Funding Opportunities
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$37 million
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The Ernest J. Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience Pilot Program for 2025
The Ernest J. Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience (Del Monte) is pleased to announce the availability of up to 12 pilot project awards (maximum budget of $50,000 per award) to support novel basic, clinical and translational projects in the neurosciences. These awards will be supported under five programs for 2025 and are open to all faculty members across both the Medical School and the Undergraduate Campus. Funds available for this year’s program are over $600,000.
Del Monte supports the following programs:
The Schmitt Program in Integrative Neuroscience
The Schmitt Program in Integrative Neuroscience (SPIN) supports pilot and feasibility awards (up to $50,000 per award) for basic science and translational projects that advance our understanding of both normal and abnormal brain functioning (up to 5 awards available).
Ernest J. Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience Research Pilot and Feasibility Program
The Ernest J. Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience Research Pilot and Feasibility Program supports pilot and feasibility awards (up to $50,000 per award) for basic science and translational and clinical projects that advance our understanding of both normal and abnormal brain functioning up to 3 awards available).
Harry T. Mangurian Jr. Foundation
The Harry T. Mangurian Jr. Foundation (MF) offers pilot and feasibility awards (up to $50,000 per award) for basic, clinical and translational projects that specifically support research on autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (1 award available).
Feinberg Research Fund
The Feinberg Research Fund support pilot and feasibility awards (up to $50,000 per award) for basic science and translational and clinical projects that advance our understanding of both normal and abnormal brain functioning (1 award).
Golisano Intellectual and Developmental Disability Fund
Golisano Intellectual and Developmental Disability Fund supports pilot and feasibility awards (up to $50,000 per award) for clinical, translational, community and basic science projects that advance our understanding of research on Intellectual and Developmental Disability Disorders. (up to 2 awards available).
For more information on the above awards, download the RFA.
Del Monte Pilot Funding
The programs support research in the neurosciences. Applications may request up to $50,000 (funds depend on the specific program). Principal investigators must be faculty members (with or without tenure) within the neuroscience community at the University of Rochester. PIs must also be members of the Ernest J. Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience. A short membership application is available on the Del Monte website or by clicking here.
Applications are now open for 2025.
Applications will be submitted online, with a short informational online page and a single pdf application file.
Online Component:
- Title, submitting PI information, co-PI information
- List of major collaborators (past 3 years)
- Technical abstract (300 words): This will be used to assign reviewers, and should include overall goal, specific aims, and techniques used.
- Lay abstract (300 words): this will be used to convey information to the public, and should be easily understandable to the non-scientist. This will be public, and so should not contain proprietary information.
Written Component:
The written application is modeled after a short NIH research proposal (e.g. R03, R21), and should include:
- Cover letter with title, investigators, and description that indicates how the SPIN, Del Monte Friends or Del Monte mechanism would extend research objectives that will lead to a competitive extramural grant application [one page limit]. You may indicate more than one choice if relevant.
- Select which program(s) you are applying for: SPIN, Mangurian Foundation, Del Monte, or Del Monte Friends.
- Research description (limited to 6 pages) including Specific Aims, Background and Significance, Preliminary Studies, Research Design and Methods.
- Supporting materials (Human Subjects, Vertebrate Animals, and Literature Cited) can follow on additional pages.
- Budget (detailed, not modular) with justification (faculty salary support is specifically excluded).
- Bio-sketches of all Co-Investigators and key personnel.
- Other Support
- Resources and Environment
Review criteria will include but are not limited to:
- The likelihood of a subsequently successful application for extramural support (e.g. new NIH RO1).
- The significance and innovation of the proposed project.
- The relevance of the project to the strategic plan of the Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience.
- Where relevant, the interdisciplinary/collaborative character of the project (across faculty and laboratories).
Reporting - Following receipt of an award, investigators will be contacted to update their reported data annually for ten years.
Submission Deadlines
The application deadline is 5:00 pm on Monday, March 3, 2025.
Applications must be submitted online
Address all questions about applications to:
An internal review committee will work with a panel of independent external reviewers to determine the most competitive projects for support. The Program is administered through the Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience.
Funding is scheduled to begin July 1, 2025. Funds are available for a maximum of a one-year term.