UOCPC22010 / UR-GOAL 2 / Kah Poh Loh
cancer study doesn't require posting
Lead Researcher: Kah Poh Loh
The objective of this study is to conduct a pilot randomized trial to evaluate the preliminary efficacy of the UR-GOAL tool in improving SDM and communication between 100 older patients with AML and their oncologists.
More Details:
Inclusion Criteria: Patients 1. Age =60 years 2. Newly diagnosed AML or being worked up for possible AML 3. Able to provide informed consent 4. Agreement of their oncologist to participate in the study 5. English-speaking If patients screen positive for cognitive impairment on the Mini-Cog test performed as part of the baseline assessment, they can still enroll if they are able to provide informed consent and have decision making capacity as determined by their treating oncologist Caregivers 1. Selected by the patient when asked if there is a "family member, partner, friend or caregiver \[age 21 or older\] with whom the patient discuss or who can be helpful in health-related matters;" patients who cannot identify such a person ("caregiver") can be eligible for the study. A caregiver need not be someone who lives with the patient or provides direct hands-on care. A caregiver can be any person who provides support (in any way) to the patient 2. Able to provide informed consent 3. English-speaking Oncologists 1. A practicing oncologist 2. At least one of their patients are recruited to the study 3. English-speaking