Suzanne Stevens, Ph.D.
Suzanne Stevens, Ph.D.
About Me
BA Chemistry / 1968 / Oakland University, Rochester, MI
MS Library Science / 1971 / Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
PhD Anatomy / 1981 / Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN
BA Chemistry / 1968 / Oakland University, Rochester, MI
MS Library Science / 1971 / Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
PhD Anatomy / 1981 / Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN
Faculty Appointments
Professor Emeritus - Department of Neuroscience (SMD)
Post-doctoral Training & Residency
Indiana University
Indianapolis, IN
PhD | Indiana University. Anatomy. 1981
MS | Drexel University. Library Science. 1970
BA | Oakland University. Chemistry. 1968
Commendation for Excellence in Teaching. 1996
Commendation for Excellence in Teaching. 1995
President Elect. 1994
Robert Wood Johnson Dean's Senior Teaching Scholar Award. 1994
NIMH Research Scientist Development Award, Level ll. 1990
Sigma Xi Graduate Student Research Competition. 1981
Philadelphia and Vicinity Special Library Association Award in Special Librarianship. 1970
Title II Fellowship in Library Science. 1969
Departmental Honors in Chemistry. 1968
Journal Articles
Thyagarajan S, Madden KS, Boehm GW, Stevens SY, Felten DL, Bellinger DL
Neuroimmunomodulation.. 2013 20 (2):72-8. Epub 11/29/2012.
l-Deprenyl reverses age-associated decline in splenic norepinephrine, IL-2 and IFN-? production in old female f344 rats.
ThyagaRajan, S., K.S. Madden, G. W. Boehm,S. Y. Stevens, D. L. Felten, and D. L. Bellinger.
Neuroimmunomodulation. 2012; .
ThyagaRajan S, Madden KS, Teruya B, Stevens SY, Felten DL, Bellinger DL
Journal of neuroimmunology.. 2011 April 233 (1-2):54-64. Epub 12/24/2010.
Liang CS, Mao W, Iwai C, Fukuoka S, Stevens SY
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology.. 2006 March 290 (3):H995-1003. Epub 10/07/2005.
Bellinger DL, Stevens SY, Thyaga Rajan S, Lorton D, Madden KS
Journal of neuroimmunology.. 2005 August 165 (1-2):21-32. Epub 1900 01 01.
Collier TJ, Greene JG, Felten DL, Stevens SY, Collier KS
Neurobiology of aging.. 2004 February 25 (2):209-21. Epub 1900 01 01.
Liang CS, Yatani A, Himura Y, Kashiki M, Stevens SY
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology.. 2003 May 284 (5):H1729-36. Epub 01/23/2003.
Kelley SP, Moynihan JA, Stevens SY, Grota LJ, Felten DL
Brain, behavior, and immunity.. 2003 April 17 (2):94-109. Epub 1900 01 01.
Desipramine attenuates loss of cardiac sympathetic neurotransmitters produced by congestive heart failure and NE infusion.
Liang, C.-s.; A. Yatani; Y. Himura; M. Kashiki; S.Y. Stevens.
Am J Physiol - Heart & Circulatory Physiology. 2003; 284(5): H1729-36.
Sympathetic nerve destruction in spleen in murine AIDS.
Kelley, S.P.; J.A. Moynihan; S.Y. Stevens; L.J. Grota; D.L. Felten.
Brain, Behav Immun. 2003; 17: 94-109.
Sympathetic nerve destruction in spleen in murine AIDS.
Kelley, S.P.; J.A. Moynihan; S.Y. Stevens; L.J. Grota; D.L. Felten.
Brain, Behav Immun. 2003; 17: 94-109.
Rice PA, Boehm GW, Moynihan JA, Bellinger DL, Stevens SY
Brain, behavior, and immunity.. 2002 December 16 (6):654-62. Epub 1900 01 01.
Liang CS, Himura Y, Kashiki M, Stevens SY
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology.. 2002 November 283 (5):H1863-72. Epub 1900 01 01.
Kelley SP, Moynihan JA, Stevens SY, Grota LJ, Felten DL
Brain, behavior, and immunity.. 2002 April 16 (2):118-39. Epub 1900 01 01.
Rice PA, Boehm GW, Moynihan JA, Bellinger DL, Stevens SY
Brain, behavior, and immunity.. 2002 February 16 (1):62-73. Epub 1900 01 01.
Qin F, Vulapalli RS, Stevens SY, Liang CS
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology.. 2002 January 282 (1):H363-71. Epub 1900 01 01.
Temporomandibular joint nociception: effects of capsaicin on substance-P-like immunoreactivity in the rabbit brain stem.
Kyrkanides, S.; R.H. Tallents; D.J. Macher; J.A. Olschowka; S.Y. Stevens.
J. Orofacial Pain. 2002; 16(3): 1-8.
Chemical sympathectomy has no effect on the severity of murine AIDS: Murine AIDS alone depletes norepinephrine levels in infected spleen.
Kelley, S.P.; J.A. Moynihan; S.Y. Stevens; L.J. Grota; D.L. Felten.
Brain, Behav Immun. 2002; 16: 118-139.
Kyrkanides S, Tallents RH, Macher DJ, Olschowka JA, Stevens SY
Journal of orofacial pain.. 2002 16 (3):229-36. Epub 1900 01 01.
Shite J, Qin F, Mao W, Kawai H, Stevens SY, Liang C
Journal of the American College of Cardiology.. 2001 November 1538 (6):1734-40. Epub 1900 01 01.
Rice PA, Boehm GW, Moynihan JA, Bellinger DL, Stevens SY
Journal of neuroimmunology.. 2001 March 1114 (1-2):19-27. Epub 1900 01 01.
Loss of cardiac sympathetic neurotransmitters in heart failure and NE infusion is associated with reduced NGF.
Qin, F.; R.S. Vulapalli; S.Y. Stevens; C.-s. Liang.
Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2001; 282: H363-H371.
Kawai H, Stevens SY, Liang CS
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology.. 2000 December 279 (6):H3012-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
ThyagaRajan S, Madden KS, Stevens SY, Felten DL
Journal of neuroimmunology.. 2000 September 22109 (2):95-104. Epub 1900 01 01.
Shite J, Dong E, Kawai H, Stevens SY, Liang CS
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology.. 2000 September 279 (3):H1283-90. Epub 1900 01 01.
Liang C, Rounds NK, Dong E, Stevens SY, Shite J, Qin F
Circulation.. 2000 July 4102 (1):96-103. Epub 1900 01 01.
ThyagaRajan S, Madden KS, Stevens SY, Felten DL
International journal of immunopharmacology.. 2000 July 22 (7):523-36. Epub 1900 01 01.
Kawai H, Mohan A, Hagen J, Dong E, Armstrong J, Stevens SY, Liang CS
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology.. 2000 May 278 (5):H1708-16. Epub 1900 01 01.
Madden KS, Stevens SY, Felten DL, Bellinger DL
Journal of neuroimmunology.. 2000 March 1103 (2):131-45. Epub 1900 01 01.
Restoration of splenic noradrenergic nerve fibers and immune reactivity in old F344 rats: A comparison between L-deprenyl and L-desmethyldeprenyl.
ThyagaRajan, S.; K.S. Madden; S.Y. Stevens; D.L. Felten.
Int'l J Immunopharmacol. 2000; 22: 523-36.
Selegiline improves cardiac noradrenergic nerve terminal function and b-adrenergic responsiveness in heart failure.
Shite, Junya; E. Dong; H. Kawai; S.Y. Stevens; C-s. Liang.
Am J. Physiol: Heart and Circ. Physiol. 2000; 279: H1283-1290.
Kawai H, Fan TH, Dong E, Siddiqui RA, Yatani A, Stevens SY, Liang CS
The American journal of physiology.. 1999 October 277 (4):H1609-17. Epub 1900 01 01.
Miller GE, Dopp JM, Myers HF, Stevens SY, Fahey JL
Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association.. 1999 May 18 (3):262-71. Epub 1900 01 01.
ThyagaRajan S, Madden KS, Stevens SY, Felten DL
Journal of neuroimmunology.. 1999 April 196 (1):57-65. Epub 1900 01 01.
ThyagaRajan S, Stevens SY, Felten DL
Brain research bulletin.. 1999 March 1548 (5):513-20. Epub 1900 01 01.
Region-specific alterations in the concentrations of catecholamines and indolamines in the brains of young and old F344 rats after L-deprenyl treatment.
ThyagaRajan, S.; S.Y. Stevens; D.L. Felten.
Brain Research Bulletin. 1999; 48: 512-520.
ACE inhibition improves cardiac NE uptake and attenuates sympathetic nerve terminal abnormalities in heart failure.
Kawai, H.; Fan T-H M.; E. Dong; R.A. Siddiqui; A. Yatani; S.Y. Stevens; C.-s. Liang.
American J. Physiol:. 1999; 277(46 (Heart and Circ. Physiol.)): H1609-1617.
Thyagarajan S, Madden KS, Stevens SY, Felten DL
Anticancer research.. 1999 19 (6B):5023-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
ThyagaRajan S, Madden KS, Kalvass JC, Dimitrova SS, Felten SY, Felten DL
Journal of neuroimmunology.. 1998 December 192 (1-2):9-21. Epub 1900 01 01.
Kruszewska B, Felten DL, Stevens SY, Moynihan JA
Brain, behavior, and immunity.. 1998 September 12 (3):181-200. Epub 1900 01 01.
ThyagaRajan S, Felten SY, Felten DL
Journal of neuroimmunology.. 1998 January 81 (1-2):144-57. Epub 1900 01 01.
Felten SY, Madden KS, Bellinger DL, Kruszewska B, Moynihan JA, Felten DL
Advances in pharmacology.. 1998 42 :583-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Blair ML, Woolf PD, Felten SY
The American journal of physiology.. 1997 April 272 (4 Pt 2):R1197-203. Epub 1900 01 01.
Madden KS, Bellinger DL, Felten SY, Snyder E, Maida ME, Felten DL
Mechanisms of ageing and development.. 1997 March 94 (1-3):165-75. Epub 1900 01 01.
Age-associated alterations in sympathetic neural interactions with the immune system.
Madden, K.S.; S. Thyagarajan; D.L. Bellinger; S.Y. Felten; D.L. Felten.
Devel. Comp. Immunol. 1997; 21: 479-86.
Norepinephrine content in primary and secondary lymphoid organs is altered in rats with adjuvant-induced arthritis.
Lorton, D; Lubahn, C; Felten, SY; Bellinger, D.L.
Mechanisms of Ageing & Development. 1997; 94: 145-63.
Bellinger DL, Lorton D, Horn L, Brouxhon S, Felten SY, Felten DL
Peptides.. 1997 18 (8):1139-49. Epub 1900 01 01.
Tabarowski Z, Gibson-Berry K, Felten SY
Acta histochemica. 1996 November 98 (4):453-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Lorton D, Bellinger D, Duclos M, Felten SY, Felten DL
Journal of neuroimmunology.. 1996 February 64 (2):103-13. Epub 1900 01 01.
Norepinephrine in mouse spleen shows minor strain differences and no diurnal variation.
Kelley, S.P.; L.J. Grota; S.Y. Felten; K.S. Madden; D.L. Felten.
1996; 53: 141-146.
Splenic innervation of the amphibian spleen: Developmental studies in Xenopus laevis.
Kinney, K.S.; Felten, S.Y.; N. Cohen.
Devel. Compar. Immunol. 1996; 20: 51-59.
Kruszewska B, Felten SY, Moynihan JA
The Journal of immunology : official journal of the American Association of Immunologists.. 1995 November 15155 (10):4613-20. Epub 1900 01 01.
Romano TA, Felten SY, Olschowka JA, Felten DL
Journal of morphology.. 1994 September 221 (3):243-59. Epub 1900 01 01.
Madden KS, Felten SY, Felten DL, Hardy CA, Livnat S
Journal of neuroimmunology.. 1994 January 49 (1-2):67-75. Epub 1900 01 01.
Madden KS, Moynihan JA, Brenner GJ, Felten SY, Felten DL, Livnat S
Journal of neuroimmunology.. 1994 January 49 (1-2):77-87. Epub 1900 01 01.
Rats with partial unilateral nigrostriatal lesions as a model to study CNS plasticity.
Junn, F.; T. Collier; S.Y. Felten; D.M. Gash.
Neuroprotocols. 1994; 4: 168-176.
Noradrenergic innervation of amphibian spleen as visualized by fluorescence histochemistry: a developmental and comparative study.
Kinney, K.; N. Cohen; S.Y. Felten.
Dev. Comparative Immunol. 1994; 18: 511-521.
Felten SY, Felten DL
Progress in brain research.. 1994 100 :157-62. Epub 1900 01 01.
Madden KS, Ackerman KD, Livnat S, Felten SY, Felten DL
Brain, behavior, and immunity.. 1993 December 7 (4):344-51. Epub 1900 01 01.
Bellinger DL, Lorton D, Hamill RW, Felten SY, Felten DL
Brain, behavior, and immunity.. 1993 September 7 (3):191-204. Epub 1900 01 01.
Breneman SM, Moynihan JA, Grota LJ, Felten DL, Felten SY
Brain, behavior, and immunity.. 1993 June 7 (2):135-43. Epub 1900 01 01.
Phelps CJ, Carlson SW, Vaccarella MY, Felten SY
Endocrinology.. 1993 June 132 (6):2715-22. Epub 1900 01 01.
A microscopic investigation of beluga or white whale, Delphinapterus leucas, lymphoid organs,
Romano, T.A.; S.Y. Felten; J.A. Olschowka; R.J. Tarpley; D.L. Felten.
J. Morphology. 1993; 215: 261-287.
Felten DL, Felten SY, Bellinger DL, Lorton D
European journal of clinical investigation.. 1992 October 22 Suppl 1 :37-41. Epub 1900 01 01.
Bellinger DL, Ackerman KD, Felten SY, Felten DL
Experimental neurology.. 1992 June 116 (3):295-311. Epub 1900 01 01.
Sympathetic nervous system modulation of tumor metastases and host defense mechanisms
Brenner, G.J; S.Y. Felten; D.L. Felten; J.A. Moynihan.
J. Neuroimmunology. 1992; 37: 191-229.
Innervation of lymphoid organs and implications in development, aging, and autoimmunity.
Bellinger, D.L.; D. Lorton; S.Y. Felten; D.L. Felten.
Int. J. Immunopharmac. 1992; 14: 329-344.
Chronic dietary pergolide preserves nigrostriatal neuronal integrity in aged Fischer 344 rats.
Felten, D.L.; S.Y. Felten; R.W. Fuller; T.D. Romano; E.B. Smalstig; D.T. Wong; J.A. Clemens.
Neurobiol. of Aging. 1992; 13: 339-351.
Felten DL, Felten SY, Steece-Collier K, Date I, Clemens JA
Annals of neurology.. 1992 32 Suppl :S133-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Ackerman KD, Madden KS, Livnat S, Felten SY, Felten DL
Brain, behavior, and immunity.. 1991 September 5 (3):235-61. Epub 1900 01 01.
Date I, Felten SY, Felten DL
Brain research.. 1991 April 5545 (1-2):191-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Date I, Notter MF, Felten SY, Felten DL
Journal of neuroscience research.. 1991 April 28 (4):525-30. Epub 1900 01 01.
Lorton D, Bellinger DL, Felten SY, Felten DL
Brain, behavior, and immunity.. 1991 March 5 (1):29-40. Epub 1900 01 01.
Romano TA, Felten SY, Felten DL, Olschowka JA
Brain, behavior, and immunity.. 1991 March 5 (1):116-31. Epub 1900 01 01.
Cografts of adrenal medulla with peripheral nerve enhance the survivability of transplanted adrenal chromaffin cells as well as recovery of the host nigrostriatal dopaminergic system in MPTP-treated young mice.
Date, I.; S.Y. Felten; D.L. Felten.
Brain Res. 1991; 537: 33-39.
Effect of MPTP on primate chromaffin cells in vitro: relevance for adrenal medullary cell transplantation.
Notter, M.F.D.; M. Kaniuki; S.Y. Felten; J.T. Hansen; D.M. Gash.
Restorative Neurology & Neuroscience. 1991; 3: 1-10.
Date I, Notter MF, Felten SY, Felten DL
Brain research.. 1990 August 27526 (1):156-60. Epub 1900 01 01.
Date I, Felten DL, Felten SY
Brain research.. 1990 June 11519 (1-2):266-76. Epub 1900 01 01.
Let afferents be afferents.
Felten, D.L.; S.Y. Felten.
Behav. Brain Res. 1990; 13: 303-304.
Noradrenergic reinnervation of the rat spleen following chemical sympathectomy with 6-hydroxydopamine: Pattern and time course of reinnervation.
Lorton, D.; D. Hewitt; D.L. Bellinger; S.Y.Felten; D.L. Felten.
Brain, Behav. and Immunity. 1990; 4: 198-222.
Lorton D, Bellinger DL, Felten SY, Felten DL
Peptides.. 1990 11 (6):1269-75. Epub 1900 01 01.
Ackerman KD, Felten SY, Dijkstra CD, Livnat S, Felten DL
Experimental neurology.. 1989 March 103 (3):239-55. Epub 1900 01 01.
Sympathetic neural modulation of the immune system. I. Depression of T cell immunity in vivo and in vitro following chemical sympathectomy.
Madden, K.S.; S.Y. Felten; D.L. Felten; P.R. Sundaresan;S. Livnat.
Brain, Behav. Immun. 1989; 3: 72-89.
Origin of noradrenergic innervation of the spleen in rats.
Bellinger, D.L.; S.Y. Felten; D. Lorton; D.L. Felten.
Brain Behavior and Immunity. 1989; 3: 291-311.
Origin of noradrenergic innervation of the spleen in rats.
Bellinger, D.L.; S.Y. Felten; D. Lorton; D.L. Felten.
Brain Behavior and Immunity. 1989; : 291-311.
Exogenous GM1 gangliosides induce partial recovery of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system in MPTP-treated young mice but not in aging mice.
Date, I.; S.Y. Felten; D.L. Felten.
Neuroscience Lett. 1989; 106: 282-286.
Limited recovery of striatal dopaminergic fibers by adrenal medullary grafts in MPTP-treated aging mice.
Date, I.; S.Y. Felten; D.L. Felten.
Exp. Neurol. 1989; 107: 197-207.
Fluorescence histochemical techniques as tools in neurobiology.
Felten, D.L.; S.Y. Felten; J.R. Sladek, Jr.; M.D. Notter; S.L. Carlson; S.J. Wiegand; D.L. Bellinger.
J. Microscopy. 1989; 157: 271-283.
Azzarelli B, Felten S, Muller J, Miyamoto R, Purvin V
The Laryngoscope.. 1988 May 98 (5):573-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Sladek CD, Devine MA, Felten SY, Aravich PF, Blair ML
Brain research.. 1988 March 29445 (1):39-46. Epub 1900 01 01.
Development, aging, and plasticity of noradrenergic sympathetic innervation of secondary lymphoid organs: Implications for neural-immune interactions.
Felten, D.L.; S.Y. Felten; S.L. Carlson; D.L. Bellinger; K.D. Ackerman; T.A. Romano; S. Livnat.
Prog. in Catecholamine Res. 1988; 6: 517-524.
Catecholamine innervation of the spleen: Are lymphocytes targets of noradrenergic nerves?
Felten, S.Y. J. Olschowka; K.D. Ackerman; D.L. Felten.
Prog. in Catecholamine Res. 1988; 6: 525-531.
Maintenance of noradrenergic sympathetic innervation in the involuted thymus of the aged Fischer 344 rat.
Bellinger, D.L.; S.Y. Felten; D.L. Felten.
Brain, Behav. Immun. 1988; 2: 133-150.
Sympathetic noradrenergic innervation of immune organs.
Felten, D.L.; S.Y. Felten.
Brain, Behav. Immun. 1988; 2: 293-300.
Felten SY, Felten DL, Bellinger DL, Carlson SL, Ackerman KD, Madden KS, Olschowka JA, Livnat S
Progress in allergy. 1988 43 :14-36. Epub 1900 01 01.
Felten DL, Felten SY, Bellinger DL, Carlson SL, Ackerman KD, Madden KS, Olschowki JA, Livnat S
Immunological reviews.. 1987 December 100 :225-60. Epub 1900 01 01.
Stead RH, Tomioka M, Quinonez G, Simon GT, Felten SY, Bienenstock J
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.. 1987 May 84 (9):2975-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Noradrenergic sympathetic innervation of spleen and lymph nodes in relation to specific cellular compartments.
Ackerman, K.D.; S.Y. Felten; D.L. Bellinger; S. Livnat; D.L. Felten.
Prog. Immunol. 1987; 6: 588-600.
Alterations of monoamines in specific central autonomic nuclei following immunization in mice.
Carlson, S.L.; D.L. Felten; S. Livnat; S.Y. Felten.
Brain, Behav. and Immunity. 1987; 1: 52-63.
Decreased sympathetic innervation of spleen in aged Fischer 344 rats.
Felten, S.Y.; D.L. Bellinger; T.J. Collier; P.D. Coleman; D.L. Felten.
Neurobiol. of Aging. 1987; 8: 159-165.
Regulation of the immune system by sympathetic neural mechanisms.
Livnat, S.; K.S. Madden; D.L. Felten; S.Y. Felten.
Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacol. and Biol. Psychiat. 1987; 11: 145-152.
Immune interactions with specific neural structures.
Felten, D.L.; S.Y. Felten.
Brain, Behav. Immun. 1987; 1: 279-283.
Felten SY, Olschowka J
Journal of neuroscience research.. 1987 18 (1):37-48. Epub 1900 01 01.
Felten DL, Ackerman KD, Wiegand SJ, Felten SY
Journal of neuroscience research.. 1987 18 (1):28-36, 118-21. Epub 1900 01 01.
Ackerman KD, Felten SY, Bellinger DL, Felten DL
Journal of neuroscience research.. 1987 18 (1):49-54, 123-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Bellinger DL, Felten SY, Collier TJ, Felten DL
Journal of neuroscience research.. 1987 18 (1):55-63, 126-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Carlson SL, Felten DL, Livnat S, Felten SY
Journal of neuroscience research.. 1987 18 (1):64-9, 130-1. Epub 1900 01 01.
Noradrenergic innervation of the cerebellar cortex in normal and Purkinje cell degeneration (pcd/pcd) mice: Evidence for long term survival following loss of the two major cerebellar cortical neuronal populations.
Felten, D.L.; S.Y. Felten; K.W. Perry; R.W. Fuller; C.J. Alyea; J.I. Nurnberger; B. Ghetti.
Neurosci. 1986; 18: 783-793.
Livnat S, Felten SY, Carlson SL, Bellinger DL, Felten DL
Journal of neuroimmunology.. 1985 November 10 (1):5-30. Epub 1900 01 01.
Felten DL, Felten SY, Carlson SL, Olschowka JA, Livnat S
The Journal of immunology : official journal of the American Association of Immunologists.. 1985 August 135 (2 Suppl):755s-765s. Epub 1900 01 01.
Differentiation characteristics of human neuroblastoma cells in the presence of growth modulators and antimitotic drugs.
Gupta, M.; M.F.D. Notter; S.Y. Felten; D.M. Gash.
Dev. Brain Res. 1985; 19: 21-29.
Felten DL, Livnat S, Felten SY, Carlson SL, Bellinger DL, Yeh P
Brain research bulletin.. 1984 December 13 (6):693-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Felten DL, Rubin LR, Felten SY, Weyhenmeyer JA
Brain research bulletin.. 1984 September 13 (3):433-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Felten SY, Weyhenmeyer JA, Felten DL
Brain research bulletin.. 1984 September 13 (3):437-41. Epub 1900 01 01.
Felten DL, Felten SY, Melman A
The Anatomical record.. 1983 May 206 (1):49-59. Epub 1900 01 01.
Barber MJ, Mueller TM, Henry DP, Felten SY, Zipes DP
Circulation.. 1983 April 67 (4):787-96. Epub 1900 01 01.
Yount EA, Felten SY, O'Connor BL, Peterson RG, Powell RS, Yum MN, Harris RA
The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics.. 1982 August 222 (2):501-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Felten SY, Peterson RG, Shea PA, Besch HR, Felten DL
Brain research bulletin.. 1982 June 8 (6):593-607. Epub 1900 01 01.
The receptor concept: basic to clinical science.
Felten, S.Y.; H. R. Besch, Jr.
J. Ind. State Med. Assn. 1982; 75: 618-622,631,646.
Felten DL, Overhage JM, Felten SY, Schmedtje JF
Brain research bulletin.. 1981 November 7 (5):595-612. Epub 1900 01 01.
Sympathetic noradrenergic innervation of guinea pig liver: Histofluorescence and pharmacologic studies.
Fuller, R.W.; S.Y. Felten; K.W. Perry; H.D. Snoddy; D.L. Felten.
J. Pharmacol. Exp. 1981; 218: 282-288.
Molecular and Cell Biology of Marine Mammals (2002)
Chapter: Immune response, stress, and environment: Implications for Cetaceans
Authors: Romano, T.A.; D.L. Felten; S.Y. Stevens; J.A. Olschowka; V. Quaranta; S.H. Ridgway.
Publisher: Krieger, Malabar, Florida 2002
Brain and Biodefence, (1998)
Chapter: Sympathetic modulation of immunity in aging.
Authors: ThyagaRajan, S.; K.S. Madden; D.L. Bellinger; S.Y. Felten; D.L. Felten
Publisher: Japan Scientific Societies Press,, Tokyo and Karger, Switzerland 1998
Neuroimmunoendocrinology (1997)
Chapter: Noradrenergic and peptidergic innervation of lymphoid organs.
Authors: Stevens-Felten, S.Y.; D.L. Bellinger
Publisher: Chem Immunol., Basel, Karger 1997
The significance of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) in immunomodulation. (1996)
Chapter: VIP innervation in lymphoid organs.
Authors: Bellinger, D.L.; D. Lorton; S. Brouxhon; S.Y. Felten; D.L. Felten
Publisher: Adv. Neuroimmunol. 1996
Aging of the Autonomic Nervous System, (1993)
Chapter: Noradrenergic sympathetic innervation of lymphoid organs during development, aging, and in autoimmune disease.
Authors: Bellinger, D.L.; S.Y. Felten; K.D. Ackerman; D. Lorton; K.S. Madden; D.L. Felten
Publisher: CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1993
Chemical Immunology: Neuroimmunoendocrinology (1992)
Chapter: Noradrenergic and peptidergic innervation of lymphoid organs.
Authors: Felten, S.Y.; D.L. Felten; D.L. Bellinger; J.A. Olschowka
Publisher: S. Karger, Basel 1992
Review of Psychiatry (1992)
Chapter: Neural-Immune Interactions: Neurotransmitter signaling of cells of the imune system.
Authors: Bellinger, D.L.; S.Y. Felten; D.L. Felten
Publisher: American Psychiatric Press, Wash. D.C. 1992
Psychoneuroimmunology II (1991)
Chapter: The innervation of lymphoid organs.
Authors: Felten, S.Y.; D.L. Felten
Publisher: Academic Press, New York 1991
Psychoneuroimmunology II (1991)
Chapter: Ontogeny and senescence of noradrenergic innervation of the rodent thymus and spleen.
Authors: Ackerman, K.D.; D.L. Bellinger; S.Y. Felten; D.L. Felten
Publisher: Academic Press, New York 1991
Psychoneuroimmunology II (1991)
Chapter: Central neural circuits involved in neural-immune interactions.
Authors: Felten, D.L.; N. Cohen; R. Ader; S.Y. Felten; S.L. Carlson; T.L. Roszman
Publisher: Academic Press, New York 1991
Encyclopedia of Human Biology (1991)
Chapter: Neural-Immune interactions
Authors: Felten, D.L.; S.Y. Felten
Publisher: Academic Press, Orlando, FL, 1991
The Neuroendocrine-Immune Network (1990)
Chapter: Felten, D.L.; S.Y. Felten; K.D. Ackerman; D.L. Bellinger; K.S. Madden; S.L. Carlson; S. Livnat
Authors: Peripheral innervation of lymphoid tissue.
Publisher: CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 1990
Brain Aging: Molecular Biology, the Aging Process and Neurodegenerative Disease (1990)
Chapter: Autonomic signaling of the immune system: Implications for neural-immune interactions in aging.
Authors: Felten, D.L.; D.L. Bellinger; S.Y. Felten
Publisher: Hogrefe and Huber Pub., Toronto 1990
Stress and Aging Brain (1990)
Chapter: Noradrenergic and peptidergic neural-immune interactions in aging.
Authors: Bellinger, D.L.; D. Lorton; S.Y. Felten; D.L. Felten
Publisher: Raven Press, NY 1990
Neuropeptides and Immunopeptides: Messengers in a Neuroimmune Axis. (1990)
Chapter: Neuropeptide innervation of lymphoid organs.
Authors: Bellinger, D.L.; D. Lorton; T.D. Romano; J.A. Olschowka; S.Y. Felten; D.L. Felten
Publisher: Acad. Sci., NY 1990
Thymus Update 2: T Lymphocyte Differentiation in the Human Thymus. (1989)
Chapter: Innervation of the thymus.
Authors: Felten, D.L.; S.Y. Felten
Publisher: Harwood Academic Publishers, London 1989
Development, Maturation, and Senescence of the Neuroendocrine System. (1989)
Chapter: Development, maturation, and senescence of sympathetic innervation of secondary immune organs.
Authors: Felten, D.L.; S.Y. Felten; K.S. Madden; K.D. Ackerman; D.L. Bellinger
Publisher: Academic Press, San Diego 1989
Frontiers of Stress Research, (1989)
Chapter: Are lymphocytes targets of noradrenergic innervation?
Authors: Felten, S.Y.; D.L. Felten
Publisher: Hans Huber Pub., Toronto 1989
Neuroimmune Networks: Physiology and Diseases. (1989)
Chapter: Patterns of noradrenergic innervation of lymphoid organs and immunological consequences of denervation.
Authors: Madden, K.S.; K.D. Ackerman; S. Livnat; S.Y. Felten; D.L. Felten
Publisher: Alan R. Liss 1989
Interactions Among Central Nervous System, Neuroendocrine and Immune Systems. (1989)
Chapter: Noradrenergic sympathetic innervation of thymus, spleen and lymph nodes: Aspects of development, aging and plasticity in neural immune interaction.
Authors: Bellinger, D.L.; K.D. Ackerman; S.Y. Felten; D. Lorton; D.L. Felten
Publisher: Pythagora Press, Rome, Italy 1989
Neuroimmune Interactions: New Approaches to the Immunological and Neurological (1988)
Chapter: The innervation of the immune system.
Authors: Felten, D.L.; S.Y. Felten
Publisher: IBC Technical Services Ltd.,, London, England. 1988
Psychological and Biological Approaches to the Understanding of Human Disease. (1987)
Chapter: Innervation of the gut: Implications for interaction between the nervous and immune systems.
Authors: Aravich, P.F.; B.J. Davis; C.D. Sladek; S.Y. Felten; D.L. Felten
Publisher: Martinus-Nijhof. 1987
MPTP-- A Neurotoxin Producing A Parkinsonian Syndrome (1986)
Chapter: MPTP alters monoamine levels in systems other than the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system in mice.
Authors: Gupta, M.; D.L. Felten; S.Y. Felten
Publisher: Academic Press, New York 1986
MPTP-- A Neurotoxin Producing A Parkinsonian Syndrome (1986)
Chapter: Behavioral sequellae following MPTP administration in mice.
Authors: Kordower, J.H.; S.Y. Felten; D.L. Felten; D.M. Gash
Publisher: Academic Press, New York 1986
Neuroregulation of Autonomic, Endocrine and Immune Systems, (1986)
Chapter: Overview of the efferent autonomic nervous system.
Authors: Felten, S.Y.; S.L. Carlson; D.L. Bellinger; D.L. Felten
Publisher: Martinus-Nijhof 1986
Neurorehabilitation: a multisensory approach. (1981)
Chapter: A functional overview of regional and systemic neuroanatomy.
Authors: Felten, D.L.; S.Y. Felten
Publisher: W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia 1981