Research In Quest for New Therapies, Clinician-Scientist Team Unlocks Hidden Information in Human Genome By Emily Boynton Aug. 10, 2011 The work of molecular biologist Joseph M. Miano, Ph.D., and clinician Craig Benson, M.D., seems worlds apart: Miano helps head the Aab Cardiovascular Research Institute and Benson is chief resident ...
Research URMC Leads Push for New Approaches to Brain Injury By Leslie Orr May. 3, 2011 In the race to more accurately diagnose the severity of head injuries quickly and without a CT scan, a University of Rochester Medical Center expert has a leading role in two important nationwide ...
Research Anti-Depressants Boost Brain Cells after Injury in Early Studies By URMC Communications Apr. 17, 2011 Anti-depressants may help spur the creation and survival of new brain cells after brain injury, according to a study by neurosurgeons at the University of Rochester Medical Center.
Research $10 Million Gift from Philip Saunders Advances URMC’s Neuromuscular Program, Other Initiatives By URMC Communications Apr. 3, 2011 Philip Saunders, a Rochester businessman and a major supporter of the neuromuscular disease program at the University of Rochester Medical Center, has donated an additional $10 million – one of the ...
Research Brain Tumor Treatment Successful in Healing Rare Heart Condition By Leslie White Mar. 24, 2011 Serendipity may have saved 32-year-old Jamie Arliss’ life. A rare tumor discovered in her heart had stumped cardiologists at the University of Rochester Medical Center. They wanted to remove the ...
Education Wilmot Cancer Center and Media Partners Raise Awareness on Colorectal Cancer By URMC Communications Mar. 7, 2011 As healthcare organizations and providers across the country promote March as Colorectal Cancer Awareness month, faculty and staff of the James. P. Wilmot Cancer Center at the University of Rochester ...
Research Flu Vaccination Disparities Exacerbated by Supply Problems By Mark Michaud Dec. 6, 2010 The gap in flu vaccination rates between elderly whites, African-Americans and Hispanics is amplified when vaccine supply is limited or delayed. That is the conclusion of a study out today in the ...
Research Breast CT Imaging System Marches Forward, as Pain-Free Tool to Aid Mammograms By Leslie Orr Dec. 3, 2010 While questions persist about the best ways to detect breast cancer early, a CT imaging system developed at the University of Rochester Medical Center and first unveiled four years ago is in a better ...
Research Everyone Should Boost Intake of Vitamin D, IOM says By Leslie Orr Nov. 29, 2010 The nation’s top scientific advisory panel today recommended that most children and adults modestly increase their intake of vitamin D, known as the “sunshine vitamin,” from a daily dietary intake of ...
Research Lack of Vitamin D: More Evidence Connected to Breast, Colon Cancer By Leslie Orr Oct. 20, 2010 Two new vitamin D studies from the University of Rochester Medical Center suggest intriguing ties between a deficiency of D and breast and colon cancer, particularly among African Americans.