Tribute/Memorial Giving
Memorial gifts are a lasting remembrance of a special person who you wish to honor. Honoring a person’s memory is a meaningful way to celebrate their life.
Tribute Gifts are another way to honor someone special. At times, our donors choose to make charitable donations in honor of significant occasions, such as:
- Birthdays
- Graduations
- Weddings
- Anniversaries
- Birth of a child
- Speedy recovery
- Bar and Bat mitzvahs
- Other special occasions or accomplishments
When you make a Tribute Gift or Memorial Gift, a special card from the Golisano Children’s Hospital will be sent to the person(s) you wish to honor or remember. The card will indicate that you have remembered them in this special way and will not mention the amount of your gift. A separate receipt will be sent you.
Tribute and Memorial Gifts allow you to celebrate milestones or honor the memory of a loved one in an extraordinary way by making the care for children tomorrow better than it is today.