Strong Kids

Take a Look Inside Our Future Hospital Building

Feb. 19, 2014

In preparation for Thursday and Friday’s Drive for Miracles Radiothon broadcast, members of the Rochester Clear Channel Radio team had the opportunity to take a look inside some of the areas of the future Golisano Children’s Hospital building.

After learning more details about the NICU and general care rooms while standing in the two mock up rooms, the crew was off to the main construction site, hard hats and safety gear in hand. Members of the planning and building team from the University of Rochester and LeChase Construction took the group through what will soon be the main lobby and up several floors into the children’s hospital.

The space for the future Ronald McDonald House Hospitality Suite and the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) floor were two of the main areas that were explored. The suite  will allow families to find respite during their stay, giving them a place to cook, do laundry, and bond with one another during a difficult time. Near the suite will be a resource library, where guardians and visitors can learn more about the illness or injury their loved ones have.

Close to 1,200 premature newborns are annually admitted to the NICU. Being able to stand in what will house 44 NICU rooms was remarkable. Just seeing the framework of the different rooms showed how much space and privacy families will be provided when staying with their babies.

To make a gift toward the future Golisano Children’s Hospital, please visit or call Advancement at (585) 273-5948.