 White coats were presented to the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry Class of 2027 during the traditional ceremony that marks the beginning of medical school for these future ...
Community New Mobile CPR Training Station Comes to Rochester, Finger Lakes By Leslie White Jul. 24, 2023 The odds of surviving sudden cardiac arrest can double when someone quickly receives cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR.) UR Medicine leaders, in collaboration with the American Heart Association, ...
Research URMC researcher receives $8.3 million to study chronic pain and the brain By Kelsie Smith Hayduk Jul. 19, 2023 Understanding the role of chronic pain in the brain could transform treatment and care for a condition that inflicts more than 20 percent of US adults. An associate professor of Psychiatry at URMC ...
Research Racial Disparities Discovered in Patients with Implantable Cardiac Devices By URMC Communications Jul. 17, 2023 Black patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators have a higher burden of disease than white patients with the same device, according to new URMC cardiology research.
Education Eastman Institute Graduates 77 Specialists from 30 Countries By Karen Black Jul. 2, 2023 Thirty different countries were represented among the Eastman Institute for Oral Health’s 77 graduates who crossed the stage Friday evening at a ceremony held in the University’s Feldman Ballroom.
Patient Care New Gene Therapy for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy a “Monumental Advance” By Mark Michaud Jun. 26, 2023 Emma Ciafaloni, MD, describes how the new drug works, why the FDA chose to limit its use, and what it means for patients and their families.
Research New Images Capture Unseen Details of the Synapse By Mark Michaud Jun. 14, 2023 Scientists have created one of the most detailed 3D images of the synapse, a technical achievement that allows researchers to study the different cells that converge at individual synapses at a level ...
Patient Care How Does Air Quality Affect Our Health? By Eric Dolan Jun. 6, 2023 Our experts explain the impact of air quality on health and how to best protect ourselves.
Research Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment: Boosting New Options for Young People with Advanced Disease By Leslie Orr Jun. 4, 2023 Thanks to a groundbreaking nationwide study with Wilmot Director Jonathan Friedberg at the helm, a practice-changing treatment emerged for young people with Hodgkin lymphoma.
Research Researchers find possible target for treating neuropsychiatric disorders in teens By Kelsie Smith Hayduk Jun. 1, 2023 The brain continuously changes during childhood and throughout adolescence. The onset of neuropsychiatric disorders like schizophrenia often begins during young adulthood. Dysfunction of the dopamine ...