Golisano Chief Named President of Child Neurology Society
URMC's chair of pediatrics, neuroblastoma expert takes on national role

Golisano Children's Hospital's pediatrician-in-chief has been elected president of the nation's largest organization of child neurologists.
Nina F. Schor, M.D., Ph.D., William H. Eilinger chair of Pediatrics at the University of Rochester Medical Center, was voted into the presidency of this organization by fellow pediatric neurologists from around the world and will assume the position of President-elect following the annual meeting of the Child Neurology Society in November.
The Child Neurology Society is a non-profit professional association of 1,300 pediatric neurologists in the United States, Canada, and worldwide who are devoted to fostering the discipline of child neurology and promoting the optimal care and welfare of children with neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders. These disorders include epilepsy, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, learning disabilities, complex metabolic diseases, nerve and muscle diseases and a host of other highly challenging conditions.
“This position represents an enormous opportunity to champion internationally the cause of children and families with neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders and to enhance the ability of the health care community to meet their needs,” Schor said. “It will grant me the honor of facilitating education and communication on behalf of these children, families, and health care professionals.”
In addition to performing the dual roles of the seventh chair of Pediatrics at the University of Rochester and the pediatrician-in-chief of the Golisano Children's Hospital, Schor is a child neurologist and holds appointments in URMC's Departments of Neurology and Neurobiology & Anatomy. Before coming to Rochester, she held the Carol Ann Craumer Endowed Chair for Pediatric Research at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and was chief of the Division of Child Neurology, director of the Pediatric Center for Neuroscience, and associate dean for Medical Student Research at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
Schor trained in Pediatrics and Neurology at Boston Children’s Hospital of Harvard University. She received her M.D. from Cornell University Medical School and her Ph.D in Medical Biochemistry from the Rockefeller University.
Schor is nationally recognized for her research on neuroblastoma (the most common tumor of the nervous system in children) and the role of oxygen radical damage in degenerative disease of the nervous system. She has spent the past two decades pursuing potential treatments for neuroblastoma, a frequently fatal cancer of childhood that grows from immature nerve cells.