Patient and Family Resources
Patient and Family Resources
- Society for Pediatric Dermatology (SPD) | Patient Handouts—The Society for Pediatric Dermatology (SPD) is the national reference society for pediatric dermatology in the United States and one of the most prestigious pediatric dermatology societies worldwide. These patient/parent handouts are comprehensive, easy to read, with practical information on various topics. Many topics are available in other languages as well.
International Society for Pediatric Dermatology (ISPD)—The ISPD Instagram page aims to spread education on childhood skin, hair, and nail conditions to patients, parents, and providers around the world. The information is provided through infographic in 6 different languages. Pro-tips on skin care are shared by international leaders and experts in pediatric dermatology. Also see the ISPD Instagram page: @pedsdermworld
- American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)—The AAD is the largest, strongest and most prestigious dermatological organization in the world and serves as a unifying organization for all of dermatology. Their site is a very comprehensive, easy-to-read site that provides great information on various skin conditions. Includes dermatologist profiles, information on free skin cancer screening clinics, as well as a medical web guide. This site also includes a special page designed just for kids to teach them about dermatology and the importance of protecting their skin.
- Public and Patients—A subsidiary of the American Academy of Dermatology, this site provides patients and practitioners with up-to-date information on various skin conditions. Provides links to other sites for teens, adolescents, and adults ranging from acne to psoriasis.
- Dermatology Internet Service (DermIS)—This site offers a search option to look up any possible skin condition that an individual may be afflicted with. Features over 4,500 images of skin conditions on line and over 2000 pediatric images. Also has in-depth information on neurodermitis, rosacea, eczema, and skin cancer.
- Psoriasis—This site gives an in-depth overview of psoriasis, facts about the disease, treatments and on-going research. The site also offers the option of joining the National Psoriasis Foundation, for both those afflicted with the disease and healthcare providers. Medical professionals can also obtain information, literature, and treatment options specifically designed for their use.