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Failure to adhere to these policies can result in loss of independent access to the facility.

Everyone who wishes to use the CALMN equipment must first complete and return Document #37; CALMN Usage Policies found in PPMS "Documents" section. 

Chemical and Biological Safety Policies

All Users

We recommend all users familiarize themselves with the safety practices for using BSL-2 facilities and Laser Safety by taking the university offered online training.

  • The CALMN is a BSL-2 facility and must follow University Regulations.
  • No food or drink may be brought into any of the microscope rooms. There are tables located outside of rooms 4.7546 and 4.7586 where drinks may be kept.
  • Hand washing sinks are in room 4.7586 and hand sanitizer is available near the microscope.

BSL-2 Policies

BSL-2 Users

  • Anyone wishing to bring BSL specimens into the lab should contact the Technical Director before doing so.  It is important that we have an updated list of all potential contaminants.
  • User’s imaging specimens rated for BSL-2 procedures need to follow BSL-2 regulations and complete the required training modules
  • This means lab coat, goggles, and gloves are to be worn when handling the BSL-2 specimens.
  • Whenever possible samples should be sealed and cleaned to prevent incidental contamination of equipment.

**Gloves MAY NOT be worn when touching the microscope controls, the mouse, or the computer keyboard. **

  • All BSL-2 users are required to properly decontaminate the system after imaging is completed. Disinfectant rated for use with the microscopes will be located near the microscope. 
  • Report any possible contamination or concerns immediately to a CALMN team member.

Usage, Booking and Calendar Policies

  • Anyone who wishes to touch the microscope must be trained by a facility team member.  Please read the training page for detailed instructions on how to request a training.
  • Once trained, investigators will be able to independently book the system during staffed facility hours. After sufficient experience, users may request "after-hours" access. 
  • Most systems can be booked up to two weeks in advance.  For experiments requiring more lead time or additional planning, please contact the CALMN director.
  • Independent users who have not used the system recently should arrange for a facility team member to be available during their session.  Users who have not booked time on the calendar for one year may have their independent system access suspended.

Cancellation Policy

  • System reservations can be cancelled up to 24 hours in advance without penalty.  Reserved time cancelled less than 24 hours in advance will be billed at 100% unless the time is used by someone else.
  • Assisted sessions should be cancelled with as much notice as possible. There is no fee for cancelling assisted sessions with 24 hours’ notice.  Cancellations made less than 24 hours before session are charged at full rate.
  • If you cancel less than 24 hours in advance and you were the last person booked for the day, it is your responsibility to make sure the system is shut down correctly.
  • As a courtesy to other users, it is requested that if you need to cancel your time you also contact the user ahead and behind you on the schedule to let them know they could start their imaging earlier or run later if they needed additional time.

Instrument Usage Policy

  • Only users trained by CALMN team members may touch the instruments.
  • The CALMN Core is open during normal business hour (9am to 5pm) from Monday through Friday.
  • Users with Novice access can only book the system during normal business hour.
  • Autonomous access (after-hour privilege) is granted by core staff to experienced investigators that have completed the Basics Hands-on training, and have accumulated more than 40 hours independent usage time within the previous 3 months..  
  • Instrument training is strictly done by CALMN staff. Users are not permitted to train other users.
  • All users must make PPMS reservation in their own name and inform CALMN staff of any changes. 
  • All users must log into the microscope under their own PPMS username.  If you log into the system for someone else, please inform CALMN staff intermediately.
  • Users are NEVER permitted to reserve after-hours time for anyone else.  Any exceptions must be approved by the CALMN Director in advance. 
  • Environmental Chamber use and any alternate microscope configuration must be requested 48 hours in advance and approved by a CALMN staff member. 
  • No parts or materials are to leave the facility under any circumstances at any time unless written permission has been given by the CALMN Director.
  • Any damage to the system or system components must be reported to a CALMN staff member. Accidents happen, but CALMN staff must be informed ASAP. 
  • Follow all posted cleaning guidelines after imaging session, which include but are not limited to objective cleaning, stage cleaning, and workstation cleaning. Guidelines are posted near the instrument.
  • The last user of the day should shut the instrument down. Independent users should monitor the PPMS calendar carefully and check near the end of their session for last-minute bookings on the calendar before turning the instrument off.
  • The first user of the day should anticipate turning the instrument ON. Be aware of suggested warm-up times.
  • Data transfer is by SMDNAS server ONLY. NO JUMP DRIVES. NO HARD DRIVES. SMDNAS server space is limited and shared by all CALMN users.

Multiphoton Microscope

  • Only users trained by CALMN team members can touch the instruments.  
  • Instrument training is strictly done by CALMN staff. Users are not permitted to train other users.
  • No other objectives can be on the system at the same time when the 25x objective is on the system
  • Users cannot remove/change the objective by themselves. If a user needs a different objective other than the 25x objective the core provides, the user must contact core director to justify the needs and request 48 hours in advance.
  • Groups who use isoflurane for animal anesthesia must bring their own isoflurane with UCAR protocol number and lab name labels on the isoflurane bottle. For safe handling of isoflurane, users are required to follow their own UCAR protocol.
  • At the end of the imaging session, check PPMS calendar to see if there are users afterwards. If there is another user within 2 hours, leave the Software, Hardware, and Laser ON. If there is no user within next 2 hours, follow all posted system shutdown procedures? Guidelines are posted near the instrument and available online.
  • If the instrument maintenance policies are not followed, there will be a $50 fee charged. Policies include but are not limited to cleaning protocols, instrument shutting down, etc.

            October 27, 2020


Data Handling

  • Data must be saved to proper folder in on the hard drive on the imaging computer for temporary storage during imaging. No files can be saved to C: drive or desktop.
  • At the end of imaging session, users must transfer data to the data server (\\smdnas\URMC-CCMC\YourLab_D) .
  • No other data transfer methods are allowed. USB, external hard drives etc plugin isprohibited on the imaging computer and result in loss of independant use priveledges. 
  • The image files in Data folder may be deleted off the local computer at the end of the month. It is user’s responsibility to properly save and transfer the data.
  • Data will be kept for 1 months on server on the 15th of the following month data may be removed from ther server without warning.  Data is the user’s responsibility.