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Laser Vision Correction (LASIK and PRK)

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What is Laser Vision Correction?

Laser vision correction is a safe and reliable surgical procedure to reduce a person’s dependence on glasses or contact lenses. It can fix significant amounts of nearsightedness (myopia) farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism, offering a high chance of 20/20 uncorrected vision. Candidates for laser vision must be over 18, and their prescription for glasses or contacts should be stable.

The two most common procedures are LASIK and PRK. Both methods use a laser to gently reshape the main focusing lens of the eye, called the cornea.

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By the Numbers


Our Patients Achieve 20/20 or Better Vision 99.3% of the Time

UR Medicine's Approach

Suitability for laser vision correction is based on a careful examination of the eyes. Our patient evaluation process is one of the most thorough and comprehensive in the world. Patients receive more than 27 separate tests to learn if laser correction is safe for them. This attention to detail ensures that patients achieve the best results.

Reasons someone might not qualify for laser vision correction might include:

  • Certain autoimmune diseases
  • Thin corneas
  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Thinning of the cornea (keratoconus)
  • Severe dry eye

Surgery takes place at our clinic on an outpatient basis. The complete procedure—from check-in to check-out—takes about one hour, but the actual procedure time is short. Recovery time varies.

Usually, LASIK patients can return to normal activities within a day, while PRK patients may need a few days. LASIK patients notice an immediate improvement, with many seeing close to 20/20 the day after their procedure. Vision after PRK also improves quickly, and both procedures provide outstanding results within a short period of time. Complication rates are minimal, and our complication rates are well below national averages.

Video: This is a typical LASIK procedure performed by Dr. Scott MacRae at the Flaum Eye Institute.

What Sets Us Apart?

Our Surgeons

Our Medical and Surgical Director, Dr. Scott MacRae, is a world leader in the development and practice of laser vision correction technology. He has earned numerous awards, including the LANS award and the Barraquer Award—the highest recognition in the field. Fewer than 40 people in the world have received it.

Dr. MacRae has also received numerous patents for technology that he helped develop, and he continues to lead the way in making laser vision correction safer and more reliable than ever. He has been named one of the top 50 opinion leaders by Cataract and Refractive Surgery Today.


Because of our dedication to precision and our continual pursuit of improvements to technology, our outcomes are among the best in the world. As verified through peer-reviewed meeting abstracts of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons, and the European Society of Refractive Surgeons, our patients achieve 20/20 or better vision 99.3% of the time.

Personalized Treatment

While many providers offer a “one size fits all” approach to laser vision correction, Flaum Eye Institute customizes every procedure to best fit each individual—sometimes using multiple laser platforms for the same patient. We do this to get the best possible outcomes and to ensure patient safety.


We have the largest collection of testing and treatment technology of any provider in the Rochester metropolitan area and surrounding region. This allows us to determine if you’re a good candidate for LASIK, so that you can avoid any uncertainty you might feel in less capable hands.

We use this technology to double-check, triple-check or even quadruple-check your eyes and vision before recommending a treatment plan. From here, we use three laser platforms, mixing and matching them to give you the clearest vision and best results.

Exclusive Software

As a technology development center, we developed the Rochester Nomogram. A nomogram is a complex formula that enhances vision correction by combining multiple variables that will affect how you see.

Our technology was patented, licensed to Bausch + Lomb, and is now used worldwide. It remains a gold standard for customized laser vision correction. Since then, we’ve improved this formula. But we have not licensed it. The ROCHESTER NOMOGRAM II is exclusively available at UR Medicine.


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We serve you in the Rochester metropolitan area and surrounding region.

1 location

Flaum Eye Institute - LASIK & Advanced Vision Correction - Brighton

Meridian Centre
100 Meridian Centre Boulevard, Suite 125
Rochester, NY 14618

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