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Robert G. Quivey, Ph.D.

Robert G. Quivey, Ph.D.

About Me

Faculty Appointments

Professor - Department of Microbiology and Immunology (SMD)


Post-doctoral Training & Residency

NIH/NIDR Postdoctoral Cariology Trainee, Department of Dental Research, University of Rochester 1985 - 1988

Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Microbiology, University of Rochester 1984 - 1985


PhD | Univ Texas-Austin. Microbiology. 1984

MS | Penn State University. Genetics. 1979

BS | Penn State University. Biology. 1977

BS | Penn State University. Biochemistry. 1977


IADR Councilor for the Microbiology & Immunology Research Group. 2009

President, Microbiology & Immunology Research Group. 2004

Graduate Alumni Award for Excellence in Graduate Education, University of Rochester Medical Center 2003

President Elect, Microbiology and Immunology Research Group. 2002 - 2004

Chairman, Fellowships Committee. 1996 - 1999

Phi Kappa Phi

Sigma Xi

Member- Pathogen Functional Genomics Research Advisory Committee.


Our research work is focused on a bacterium, Streptococcus mutans, which colonizes the human mouth from the time of tooth eruption until death. The persistence of the organism is remarkable and our efforts are directed to learning the biological means by which it chronically infects virtually every...
Our research work is focused on a bacterium, Streptococcus mutans, which colonizes the human mouth from the time of tooth eruption until death. The persistence of the organism is remarkable and our efforts are directed to learning the biological means by which it chronically infects virtually every person in the developed nations. The infection requires two relatively simple-minded objectives: bind to tooth surfaces and then survive in the mouth. However, the mouth is a fairly inhospitable environment, containing between 400 and 500 competing bacterial species, volumes of saliva that are swallowed, desquamating soft tissue surfaces, and the swallowing of food (and adsorbed bacteria) as a bolus. Irreversible binding of tooth surfaces occurs by the action of extracellular enzymes produced by S. mutans, the glucosyltransferases (GTFs). These enzymes catalyze the conversion of sucrose, supplied in our diets, to long-chain, insoluble glucans that serve as the molecular scaffold for the formation of dental plaque. If not removed, physically from teeth, the growing mesh of glucan, food particles, bacteria, and salivary constituents continues to accumulate and forms a biofilm referred to as dental plaque. As plaque builds up, S. mutans becomes protected from the flushing effects of saliva and swallowing. In its protected niche, S. mutans metabolism of sugar results in the formation of organic acids and the rapid acidification of the surrounding milieu. As pH values plummet, several orders of magnitude in just seconds, S. mutans begins its adaptation to life at low pH values, where surrounding bacteria can not compete. Our work is in understanding the mechanisms of low pH adaptation and how it relates to bacterial virulence in biofilms.

Results from our efforts have shown that S. mutans utilizes a number of discrete mechanisms to survive acidic environments. Interestingly, we've found that some of the mechanisms are shared with other streptococcal pathogens, and some are shared with streptococcal and staphylococcal pathogens. For example, we've shown that the central acid-protective enzyme, the F-ATPase, is transcriptionally up-regulated ("on") at low pH, which is characteristic shared with S. pneumoniae (Kuhnert et al., 2004). Our data has also shown that S. mutans must make major alterations to its membrane to survive low pH, requiring the action of an enzyme called FabM, a condition that is apparently shared in Staphylococcus aureus (Fozo and Quivey, 2004). Further evidence from our group has shown that resistance to acid-stress overlaps stress from oxidative agents, such as hydrogen peroxide, and that control of oxygen metabolism by an enzyme called NADH oxidase is mediated, in part, by novel mechanisms unique to S. mutans (Karrupaiah et al., 2005). In all of this work, we have focused on identifying those elements that might be useful targets for therapeutic intervention. Our results have shown that identification of unique regulatory schemes or novel enzyme mechanisms involved in stress responses in S. mutans also have a possible usefulness in other human pathogens. We are pursuing or basic science goals, with the inclusion of translational work. For example, we are exploring the use of metal ions, with knowledge gained from DNA repair studies, to develop new therapies for bacterial infection (Faustoferri et al., 2005). We have also begun the use of transgenic mice to study early infection processes (Culp et al., 2005). And, finally, we are developing new technology, in conjunction with the Optics Institute, to rapidly determine the bacterial composition of clinical biofilm samples (Zhu et al., 2004).


Journal Articles

Social, Psychological, and Behavioral Predictors of Salivary Bacteria, Yeast in Caries-Free Children.

Kopycka-Kedzierawski DT, Scott-Anne K, Ragusa PG, Cvetanovska M, Flint K, Feng C, Watson GE, Wong CL, Billings RJ, Quivey RJ, O'Connor TG

JDR clinical and translational research.. 2022 April 7 (2):163-173. Epub 03/10/2021.

Prediction of early childhood caries onset and oral microbiota.

Quivey RG, O'Connor TG, Gill SR, Kopycka-Kedzierawski DT

Molecular oral microbiology.. 2021 October 36 (5):255-257. Epub 08/06/2021.

Oral Microbiota Composition Predicts Early Childhood Caries Onset.

Grier A, Myers JA, O'Connor TG, Quivey RG, Gill SR, Kopycka-Kedzierawski DT

Journal of dental research.. 2021 June 100 (6):599-607. Epub 12/24/2020.

Repression of the TreR transcriptional regulator in Streptococcus mutans by the global regulator, CcpA.

Lindsay EL, Faustoferri RC, Quivey RG

FEMS microbiology letters.. 2021 February 12368 (3)Epub 1900 01 01.

Streptococcus mutans SpxA2 relays the signal of cell envelope stress from LiaR to effectors that maintain cell wall and membrane homeostasis.

Baker JL, Saputo S, Faustoferri RC, Quivey RG

Molecular oral microbiology.. 2020 June 35 (3):118-128. Epub 02/26/2020.

Disruption of l-Rhamnose Biosynthesis Results in Severe Growth Defects in Streptococcus mutans.

Bischer AP, Kovacs CJ, Faustoferri RC, Quivey RG

Journal of bacteriology.. 2020 February 25202 (6)Epub 02/25/2020.

Streptococcus mutans requires mature rhamnose-glucose polysaccharides for proper pathophysiology, morphogenesis and cellular division.

Kovacs CJ, Faustoferri RC, Bischer AP, Quivey RG

Molecular microbiology.. 2019 September 112 (3):944-959. Epub 07/12/2019.

Inactivation of genes and impairs its pathogenicity .

Castillo Pedraza MC, Rosalen PL, de Castilho ARF, Freires IA, de Sales Leite L, Faustoferri RC, Quivey RG, Klein MI

Journal of oral microbiology.. 2019 11 (1):1607505. Epub 05/09/2019.

Association between Oral Candida and Bacteriome in Children with Severe ECC.

Xiao J, Grier A, Faustoferri RC, Alzoubi S, Gill AL, Feng C, Liu Y, Quivey RG, Kopycka-Kedzierawski DT, Koo H, Gill SR

Journal of dental research.. 2018 December 97 (13):1468-1476. Epub 07/26/2018.

Deficiency of BrpA in Streptococcus mutans reduces virulence in rat caries model.

Wen ZT, Scott-Anne K, Liao S, De A, Luo M, Kovacs C, Narvaez BS, Faustoferri RC, Yu Q, Taylor CM, Quivey RG

Molecular oral microbiology.. 2018 October 33 (5):353-363. Epub 07/17/2018.

Characterization of the Trehalose Utilization Operon in Streptococcus mutans Reveals that the TreR Transcriptional Regulator Is Involved in Stress Response Pathways and Toxin Production.

Baker JL, Lindsay EL, Faustoferri RC, To TT, Hendrickson EL, He X, Shi W, McLean JS, Quivey RG

Journal of bacteriology.. 2018 June 15200 (12)Epub 05/24/2018.

Oral Sciences PhD Program Enrollment, Graduates, and Placement: 1994 to 2016.

Herzog CR, Berzins DW, DenBesten P, Gregory RL, Hargreaves KM, Messer RLW, Mina M, Mooney MP, Paine ML, Phillips C, Presland RB, Quivey RG, Scannapieco FA, Sheridan JF, Svoboda KKH, Trackman PC, Walker MP, Walker SG, Wang CY, Hu JCC

Journal of dental research.. 2018 May 97 (5):483-491. Epub 01/12/2018.

A Drug Repositioning Approach Reveals that Streptococcus mutans Is Susceptible to a Diverse Range of Established Antimicrobials and Nonantibiotics.

Saputo S, Faustoferri RC, Quivey RG

Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy.. 2018 January 62 (1)Epub 12/21/2017.

Vitamin D Compounds Are Bactericidal against Streptococcus mutans and Target the Bacitracin-Associated Efflux System.

Saputo S, Faustoferri RC, Quivey RG

Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy.. 2018 January 62 (1)Epub 12/21/2017.

RgpF Is Required for Maintenance of Stress Tolerance and Virulence in Streptococcus mutans.

Kovacs CJ, Faustoferri RC, Quivey RG

Journal of bacteriology.. 2017 December 15199 (24)Epub 11/14/2017.

Extracellular DNA and lipoteichoic acids interact with exopolysaccharides in the extracellular matrix of Streptococcus mutans biofilms.

Castillo Pedraza MC, Novais TF, Faustoferri RC, Quivey RG, Terekhov A, Hamaker BR, Klein MI

Biofouling.. 2017 October 33 (9):722-740. Epub 09/25/2017.

Diverted Total Synthesis of Carolacton-Inspired Analogs Yields Three Distinct Phenotypes in Streptococcus mutans Biofilms.

Solinski AE, Koval AB, Brzozowski RS, Morrison KR, Fraboni AJ, Carson CE, Eshraghi AR, Zhou G, Quivey RG, Voelz VA, Buttaro BA, Wuest WM

Journal of the American Chemical Society.. 2017 May 31139 (21):7188-7191. Epub 05/17/2017.

Acid-adaptive mechanisms of Streptococcus mutans-the more we know, the more we don't.

Baker JL, Faustoferri RC, Quivey RG

Molecular oral microbiology.. 2017 April 32 (2):107-117. Epub 06/21/2016.

Long-term disease-specific and cognitive quality of life after intensity-modulated radiation therapy: a cross-sectional survey of nasopharyngeal carcinoma survivors.

Kiang A, Weinberg VK, Cheung KH, Shugard E, Chen J, Quivey JM, Yom SS

Radiation oncology.. 2016 September 2611 (1):127. Epub 09/26/2016.

A Modified Chromogenic Assay for Determination of the Ratio of Free Intracellular NAD/NADH in .

Baker JL, Faustoferri RC, Quivey RG

Bio-protocol.. 2016 August 206 (16)Epub 1900 01 01.

PlsX deletion impacts fatty acid synthesis and acid adaptation in Streptococcus mutans.

Cross B, Garcia A, Faustoferri R, Quivey RG

Microbiology.. 2016 April 162 (4):662-671. Epub 02/05/2016.

What are We Learning and What Can We Learn from the Human Oral Microbiome Project?

Cross B, Faustoferri RC, Quivey RG

Current oral health reports.. 2016 March 3 (1):56-63. Epub 01/23/2016.

Candida albicans Carriage in Children with Severe Early Childhood Caries (S-ECC) and Maternal Relatedness.

Xiao J, Moon Y, Li L, Rustchenko E, Wakabayashi H, Zhao X, Feng C, Gill SR, McLaren S, Malmstrom H, Ren Y, Quivey R, Koo H, Kopycka-Kedzierawski DT

PloS one.. 2016 11 (10):e0164242. Epub 10/14/2016.

Functional profiling in Streptococcus mutans: construction and examination of a genomic collection of gene deletion mutants.

Quivey RG, Grayhack EJ, Faustoferri RC, Hubbard CJ, Baldeck JD, Wolf AS, MacGilvray ME, Rosalen PL, Scott-Anne K, Santiago B, Gopal S, Payne J, Marquis RE

Molecular oral microbiology.. 2015 December 30 (6):474-95. Epub 06/19/2015.

Transcriptional profile of glucose-shocked and acid-adapted strains of Streptococcus mutans.

Baker JL, Abranches J, Faustoferri RC, Hubbard CJ, Lemos JA, Courtney MA, Quivey R

Molecular oral microbiology.. 2015 December 30 (6):496-517. Epub 07/02/2015.

Loss of NADH Oxidase Activity in Streptococcus mutans Leads to Rex-Mediated Overcompensation in NAD+ Regeneration by Lactate Dehydrogenase.

Baker JL, Derr AM, Faustoferri RC, Quivey RG

Journal of bacteriology.. 2015 December 197 (23):3645-57. Epub 09/08/2015.

Regulation of fatty acid biosynthesis by the global regulator CcpA and the local regulator FabT in Streptococcus mutans.

Faustoferri RC, Hubbard CJ, Santiago B, Buckley AA, Seifert TB, Quivey RG

Molecular oral microbiology.. 2015 April 30 (2):128-46. Epub 10/27/2014.

Streptococcus mutans NADH oxidase lies at the intersection of overlapping regulons controlled by oxygen and NAD+ levels.

Baker JL, Derr AM, Karuppaiah K, MacGilvray ME, Kajfasz JK, Faustoferri RC, Rivera-Ramos I, Bitoun JP, Lemos JA, Wen ZT, Quivey RG

Journal of bacteriology.. 2014 June 196 (12):2166-77. Epub 03/28/2014.

?-Phosphoglucomutase contributes to aciduricity in Streptococcus mutans.

Buckley AA, Faustoferri RC, Quivey RG

Microbiology.. 2014 April 160 (Pt 4):818-827. Epub 02/07/2014.

The Streptococcus mutans aminotransferase encoded by ilvE is regulated by CodY and CcpA.

Santiago B, Marek M, Faustoferri RC, Quivey RG

Journal of bacteriology.. 2013 August 195 (16):3552-62. Epub 06/07/2013.

Streptococcus mutans: a new Gram-positive paradigm?

Lemos JA, Quivey RG, Koo H, Abranches J

Microbiology.. 2013 March 159 (Pt 3):436-445. Epub 02/07/2013.

Cardiolipin biosynthesis in Streptococcus mutans is regulated in response to external pH.

Macgilvray ME, Lapek JD, Friedman AE, Quivey RG

Microbiology.. 2012 August 158 (Pt 8):2133-2143. Epub 05/24/2012.

Raman microspectroscopy for species identification and mapping within bacterial biofilms.

Beier BD, Quivey RG, Berger AJ

AMB Express.. 2012 July 132 (1):35. Epub 07/13/2012.

Role of DNA base excision repair in the mutability and virulence of Streptococcus mutans.

Gonzalez K, Faustoferri RC, Quivey RG

Molecular microbiology.. 2012 July 85 (2):361-77. Epub 06/15/2012.

The branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase encoded by ilvE is involved in acid tolerance in Streptococcus mutans.

Santiago B, MacGilvray M, Faustoferri RC, Quivey RG

Journal of bacteriology.. 2012 April 194 (8):2010-9. Epub 02/10/2012.

Mutation of the NADH oxidase gene (nox) reveals an overlap of the oxygen- and acid-mediated stress responses in Streptococcus mutans.

Derr AM, Faustoferri RC, Betzenhauser MJ, Gonzalez K, Marquis RE, Quivey RG

Applied and environmental microbiology.. 2012 February 78 (4):1215-27. Epub 12/16/2011.

Alkali production associated with malolactic fermentation by oral streptococci and protection against acid, oxidative, or starvation damage.

Sheng J, Baldeck JD, Nguyen PT, Quivey RG, Marquis RE

Canadian journal of microbiology.. 2010 July 56 (7):539-47. Epub 1900 01 01.

Two Spx proteins modulate stress tolerance, survival, and virulence in Streptococcus mutans.

Kajfasz JK, Rivera-Ramos I, Abranches J, Martinez AR, Rosalen PL, Derr AM, Quivey RG, Lemos JA

Journal of bacteriology.. 2010 May 192 (10):2546-56. Epub 03/16/2010.

Identification of different bacterial species in biofilms using confocal Raman microscopy.

Beier BD, Quivey RG, Berger AJ

Journal of biomedical optics.. 2010 15 (6):066001. Epub 1900 01 01.

Role of Clp proteins in expression of virulence properties of Streptococcus mutans.

Kajfasz JK, Martinez AR, Rivera-Ramos I, Abranches J, Koo H, Quivey RG, Lemos JA

Journal of bacteriology.. 2009 April 191 (7):2060-8. Epub 01/30/2009.

Raman spectroscopic measurement of relative concentrations in mixtures of oral bacteria.

Zhu Q, Quivey RG, Berger AJ

Applied spectroscopy.. 2007 November 61 (11):1233-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Role of unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis in virulence of Streptococcus mutans.

Fozo EM, Scott-Anne K, Koo H, Quivey RG

Infection and immunity.. 2007 March 75 (3):1537-9. Epub 01/12/2007.

Influence of apigenin on gtf gene expression in Streptococcus mutans UA159.

Koo H, Seils J, Abranches J, Burne RA, Bowen WH, Quivey RG

Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy.. 2006 February 50 (2):542-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Smx nuclease is the major, low-pH-inducible apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease in Streptococcus mutans.

Faustoferri RC, Hahn K, Weiss K, Quivey RG

Journal of bacteriology.. 2005 April 187 (8):2705-14. Epub 1900 01 01.

The putative autolysin regulator LytR in Streptococcus mutans plays a role in cell division and is growth-phase regulated.

Chatfield CH, Koo H, Quivey RG

Microbiology.. 2005 February 151 (Pt 2):625-631. Epub 1900 01 01.

A mouse caries model and evaluation of aqp5-/- knockout mice.

Culp DJ, Quivey RQ, Bowen WH, Fallon MA, Pearson SK, Faustoferri R

Caries research.. 2005 39 (6):448-54. Epub 1900 01 01.

The F-ATPase operon promoter of Streptococcus mutans is transcriptionally regulated in response to external pH.

Kuhnert WL, Zheng G, Faustoferri RC, Quivey RG

Journal of bacteriology.. 2004 December 186 (24):8524-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Low pH-induced membrane fatty acid alterations in oral bacteria.

Fozo EM, Kajfasz JK, Quivey RG

FEMS microbiology letters.. 2004 September 15238 (2):291-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Shifts in the membrane fatty acid profile of Streptococcus mutans enhance survival in acidic environments.

Fozo EM, Quivey RG

Applied and environmental microbiology.. 2004 February 70 (2):929-36. Epub 1900 01 01.

Measurement of bacterial concentration fractions in polymicrobial mixtures by Raman microspectroscopy.

Zhu Q, Quivey RG, Berger AJ

Journal of biomedical optics.. 2004 9 (6):1182-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Genetic and biochemical characterization of the F-ATPase operon from Streptococcus sanguis 10904.

Kuhnert WL, Quivey Jr RG

Journal of bacteriology.. 2003 March 185 (5):1525-33. Epub 1900 01 01.

Raman Spectroscopy of oral bacteria.

Berger, A.J.; Zhu, Q.; Quivey, R.G.

Diagnostic Optical Spectroscopy in Biomedicine II, (Georges A. Wagnieres; Ed.). 2003; Proc. SPIE.5141: 214-218.

Glucosyltransferase inactivation reduces dental caries.

Bowen WH, Quivey RG, Smith AV

Journal of dental research.. 2001 June 80 (6):1505-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Genetics of acid adaptation in oral streptococci.

Quivey RG, Kuhnert WL, Hahn K

Critical reviews in oral biology and medicine : an official

Shifts in membrane fatty acid profiles associated with acid adaptation of Streptococcus mutans.

Quivey RG, Faustoferri R, Monahan K, Marquis R

FEMS microbiology letters.. 2000 August 1189 (1):89-92. Epub 1900 01 01.

Adaptation of oral streptococci to low pH.

Quivey RG, Kuhnert WL, Hahn K

Advances in microbial physiology. 2000 42 :239-74. Epub 1900 01 01.

Induction of an AP endonuclease activity in Streptococcus mutans during growth at low pH.

Hahn K, Faustoferri RC, Quivey RG

Molecular microbiology.. 1999 March 31 (5):1489-98. Epub 1900 01 01.

Physiologic homeostasis and stress responses in oral biofilms.

Burne RA, Quivey RG, Marquis RE

Methods in enzymology.. 1999 310 :441-60. Epub 1900 01 01.

A medium-copy-number plasmid insertional mutagenesis of S. mutans

Faustoferri, R.C.; Quivey, R.G.; Smith, A.J.; Sanchez, R.

Plasmid. 1998; : 40; 247-251.

Use of proteomics and PCR to elucidate changes in protein expression in oral streptococci

Quivey, R.G.: Kuhnert, W.L.: and Faustoferri, R.C.

Methods in Cell Sci. 1998; : 20: 165-179.

Cloning and nucleotide sequence analysis of the Streptococcus mutans membrane-bound, proton-translocating ATPase operon.

Smith AJ, Quivey RG, Faustoferri RC

Gene.. 1996 December 12183 (1-2):87-96. Epub 1900 01 01.

Interactions of streptococcal glucosyltransferases with alpha-amylase and starch on the surface of saliva-coated hydroxyapatite.

Vacca-Smith AM, Venkitaraman AR, Quivey RG, Bowen WH

Archives of oral biology.. 1996 March 41 (3):291-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Acid adaptation in Streptococcus mutans UA159 alleviates sensitization to environmental stress due to RecA deficiency.

Quivey RG, Faustoferri RC, Clancy KA, Marquis RE

FEMS microbiology letters.. 1995 March 1126 (3):257-61. Epub 1900 01 01.

Role of models in assessing new agents for caries prevention-non-fluoride systems: reaction paper.

Quivey, R.G., Jr.; Smith, A.J.

Ad. Dent. Res. 1995; 9: 312-314.

UV-resistance of acid-adapted Streptococcus mutans.

Quivey RG, Faustoferri RC, Reyes SD

Developments in biological standardization. 1995 85 :393-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Use of transposons to dissect pathogenic strategies of gram-positive bacteria.

Burne RA, Quivey RG

Methods in enzymology.. 1994 235 :405-26. Epub 1900 01 01.

Raffinose-induced mutanase production from Trichoderma harzianum.

Quivey RG, Kriger PS

FEMS microbiology letters.. 1993 September 15112 (3):307-12. Epub 1900 01 01.

Polymerase chain reaction amplification, cloning, sequence determination and homologies of streptococcal ATPase-encoding DNAs.

Quivey RG, Faustoferri RC, Belli WA, Flores JS

Gene.. 1991 January 297 (1):63-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

A computer program designed for the analysis of data from rat caries studies.

Quivey RG, Bowen WH

Caries research.. 1991 25 (3):191-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Le Sonde di DNA Nell Diagnosi e Nella Terapia Odontoiatrica.

Quivey, R.G., Jr.

Il Dentista Moderno. 1988; 9: 2065-2090.

Nucleotide and Deduced Amino Acid Sequence of the Rhodobacter sphaeroides Gene Encoding Form II Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase and Comparison with Other Deduced Form I and II Sequences.

Wagner, S.J.; Stevens, S.E. Jr.; Nixon, B.T.; Lambert, D.H.; Quivey, R.G. Jr.; Tabita, F.R.

FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 1988; 55: 217-222.

The use of DNA probes in dental diagnosis and therapy.

Quivey RG

Advances in dental research.. 1987 October 1 (1):99-108. Epub 1900 01 01.

Synthesis and assembly of a novel recombinant ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase for structure function studies.

Tabita, F.R.; Gibson, J.L.; Mandy, W.J.; Quivey, R.G. Jr.

Nature BioTechnology. 1986; 4: 138-141.


Methods in Cell Science (1999)

Chapter: Use of proteomics and degenerate PCR to elucidate virulence mechanisms in oral streptococci.

Authors: Quivey, R. G. Jr.; Kuhnert, W.L. ; Faustoferri, R.C.

Publisher: Invited for publication in a series of methods pertinent to streptococci. 1999

Bacterial Pathogenesis (the Work) (1997)

Chapter: Use of Transposons to Dissect Pathogenic Strategies of Gram-Positive Bacteria.

Authors: Quivey, R.G.

Publisher: (Selected Methods in Enzymology Series.) 1997

Cariology for the Nineties (1993)

Chapter: Genetic Manipulation of the Oral Streptococci

Authors: Quivey, R.G., Jr.; Faustoferri, R.C.; Kriger, P.S.

Publisher: University of Rochester Press, Rochester, NY. 1993

Microbiology-1983 (1984)

Chapter: Molecular Regulation, Mechanism, and Enzymology of Autotrophic Carbon Dioxide Fixation

Authors: Tabita, F.R.; Sarles, L.S.; Quivey, R.G.Jr., Weaver, K.E.; Wadill, F.E.

Publisher: ASM Press, Washington, D.C. 1984

Microbial Growth on C-1 Compounds (1984)

Chapter: Control of Carbon Dioxide Fixation

Authors: Tabita, F.R.; Martin, M.N.; Beudeker, R.F.; Quivey, R.G. Jr.; Sarles, L.S.; Weaver, K.E.

Publisher: ASM Press, Washington, D.C. 1984