William J. Hall, M.D.
William J. Hall, M.D.
About Me
Faculty Appointments
Professor Emeritus - Department of Medicine, Highland Hospital (SMD)
Post-doctoral Training & Residency
Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, Senior Resident, Chief Resident 1969 - 1971
Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, Resident, Department of Medicine 1965 - 1967
MD | University of Michigan Medical School. Medicine. 1965
BA | Coll of The Holy Cross. Pre-Medical. 1961
Rochester Academy of Medicine: Albert Kaiser Award. 2010
Dennis w. Jahnigen Award. 2003
Award of Merit. 1997
Gold Medal Award for Integrity, Inspired Teaching, Devotion to Medical Students. 1996
Commendation Award for Excellence in Teaching. 1989
Keith Miner Ford Award for Excellence in Teaching. 1986
Keith Ford Award for Excellence in Teaching. 1975
Edward Livingston Trudeau Fellow. 1973 - 1974
Pulmonary Academic Award. 1973 - 1978
Training Fellowship. 1971 - 1973
Alpha Omega Alpha. 1965
Journal Articles
Hall WJ
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2021 September 69 (9):2449-2450. Epub 07/19/2021.
Frey JJ, Hall WJ, Goldbach JT, Lanier P
Frontiers in psychology.. 2021 12 :804064. Epub 12/21/2021.
Hall WJ
Annals of internal medicine.. 2020 August 18173 (4):JC23. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hall WJ
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2020 August 68 (8):1720-1721. Epub 06/27/2020.
Hall WJ
JAMA internal medicine.. 2019 January 1179 (1):36-37. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hall WJ
Annals of internal medicine.. 2018 March 20168 (6):JC27. Epub 1900 01 01.
Shah KN, Majeed Z, Yoruk YB, Yang H, Hilton TN, McMahon JM, Hall WJ, Walck D, Luque AE, Ryan RM
Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association.. 2016 June 35 (6):563-73. Epub 02/11/2016.
Friedman SM, Shah K, Hall WJ
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2016 February 64 (2):456. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hall WJ
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2015 October 63 (10):2171-2. Epub 1900 01 01.
Friedman SM, Shah K, Hall WJ
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2015 July 63 (7):1459-62. Epub 07/14/2015.
Hall WJ
JAMA internal medicine.. 2015 June 175 (6):957-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Shah KN, Majeed Z, Yang H, Guido JJ, Hilton TN, Polesskaya O, Hall WJ, Luque AE
The Journal of frailty & aging.. 2015 4 (1):41-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hall WJ
Annals of internal medicine.. 2014 June 17160 (12):842-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Mapstone M, Cheema AK, Fiandaca MS, Zhong X, Mhyre TR, Macarthur LH, Hall WJ, Fisher SG, Peterson DR, Haley JM, Nazar MD, Rich SA, Berlau DJ, Peltz CB, Tan MT, Kawas CH, Federoff HJ
Nature medicine.. 2014 April 20 (4):415-8. Epub 03/09/2014.
Hall WJ
Annals of internal medicine.. 2013 November 19159 (10):JC6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hall WJ
JAMA internal medicine.. 2013 173 (22):2053-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
Mapstone M, Hilton TN, Yang H, Guido JJ, Luque AE, Hall WJ, Dewhurst S, Shah K
Aging and disease.. 2013 4 (6):311-9. Epub 08/27/2013.
Hall WJ
Annals of internal medicine.. 2012 September 18157 (6):JC3-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Leipzig RM, Hall WJ, Fried LP
Annals of internal medicine.. 2012 May 1156 (9):657-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Rehm SJ, File TM, Metersky M, Nichol KL, Schaffner W,
Postgraduate medicine.. 2012 May 124 (3):71-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hall WJ
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2012 April 60 (4):609-11. Epub 02/28/2012.
Shah K, Hilton TN, Myers L, Pinto JF, Luque AE, Hall WJ
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2012 March 60 (3):545-9. Epub 02/08/2012.
Hall WJ
Annals of internal medicine.. 2012 January 17156 (2):JC1-13. Epub 1900 01 01.
Rehm SJ, Farley MM, File TM, Hall WJ, Hopkins R, Levine OS, Nichol KL, Nuorti P, Zimmerman RK, Schaffner W
Postgraduate medicine.. 2009 November 121 (6):101-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Mohile SG, Xian Y, Dale W, Fisher SG, Rodin M, Morrow GR, Neugut A, Hall W
Journal of the National Cancer Institute.. 2009 September 2101 (17):1206-15. Epub 07/28/2009.
Bennett JM, Hall WJ, Sahasrabudhe D, Balducci L
Critical reviews in oncology/hematology.. 2009 August 8 Epub 08/08/2009.
Mohile SG, Mustian K, Bylow K, Hall W, Dale W
Critical reviews in oncology/hematology.. 2009 June 70 (3):235-55. Epub 10/25/2008.
Hall WJ
JAMA.. 2009 May 27301 (20):2076-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
The Intervention of St. George
Hall, WJ.
JAMA. 2009; 301: 2076-2077.
Enhancing Geriatric Oncology Training to Care for Elders: A Clinical Initiative with Long-Term Follow-Up
Bennett, JM; Hall, WJ; Sahasrabudhe, D; Balducci, L.
Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2009; 7.
Management of Complications of Androgen Deprivation Therapy in the Older Man
Mohile, SG; Mustian, K; Bylow, K; Hall, WJ; Dale, W.
Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2009; 70(3): 235-255.
Association of a Cancer diagnosis with Vulnerability and Frailty in Older Medicare Beneficiaries
Mohile, SG; Xian, Y; Dale, W; Fisher, SG; Rodin, M; Morrow, GR; Neugut, A; Hall, W.
J Natl Cancer Inst. 2009; 101(17): 1206-1215.
Fried LP, Hall WJ
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2008 October 56 (10):1791-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Warshaw GA, Bragg EJ, Fried LP, Hall WJ
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2008 October 56 (10):1796-801. Epub 1900 01 01.
Mitan NM, Bhaskar T, Hall WJ, Muto A, Williams PT, Sakata Y
Chemosphere.. 2008 July 72 (7):1073-9. Epub 05/21/2008.
Hall WJ
Archives of internal medicine.. 2008 February 11168 (3):262-3. Epub 1900 01 01.
Leading on Behalf of an Aging Society
Fried, LP; Hall, WJ.
J Am Geriatr Soc. 2008; 56: 1791-1795.
Centenarians: Metaphor Becomes Reality
Hall, WJ.
Arch Intern Med. 2008; 168(3): 262-263.
Hall, WJ.
Ann Intern Med. 2008; 148(3): 241-242.
Which Patients Benefit the Most from a Geriatrician's Care? Consensus among Directors of Geriatrics Academic Programs
Warshaw, GA; Gragg, J; Fried, P; Hall, WJ.
J Amer Geriatr Soc. 2008; 56: 1796-1801.
Application of Assessing Care of Vulnerable Elders-3 Quality Indicators to Patients with Advanced Dementia and Poor Prognosis
Wenger, NS; Solomon, DH; Amin, A; Besdine, RK; blazer, DG; Cohen, H; fulmer, T; ganz, PA; Grunwald, M; Hall, WJ.
J Ameri Geriatr Soc. 2008; 55(2): S457-463.
Falls and Physical Performance Deficits in Older Patients with prostate Cancer Undergoing Androgen Deprivation Therapy
Bylow, K; Dale, W; Mustian, K; Stadler, WM; Rodin, M; Hall, WJ; Lachs, M; Mohile, SG.
Urology. 2008; 72(2): 422-427.
Hall WJ
Annals of internal medicine.. 2006 October 3145 (7):538-43. Epub 1900 01 01.
Update in Geriatrics
Hall, WJ.
Ann Intern Med. 2006; 145: 538-543.
A User's Guide to Enhancing Geriatrics in an Undergraduate Medical School curriculum: the Ten-Step Model to winning the Geriatric Game
Medina-Walpole, A; Clark, NS; Heppard, B; Dannefer, E; Hall, WJ; McCann, RM.
J Am Geriatr Soc. 2004; 52: 814-821.
Medina-Walpole A, Barker WH, Katz PR, Karuza J, Williams TF, Hall WJ
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2003 May 51 (5):726. Epub 1900 01 01.
Kaba NK, Francis CW, Hall WJ, Falsey AR, Smith BH
Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH.. 2003 April 1 (4):729-34. Epub 1900 01 01.
Protein S Declines During Winter Respiratory Viral Infections
Kaba, NK; Francis, CW; Hall, WJ; Falsey, AR; Smith, BH.
J Thrombosis Hemostasis. 2003; 1: 729-734.
A Tribute to Mentors in Geriatric Medicine
Medina-Walpole, A; Berker, wH; Katz, PR; Karuza, J; Williams, TF; Hall, WJ.
J Amer Geriatr Soc. 2003; 51: 726-728.
Medina-Walpole A, Barker WH, Katz PR, Karuza J, Williams TF, Hall WJ
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 2002 May 50 (5):949-55. Epub 1900 01 01.
Falsey AR, Walsh EE, Francis CW, Looney RJ, Kolassa JE, Hall WJ, Abraham GN
The Journal of infectious diseases.. 2001 April 1183 (7):995-9. Epub 02/23/2001.
Horan JT, Francis CW, Falsey AR, Kolassa J, Smith BH, Hall WJ
Thrombosis and haemostasis.. 2001 February 85 (2):245-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Prothrombotic Changes in Hemostatic Parameters and C-Reactive Protein in the Elderly
Horan, JT; Francis, CW; Falsey, AR; Kolassa, J; Smith, BH; Hall, WJ.
Thromb Haemost. 2001; 85: 245-249.
Response of C-Reactive Protein and Serum amyloid A to Influenza A Infection
Falsey, AR; Walsh, EE; Francis, CW; Looney, RJ; Kolassa, JE; Hall, WJ; Abraham, GN.
J Infect Dis. 2001; 183: 995-999.
Hall WJ, Leipzig RM
Annals of internal medicine.. 2000 December 5133 (11):894-900. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hall WJ
Annals of internal medicine.. 2000 January 4132 (1):18-24. Epub 1900 01 01.
The Doctors of Time
Hall, WJ.
Ann Intern Med. 2000; 132: 18-24.
Update in Geriatrics
Hall, WJ; Leipzig, R.
Ann Intern Med. 2000; 11: 894-900.
Hall WJ
Annals of internal medicine.. 1999 December 7131 (11):842-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Falsey AR, Walsh EE, Looney RJ, Kolassa JE, Formica MA, Criddle MC, Hall WJ
Journal of medical virology.. 1999 October 59 (2):221-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Falsey AR, Criddle MM, Kolassa JE, McCann RM, Brower CA, Hall WJ
Infection control and hospital epidemiology.. 1999 March 20 (3):200-2. Epub 1900 01 01.
Evaluation of a Handwashing Intervention to Reduce Respiratory Illness Rates in Senior Daycare Centers
Falsey, R; Criddle, MM; Colassa, JE; McCann, RM; Brower, CA; hall, WJ.
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 1999; 20: 200-202.
Role of Cytomegalovirus in the T Cell changes Seen in Elderly Individuals
Looney, RJ; Falsey, A; Campbell, D; Torres; Kolassa, J; Brower, C; McCann, R; Menegus, M; McCormick, K; frampton, M; Hall, WJ; Abraham, GN.
Clin Immunol. 1999; 90: 213-219.
Geriatrics Update
Hall, WJ.
Ann Intern Med. 1999; 31: 842-849.
What Residents Want to Know About Geriatrics: One Approach to Curricular Development
Chodosh, J; Tulsky, A; Naumberg, E;Branca, E; Frankel, RM; McCann, RM; Katz, PR; Hall, WJ.
Gerontol Geriatric Edu. 1999; 20: 2-4.
Hall WJ, Oskvig RO
Clinics in geriatric medicine.. 1998 November 14 (4):799-812. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hall WJ
Annals of internal medicine.. 1998 September 1129 (5):387-93. Epub 1900 01 01.
Mushlin AI, Hall WJ, Zwanziger J, Gajary E, Andrews M, Marron R, Zou KH, Moss AJ
Circulation.. 1998 June 297 (21):2129-35. Epub 1900 01 01.
Advance Care Directives and End of Life Decisions: An Educational Module
McCann, RM; Chodosh, J; Frankel, R; Hall, WJ.
Gerontol Geriatric Edu. 1998; 18: 3-20.
Transitional Care: Hospital to Home
Hall, WJ; Oskvig, RO.
Clinics in Geriatric Med. 1998; 14: 799-812.
Update in Geriatrics
Hall, WJ.
Ann Intern Med. 1998; 129: 387-393.
Hall WJ
Annals of internal medicine.. 1997 October 1127 (7):557-64. Epub 1900 01 01.
Bennett JM, Sahasrabudhe DM, Hall WJ
Cancer.. 1997 October 180 (7):1351-3. Epub 1900 01 01.
Falsey AR, McCann RM, Hall WJ, Criddle MM, Formica MA, Wycoff D, Kolassa JE
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 1997 June 45 (6):706-11. Epub 1900 01 01.
Zimmer JG, Hall WJ
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 1997 March 45 (3):380-1. Epub 1900 01 01.
Nursing Home Acquired Pneumonia: Avoiding the Hospital
Zimmer, JG; Hall, WJ.
JAGS. 1997; 45: 380-81.
The Common Cold in Frail Elderly: Impact of Rhinovirus and Coronavirus in a Senior Daycare Center
Falsey, AR; McCann, RM; Hall, WJ; Criddle, MM; Formica, MA; Wycoff, D; Colassa, JE.
J Am Geriatr Soc. 1997; 45: 706-711.
Medical Oncology and Geriatric Medicine: Is it Time for Fellowship Integration?
Bennett, JM; Sahasrabudhe, DM; Hall, WJ.
Cancer. 1997; 80: 1351-1354.
Can Internal Medicine Residents be Better Prepared to Care for Older Patients?
Chodosh, J; Katz, P; Kochersberger, G; Hall, WJ.
Gerontol Geriatric Edu. 1997; 18: 3-12.
Hall WJ
Annals of internal medicine.. 1996 September 1125 (5):390-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Falsey AR, McCann RM, Hall WJ, Criddle MM
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 1996 January 44 (1):71-3. Epub 1900 01 01.
Update in Geriatrics
Hall, WJ.
Ann Intern Med. 1996; 125: 390-397.
Evaluation of Four Methods for the Diagnosis of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection in Older Adults
Falsey, AR; McCann, RM; Hall, WJ; Criddle, MM.
J Am Geriatr Soc. 1996; 44: 71-73.
Falsey AR, McCann RM, Hall WJ, Tanner MA, Criddle MM, Formica MA, Irvine CS, Kolassa JE, Barker WH, Treanor JJ
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 1995 January 43 (1):30-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Acute Respiratory Tract Infection in Daycare Centers for Older Persons
Falsey, AR; McCann, R; Hall, WJ.
J Am Geriatr Soc. 1995; 43: 30-36.
McCann RM, Hall WJ, Groth-Juncker A
JAMA.. 1994 October 26272 (16):1263-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Barker WH, Zimmer JG, Hall WJ, Ruff BC, Freundlich CB, Eggert GM
American journal of public health.. 1994 October 84 (10):1615-20. Epub 1900 01 01.
Frame PS, Zimmer JG, Werth PL, Hall WJ, Eberly SW
Archives of family medicine.. 1994 July 3 (7):581-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Comfort Care for Terminally Ill Patients: The Appropriate Use of Nutrition and Hydration
McCann, R; Hall, WJ;Groth-Juncker, AM; Roberts, MA.
JAMA. 1994; 272: 1263-1266.
Hall WJ, Griner PF
Health affairs.. 1993 12 (1):58-69. Epub 1900 01 01.
Eggert GM, Zimmer JG, Hall WJ, Friedman B
Health services research.. 1991 October 26 (4):471-507. Epub 1900 01 01.
Williams ME, Williams TF, Zimmer JG, Hall WJ, Podgorski CA
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.. 1987 December 35 (12):1071-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Bordley DR, Dolan JG, Hall WJ
Journal of general internal medicine.. 1987 2 (3):174-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Mark JD, McBride JT, Brooks JG, McConnochie KM, Hall WJ
Pediatric pulmonology.. 1986 2 (3):170-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
McConnochie KM, Mark JD, McBride JT, Hall WJ, Brooks JG, Klein SJ, Miller RL, McInerny TK, Nazarian LF, MacWhinney JB
The Journal of pediatrics.. 1985 July 107 (1):54-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hall CB, Hall WJ, Gala CL, MaGill FB, Leddy JP
The Journal of pediatrics.. 1984 September 105 (3):358-64. Epub 1900 01 01.
Poe RH, Israel RH, Utell MJ, Hall WJ, Greenblatt DW, Kallay MC
Archives of internal medicine.. 1984 February 144 (2):325-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hall WJ
Medical informatics = MĂ©decine et informatique. 1984 9 (3-4):307-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hall CB, McBride JT, Walsh EE, Bell DM, Gala CL, Hildreth S, Ten Eyck LG, Hall WJ
The New England journal of medicine.. 1983 June 16308 (24):1443-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hall CB, Walsh EE, Hruska JF, Betts RF, Hall WJ
JAMA.. 1983 May 20249 (19):2666-70. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hall WJ, Watanabe T, Kenan PD, Baylin G
Archives of otolaryngology.. 1982 October 108 (10):659-61. Epub 1900 01 01.
Poe RH, Israel RH, Utell MJ, Hall WJ
The American review of respiratory disease.. 1982 July 126 (1):160-2. Epub 1900 01 01.
Douglas RG, Hall WJ, Betts RF
Transactions of the American Clinical and Climatological Association.. 1982 93 :141-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Pearson RD, Hall WJ, Menegus MA, Douglas RG
Chest.. 1980 July 78 (1):107-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Aquilina AT, Hall WJ, Douglas RG, Utell MJ
The American review of respiratory disease.. 1980 July 122 (1):3-10. Epub 1900 01 01.
Utell MJ, Aquilina AT, Hall WJ, Speers DM, Douglas RG, Gibb FR, Morrow PE, Hyde RW
The American review of respiratory disease.. 1980 February 121 (2):233-41. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hall WJ, Douglas RG
Annual review of medicine.. 1980 31 :233-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hayden FG, Hall WJ, Douglas RG, Speers DM
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy.. 1979 November 16 (5):644-50. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hall WJ, Hall CB
Chest.. 1979 October 76 (4):458-65. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hall CB, Hall WJ, Speers DM
American journal of diseases of children. 1979 August 133 (8):798-802. Epub 1900 01 01.
Poe RH, Israel RH, Utell MJ, Hall WJ
Archives of internal medicine.. 1979 July 139 (7):761-3. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hall WJ, Hall CB
Annals of internal medicine.. 1979 June 90 (6):882-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Poe RH, Utell MJ, Israel RH, Hall WJ, Eshleman JD
The American review of respiratory disease.. 1979 January 119 (1):25-31. Epub 1900 01 01.
Loss RW, Hall WJ, Speers DM
The American journal of the medical sciences.. 1979 278 (1):27-37. Epub 1900 01 01.
Little JW, Douglas RG, Hall WJ, Roth FK
Journal of medical virology.. 1979 3 (3):177-88. Epub 1900 01 01.
Attenuated Influenza Produced by Experimental Intranasal Inoculation
Little, JW; Douglas, RG, Jr; Hall, WJ; Roth, FK.
J Med Vir. 1979; 3: 177-188.
Sensitivity and Specificity of the Nonspecific Transbronchial Lung Biopsy
Poe, RH; Utell, MJ; Israel, RH; Hall, WJ; Eshleman, JD.
Am Rev Resp Dis. 1979; 119: 25-31.
Atypical Measles in Adolescents: Evaluation of Clinical and Pulmonary Function
Hall, WJ; Hall, CB.
Ann Int Med. 1979; 90: 882-886.
Little JW, Hall WJ, Douglas RG, Mudholkar GS, Speers DM, Patel K
The American review of respiratory disease.. 1978 August 118 (2):295-303. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hall WJ, Hall CB, Speers DM
Annals of internal medicine.. 1978 February 88 (2):203-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hall CB, Hall WJ
Pediatrics.. 1978 February 61 (2):333. Epub 1900 01 01.
Respiratory Syncytial virus Infection in Adults: Clinical, Virologic and Serial Pulmonary Function Studies
Hall, WJ; Hall, CB; Speers, DM.
Ann Intern Med. 1978; 88: 203-205.
Airway Hyperreactivity and Peripheral Airway Dysfunction in Influenza A Infection
Little, JW; Hall, WJ; Douglas, RG, Jr; Mudholkar, GS; Speers, DM; Patel, K.
Am Rev Resp Dis. 1978; 118: 295-303.
Vance JC, Hall WJ, Schwartz RH, Hyde RW, Roghmann KJ, Mudholkar GC
Pediatrics.. 1977 September 60 (3):263-72. Epub 1900 01 01.
Little JW, Hall WJ, Douglas RG
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.. 1977 March 4284 :106-17. Epub 1900 01 01.
Small Airways Dysfunction in Influenza A Virus Infection: Therapeutic Role and Potential Mode of Action of Amantadine
Little, JW; Hall, WJ; Douglas, RG, Jr.
Annals NY Acad Sci. 1977; 284: 106-117.
Heterozygous Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency and Respiratory Function in Children
Vance, JC; Hall, WJ; Schwartz, RH; Hyde, RW; roghmann, KJ; Mudholkar, GS.
Pediatrics. 1977; 60: 263-272.
Hall WJ
Advances in neurology.. 1977 17 :317-24. Epub 1900 01 01.
Shigeoka JW, Hall WJ, Hyde RW, Schwartz RH, Mudholkar GS, Speers DM, Lin CC
The American review of respiratory disease.. 1976 December 114 (6):1077-84. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hall WJ, Hyde RW, Schwartz RH, Mudholkar GS, Webb DR, Chaubey YP, Townes PL
The Journal of clinical investigation.. 1976 November 58 (5):1069-77. Epub 1900 01 01.
Little JW, Hall WJ, Douglas RG, Hyde RW, Speers DM
Annals of internal medicine.. 1976 August 85 (2):177-82. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hall WJ, Douglas RG, Hyde RW, Roth FK, Cross AS, Speers DM
The American review of respiratory disease.. 1976 February 113 (2):141-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Attenuated Influenza Virus in Normal Adults: Role of Pulmonary Function Studies in Vaccine Trials
Hall, WJ; Douglas, RG, Jr; Hyde, RW; roth, FK; Cross, AS; Speers, DM.
J Infect Dis. 1976; 133: 145-152.
Pulmonary Mechanics After Uncomplicated Influenza A Infection
Hall, WJ; Douglas, RG, Jr; Hyde, RW; roth, FK; Cross, AS; Speers, DM.
Am Rev Resp Dis. 1976; 133: 141-147.
Amantadine Effect on Peripheral Airways Abnormalities in Influenza: A Study in 15 Students with natural Influenza A Infection
Little, JW; Hall, WJ; Douglas, RG, Jr: Hyde, RW; Speers, DM.
Ann Intern Med. 1976; 85: 177-182.
Pulmonary Abnormalities in Intermediate Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency
Hall, WJ; Hyde, RW; Schwartz, RH; Mudholkar, GS; Webb, DR; Chaubey, YP; Townes, PL.
J Clin Invest. 1976; 58(5): 1069-1077.
The Prevalence of Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Heterozygotes (Pi MZ) in Patients with Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Shigeoka, JW; Hall, WJ; Hyde, RW; Schwartz, RH; Mudholkar, GS; speers, DM; Lin, CC.
Am Rev Resp Dis. 1976; 114: 1077-1084.
Hall WJ, Hall CB, Hyde RW
American journal of diseases of children. 1975 August 129 (8):887-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Reichert WW, Hall WJ, Hyde RW
The American review of respiratory disease.. 1974 March 109 (3):394-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
A Simple Disposable Device for Performing Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy on Patients Requiring Continuous Artifical Ventilation
Reichert, WW; Hall, WJ; Hyde, RW.
am Rev Resp Dis. 1974; 109: 394-396.
Hall CB, Hall WJ, Ashley FW, Hamilton HB
American journal of epidemiology.. 1973 December 98 (6):423-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Webb DR, Hyde RW, Schwartz RH, Hall WJ, Condemi JJ, Townes PL
The American review of respiratory disease.. 1973 October 108 (4):918-25. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hyde RW, Hall CB, Hall WJ
American journal of diseases of children. 1973 September 126 (3):292-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Serum Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Variants. Prevalence and Clinical Spirometry
Webb, RD; Hyde, RW; Schwartz, RH; Hall, WJ; condemi, JJ; Townes, PL.
Am Rev Resp Dis. 1973; 108: 918-925.
Serum Immunoglobin Levels in Atomic Bomb Survivors in Hiroshima, Japan
Hall, CB; Hall, WJ; Shley, FW; Hamilton, HB.
Am J Epidemiol. 1973; 98: 423-429.
Hall WJ, Francis L, Atkins E
The Journal of experimental medicine.. 1970 March 1131 (3):483-98. Epub 1900 01 01.
Studies of Tuberculin Fever. IV. The Passive Transfer of Reactivity with Various Tissues of Sensitized Donor Rabbits
Hall, WJ; Francis, L; Atkins, E.
J Exp Med. 1970; 1311: 483-498.
Newly Identified Cluster of Disease
Cobb, SW; Hall, WJ.
JAMA. 1965; 192: 1077-1079.
Taking Charge of Your Health (2011)
Authors: John R. Burton, MD; William J. Hall, MD
Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press 2011
The Primary Care of Families (1999)
Chapter: Dementia in Ambulatory Medicine
Authors: Bothelo RJ, Hall WJ
Publisher: Appleton & Lange, Inc. 1999
Practice of Geriatrics (1999)
Chapter: Pulmonary Pathophysiology and Disease in the Older Patient
Authors: Hall WJ
Publisher: WB Saunders, Inc. 1999