The IDD Research Center at the University of Rochester maintains four scientific cores, one administrative core, one primary project, and several pilot projects.
To support our ongoing funding, UR-IDDRC members are expected to cite the grant in all publications and grant submissions that result from work supported by one or more of the Scientific Core facilities.
This publication (or project) was supported by P50 HD103536 provided by the DHHS/PHS/NIH. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the Funder. a, b
"My Bibliography" on PubMed/NCBI.
b Publications must be compliant with the NIH Public Access Policy.

Human Clinical Phenotyping and Recruitment
The Human Phenotyping and Recruitment (HPR) Core provides investigators with access to high quality phenotyping and clinical assessment services, along with resources for research design consultation, subject recruitment, and investigator training.

Translational Neuroimaging and Neurophysiology
The Translational Neuroimaging and Neurophysiology (TNN) Core provides UR-IDDRC investigators with priority access to fully modernized high-quality multimodality human and small animal neuroimaging and neurophysiological recording facilities.

Cell and Molecular Imaging
The Cell and Molecular Imaging Core (CMI) Core provides IDDRC members with access to advanced imaging, analysis, and viral vector-based transduction methods to support in vitro and in vivo study of phenomena at the subcellular, cellular, tissue, and whole animal scale.

Animal Behavior & Neurophysiology
The Animal Behavior and Neurophysiology (ABN) core is a collaborative facility administered by the Environmental Health Sciences Center in the Department of Environmental Medicine and the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center.