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A browlift can make your face look better by lifting sagging or drooping brows. The procedure is also used to remove or soften the frown lines between your eyebrows and the horizontal lines and furrows across your forehead (known as a forehead lift). You can have a forehead lift by itself, or in conjunction with other procedures such as a facelift, eyelid surgery, or nose reshaping.

What Browlift Surgery Can (and Cannot) Do

No surgery can restore the health and energy of youth. Nor can it stop the aging process. But a browlift can help reduce its effects.

As with other forms of cosmetic plastic surgery, you need to have a clear and realistic idea of why you want the surgery and what you hope to look like after it.

You should discuss your expectations with your surgeon. Improving your appearance can't solve all the of difficulties you might face in life, but it may increase your self-confidence as you deal with them.

Before Browlift Surgery

During your first consultation, your doctor will ask you about your expectations, your general health and any specific conditions that might interfere with surgery. The doctor will:

  • Examine your facial structure, including skin texture and the underlying bone
  • Discuss how your face can be changed
  • Explain the details of the procedure
  • Develop a plan for surgery and recovery with you

The plan will include the surgical technique to be used, either coronal incision or endoscopic and where to make incisions on your scalp so they'll be as inconspicuous as possible.

You must stop smoking for several weeks before and after the surgery because smoking can interfere with healing.

What to Expect

A browlift is generally an outpatient procedure lasting several hours. Depending on the surgical plan, you'll be given local or general anesthesia.

  • Local anesthesia means you'll be sedated and the area around the surgery will be numbed. You're awake during the surgery, but relaxed and feeling no pain.
  • General anesthesia means you'll be asleep during the operation.

Types of Browlift (Forehead Lift) Procedures

There are several different ways to do brow lift surgery. The most common techniques include:

  • Coronal incision technique
  • Endoscopic technique

Immediately Following Surgery

Plan to spend the first day or two after surgery resting in bed, keeping your head elevated. Your cheeks and eyelids may look swollen or puffy and your skin around the incision(s) may be numb.

After a Few Weeks

The swelling should go down within a week or two, and the numbness will change to itchiness, which will eventually disappear (though that could take a few months). The endoscopic technique often minimizes these conditions, because the incisions are so much smaller. The stitches are usually removed within two weeks.

You should be able to shower and shampoo two or three days after surgery, and go back to work after a week or ten days. You'll avoid strenuous activity (including jogging, bending, heavy housework, sex, or any activity that increases your blood pressure) for at least two or three weeks.

Healing is Slow - But Results Are Great

Many people feel depressed for a while after plastic surgery, especially in the early days when their faces are bruised and swollen. This is quite normal and will pass. Healing is gradual and sometimes the final results of the surgery aren't apparent as quickly as you might like. But remember why you chose to have the surgery. If you've met your goals, then your surgery is a success.