DICE Summer Series Archive
DICE Summer Series Archive
In 2013, the Department of Psychiatry began presenting topics focused on all facets of inequity during the 8-week summer Grand Rounds sessions. This focus has continued to this day through the Office of Diversity, Inclusion, Culture & Equity (DICE) in the Department of Psychiatry. This archive provides the overall theme for each year and highlights a sampling of the weekly discussion topics.

2024 Creating Inclusive and Psychologically Safe Spaces
The purpose of this series was to provide educational opportunities to learn about inequities surrounding our communities.

2023 Healing the Healer: Discussions and Practices for Troubling Times
Healing the Healer explores the impact of racism, violence, and erosion of rights on UR employees.

2022 Using the Biopsychosocial Model to Promote Equitable Care at UR Medicine
The Past, Present and Future of Biopsychosocial Equitable Care in the Department of Psychiatry.

2021 Anti-Racist Clinical Care
Race & Health in the US & URMC: lessons from the past and hope for the future. Culturally Competent and Anti-Racist Care and Treatment

2020 Anti-Racism & Transformation: The work ahead
Understanding one’s relationship to racism/anti-racism and how to develop an intentional identity as an Anti-Racist Organization.

2019 White Culture
Using mind-body awareness and mindfulness to effectively engage in race-related conversations. Preparing white leadership for open discussions about race.

2018 Theatre of the
Oppressed Workshops
Art, observation and addressing bias in the workplace. Application of methods with a focus on medical humanities & bioethics

2017 Historical Trauma & Community Resilience: What Clinicians & Community Members Need to Know
Moving beyond understanding historical trauma toward devising effective clinical interventions to mitigate the impact.

2016 The Health Impact of Everyday Actions & Interactions: What we can do to make a positive difference
Micro-aggressions & how they can affect your health & mental health. Race conscious leadership and the intersection of racism, micro-aggressions and trauma.

2015 Intercultural Perspectives Enhancing Patient Care
Health disparities, poverty, race, & place: a community report. Intercultural perspectives: client and staff relationships in addressing patient-centered care.

2014 The Impact of Everyday Discrimination on Health: What we can do about it
Seeing patients: cultural awareness in academic medical centers and why we need It. Being the object of stigma: personal views on prejudice and mental illness.

2013 Unnatural Causes: Is inequality making us sick?
How does the distribution of power, wealth and resources shape opportunities for health. Why is your street address such a strong predictor of your health.