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The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

This time of year has different meanings for everyone and is generally a time to connect with family and friends to celebrate shared beliefs and values. However, holidays can also be a time of increased stress, financial struggles, unmet expectations and challenging family interactions. Most of us have a few skills to help alleviate holiday stress, but do you know when and how to use them? Check out Behavioral Health Partners’ November blog post for a list of skills you may want to use this holiday season.

Does Body Image Affect Your Work?

Does Body Image Affect Your Work?

How an individual perceives his or her body, also known as body image, can have a major impact on overall well-being and work performance. We offer four practical ways to help improve your body image.

Emotional First Aid

Emotional First Aid

Do you have a first aid kit? If so, what’s inside? Probably some bandages, antibacterial ointment, gauze pads, and alcohol wipes—items that will patch up your body and get you back to what you were doing. But what do you do to heal an emotional wound? Check out Behavioral Health Partners’ September blog post for some tools to add to your Emotional First Aid kit. Behavioral Health Partners is brought to you by Well-U, offering eligible individuals mental health services for stress, anxiety and depression.

Sleep - Just How Important Is It?

Sleep - Just How Important Is It?

Do you suffer from insomnia? Improved sleep hygiene habits can positively impact the quantity and quality of sleep. We offer several suggestions that may help you.

Therapy: 101

Therapy: 101

Each of us experiences stress, depression, and anxiety in different ways. For individuals starting therapy, a therapist needs to thoroughly review their history, needs, and goals before determining an optimal treatment model, a few of which are introduced in this blog post.