EIOH Resident Spotlight - Dr. Edmund Khoo

Edmund Khoo BDSc (Hons), ABO, FICD, FACD, is graduating from the AEGD 2-year program. During his time at EIOH, he had the opportunity to make several presentations as well as publish four papers. In addition, he was also inducted as an honorary fellow to the NYU Dentistry Academy of Distinguished Educators
Q. What are next steps after you graduate?
A. Full-time academia.
Q. Where are you from?
A. Singapore
Q. Did you publish while you were at EIOH?
Khoo E, Le A, Lipp MJ. Learning Games: A New Tool for Orthodontic Education. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2023)
Le A, Khoo E, Palamar JJ, Associations Between Oral Health and Cannabis UseAmong Adolescents and Young Adults: Implications for Orthodontists. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2022)
Khoo E, Saeed SG, Chiu H-Y, Quach V, Janal M, Stewart K, Stress and Anxiety in Orthodontic Residents during the COVID-19 Pandemic. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics (2022
Saeed S, Bain J, Khoo E, Siqueira W, van der Hoeven R. COVID-19: Should attendance for preclinical simulation and clinical education be mandatory? Journal of Dental Education. June; 1-0, 2021.
Dr. Khoo’s Presentations
Date |
Inviting Organization |
2023 |
It’s Possible! Navigating a landscape of academic bullying |
2023 |
Impact of COVID-19 on Stress and Anxiety in Postgraduate Orthodontics Residents |
2023 |
Accelerated tooth movement – a translational journey |
Mohammed Bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences |
2022 |
Dos and Don’ts for Successful and Meaningful Publishing |
AAO, Society of Educators |
2021 |
How to Promote Your Residency with ADEA PASS |
2023 |
ADEA Update at the SOE |
2022 |
Impact of COVID-19 on Stress and Anxiety in Orthodontic Residents |
2022 |
ADEA Update at the SOE |
Q. Best memory of your EIOH residency?
A. Being able to work with wonderful faculty, staff and co-residents.
Q. In what way did your EIOH experience allow you to grow professionally?
A. Be more up-to-date on the latest techniques used in general dentistry and networking with like-minded individuals.
Q. In what way did your EIOH experience allow you to grow personally?
A. Build lasting and strong relationships with faculty and co-residents.
Q. What’s the best advice you ever received?
A. Nothing worth having comes easy.
Q. Favorite part of Rochester?
A. Sal’s Birdland.
Q. Last time you were in awe?
A. Can’t recall.
Q. The one thing you can’t live without?
A. Meat.
Q. A person(s) who has inspired you?
A. My parents, they work really hard and taught me what work ethic is about.
Q. The one thing you’ve always wanted to do but never have.
A. Visit Egypt to see the pyramids.
Q. If you could change one thing about yourself, it would be:
A. Doing this 2-year AEGD sooner.