Healthy Living

What You Can Do to Avoid the Flu

Jan. 30, 2018

The flu virus is at near-record levels and it is especially fierce. UR Medicine Primary Care’s Dr. Natercia Rodrigues offers this advice to help reduce your chances of catching it:mother helping young daughter wash her hands

  • Get the shot—Your annual flu vaccination is the best way to protect yourself from getting sick and from spreading illness. Even if it doesn’t offer guaranteed protection, it can reduce the severity of symptoms and length of time you’re sick.
  • Wash up—Frequent, thorough handwashing is a simple step toward warding off illness. Use soap and clean running water to wash, then air dry or use a clean towel to dry.
  • Don’t touch—Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth, which is a common way that germs are spread.
  • Keep it clean—Regularly sanitize your living and work spaces with a germ-fighting cleaner or disinfecting wipes.
  • Keep your distance—Try to avoid close contact with anyone who is sick. If that’s not possible, step up your handwashing game.

If you catch the flu despite your best efforts to stay healthy, check out 5 Tips for Getting Through the Flu.


Natercia Rodrigues, MD

Natercia Rodrigues, M.D., specializes in family medicine and is accepting patients of all ages at UR Medicine’s downtown location, Manhattan Square Family Medicine, located at 454 East Broad Street in Rochester. For information or to make an appointment, call 585-276-7640.