Program for Translational Brain Mapping
Our mission is to apply the latest innovations in personalized brain mapping to ensure the best outcome for our patients and to advance the scientific study of the human brain.
In the News
Many Voices, Many Visions
Routine Hits From Playing Football Cause Damage to the Brain
Understanding Vision Recovery After Stroke
Preserving Dan's Music Abilities
Learn about Dan, a musician and music teacher, who went through our the Translational Brain Mapping Program to remove his tumor while preserving his music abilities.
- URMC: A patient plays his saxophone during brain surgery
- NPR Health: This music teacher played his saxophone while in brain surgery
- Democrat and Chronicle: Still on operating table, patient plays sax to show surgery was success
- People Magazine: Music teacher played his sax during brain surgery after surgeons save his music function
- Facebook Seeker: This music teacher is undergoing brain surgery while playing the saxophone
- NBC Health News: Musician plays sax during brain tumor surgery
- New Atlas: Mid-surgery sax solo sounds success for retaining musical ability
Predicting Vision Recovery After Brain Tumor Removal
Understanding vision's recovery process could have implications for many different injuries of the central nervous system.
Greece Native Earns PhD
Greece Native earns PhD in neuroscience 12 years after a stroke and life saving neurosurgery.
Resident and Former SMD Student Wins Cadbury Award
Neurosurgery Resident and Former SMD Student David Paul (M.D. ’16) Wins National Cadbury Award for Academic and Volunteer Achievements.
- People Magazine: Music teacher played his sax during brain surgery after surgeons save his music function
- Facebook Seeker: This music teacher is undergoing brain surgery while playing the saxophone
- NBC Health News: Musician plays sax during brain tumor surgery
- New Atlas: Mid-surgery sax solo sounds success for retaining musical ability
- URMC: New imaging technique helps predict how vision recovers after brain tumor removal
- Futurity: Images show how brain heals itself after tumor

Greyson's Story
Greyson, a 9 year old boy who underwent
brain mapping surgery for a brain tumor in 2020.

Greyson Throws out the First Pitch
Greyson throws out the first pitch 2 years after
his successful surgery to remove a brain tumor.

Dan's Story
Dan, a musician and music teacher, went through our program for personalized music mapping.

Grey for Greyson Sweatshirt
(A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the brain mapping program)