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Kenneth R. Conner, Psy.D., M.P.H.

Kenneth R. Conner, Psy.D., M.P.H.


About Me

Faculty Appointments

Professor - Department of Emergency Medicine, Emergency Research Admin (SMD)



MPH | University of Rochester. Public Health. 2002

PsyD | Wright State University. Clinical Psychology. 1993

BS | SUNY Coll at Buffalo. Social Work. 1985


Dean's Excellence in Research Award. 2006

Excellence in Teaching in the Psychology Training Program. 2004

Edwin Shneidman Award for Outstanding Early Career Contribution to Suicide Research. 2003

Outstanding Young Alumnus Award. 2003

Summa Cum Laude. 1985


Dr. Kenneth R. Conner is a clinical psychologist who serves as Professor in Emergency Medicine and Psychiatry at the University of Rochester Medical Center and Co-Director of the Center for the Study and Prevention of Suicide. He has conducted research on alcohol- and drug use and suicidal behavior...
Dr. Kenneth R. Conner is a clinical psychologist who serves as Professor in Emergency Medicine and Psychiatry at the University of Rochester Medical Center and Co-Director of the Center for the Study and Prevention of Suicide. He has conducted research on alcohol- and drug use and suicidal behavior for approximately 18 years, his work has been widely published, and he has received funding from multiple agencies including the National Institutes of Health, Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Defense, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. He enjoys mentoring and has provided mentorship to numerous junior faculty members and postdoctoral fellows including three Career Development Awardees. Historically, much of Dr. Conner's work sought to examine etiological relationships between alcohol- and drug use and suicidal behavior. More recently, he initiated a program of intervention research including as multiple PI of a study of a brief intervention to promote behavioral health treatment-seeking in at-risk military service members and Veterans, and as PI of a treatment development study to examine a brief intervention for use with individuals with alcohol- or drug use problems who have been hospitalized following a suicide attempt. He is also developing projects to prevent unintentional drug overdose.


Journal Articles

An assessment of beliefs about mental health care among community-based adults with severe, untreated alcohol use disorder.

Hutchison M, Szafranski S, Titus C, Abar B, Conner KR, Maisto S, Stecker T

Alcohol and alcoholism : international journal of the Medical Council on Alcoholism.. 2024 May 1459 (4)Epub 1900 01 01.

Case fatality of repeated suicidal acts among suicide attempters in rural China: a retrospective cohort study.

Tong Y, Yin Y, Lan Z, Conner KR

The Lancet regional health. Western Pacific.. 2024 May 46 :101068. Epub 04/16/2024.

Adolescent Predictors of Firearm Suicide Over Four Decades of Life in U.S. Men.

Conner KR, Peters K, Conwell Y, Hutchison M, Hutchison M, Kannan V, Lapham S, Chapman BP

American journal of preventive medicine.. 2024 April 66 (4):690-697. Epub 11/17/2023.

Deaf perceptions about treatment for alcohol use and mental health.

Aldalur A, Dillon KM, Rotoli JM, Stecker T, Conner KR

Journal of substance use and addiction treatment.. 2024 March 158 :209233. Epub 12/05/2023.

Warning signs in a period of acute risk for suicide attempt: The utility of count- and combination-based classification.

Littlefield AK, Himes KP, Conner KR, Bagge CL

General hospital psychiatry.. 2024 89 :55-59. Epub 05/20/2024.

Brief, cognitive-behavioral intervention to promote treatment seeking in adults with severe alcohol use disorder: A randomized controlled trial.

Conner KR, Maisto SA, Abar B, Szafranski S, Chiang A, Hutchison M, Aldalur A, Stecker T

Addiction.. 2023 December 118 (12):2342-2351. Epub 07/24/2023.

Youth Mobile Response and Stabilization Services: Factors Associated with Multiple Episodes of Care.

Hutchison M, Theriault KM, Seng K, Vanderploeg J, Conner KR

Community mental health journal.. 2023 November 59 (8):1619-1630. Epub 06/22/2023.

Efficacy of CBT for Treatment Seeking (CBT-TS) in Untreated Veterans and Service Members at Risk for Suicidal Behavior.

Stecker T, Allan NP, Hoge C, Ashrafioun L, Conner KR

Journal of general internal medicine.. 2023 September 38 (12):2639-2646. Epub 03/24/2023.

Use of Routine Emergency Department Care Practices with Deaf American Sign Language Users.

Conner KR, Jones CM, Wood N, Aldalur A, Paracha M, Powell SJ, Nie Y, Dillon KM, Rotoli J

The Journal of emergency medicine.. 2023 September 65 (3):e163-e171. Epub 06/03/2023.

Predictive value of suicidal risk assessment using data from China's largest suicide prevention hotline.

Tong Y, Yin Y, Conner KR, Zhao L, Wang Y, Wang X, Conwell Y

Journal of affective disorders.. 2023 May 15329 :141-148. Epub 02/24/2023.

A controlled examination of acute warning signs for suicide attempts among hospitalized patients.

Bagge CL, Littlefield AK, Wiegand TJ, Hawkins E, Trim RS, Schumacher JA, Simons K, Conner KR

Psychological medicine.. 2023 May 53 (7):2768-2776. Epub 01/25/2022.

Alcohol-related consequences and the intention to seek care in treatment naïve women and men with severe alcohol use disorder.

Conner KR, Abar B, Aldalur A, Chiang A, Hutchison M, Maisto SA, Stecker T

Addictive behaviors.. 2022 August 131 :107337. Epub 04/12/2022.

Qualitative analysis of hospital patient narratives of warning signs on the day of their suicide attempt.

Conner KR, Kearns JC, Denneson LM

General hospital psychiatry.. 2022 79 :146-151. Epub 11/09/2022.

URMC Universal Depression Screening Initiative: Patient Reported Outcome Assessments to Promote a Person-Centered Biopsychosocial Population Health Management Strategy.

Van Orden KA, Lutz J, Conner KR, Silva C, Hasselberg MJ, Fear K, Leadley AW, Wittink MN, Baumhauer JF

Frontiers in psychiatry.. 2021 12 :796499. Epub 01/11/2022.

Prospective study of association of characteristics of hotline psychological intervention in 778 high-risk callers with subsequent suicidal act.

Tong Y, Conner KR, Wang C, Yin Y, Zhao L, Wang Y, Liu Y

The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry.. 2020 December 54 (12):1182-1191. Epub 10/13/2020.

Motivational Interviewing to Address Suicidal Ideation: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Veterans.

Britton PC, Conner KR, Chapman BP, Maisto SA

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2020 February 50 (1):233-248. Epub 08/08/2019.

Profiles of Risk for Suicidal Behavior in Past and Current United States Military Personnel: Latent Profile Analysis of Current Risk Factors.

Allan NP, Holm-Denoma J, Conner KR, Zuromski KL, Saulnier KG, Stecker T

Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research.. 2020 24 (1):1-17. Epub 10/05/2018.

A hospital-based treatment of suicide attempt patients with problematic alcohol use: Rationale and treatment development.

Conner KR, Wiegand TJ, Goldston DB

General hospital psychiatry.. 2020 63 :30-32. Epub 02/05/2019.

A Procedure for Changing a Behavioral Health Treatment During a Trial, with Case Example in Suicide Prevention.

Britton PC, Conner KR, Maisto SA

Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research.. 2020 24 (2):285-300. Epub 07/18/2019.

Suicidal Behavior: Links Between Alcohol Use Disorder and Acute Use of Alcohol.

Conner KR, Bagge CL

Alcohol research : current reviews.. 2019 September 1340 (1)Epub 01/01/2019.

Poisoning Severity Associated with a Range of Medications in Suicide Attempts by Ingestion.

Conner KR, Wiegand TJ, Gorodetsky R, Schult RF, Kaukeinen K

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2019 June 49 (3):635-642. Epub 04/25/2018.

Age Differences in Suicide Risk Screening and Management Prior to Suicide Attempts.

Simons K, Van Orden K, Conner KR, Bagge C

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2019 June 27 (6):604-608. Epub 01/22/2019.

Validation of the Poisoning Severity Score (PSS) in suicidal behavior by self-poisoning.

Conner KR, Wiegand TJ, Gorodetsky R, Schult R, Pizzarello E, Kaukeinen K

Behavioral sciences & the law.. 2019 May 37 (3):240-246. Epub 02/07/2019.

Metaanalysis of Mood and Substance Use Disorders in Proximal Risk for Suicide Deaths.

Conner KR, Bridge JA, Davidson DJ, Pilcher C, Brent DA

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2019 February 49 (1):278-292. Epub 11/28/2017.

Prescription-, Illicit-, and Self-Harm Opioid Overdose Cases Treated in Hospital.

Conner KR, Wiegand TJ, Kaukeinen K, Gorodetsky R, Schult R, Heavey SC

Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs.. 2018 November 79 (6):893-898. Epub 1900 01 01.

An Intervention With Meaning.

Levandowski BA, Cass CM, Miller SN, Kemp JE, Conner KR

Crisis.. 2017 November 38 (6):376-383. Epub 11/21/2016.

Frequency of prescription opioid misuse and suicidal ideation, planning, and attempts.

Ashrafioun L, Bishop TM, Conner KR, Pigeon WR

Journal of psychiatric research.. 2017 September 92 :1-7. Epub 03/19/2017.

Insomnia and suicidal ideation and behaviors in former and current U.S. service members: Does depression mediate the relations?

Allan NP, Conner KR, Pigeon WR, Gros DF, Salami TK, Stecker T

Psychiatry research.. 2017 June 252 :296-302. Epub 03/08/2017.

Reciprocal relationships between substance use and disorders and suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in the Collaborative Study of the Genetics of Alcoholism.

Agrawal A, Tillman R, Grucza RA, Nelson EC, McCutcheon VV, Few L, Conner KR, Lynskey MT, Dick DM, Edenberg HJ, Hesselbrock VM, Kramer JR, Kuperman S, Nurnberger JI, Schuckit MA, Porjesz B, Bucholz KK

Journal of affective disorders.. 2017 April 15213 :96-104. Epub 02/03/2017.

A meta-analysis of acute use of alcohol and the risk of suicide attempt.

Borges G, Bagge CL, Cherpitel CJ, Conner KR, Orozco R, Rossow I

Psychological medicine.. 2017 April 47 (5):949-957. Epub 12/08/2016.

Presence of Alcohol, Cocaine, and Other Drugs in Suicide and Motor Vehicle Crash Decedents Ages 18 to 54.

Conner KR, Lathrop S, Caetano R, Wiegand T, Kaukeinen K, Nolte KB

Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research.. 2017 March 41 (3):571-575. Epub 01/27/2017.

Authors' reply.

Tong Y, Phillips MR, Conner KR

The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science.. 2017 February 210 (2):167-168. Epub 1900 01 01.

DSM-IV Axis II personality disorders and suicide and attempted suicide in China.

Tong Y, Phillips MR, Conner KR

The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science.. 2016 October 209 (4):319-326. Epub 11/19/2015.

Suicide attempts among alcohol-dependent pain patients before and after an inpatient hospitalization.

Ashrafioun L, Kane C, Stephens B, Britton PC, Conner KR

Drug and alcohol dependence.. 2016 June 1163 :209-15. Epub 04/25/2016.

Blood Alcohol Concentrations in Suicide and Motor Vehicle Crash Decedents Ages 18 to 54.

Conner KR, Lathrop S, Caetano R, Silenzio V, Nolte KB

Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research.. 2016 April 40 (4):772-5. Epub 03/01/2016.

Heavy Alcohol Use Among Suicide Decedents: Differences in Risk Across Racial-Ethnic Groups.

Kaplan MS, Huguet N, McFarland BH, Caetano R, Conner KR, Nolte KB, Giesbrecht N

Psychiatric services : a journal of the American Psychiatric Association.. 2016 March 67 (3):258. Epub 01/04/2016.

A test of core psychopathic traits as a moderator of the efficacy of a brief motivational intervention for substance-using offenders.

Swogger MT, Conner KR, Caine ED, Trabold N, Parkhurst MN, Prothero LM, Maisto SA

Journal of consulting and clinical psychology.. 2016 March 84 (3):248-58. Epub 01/04/2016.

Prevalence and correlates of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among veterans in primary care referred for a mental health evaluation.

Ashrafioun L, Pigeon WR, Conner KR, Leong SH, Oslin DW

Journal of affective disorders.. 2016 January 1189 :344-50. Epub 09/28/2015.

Reciprocal relationships between substance use and disorders and suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in the Collaborative Study of the Genetics of Alcoholism.

Agrawal, A; Tillman, R; Grucza, R; Nelson, EC; McCutcheon ,V; Few, L; Conner, KR; Lynskey, MT; Dick, DM; Edenberg, HJ; Hesselbrock, V; Kramer, J; Kuperman, S; Nurnberger Jr, JI; Schuckit, M; Porjesz, B; Bucholz, KK.

Journal of Affective Disorders. 2016; 213: 96-104 doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2016.12.060.

Two Studies of Connectedness to Parents and Suicidal Thoughts and Behavior in Children and Adolescents.

Conner KR, Wyman P, Goldston DB, Bossarte RM, Lu N, Kaukeinen K, Tu XM, Houston RJ, Lamis DA, Chan G, Bucholz KK, Hesselbrock VM

Journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology : the official journal for the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53.. 2016 45 (2):129-40. Epub 10/13/2014.

Health attitudes and suicidal ideation among university students.

Ashrafioun L, Bonar E, Conner KR

Journal of American college health : J of ACH.. 2016 64 (3):256-60. Epub 1900 01 01.

Comorbid depression and alcohol use disorders and prospective risk for suicide attempt in the year following inpatient hospitalization.

Britton PC, Stephens B, Wu J, Kane C, Gallegos A, Ashrafioun L, Tu X, Conner KR

Journal of affective disorders.. 2015 November 15187 :151-5. Epub 08/25/2015.

Improving coordinated responses for victims of intimate partner violence: law enforcement compliance with state-mandated intimate partner violence documentation.

Cerulli C, Edwardsen EA, Hall D, Chan KL, Conner KR

Violence against women.. 2015 July 21 (7):897-907. Epub 04/29/2015.

State of innovation in suicide intervention research with military populations.

Conner KR, Simons K

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2015 June 45 (3):281-92. Epub 10/28/2014.

Alcohol use to facilitate a suicide attempt: an event-based examination.

Bagge CL, Conner KR, Reed L, Dawkins M, Murray K

Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs.. 2015 May 76 (3):474-81. Epub 1900 01 01.

Acute alcohol use among suicide decedents in 14 US states: impacts of off-premise and on-premise alcohol outlet density.

Giesbrecht N, Huguet N, Ogden L, Kaplan MS, McFarland BH, Caetano R, Conner KR, Nolte KB

Addiction.. 2015 February 110 (2):300-7. Epub 11/13/2014.

Impulsive versus premeditated aggression in the prediction of violent criminal recidivism.

Swogger MT, Walsh Z, Christie M, Priddy BM, Conner KR

Aggressive behavior.. 2015 41 (4):346-52. Epub 07/08/2014.

Posttraumatic stress disorder and suicide in 5.9 million individuals receiving care in the veterans health administration health system.

Conner KR, Bossarte RM, He H, Arora J, Lu N, Tu XM, Katz IR

Journal of affective disorders.. 2014 September 166 :1-5. Epub 05/05/2014.

Alcohol and suicidal behavior: what is known and what can be done.

Conner KR, Bagge CL, Goldston DB, Ilgen MA

American journal of preventive medicine.. 2014 September 47 (3 Suppl 2):S204-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Near-term predictors of the intensity of suicidal ideation: an examination of the 24 h prior to a recent suicide attempt.

Bagge CL, Littlefield AK, Conner KR, Schumacher JA, Lee HJ

Journal of affective disorders.. 2014 August 165 :53-8. Epub 04/18/2014.

Use of alcohol before suicide in the United States.

Kaplan MS, Huguet N, McFarland BH, Caetano R, Conner KR, Giesbrecht N, Nolte KB

Annals of epidemiology.. 2014 August 24 (8):588-592.e1-2. Epub 05/23/2014.

Substance-induced depression and independent depression in proximal risk for suicidal behavior.

Conner KR, Gamble SA, Bagge CL, He H, Swogger MT, Watts A, Houston RJ

Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs.. 2014 July 75 (4):567-72. Epub 1900 01 01.

The relationship of outwardly-directed aggression to suicidal ideation and suicide attempts across two high-risk samples.

Swogger MT, Van Orden KA, Conner KR

Psychology of violence.. 2014 April 14 (2):184-195. Epub 1900 01 01.

Reactive and proactive aggression and suicide attempts among criminal offenders.

Swogger MT, Walsh Z, Maisto SA, Conner KR

Criminal justice and behavior.. 2014 March 41 (3):337-344. Epub 1900 01 01.

Acute use of alcohol and methods of suicide in a US national sample.

Conner KR, Huguet N, Caetano R, Giesbrecht N, McFarland BH, Nolte KB, Kaplan MS

American journal of public health.. 2014 January 104 (1):171-8. Epub 05/16/2013.

Parent and child psychopathology and suicide attempts among children of parents with alcohol use disorder.

Conner KR, Bossarte RM, Lu N, Kaukeinen K, Chan G, Wyman P, Tu XM, Goldston DB, Houston RJ, Bucholz KK, Hesselbrock VM

Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research.. 2014 18 (2):117-30. Epub 1900 01 01.

Authors' response to commentary on suicidal ideas and immediate suicide risk.

Britton PC, Ilgen MA, David Rudd M, Conner KR

Psychiatry research.. 2013 October 30209 (3):747. Epub 08/09/2013.

Influences on call outcomes among veteran callers to the National Veterans Crisis Line.

Britton PC, Bossarte RM, Thompson C, Kemp J, Conner KR

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2013 October 43 (5):494-502. Epub 04/24/2013.

Acute alcohol consumption as a contributing factor to suicidal behavior.

Kaplan MS, Giesbrecht N, Caetano R, Conner KR, Huguet N, McFarland BH, Nolte KB

American journal of public health.. 2013 September 103 (9):e2-3. Epub 07/18/2013.

Treatment-seeking barriers for veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts who screen positive for PTSD.

Stecker T, Shiner B, Watts BV, Jones M, Conner KR

Psychiatric services : a journal of the American Psychiatric Association.. 2013 March 164 (3):280-3. Epub 1900 01 01.

Mental disorder comorbidity and suicide among 2.96 million men receiving care in the Veterans Health Administration health system.

Conner KR, Bohnert AS, McCarthy JF, Valenstein M, Bossarte R, Ignacio R, Lu N, Ilgen MA

Journal of abnormal psychology.. 2013 February 122 (1):256-63. Epub 10/22/2012.

Evaluation of a suicide prevention training curriculum for substance abuse treatment providers based on Treatment Improvement Protocol Number 50.

Conner KR, Wood J, Pisani AR, Kemp J

Journal of substance abuse treatment.. 2013 January 44 (1):13-6. Epub 03/13/2012.

Preventing addiction related suicide: a pilot study.

Voss WD, Kaufman E, O'Connor SS, Comtois KA, Conner KR, Ries RK

Journal of substance abuse treatment.. 2013 44 (5):565-9. Epub 02/01/2013.

A pilot study of interpersonal psychotherapy for alcohol-dependent women with co-occurring major depression.

Gamble SA, Talbot NL, Cashman-Brown SM, He H, Poleshuck EL, Connors GJ, Conner KR

Substance abuse.. 2013 34 (3):233-41. Epub 1900 01 01.

Warning signs for suicide within a week of healthcare contact in Veteran decedents.

Britton PC, Ilgen MA, Rudd MD, Conner KR

Psychiatry research.. 2012 December 30200 (2-3):395-9. Epub 07/15/2012.

Mood, anxiety, and substance-use disorders and suicide risk in a military population cohort.

Conner KR, McCarthy MD, Bajorska A, Caine ED, Tu XM, Knox KL

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2012 December 42 (6):699-708. Epub 10/24/2012.

An open trial of motivational interviewing to address suicidal ideation with hospitalized veterans.

Britton PC, Conner KR, Maisto SA

Journal of clinical psychology.. 2012 September 68 (9):961-71. Epub 06/29/2012.

Emotions and suicidal ideation among depressed women with childhood sexual abuse histories.

You S, Talbot NL, He H, Conner KR

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2012 June 42 (3):244-54. Epub 03/12/2012.

Precedence for integration of clinical services in public health initiatives.

Conner KR, Bossarte RM

American journal of public health.. 2012 March 102 Suppl 1 (Suppl 1):S10-1. Epub 1900 01 01.

Differences between veteran suicides with and without psychiatric symptoms.

Britton PC, Ilgen MA, Valenstein M, Knox K, Claassen CA, Conner KR

American journal of public health.. 2012 March 102 Suppl 1 (Suppl 1):S125-30. Epub 01/25/2012.

Patterns of treatment utilization before suicide among male veterans with substance use disorders.

Ilgen MA, Conner KR, Roeder KM, Blow FC, Austin K, Valenstein M

American journal of public health.. 2012 March 102 Suppl 1 (Suppl 1):S88-92. Epub 01/25/2012.

Sleep disturbance preceding suicide among veterans.

Pigeon WR, Britton PC, Ilgen MA, Chapman B, Conner KR

American journal of public health.. 2012 March 102 Suppl 1 (Suppl 1):S93-7. Epub 01/25/2012.

Predicting self- and other-directed violence among discharged psychiatric patients: the roles of anger and psychopathic traits.

Swogger MT, Walsh Z, Homaifar BY, Caine ED, Conner KR

Psychological medicine.. 2012 February 42 (2):371-9. Epub 07/18/2011.

The next generation of psychological autopsy studies: part 2. Interview procedures.

Conner KR, Beautrais AL, Brent DA, Conwell Y, Phillips MR, Schneider B

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2012 February 42 (1):86-103. Epub 01/30/2012.

Stressful life events and suicidal behavior in adults with alcohol use disorders: role of event severity, timing, and type.

Conner KR, Houston RJ, Swogger MT, Conwell Y, You S, He H, Gamble SA, Watts A, Duberstein PR

Drug and alcohol dependence.. 2012 January 1120 (1-3):155-61. Epub 08/10/2011.

A procedure that differentiates unintentional from intentional overdose in opioid abusers.

Britton PC, Bohnert AS, Wines JD, Conner KR

Addictive behaviors.. 2012 January 37 (1):127-30. Epub 09/02/2011.

Case-control study in China of risk factors for suicide in men with alcohol use disorders.

Zhang Y, Conner KR, Phillips MR

Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs.. 2012 January 73 (1):15-20. Epub 1900 01 01.

Childhood abuse and harmful substance use among criminal offenders.

Swogger MT, Conner KR, Walsh Z, Maisto SA

Addictive behaviors.. 2011 December 36 (12):1205-12. Epub 08/03/2011.

The next generation of psychological autopsy studies. Part I. Interview content.

Conner KR, Beautrais AL, Brent DA, Conwell Y, Phillips MR, Schneider B

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2011 December 41 (6):594-613. Epub 11/03/2011.

AT1 receptor antagonism does not influence early radiation-induced changes in microglial activation or neurogenesis in the normal rat brain.

Conner KR, Forbes ME, Lee WH, Lee YW, Riddle D

Radiation research.. 2011 July 176 (1):71-83. Epub 05/05/2011.

Perceived racism, discrimination, and acculturation in suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among black young adults.

Castle K, Conner K, Kaukeinen K, Tu X

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2011 June 41 (3):342-51. Epub 05/02/2011.

Suicidal ideation and attempts among rural Chinese aged 16-34 years--socio-demographic correlates in the context of a transforming China.

Dai J, Chiu HF, Conner KR, Chan SS, Hou ZJ, Yu X, Caine ED

Journal of affective disorders.. 2011 May 130 (3):438-46. Epub 11/23/2010.

Clarifying the relationship between alcohol and depression.

Conner KR

Addiction.. 2011 May 106 (5):915-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Social connections and suicidal thoughts and behavior.

You S, Van Orden KA, Conner KR

Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors.. 2011 March 25 (1):180-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Epidemiology of alcohol use in rural men in two provinces of China.

Zhou L, Conner KR, Caine ED, Xiao S, Xu L, Gong Y, Zhang R, Phillips MR

Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs.. 2011 March 72 (2):333-40. Epub 1900 01 01.

Childhood physical abuse, aggression, and suicide attempts among criminal offenders.

Swogger MT, You S, Cashman-Brown S, Conner KR

Psychiatry research.. 2011 February 28185 (3):363-7. Epub 08/17/2010.

Test of a clinical model of drinking and suicidal risk.

Conner KR, Gunzler D, Tang W, Tu XM, Maisto SA

Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research.. 2011 January 35 (1):60-8. Epub 10/19/2010.

Mental and physical health symptoms of family court intimate partner violence petitioners.

Cerulli C, Gellman RA, Nichols C, Hall D, Conner KR, Caine ED

International journal of law and psychiatry.. 2011 34 (2):94-8. Epub 03/31/2011.

Interpersonal violence victimization and suicidal ideation. An examination in criminal offenders.

You S, Swogger MT, Cerulli C, Conner KR

Crisis.. 2011 32 (5):240-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Violent and nonviolent suicide in veterans with substance-use disorders.

Ilgen MA, Conner KR, Valenstein M, Austin K, Blow FC

Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs.. 2010 July 71 (4):473-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Protection order petitioners' health care utilization.

Cerulli C, Edwardsen EA, Duda J, Conner KR, Caine E

Violence against women.. 2010 June 16 (6):679-90. Epub 1900 01 01.

Health status and suicide in the second half of life.

Conwell Y, Duberstein PR, Hirsch JK, Conner KR, Eberly S, Caine ED

International journal of geriatric psychiatry.. 2010 April 25 (4):371-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Lifetime Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts in Asian Americans.

Cheng JK, Fancher TL, Ratanasen M, Conner KR, Duberstein PR, Sue S, Takeuchi D

Asian American journal of psychology. 2010 March 1 (1):18-30. Epub 1900 01 01.

Non-fatal overdose in the 12 months following treatment for substance use disorders.

Britton PC, Wines JD, Conner KR

Drug and alcohol dependence.. 2010 February 1107 (1):51-5. Epub 10/13/2009.

The association between violence and lifetime suicidal thoughts and behaviors in individuals treated for substance use disorders.

Ilgen MA, Burnette ML, Conner KR, Czyz E, Murray R, Chermack S

Addictive behaviors.. 2010 February 35 (2):111-5. Epub 09/10/2009.

Alcohol use disorders and acute alcohol use preceding suicide in China.

Zhang Y, Conner KR, Phillips MR

Addictive behaviors.. 2010 February 35 (2):152-6. Epub 09/26/2009.

Suicide attempts within 12 months of treatment for substance use disorders.

Britton PC, Conner KR

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2010 February 40 (1):14-21. Epub 1900 01 01.

A psychological autopsy study of pathological gamblers who died by suicide.

Wong PW, Chan WS, Conwell Y, Conner KR, Yip PS

Journal of affective disorders.. 2010 January 120 (1-3):213-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Effects of the AT1 receptor antagonist L-158,809 on microglia and neurogenesis after fractionated whole-brain irradiation.

Conner KR, Payne VS, Forbes ME, Robbins ME, Riddle DR

Radiation research.. 2010 January 173 (1):49-61. Epub 1900 01 01.

Effects of pretreatment and posttreatment depressive symptoms on alcohol consumption following treatment in Project MATCH.

Gamble SA, Conner KR, Talbot NL, Yu Q, Tu XM, Connors GJ

Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs.. 2010 January 71 (1):71-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Reliability of the Life Orientation Test - Revised in treated opiate-dependent patients. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.

Hirsch, JK*; Britton, PC* ; Conner, KR.

2010; : 423-431.

Psychopathy and axis I psychiatric disorders among criminal offenders: relationships to impulsive and proactive aggression.

Swogger MT, Walsh Z, Houston RJ, Cashman-Brown S, Conner KR

Aggressive behavior.. 2010 36 (1):45-53. Epub 1900 01 01.

Validity of proxy-based reports of impulsivity and aggression in Chinese research on suicidal behavior.

An J, Phillips MR, Conner KR

Crisis.. 2010 31 (3):137-42. Epub 1900 01 01.

Gambling and completed suicide in Hong Kong: a review of coroner court files.

Wong PW, Cheung DY, Conner KR, Conwell Y, Yip PS

Primary care companion to the Journal of clinical psychiatry.. 2010 12 (6)Epub 1900 01 01.

Stressful life events and depressive symptoms: influences of gender, event severity, and depression history.

You S, Conner KR

The Journal of nervous and mental disease.. 2009 November 197 (11):829-33. Epub 1900 01 01.

Epidemiology of alcohol abuse and dependence in rural chinese men.

Zhou L, Conner KR, Phillips MR, Caine ED, Xiao S, Zhang R, Gong Y

Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research.. 2009 October 33 (10):1770-6. Epub 07/01/2009.

Meta-analysis of depression and substance use among individuals with alcohol use disorders.

Conner KR, Pinquart M, Gamble SA

Journal of substance abuse treatment.. 2009 September 37 (2):127-37. Epub 01/15/2009.

Intimate partner violence and functional health status: associations with severity, danger, and self-advocacy behaviors.

Straus H, Cerulli C, McNutt LA, Rhodes KV, Conner KR, Kemball RS, Kaslow NJ, Houry D

Journal of women's health.. 2009 May 18 (5):625-31. Epub 1900 01 01.

Dimensions of psychopathy in relation to suicidal and self-injurious behavior.

Swogger MT, Conner KR, Meldrum SC, Caine ED

Journal of personality disorders. 2009 April 23 (2):201-10. Epub 1900 01 01.

Reliability of the Lifetime Inventory of Drug Use Consequences (INDUC) in methadone maintenance patients.

Conner KR, Ross ME, Baciewicz G, Sworts LM, Meldrum SC

Journal of psychoactive drugs.. 2009 March 41 (1):93-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

A test of the reactive aggression-suicidal behavior hypothesis: is there a case for proactive aggression?

Conner KR, Swogger MT, Houston RJ

Journal of abnormal psychology.. 2009 February 118 (1):235-40. Epub 1900 01 01.

Do gender differences in the role of dysfunctional attitudes in depressive symptoms depend on depression history?

You S, Merritt RD, Conner KR

Personality and individual differences.. 2009 January 46 (2):218-223. Epub 1900 01 01.

Meta-analysis of depression and substance use and impairment among cocaine users.

Conner KR, Pinquart M, Holbrook AP

Drug and alcohol dependence.. 2008 November 198 (1-2):13-23. Epub 06/27/2008.

Sex differences in correlates of suicide attempt lethality in late life.

Dombrovski AY, Szanto K, Duberstein P, Conner KR, Houck PR, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2008 November 16 (11):905-13. Epub 1900 01 01.

Reasons for living, hopelessness, and suicide ideation among depressed adults 50 years or older.

Britton PC, Duberstein PR, Conner KR, Heisel MJ, Hirsch JK, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2008 September 16 (9):736-41. Epub 1900 01 01.

Meta-analysis of depression and substance use and impairment among intravenous drug users (IDUs).

Conner KR, Pinquart M, Duberstein PR

Addiction.. 2008 April 103 (4):524-34. Epub 02/04/2008.

Self-determination theory, motivational interviewing, and the treatment of clients with acute suicidal ideation.

Britton PC, Williams GC, Conner KR

Journal of clinical psychology.. 2008 January 64 (1):52-66. Epub 1900 01 01.

Psychiatric risk factors for suicide in the alcohol dependent patient.

Conner, KR; McCluskey, MS; Duberstein, PR.

Psychiatric Annals. 2008; : 742-748.

Predictors of low-intent and high-intent suicide attempts in rural China.

Conner KR, Phillips MR, Meldrum SC

American journal of public health.. 2007 October 97 (10):1842-6. Epub 03/29/2007.

Transitions to, and correlates of, suicidal ideation, plans, and unplanned and planned suicide attempts among 3,729 men and women with alcohol dependence.

Conner KR, Hesselbrock VM, Meldrum SC, Schuckit MA, Bucholz KK, Gamble SA, Wines JD, Kramer J

Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs.. 2007 September 68 (5):654-62. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide attempts among individuals with opiate dependence: the critical role of belonging.

Conner KR, Britton PC, Sworts LM, Joiner TE

Addictive behaviors.. 2007 July 32 (7):1395-404. Epub 11/13/2006.

Reliability of the UCLA Loneliness Scale in opiate dependent individuals.

Britton PC, Conner KR

Journal of personality assessment.. 2007 June 88 (3):368-71. Epub 1900 01 01.

Reliability of the Impulsive-Premeditated Aggression Scale (IPAS) in treated opiate-dependent individuals.

Conner KR, Houston RJ, Sworts LM, Meldrum S

Addictive behaviors.. 2007 March 32 (3):655-9. Epub 07/17/2006.

Assessing depressive symptoms in persons who die of suicide in mainland China.

Phillips MR, Shen Q, Liu X, Pritzker S, Streiner D, Conner K, Yang G

Journal of affective disorders.. 2007 February 98 (1-2):73-82. Epub 09/01/2006.

Personality differences in attempted suicide versus suicide in adults 50 years of age or older.

Useda JD, Duberstein PR, Conner KR, Beckman A, Franus N, Tu X, Conwell Y

Journal of consulting and clinical psychology.. 2007 February 75 (1):126-33. Epub 1900 01 01.

Planning of suicide attempts among depressed inpatients ages 50 and over.

Conner KR, Duberstein PR, Beckman A, Heisel MJ, Hirsch JK, Gamble S, Conwell Y

Journal of affective disorders.. 2007 January 97 (1-3):123-8. Epub 07/10/2006.

Rates of suicide among males increase steadily from age 11 to 21: Developmental framework and outline for prevention.

Conner, KR; Goldston, DB.

Aggression and Violent Behavior. 2007; : 193-207.

Future orientation moderates the relationship between functional status and suicide ideation in depressed adults.

Hirsch JK, Duberstein PR, Conner KR, Heisel MJ, Beckman A, Franus N, Conwell Y

Depression and anxiety.. 2007 24 (3):196-201. Epub 1900 01 01.

Optimism and suicide ideation among young adult college students.

Hirsch JK, Conner KR, Duberstein PR

Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research.. 2007 11 (2):177-85. Epub 1900 01 01.

Concordance about childhood sexual abuse among depressed patients 50 and over and their family and friends.

Gamble SA, Talbot NL, Conner KR, Tu X, Franus N, Beckman AM, Ma Y, Duberstein PR

Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research.. 2007 11 (4):321-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Dispositional and explanatory style optimism as potential moderators of the relationship between hopelessness and suicidal ideation.

Hirsch JK, Conner KR

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2006 December 36 (6):661-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Future orientation and suicide ideation and attempts in depressed adults ages 50 and over.

Hirsch JK, Duberstein PR, Conner KR, Heisel MJ, Beckman A, Franus N, Conwell Y

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2006 September 14 (9):752-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Childhood sexual abuse and depressive symptom severity: the role of neuroticism.

Gamble SA, Talbot NL, Duberstein PR, Conner KR, Franus N, Beckman AM, Conwell Y

The Journal of nervous and mental disease.. 2006 May 194 (5):382-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Personality and reports of suicide ideation among depressed adults 50 years of age or older.

Heisel MJ, Duberstein PR, Conner KR, Franus N, Beckman A, Conwell Y

Journal of affective disorders.. 2006 February 90 (2-3):175-80. Epub 12/27/2005.

Precontemplated and impulsive suicide attempts among individuals with alcohol dependence.

Conner KR, Hesselbrock VM, Schuckit MA, Hirsch JK, Knox KL, Meldrum S, Bucholz KK, Kramer J, Kuperman S, Preuss U, Soyka M

Journal of studies on alcohol. 2006 January 67 (1):95-101. Epub 1900 01 01.

Low-planned suicides in China.

Conner KR, Phillips MR, Meldrum S, Knox KL, Zhang Y, Yang G

Psychological medicine.. 2005 August 35 (8):1197-204. Epub 1900 01 01.

Initial depression and subsequent drinking during alcoholism treatment.

Conner KR, Sorensen S, Leonard KE

Journal of studies on alcohol. 2005 May 66 (3):401-6. Epub 1900 01 01.

Association of alcohol and drug use disorders and completed suicide: an empirical review of cohort studies.

Wilcox HC, Conner KR, Caine ED

Drug and alcohol dependence.. 2004 December 776 Suppl :S11-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Overview of workshop on drug abuse and suicidal behavior.

Erinoff L, Anthony JC, Brown GK, Caine ED, Conner KR, Dougherty DM, Glowinski AL, Goldston DB, Linehan MM, Mann JJ, Miczek KA, Price RK, Ries RK, Roy A, Sher KJ, Tarter RE, Thompson EA, Wilcox HD, Wines JD, Yen S

Drug and alcohol dependence.. 2004 December 776 Suppl :S3-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Poor social integration and suicide: fact or artifact? A case-control study.

Duberstein PR, Conwell Y, Conner KR, Eberly S, Evinger JS, Caine ED

Psychological medicine.. 2004 October 34 (7):1331-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

NEO-PI-R neuroticism scores in substance-dependent outpatients: internal consistency and self-partner agreement.

Conner KR, Zhong Y, Duberstein PR

Journal of personality assessment.. 2004 August 83 (1):75-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Alcohol and suicidal behavior: overview of a research workshop.

Conner KR, Chiapella P

Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research.. 2004 May 28 (5 Suppl):2S-5S. Epub 1900 01 01.

Predisposing and precipitating factors for suicide among alcoholics: empirical review and conceptual integration.

Conner KR, Duberstein PR

Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research.. 2004 May 28 (5 Suppl):6S-17S. Epub 1900 01 01.

Risk factors for suicide in blacks and whites: an analysis of data from the 1993 National Mortality Followback Survey.

Castle K, Duberstein PR, Meldrum S, Conner KR, Conwell Y

The American journal of psychiatry.. 2004 March 161 (3):452-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Suicide at 50 years of age and older: perceived physical illness, family discord and financial strain.

Duberstein PR, Conwell Y, Conner KR, Eberly S, Caine ED

Psychological medicine.. 2004 January 34 (1):137-46. Epub 1900 01 01.

Aggression in suicide among adults age 50 and over.

Conner KR, Conwell Y, Duberstein PR, Eberly S

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2004 12 (1):37-42. Epub 1900 01 01.

A call for research on planned vs. unplanned suicidal behavior.

Conner KR

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2004 34 (2):89-98. Epub 1900 01 01.

Personality and attempted suicide in depressed adults 50 years of age and older: a facet level analysis.

Useda JD, Duberstein PR, Conner KR, Conwell Y

Comprehensive psychiatry.. 2004 45 (5):353-61. Epub 1900 01 01.

The association of irritability and impulsivity with suicidal ideation among 15- to 20-year-old males.

Conner KR, Meldrum S, Wieczorek WF, Duberstein PR, Welte JW

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2004 34 (4):363-73. Epub 1900 01 01.

State firearm laws and rates of suicide in men and women.

Conner KR, Zhong Y

American journal of preventive medicine.. 2003 November 25 (4):320-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

Injury hospitalization and risks for subsequent self-injury and suicide: a national study from New Zealand.

Conner KR, Langley J, Tomaszewski KJ, Conwell Y

American journal of public health.. 2003 July 93 (7):1128-31. Epub 1900 01 01.

Moderators of the relationship between alcohol dependence and suicide and medically serious suicide attempts: analyses of Canterbury Suicide Project data.

Conner KR, Beautrais AL, Conwell Y

Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research.. 2003 July 27 (7):1156-61. Epub 1900 01 01.

Risk factors for suicide and medically serious suicide attempts among alcoholics: analyses of Canterbury Suicide Project data.

Conner KR, Beautrais AL, Conwell Y

Journal of studies on alcohol. 2003 July 64 (4):551-4. Epub 1900 01 01.

The role of drinking in suicidal ideation: analyses of Project MATCH data.

Conner KR, Li Y, Meldrum S, Duberstein PR, Conwell Y

Journal of studies on alcohol. 2003 May 64 (3):402-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

Reactive aggression and suicide: Theory and evidence.

Conner, KR; Duberstein, PR; Conwell, Y; Caine, ED.

Aggression and Violent Behavior. 2003; : 413-432.

Threatened and attempted suicide by partner-violent male respondents petitioned to family violence court.

Conner KR, Cerulli C, Caine ED

Violence and victims.. 2002 April 17 (2):115-25. Epub 1900 01 01.

Access to firearms and risk for suicide in middle-aged and older adults.

Conwell Y, Duberstein PR, Connor K, Eberly S, Cox C, Caine ED

The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.. 2002 10 (4):407-16. Epub 1900 01 01.

The association between suicidal ideation and childhood and adult victimization.

Nilsen W, Conner KR

Journal of child sexual abuse.. 2002 11 (3):49-62. Epub 1900 01 01.

Violence, alcohol, and completed suicide: a case-control study.

Conner KR, Cox C, Duberstein PR, Tian L, Nisbet PA, Conwell Y

The American journal of psychiatry.. 2001 October 158 (10):1701-5. Epub 1900 01 01.

Personality correlates of hopelessness in depressed inpatients 50 years of age and older.

Duberstein PR, Conner KR, Conwell Y, Cox C

Journal of personality assessment.. 2001 October 77 (2):380-90. Epub 1900 01 01.

The validity of proxy-based data in suicide research: a study of patients 50 years of age and older who attempted suicide. I. Psychiatric diagnoses.

Conner KR, Duberstein PR, Conwell Y

Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica.. 2001 September 104 (3):204-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Psychological vulnerability to completed suicide: a review of empirical studies.

Conner KR, Duberstein PR, Conwell Y, Seidlitz L, Caine ED

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2001 31 (4):367-85. Epub 1900 01 01.

After the drinking stops: completed suicide in individuals with remitted alcohol use disorders.

Conner KR, Duberstein PR, Conwell Y, Herrmann JH, Cox C, Barrington DS, Caine ED

Journal of psychoactive drugs.. 2000 32 (3):333-7. Epub 1900 01 01.

Domestic violence, separation, and suicide in young men with early onset alcoholism: reanalyses of Murphy's data.

Conner KR, Duberstein PR, Conwell Y

Suicide & life-threatening behavior.. 2000 30 (4):354-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Age-related patterns of factors associated with completed suicide in men with alcohol dependence.

Conner KR, Duberstein PR, Conwell Y

The American journal on addictions. 1999 8 (4):312-8. Epub 1900 01 01.

The role of multifamily therapy in promoting retention in treatment of alcohol and cocaine dependence.

Conner KR, Shea RR, McDermott MP, Grolling R, Tocco RV, Baciewicz G

The American journal on addictions. 1998 7 (1):61-73. Epub 1900 01 01.

Educational lectures and films in the clinical treatment of alcoholism: a critique.

Conner KR, Gunther MW

Substance use & misuse.. 1996 July 31 (9):1117-29. Epub 1900 01 01.

The development of a partial hospitalization program for mentally ill chemically abusing (MICA) patients.

Conner KR, Silverstein SM, Melnyk KA, Maxey JT

Journal of substance abuse treatment.. 1995 12 (5):311-8. Epub 1900 01 01.


The international handbook of suicide prevention (2016)

Chapter: Substance use disorders and suicidal behavior: A conceptual model.

Authors: Conner, KR; Ilgen, MA

Publisher: Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ 2016

The international handbook of suicide prevention: research, policy and practice. (2009)

Authors: Conner KR; Ilgen MA (in press). In, R O'Connor; S Platt; J Gordon (Eds.),

Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell:, Oxford 2009

Embitterment in suicide and homicide-suicide (2009)

Authors: Conner KR; Weisman RL

Publisher: M. Linden, A. Maercker (Eds.) 2009

Sampling strategies for addiction research (2009)

Chapter: Research methods in the alcohol and drug sector

Authors: Kakinami L.; Conner KR

Publisher: Blackwell, Boston 2009