ABVI Honors Flaum Eye Institute Leader for Dedication to Community
UR Medicine Flaum Eye Institute Director Steven Feldon, M.D., M.B.A., will be honored by the Association for Blind and Visually Impaired during its 2016 Visionary Gala: Sea Great Things Saturday, April 9.
“Dr. Steven Feldon’s support of, and interest in, the work of ABVI are truly distinguished and genuinely appreciated,” said Gidget Hopf, ABVI’s president and CEO. “His passion for ABVI’s work led him to become a board member. While on the board, he helped develop and grow our person-centered programs and services. It is for these reasons we honor Dr. Feldon this year.”
A neuro-ophthalmologist and orbital surgeon, Feldon joined University of Rochester Medical Center in 2001 as chair of the Department of Ophthalmology, and is founding director of the growing David and Ilene Flaum Eye Institute.
He has overseen the growth of his department from a faculty of five clinicians and three basic scientists to its current complement of 23 clinicians and eight basic scientists. Over the last decade, the number of National Institutes of Health grants has risen to 10 and there are now has four clinical care locations in Rochester and Geneva.
“I am very pleased to receive this honor from ABVI-Goodwill of the Finger Lakes,” Feldon said. “I was privileged to serve for nine years on the Board, during which time ABVI made tremendous strides in empowering those with visual challenges through rehabilitation, community service, and job creation. The organization is well-served by the tireless, enlightened leadership of Gidget Hopf, her board of directors, and dedicated staff.
“The Flaum Eye Institute has partnered with ABVI to provide eye care for the underserved, vision screenings and research in visual rehabilitation. We work together to support people who undergo intraocular telescope implantation for management of vision loss due to macular degeneration. We live in a wonderful community enhanced tremendously by agencies such as ABVI-Goodwill.”