Past Projects
Promote Strong Health
Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). For this project, Strong Mental Health outpatients completed a comprehensive health survey with personalized resources, which was meant to assist them with their identified biopsychosocial needs. We were particularly interested in assisting patients who were IPV involved and/or experiencing suicidal thoughts and behaviors in order to encourage engagement with providers and services to assist with these problems.
Creating and Testing a Suicide Prevention Curriculum for a Community Mental Health Center
Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This project augmented a curriculum focused on the intersection between intimate partner violence and suicide to increase community mental health workers’ abilities to recognize and address these co-occurring problems among patients.
Patient Priorities and Community Context: Navigation for Disadvantaged Women with Depression (Realizing Opportunities for Self-Empowerment)
Funded by the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). This project assessed and compared two different interventions--Enhanced Screening and Referral (ESR) and Personalized Support for Progress (PSP)--to better understand patient-centered care provision and the impact of patient navigation for women at UR Medicine Gender Wellness, Obstetrics & Gynecology.
Creating and Testing a Suicide Prevention Curriculum for Domestic Violence Crisis Lines
Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This project examined the potential of a curriculum to increase domestic violence hotline advocates' abilities to recognize and address suicidal thoughts and behaviors among distressed callers.
Promoting Children's Behavioral Health: Examining Needs, Resources and Implementation of Best Practices for Children and Youth in the Greater Rochester Area of New York State
Funded by the Greater Rochester Health Foundation. This project aimed to provide a comprehensive assessment of quantity, quality, barriers, gaps, and assets of children's behavioral health care in the 9-county Greater Rochester region within four primary domains where children and families link with care: clinical, education, community, and court.
Structure, Policy, and Suicide Variability across Communities
Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This project sought to identify associations between service based and theoretically grounded measures of community characteristics and suicide rates for adolescents and adults.
Moving from Intuition to Evidence-Based Practice: Can Family Courts Promote Public Health?
Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). The aim of this project was to evaluate whether evidence-based interpersonal violence risk assessments would result in more orders of protection.
Measuring the Impact of Sources and Types of Funding on Health Outcomes for Children in Foster Care in Ohio
Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). This project examined 10 years of child welfare data to determine trends and variables predicting better outcomes for children.
IPV Technology Abuse Scale Validity Study
Funded by a University of Rochester Grant. The purpose of this study was to validate a Technology Abuse Scale (TAS)--created by LIVV faculty and staff--among court-based victims and college students. The TAS is comprised of 26 questions assessing the prevalence and severity of telephone harassments, internet or identity harassments, and spying and non-verbal harassments.
The Impact of Gender-Specific Programming on Women’s Recidivism
Unfunded. This project aimed to assess an 8-week psychosocial intervention with incarcerated women - most of whom had significant trauma histories - and whether the intervention had an impact on recidivism.
Court-Based Mental Health Screening and Service Referrals for IPV Victims
Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). This five-year randomized control trial in family court assessed whether enhanced mental health services would enable intimate partner violence victims to better navigate safety.
Victim Participation in Prosecution and Subsequent Safety
Funded by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ). This project assessed victim participation in prosecution and subsequent safety as measured by cross-systems service utilization patterns (e.g., emergency department, family court and 911).