“Drive for Miracles” Radiothon Takes Another Spin
Community members are encouraged to tune-in Feb. 14 and 15 to the “Drive for Miracles” Radiothon on 100.5 The Drive, WHAM 1180, and 13WHAM-TV. Audiences will hear stories of hope and healing from patients and families who have spent time at Golisano Children’s Hospital at the University of Rochester Medical Center, the region’s only children’s hospital. Sure to tug at the heart strings, the Children’s Miracle Network Hospital’s (CMNH) event will be broadcast live by both radio stations from Strong Memorial Hospital’s lobby from 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. 13WHAM-TV will also be participating in a special live feature on Valentine’s Day, during their newscasts throughout the day.
While 100.5 The Drive has been a partner of The Drive for Miracles Radiothon for several years, both WHAM 1180 and 13WHAM-TV will provide new outlets for support this year.
Viewers will see volunteers from area businesses and community organizations operating phones and taking pledges, patients and family members sharing accounts of trial and triumph, and more.
100.5 The Drive emcee J.P. Hastings shares a personal connection with radiothon. At only 36 hours old, J.P.’s son suffered a stroke. Due to the early injury to his brain, he, periodically, experiences severe seizures. While staying at Golisano Children’s Hospital, J.P. and his wife have seen how donations can influence, and improve, care.
“I am incredibly fortunate that the station I work for hosts Drive for Miracles because it’s a way I get to give something back to the staff, nurses and doctors who have helped my son,” J.P. said. “I know personally what happens there and I would broadcast the entire week from the lobby if they would let me.”
Pledges can be made by dialing (585) 241-KIDS (5437), a special number only in operation
during Radiothon hours. Patient families can also call this number to share their story on the air.
In 2011, the generous Rochester community helped raise nearly $80,000, adding to the event’s 11 years of success.
In addition to call-ins, donations can also be made online at www.givetokids.urmc.edu/radiothon.
Children's Miracle Network Hospitals is an international non-profit organization dedicated to helping children by raising funds and awareness for 170 children's hospitals throughout North America, including Golisano Children’s Hospital. Each year, these non-profit hospitals treat more than 17 million children afflicted with disease, injuries, and birth defects of every kind.
For more information about Radiothon, please contact Betsy Findlay, director of special events and CMNH at URMC advancement, at (585) 273-5933.