Deborah J. Ossip, Ph.D.
Deborah J. Ossip, Ph.D.
About Me
Faculty Appointments
Professor - Department of Public Health Sciences (SMD)
Professor - Center for Community Health and Prevention - Joint
PhD | Univ of Pittsburgh. Clinical Psychology. 1981
MS | Univ of Pittsburgh. Clinical Psychology. 1978
BA | University of Miami. Psychology & Sociology. 1975
Emeritus Award for Excellence in Research (to Ian Kleckner, PhD, MPH). 2018
Berg Award for Student Distinction in Population Health Improvement (Marielena Velez de Brown, MD, MPH). 2017
Crystal Gavel Award for Leadership as President. 2017
SRNT Fellow. 2017
Emeritus Award for Excellence in Research (to Sean Frey, MD). 2016
First Annual Rochester Global Health Symposium Poster Presentation Award (to Philip Meacham). 2015
Marvin J. Hoffman International Medicine Research Award (to Michael Prucha). 2013
Recognition of Distinguished Service as a Founding Member 2001-2012. 2012
Faculty Research Incentive Award. 2012 - 2013
Distinguished Service Award. 2010
Plaque of Appreciation for Contributions to Preferred Care Efforts in Smoking Cessation. 2007
Certificate of Honor for Distinguished Leadership in Tobacco Cessation. 2005
Certificate of Appreciation Demonstrating Intern'l Leadership as Co-Chair of the North American Conf Smoking Cessation Quitlines. 2002
Faculty in Residence Program awarded to Celia Watt, PhD, SUNY Brockport, for mentored summer work with D. Ossip-Klein. 2001
Certificate of Appreciation for Contributions to Research and Development Work Group. 1998
Award for Paper Presentation. 1993
Certificate for Outstanding Performance. 1993
Smoking Cessation Achievement Award. 1989
Award for FREEDOM LINE Smoker's Quitline project. 1988
Key Smoking Cessation Staff Award. 1988
Governor's Award for the FREEDOM LINE smokers' hotline project. 1987
Award for paper presentation, 18th Annual Convention of the Assoc for Advancement of Behavior Therapy. 1984
Certificate of Appreciation for Service Toward Improving Community Health. 1983
Lilly Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship. 1981 - 1983
Dolson Award for most outstanding student in Clinical Psychology. 1980
Dr. Ossip Co-Directs the Nicotine and Tobacco Research Core, which focuses on community-based interventions and underserved populations. Her tobacco control research has spanned basic, clinical, and policy domains, with concurrent foci on translating science to practice and policy, health disparities, and global health. Her basic research includes early studies demonstrating no reduced exposure for "low tar low nicotine" cigarettes through current collaboration with investigators in biology and cancer control (Rahman, Sundar, O'Connor) examining use patterns, sensory perceptions, and toxicology of emerging products. Her clinical and policy research includes a systematic series of NIH-funded quitline studies, from one of the original two trials demonstrating quitline effectiveness, through co-founding of the North American Quitline Consortium, and recent work introducing a "reach ratio" metric for responsiveness to underserved populations (Campbell). Globally, she was PI of two recent NIH community-partnered trials for tobacco cessation and secondhand smoke exposure reduction in economically disadvantaged Dominican Republic communities (Diaz, Quiñones) and MPI (Dye) of an NIH training grant, MundoComm, partnering with Latin American and Caribbean teams to address maternal health issues using information communication technologies. She currently Co-Directs a NYS-funded tobacco policy change initiative in health systems serving low income and psychiatric populations (McIntosh) and is a Site Director and Career Enhancement Core Co-Director for the Center for Research on Flavored Tobacco (CRoFT), an NIH-funded Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science (TCORS) as a partnership between Roswell Park Cancer Center (O'Connor, Goniewicz) and the University of Rochester Medical Center. She is Co-Investigator on trials of vaping prevention in youth (Wyman) and pediatrician interventions for tobacco cessation in parents (Winickoff). More broadly, Dr. Ossip is MPI of the NIH NCATS funded Center for Leading Innovation and Collaboration (CLIC; Zand) to coordinate over 60 Clinical and Translational Science Award centers nationally.
Journal Articles
Gudina AT, Kamen CS, Hirko KA, Adler DH, Ossip DJ, Williams EM, Cheruvu VK, Cupertino AP
Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology.. 2024 September 13 Epub 09/13/2024.
Fix BV, Bansal-Travers M, Hyland A, Najam LM, Diaz D, Sharma A, Ossip DJ, O'Connor RJ
Journal of public health policy.. 2024 September 4 Epub 09/04/2024.
Gudina AT, Kamen C, Mattick LJ, Cartujano-Barrera F, Janelsins MC, Ossip D, Rivera MP, Fiscella K, Cupertino AP
Translational lung cancer research.. 2024 August 3113 (8):1877-1887. Epub 08/12/2024.
Orfin RH, Ramos Santiago JW, Decena Soriano R, Romero Acosta E, Bermudez D, Rodriguez YL, Li D, Rahman I, McIntosh S, Ossip DJ, Cupertino AP, Cartujano-Barrera F
Journal of ethnicity in substance abuse.. 2024 August 28 :1-13. Epub 08/28/2024.
Hernández-Torres R, Wang H, Orfin R, Castro-Figueroa EM, Freeman J, Cupertino AP, Ossip DJ, Wilson KM, Cartujano-Barrera F
Children.. 2024 April 1311 (4)Epub 04/13/2024.
Lara D, Alaniz-Cantú EI, Siddalingaiaha S, Oliveira I, Chávez-Iñiguez A, DeJesus E, Fuller D, Marquez DX, Vásquez E, Li D, McIntosh S, Ossip DJ, Cupertino AP, Cartujano-Barrera F
Cancer research communications.. 2024 April 84 (4):1016-1023. Epub 1900 01 01.
Orfin RH, Siddalingaiah S, Dontu V, Estrada B, Martinez C, Guerra D, Carrillo H, Cervantes-Díaz MJ, Rodríguez-Rojas DV, Rahman I, McIntosh S, Ossip DJ, Cupertino AP, Cartujano-Barrera F
Community health equity research & policy.. 2024 January 5 :2752535X231225928. Epub 01/05/2024.
Hernández-Torres R, Cartujano-Barrera F, Arana-Chicas E, Chávez-Iñiguez A, Dontu V, Gao S, Cai X, Castro-Figueroa E, Ossip DJ, Cupertino AP
PloS one.. 2024 19 (4):e0297200. Epub 04/04/2024.
Orfin RH, Uceda V, Gardner C, Estrada B, Tamayo E, Hernández-Torres R, Li D, Rahman I, McIntosh S, Ossip DJ, Cupertino AP, Cartujano-Barrera F
Tobacco prevention & cessation.. 2024 10 Epub 04/09/2024.
Quinones Tavarez Z, Croft DP, Li D, Gill SR, Wojtovich AP, Rahman I, Ossip DJ
PloS one.. 2024 19 (6):e0306467. Epub 06/28/2024.
Shaikh SB, Newton C, Tung WC, Sun Y, Li D, Ossip D, Rahman I
International journal of environmental research and public health.. 2023 March 320 (5)Epub 03/03/2023.
Hernández-Torres R, Alaniz-Cantu E, Bautista Rojas MV, Lara D, Merritt S, DeJesus E, D'Abundo ML, McIntosh S, Ossip DJ, Fuller D, Rivera MP, Cupertino AP, Cartujano-Barrera F
International journal of environmental research and public health.. 2023 February 1020 (4)Epub 02/10/2023.
Shi H, Leventhal AM, Wen Q, Ossip DJ, Li D
Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.. 2023 February 925 (3):478-485. Epub 1900 01 01.
Utilizing the Un-Meeting Model to Advance Innovative Translational and Team Science
Augustine EF, Steele SJ, McIntosh S, Sugarwala L, White RJ, Yousefi-Nooraie R, Zand MS, Ossip DJ.
Journal of Clinical Translational Science. 2023; .
Carter-Edwards L, Hightower M, Schick V, Nguyen T, Hidalgo B, Cacari Stone L, Laird R, Ossip D, Rubio M, ElShourbagy Ferreira S, Carrasquillo O
Journal of clinical and translational science.. 2023 7 (1):e41. Epub 12/14/2022.
Roman G, Samar V, Ossip D, McKee M, Barnett S, Yousefi-Nooraie R
Public health reports.. 2023 138 (4):691-704. Epub 05/27/2023.
Connolly M, Croft D, Ramírez-Palacios P, Cai X, Hill B, Orfin RH, Rivera MP, Wilson KM, Li D, McIntosh S, Ossip DJ, Cupertino AP, Cartujano-Barrera F
Frontiers in public health.. 2023 11 :1222184. Epub 08/10/2023.
Augustine EF, Steele SJ, McIntosh S, Sugarwala L, White RJ, Yousefi-Nooraie R, Zand MS, Ossip DJ
Journal of clinical and translational science.. 2023 7 (1):e176. Epub 07/10/2023.
Shi H, Chen S, Meng FW, Ossip DJ, Yan C, Li D
Frontiers in genetics.. 2023 14 :1264382. Epub 09/27/2023.
Cure P, ElShourbagy Ferreira S, Fessel JP, Ossip D, Zand MS, Steele SJ, Gersing K, Hartshorn CM
Journal of clinical and translational science.. 2023 7 (1):e201. Epub 09/11/2023.
Lee S, Xie Z, Xu E, Shao Y, Ossip DJ, Li D
Frontiers in public health.. 2023 11 :1280658. Epub 11/03/2023.
Li D, Ossip DJ, Bansal-Travers M, Xie Z
Tobacco control.. 2022 November 31 (Suppl 3):s176-s183. Epub 1900 01 01.
Cartujano-Barrera F, Cox LS, Castro EM, Lara D, Quiñones Z, McIntosh S, Ossip DJ, Cupertino AP
Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.. 2022 October 2624 (11):1840-1841. Epub 1900 01 01.
Cartujano-Barrera F, Hernández-Torrez R, Cai X, Orfin RH, Azogini C, Chávez-Iñiguez A, Santa Cruz E, Bansal-Travers M, Wilson KM, McIntosh S, Ossip DJ, Cupertino AP
International journal of environmental research and public health.. 2022 August 1419 (16)Epub 08/14/2022.
Shao Y, Zou J, Xie Z, Mayne RG, Ossip DJ, Rahman I, McIntosh S, Li D
Journal of medical Internet research.. 2022 July 1524 (7):e37071. Epub 07/15/2022.
Cartujano-Barrera F, Hernández-Torres R, Orfin RH, Chávez-Iñiguez A, Alvarez Lopez O, Azogini C, Bermudez D, Arana-Chicas E, Cai X, McIntosh S, Ossip DJ, Cupertino AP
Children.. 2022 June 229 (7)Epub 06/22/2022.
Roman G, Samar V, Ossip D, McKee M, Barnett S, Yousefi-Nooraie R
Preventing chronic disease.. 2022 June 919 :E30. Epub 06/09/2022.
Quiñones Z, Li D, McIntosh S, Avendaño E, Sánchez JJ, DiMare-Hering C, Flores Golfín D, Wang S, Pérez-Ramos JG, D V Dye T, Ossip DJ
Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.. 2022 April 2824 (6):909-913. Epub 1900 01 01.
Ruiz R, Schwartz A, Orlando E, Ossip D, Zand MS, Dozier A
Journal of clinical and translational science.. 2022 6 (1):e70. Epub 05/10/2022.
Ruiz R, Vitale A, Schwartz A, Ossip D, Zand MS, Dozier A, Egede LE
Journal of clinical and translational science.. 2022 6 (1):e104. Epub 08/01/2022.
Yousefi Nooraie R, White RJ, Steele S, Augustine EF, Ossip DJ, Zand MS
Journal of clinical and translational science.. 2022 6 (1):e124. Epub 11/09/2022.
Roman G, Samar V, Ossip D, McKee M, Barnett S, Yousefi-Nooraie R
Frontiers in health services.. 2022 2 Epub 06/17/2022.
Cartujano-Barrera F, Azogini C, McIntosh S, Bansal-Travers M, Ossip DJ, Cupertino AP
Journal of participatory medicine.. 2021 November 2313 (3):e29945. Epub 11/23/2021.
Shi H, Ossip DJ, Mayo NL, Lopez DA, Block RC, Post WS, Bertoni AG, Ding J, Chen S, Yan C, Xie Z, Hoeschele I, Liu Y, Li D
BMC genomics.. 2021 November 322 (1):790. Epub 11/03/2021.
Kleckner IR, Jusko TA, Culakova E, Chung K, Kleckner AS, Asare M, Inglis JE, Loh KP, Peppone LJ, Miller J, Melnik M, Kasbari S, Ossip D, Mustian KM
Breast cancer research and treatment.. 2021 September 189 (2):521-532. Epub 06/30/2021.
White AM, Li D, Snell LM, O'Connor R, Hoetger C, Croft D, Lester RC, McIntosh S, Underwood M, Schneller L, Breland A, Barnes AJ, Cobb CO, Ossip DJ
Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.. 2021 August 1823 (9):1617-1622. Epub 1900 01 01.
Cardona Cordero NR, Ramos JP, Tavarez ZQ, McIntosh S, Avendaño E, DiMare C, Ossip DJ, De Ver Dye T
Global health research and policy.. 2021 May 76 (1):16. Epub 05/07/2021.
Peoples AR, Pigeon WR, Li D, Garland SN, Perlis ML, Inglis JE, Vinciguerra V, Anderson T, Evans LS, Wade JL, Ossip DJ, Morrow GR, Wolf JR
Journal of pain and symptom management.. 2021 February 61 (2):254-261. Epub 08/05/2020.
Nabi-Burza E, Wasserman R, Drehmer JE, Walters BH, Luo M, Ossip D, Winickoff JP
Journal of smoking cessation.. 2021 2021 :5526715. Epub 05/17/2021.
Cartujano-Barrera F, McIntosh S, Cox LS, Arana-Chicas E, Catley D, Ellerbeck EF, Ossip DJ, Cupertino AP
Tobacco use insights.. 2021 14 :1179173X211035366. Epub 07/29/2021.
Schneller LM, Quiñones Tavárez Z, Goniewicz ML, Xie Z, McIntosh S, Rahman I, O'Connor RJ, Ossip DJ, Li D
Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.. 2020 December 1522 (Suppl 1):S76-S84. Epub 1900 01 01.
Li D, Croft DP, Ossip DJ, Xie Z
Preventive medicine reports.. 2020 December 20 :101254. Epub 11/25/2020.
Nabi-Burza E, Winickoff JP, Drehmer JE, Gorzkowski JA, Klein JD, Levy DE, Ossip DJ, Regan S, Rigotti NA, Hipple Walters B
Translational behavioral medicine.. 2020 October 810 (4):1039-1052. Epub 1900 01 01.
Li D, Shi H, Xie Z, Rahman I, McIntosh S, Bansal-Travers M, Winickoff JP, Drehmer JE, Ossip DJ
Preventive medicine.. 2020 October 139 :106215. Epub 07/18/2020.
Schneller LM, Li D, Tavárez ZQ, Goniewicz ML, Quisenberry AJ, Xie Z, Rahman I, McIntosh S, O'Connor RJ, Ossip DJ
American journal of health behavior.. 2020 September 144 (5):617-630. Epub 1900 01 01.
Xie Z, Ossip DJ, Rahman I, Li D
Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.. 2020 June 1222 (7):1155-1161. Epub 1900 01 01.
Li D, Croft DP, Ossip DJ, Xie Z
medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences.. 2020 May 9 Epub 05/09/2020.
Drehmer JE, Ossip DJ, Nabi-Burza E, Hipple Walters B, Gorzkowski JA, Winickoff JP
Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.. 2020 March 1622 (3):346-353. Epub 1900 01 01.
Li D, Sundar IK, McIntosh S, Ossip DJ, Goniewicz ML, O'Connor RJ, Rahman I
Tobacco control.. 2020 March 29 (2):140-147. Epub 02/13/2019.
Itanyi IU, Onwasigwe CN, Ossip D, Uzochukwu BSC, McIntosh S, Aguwa EN, Wang S, Onoka CA, Ezeanolue EE
Tobacco induced diseases.. 2020 18 :13. Epub 03/03/2020.
Shi H, Tavárez ZQ, Xie Z, Schneller LM, Croft DP, Goniewicz ML, McIntosh S, O'Connor RJ, Ossip DJ, Rahman I, Li D
Tobacco induced diseases.. 2020 18 :82. Epub 10/01/2020.
Xie Z, Ossip DJ, Rahman I, O'Connor RJ, Li D
PloS one.. 2020 15 (11):e0241599. Epub 11/02/2020.
Quinones Tavarez Z, Li D, Croft DP, Gill SR, Ossip DJ, Rahman I
Frontiers in microbiology.. 2020 11 :589501. Epub 12/16/2020.
Nabi-Burza E, Drehmer JE, Hipple Walters B, Rigotti NA, Ossip DJ, Levy DE, Klein JD, Regan S, Gorzkowski JA, Winickoff JP
JAMA pediatrics.. 2019 October 1173 (10):931-939. Epub 1900 01 01.
Schneller LM, Bansal-Travers M, Goniewicz ML, McIntosh S, Ossip D, O'Connor RJ
International journal of environmental research and public health.. 2019 August 2016 (16)Epub 08/20/2019.
Drehmer JE, Nabi-Burza E, Hipple Walters B, Ossip DJ, Levy DE, Rigotti NA, Klein JD, Winickoff JP
Pediatrics.. 2019 April 143 (4)Epub 03/11/2019.
Nicotine product use and chemosensory impairments: data from NHANES 2013-2014.
Schneller, LM; McIntosh, S; Li D; Rahman, I; Ossip, D; Goniewicz, ML; O'Connor, RJ.
Tobacco Induced Diseases. 2019; 16(16).
Association between e-cigarette use and wheezing in adults: results from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) II Study
Li D; Sundar I; McIntosh S; Ossip D; Goniewicz M; O'Connor RJ; Rahman I.
Tob Control. 2019; in press(Epub ahead of print).
Parental dual use of e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes
Nabi-Burza E, Regan S, Hipple Walters B, Drehmer J, Rigotti NA, Ossip DJ, Gorzowski JA, Levy DE, Winickoff JP.
Academic Pediatrics. 2019; 19: 842-848.
Innovations in parental smoking cessation assistance delivered in the child healthcare setting
Nabi-Burza E, Winickoff JP, Drehmer JE, Gorzkowski JA, Klein JD, Levy DE, Ossip DJ, Regan S, Rigotti N, Hipple Walters B.
Translational Behavioral Medicine. 2019; in press.
Nabi-Burza E, Regan S, Walters BH, Drehmer JE, Rigotti NA, Ossip DJ, Gorzkowski JA, Levy DE, Winickoff JP
Academic pediatrics.. 2019 19 (7):842-848. Epub 04/11/2019.
Ossip DJ, Johnson T, Assibey-Mensah V, Wang S, McLaren D, Calabro K, Prokhorov AV, McIntosh S
Health education & behavior : the official publication of the Society for Public Health Education.. 2018 August 45 (4):540-549. Epub 12/04/2017.
Snow E, Johnson T, Ossip DJ, Williams GC, Ververs D, Rahman I, McIntosh S
Journal of smoking cessation.. 2018 June 13 (2):110-120. Epub 06/28/2017.
Itanyi IU, Onwasigwe CN, McIntosh S, Bruno T, Ossip D, Nwobi EA, Onoka CA, Ezeanolue EE
BMC public health.. 2018 March 618 (1):317. Epub 03/06/2018.
Frey SM, Fernandez ID, Ossip DJ, Halterman JS
The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma.. 2018 February 55 (2):124-131. Epub 10/20/2017.
Use of flavored electronic cigarette refill liquids among adults and youth in the US - Results from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study (2014-2015)
Schneller, LM, Bansal-Travers, M; Goniewicz, ML; McIntosh, S.; Ossip, D.; O'Conor, RJ.;.
PloS One. 2018; 13: e0202744.
Pediatric Office Delivery of Smoking Cessation Assistance for Breastfeeding Mothers. [Advance Access publication December 6, 2018]. doi:10.1093/ntr/nty247.
Drehmer JE; Ossip DJ; Nabi-Burza E; Hipple Walters B; Gorzkowski JA; Winickoff JP.
Nicotine Tob Res. 2018; .
Disparities in tobacco use by adolescents in Southeast, Nigeria using Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) approach.
Itanyi IU; Onwasigwe CN; McIntosh S; Bruno T; Ossip D; Nwobi EA; Onoka CA; Ezeanolue EE.
BMC Public Health. 2018; .
Schneller LM, Bansal-Travers M, Goniewicz ML, McIntosh S, Ossip D, O'Connor RJ
PloS one.. 2018 13 (8):e0202744. Epub 08/23/2018.
Schneller LM, McIntosh S, Li D, Rahman I, Ossip D, Goniewicz M, O'Connor RJ
Tobacco induced diseases.. 2018 16 :43. Epub 09/18/2018.
Chin N, Dozier A, Quinones Z, Diaz S, Weber E, Almonte H, Bautista A, Raman K, McIntosh S, Ossip D
Global health promotion.. 2017 December 24 (4):23-32. Epub 06/28/2016.
McIntosh S, Johnson T, Wall AF, Prokhorov AV, Calabro KS, Ververs D, Assibey-Mensah V, Ossip DJ
JMIR research protocols.. 2017 May 86 (5):e79. Epub 05/08/2017.
Leischow SJ, Okamoto J, McIntosh S, Ossip DJ, Lando HA
BMC public health.. 2017 April 2017 (1):338. Epub 04/20/2017.
Groth SW, Stewart PA, Ossip DJ, Block RC, Wixom N, Fernandez ID
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.. 2017 April 117 (4):589-598. Epub 01/05/2017.
Holderness H, Chin N, Ossip DJ, Fagnano M, Reznik M, Halterman JS
Annals of allergy, asthma & immunology : official publication of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology.. 2017 April 118 (4):433-438. Epub 03/06/2017.
Drehmer JE, Hipple B, Ossip DJ, Nabi-Burza E, Winickoff JP
Journal of smoking cessation.. 2017 March 12 (1):6-14. Epub 03/24/2015.
Tobacco control at Community Colleges: context and opportunities
McIntosh S; Wall A; Johnson T; Done DH; Kurtzman JH; Ververs D; Ossip DJ.
Tobacco Prevention and Cessation. 2017; 2.
Recruitment of community college students into a web assisted tobacco intervention study
McIntosh S, Wall A, Johnson T, Done DH, Kurtzman JH, Ververs D, Ossip DJ.
JMIR Research Protocols. 2017; 6: e79.
Micronutrient intake inadequate for many pregnant African American women
Groth S, Stewart PA, Ossip DJ, Block R, Chen D-G, Fernandez ID.
J Acad Nutr Diet. 2017; 117: 589-598.
A cross-sectional study of happiness and smoking cessation among parents
Drehmer JE, Hipple BH, Ossip DJ, Nabi-Burza E, Winickoff J.
J Smok Cess. 2017; 12: 6-14.
Physical activity, restrictions in activity, and body mass index among urban children with persistent asthma
Holderness H, Chin N, Ossip DJ, Fagnano M, Reznik M, Halterman JS.
Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2017; 118: 433-438.
A Globally Networked Online Plus Workshop Approach to Public Health Capacity Training for Maternal Health Professionals in Low and Middle Income Countries
McIntosh S, Pérez-Ramos J, David T, Demment MM, Avendaño E, Ossip DJ, & Dye T.
Global Health Res and Policy. 2017; 2: 8.
Snow E, Johnson T, Ossip DJ, Williams GC, Ververs D, Rahman I, McIntosh S.
Journal of Smoking Cessation. 2017; 1(11).
Smokefree home- and vehicle policies among community college smokers
Ossip DJ, Johnson T, Assibey-Mensah V, McLaren D, Calabro K, Prokhorov AV, McIntosh S.
Health Educ Beh. 2017; 45: 540-549.
McIntosh S, Pérez-Ramos JG, David T, Demment MM, Avendaño E, Ossip DJ, De Ver Dye T
Global health research and policy.. 2017 2 :8. Epub 03/01/2017.
Ossip DJ, Quiñones Z, Diaz S, Thevenet-Morrison K, Fisher S, Holderness H, Cai X, McIntosh S, Dozier A, Chin N, Weber E, Sanchez JJ, Bautista A, Héctor A
Journal of smoking cessation.. 2016 December 11 (4):239-249. Epub 02/20/2015.
McIntosh S, Wall AF, Johnson T, Kurtzman J, Ververs D, Ossip DJ
Tobacco prevention & cessation.. 2016 December 2 Epub 12/01/2016.
McIntosh S, Pérez-Ramos J, Demment MM, Vélez Vega C, Avendaño E, Ossip DJ, Dye TD
JMIR public health and surveillance.. 2016 June 22 (1):e28. Epub 06/02/2016.
Ossip DJ, Diaz S, Quiñones Z, McIntosh S, Dozier A, Chin N, Weber E, Holderness H, Torres E, Bautista A, Sanchez JJ, Avendaño E, De Ver Dye T, McDonald P, Bianco E
Journal of smoking cessation.. 2016 June 11 (2):99-107. Epub 05/10/2016.
Walters BH, Ossip DJ, Drehmer JE, Nabi-Burza E, Whitmore R, Gorzkowski J, Winickoff JP
Journal of clinical outcomes management : JCOM. 2016 February 23 (2):79-86. Epub 1900 01 01.
Ossip DJ, Diaz S, Quiñones Z, McIntosh S, Dozier A, Chin N, Weber E, Holderness H, Torres E, Bautista A, Sanchez JJ, Avendaño E, Dye TDV, McDonald P, Bianco E.
Journal of Smoking Cessation. 2016; 11: 99-107 PMCID: PMC5195910.
Proactive enrollment of parents to tobacco quitlines in pediatric practices is associated with greater quitline use: a cross-sectional study.
Drehmer JE, Hipple B, Nabi-Burza E, Ossip DJ, Chang Y, Rigotti NA, Winickoff JP.
BMC Public Health. 2016; 16: 520.
Development and Implementation of Culturally Tailored Offline mHealth Surveys
McIntosh S, Pérez-Ramos J, Demment MM, Vélez Vega CM, Avendaño E, Ossip DJ, Dye TD.
Journal of Medical Internet Research: Public Health and Surveillance. 2016; 2: e28.
Clinician Telephone Training to Reduce Family Tobacco Use: Analysis of Transcribed Recordings.
Walters, BH, Ossip DJ, Drehmer JE, Nabi-Burza E, Whitmore, R, Gorzkowski J, Winickoff J.
J Clin Outcomes Manage. 2016; 23(2).
A Globally Networked Online Plus Workshop Approach to Public Health Capacity Training for Maternal Health Professionals in Low and Middle Income Countries
McIntosh S, Pérez-Ramos J, David T, Demment MM, Avendaño E, Ossip DJ, & Dye T.
Global Health Res and Policy. 2016; : e28.
McIntosh S, Wall A, Johnson T, Done DH, Kurtzman JH, Ververs D, Ossip DJ.
Tobacco Prevention and Cessation. 2016; 2: 72.
Prucha MG, Fisher SG, McIntosh S, Grable JC, Holderness H, Thevenet-Morrison K, de Monegro ZQ, Sánchez JJ, Bautista A, Díaz S, Ossip DJ
International journal of environmental research and public health.. 2015 April 1312 (4):4060-75. Epub 04/13/2015.
Lerner CA, Sundar IK, Watson RM, Elder A, Jones R, Done D, Kurtzman R, Ossip DJ, Robinson R, McIntosh S, Rahman I
Environmental pollution.. 2015 March 198 :100-7. Epub 01/09/2015.
Dempsey J, Regan S, Drehmer JE, Finch S, Hipple B, Klein JD, Murphy S, Nabi-Burza E, Ossip D, Woo H, Winickoff JP.
Acad Pediatr. 2015; 15(1): 47-53 PMCID: PMC4273106.
Lerner CA, Sundar IK, Yao H, Gerloff J, Ossip DJ, McIntosh S, Robinson R, Rahman I.
PLoS One. 2015; 10(2): e0116732 PMCID: PMC4319729.
Lerner CA, Sundar IK, Watson RM, Elder A, Jones R, Done D, Kurtzman R, Ossip DJ, Robinson R, McIntosh S, Rahman I.
Environ Pollut. 2015; 198: 100-7 PMCID: PMC4323666.
Tobacco cessation in economically disadvantage Dominican Republic communites: who are the ex-users?
Ossip DJ, Quiñones Z, Diaz S, Thevenet-Morrison K, Fisher S, Holderness H, Cai X, McIntosh S., Dozier A, Chin N, Weber E, Sanchez JJ, Bautista A, Almonte H.
J Smok Cess. 2015; epub(NIHMSID: NIHMS657439).
E-cigarettes in pregnancy Case #11544.
Ossip D, McIntosh S.
The periFACTS Ob/GYN Academy. 2015; in press.
Dempsey J, Regan S, Drehmer JE, Finch S, Hipple B, Klein JD, Murphy S, Nabi-Burza E, Ossip D, Woo H, Winickoff JP
Academic pediatrics.. 2015 15 (1):47-53. Epub 1900 01 01.
Lerner CA, Sundar IK, Yao H, Gerloff J, Ossip DJ, McIntosh S, Robinson R, Rahman I
PloS one.. 2015 10 (2):e0116732. Epub 02/06/2015.
Torres ET, Guido J, de Monegro ZQ, Diaz S, Dozier AM, McInstosh S, Ossip DJ
Maternal and child health journal.. 2014 December 18 (10):2275-83. Epub 1900 01 01.
Winickoff JP, Nabi-Burza E, Chang Y, Regan S, Drehmer J, Finch S, Wasserman R, Ossip D, Hipple B, Woo H, Klein J, Rigotti NA
Pediatrics.. 2014 November 134 (5):933-41. Epub 10/20/2014.
Dozier AM, Brownell E, Guido J, Yang H, Howard CA, Doniger A, Ossip D, Lawrence R
Maternal and child health journal.. 2014 July 18 (5):1196-204. Epub 1900 01 01.
Treviño LA, Baker L, McIntosh S, Mustian K, Seplaki CL, Guido JJ, Ossip DJ
Addictive behaviors.. 2014 May 39 (5):885-8. Epub 02/04/2014.
Campbell HS, Baskerville NB, Hayward LM, Brown KS, Ossip DJ
Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.. 2014 April 16 (4):491-5. Epub 12/05/2013.
Drehmer JE, Ossip DJ, Nabi-Burza E, Rigotti NA, Hipple B, Woo H, Chang Y, Winickoff JP
Pediatrics.. 2014 April 133 (4):e850-6. Epub 03/03/2014.
Dozier AM, Diaz S, Guido J, Quiñones de Monegro Z, McIntosh S, Fisher SG, Ossip DJ
Revista panamericana de salud pu?blica = Pan American journal of public health.. 2014 January 35 (1):30-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Adapting the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring Survey to enhance locally available data: Methods.
Dozier A, Brownell E, Guido J, Yang H, Howard CA, Doniger A, Ossip D, Lawrence R.
Matern Child Health. 2014; 18: 1196-1204. PMCID: PMC3938986.
Understanding sociodemographic and sociocultural factors that characterize tobacco use and cessation during pregnancy among women in the Dominican Republic.
Torres E, Guido J, Quiñones de Monegro Z, Diaz S, Dozier A, McIntosh S, Ossip, D.
Matern Child Health. 2014; 18: 2275-2283. PMCID: PMC4000276.
Cohort study of smoke-free homes in economically disadvantaged communities in the Dominican Republic
Dozier, AM; Diaz, S; Guido, J; Quiñones de Monegro, Z; McIntosh, S; Fisher, SG; Ossip, D.
J Pan Am Health Org (Rev Panam Salud Publica). 2014; 35(30-37).
Physical activity as a coping strategy for smoking cessation in adults age 50 and older
Trevino LA, Baker L, McIntosh S, Mustian K, Seplaki CL, Guido JJ, Ossip DJ.
Addictive Behaviors. 2014; 39: 885-888. PMICD: PMC3999960.
Thirdhand smoke beliefs of parents and child protective behaviors
Drehmer JE, Ossip DJ, Nabi-Burza E, Rigotti NA, Hipple B, Woo H, Chang Y, Winickoff J.
Pediatrics. 2014; 133: e850-856.
The Reach Ratio - A new indicator for comparing quitline reach into smoking subgroups
Campbell HS, Baskerville NB, Hayward LM, Brown KS, Ossip DJ.
Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 2014; 16: 491-495 PMCID: PMC3954428.
Winickoff JP, Nabi-Burza E, Chang Y, Regan S, Drehmer J, Finch S, Wasserman R, Ossip D, Hipple B, Woo H, Klein J, Rigotti NA.
Pediatrics. 2014; 134(5): 933-941.
Ossip DJ
Asia-Pacific journal of public health. 2013 September 25 (5 Suppl):4S-6S. Epub 1900 01 01.
Winickoff JP, Nabi-Burza E, Chang Y, Finch S, Regan S, Wasserman R, Ossip D, Woo H, Klein J, Dempsey J, Drehmer J, Hipple B, Weiley V, Murphy S, Rigotti NA
Pediatrics.. 2013 July 132 (1):109-17. Epub 1900 01 01.
Winickoff JP, Nabi-Burza E, Chang Y, Finch S, Regan S, Wasserman M, Ossip D, Woo H, Klein J, Dempsey J, Drehmer J, Hipple B, Weiley V, Murphy S, Rigotti N.
Pediatrics. 2013; 132(1): 109-117 PMCID: PMC3691536.
The global tobacco epidemic: public health crisis and public health opportunity.
Ossip DJ.
Asian Pacific J Public Health. 2013; 25(5 Suppl): 4S-6S.
Strict smokefree home policies among smoking parents in pediatric settings.
Ossip DJ, Chang Y, Nabi-Burza E, Drehmer J, Finch S, Hipple B, Rigotti NA, Klein JD, Winickoff JP.
Acad Pediatr. 2013; 13: 517-523 PMCID: PMC4046861.
Ossip DJ, Chang Y, Nabi-Burza E, Drehmer J, Finch S, Hipple B, Rigotti NA, Klein JD, Winickoff JP
Academic pediatrics.. 2013 13 (6):517-23. Epub 1900 01 01.
Nabi-Burza E, Regan S, Drehmer J, Ossip D, Rigotti N, Hipple B, Dempsey J, Hall N, Friebely J, Weiley V, Winickoff JP
Pediatrics.. 2012 December 130 (6):e1471-8. Epub 11/12/2012.
Drehmer JE, Ossip DJ, Rigotti NA, Nabi-Burza E, Woo H, Wasserman RC, Chang Y, Winickoff JP
American journal of preventive medicine.. 2012 November 43 (5):533-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Winickoff JP, Hipple B, Drehmer J, Nabi E, Hall N, Ossip DJ, Friebely J
Journal of clinical outcomes management : JCOM. 2012 January 19 (9):414-419. Epub 1900 01 01.
The Clinical Effort Against Secondhand Smoke Exposure (CEASE): a decade of lessons learned
Winickoff J, Hipple B, Drehmer J, Nabi E. Hall N, Ossip DJ, Friebely J.
J Clin Outcomes Manag. 2012; 19: 414-419 PMCID: PMC3874254.
Drehmer JE, Ossip DJ, Rigotti NA, Nabi E, Woo H, Wasserman RC, Chang Y, Winickoff JP.
Am J Prev Med. 2012; 43(5): 533-536 PMCID: PMC3486922.
Nabi-Burza E, Regan S, Drehmer J, Ossip D, Rigotti N, Hipple B, Dempsey J, Hall N, Friebely J, Weiley V, Winickoff JP.
Pediatrics. 2012; 130(6): e1471-8 PMCID: PMC3507249.
Torres E, Quiñones de Monegro Z, French L, Swanson DP, Guido J, Ossip DJ
Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.. 2011 December 13 (12):1220-7. Epub 09/08/2011.
Gajendra S, Ossip DJ, Panzer RJ, McIntosh S
Journal of community health.. 2011 August 36 (4):684-92. Epub 1900 01 01.
Implementing a smoke-free campus: A medical center initiative
Gajendra S, Ossip DJ, Panzer R, McIntosh S.
J Community Health. 2011; 36(4): 684-692.
The natural history and diagnosis of nicotine addiction
DiFranza JR, Wellman RJ, Mermelstein R, Pbert L, Klein JD, Sargent JD, Ahluwalia JS, Lando HA, Ossip DJ, Wilson KM, Balk SJ, Hipple B. Tanski SE, Prokhorov AV, Best D, Winickoff JP.
Curr Pediatr Rev. 2011; 7(2): 88-96.
Tobacco use and exposure among pregnant women in the Dominican Republic: an exploratory look into attitudes, beliefs, perceptions and practices
Torres E. Quinones Z, French L. Swanson DP, Guido J, Ossip DJ.
Nicotine Tob Res. 2011; 13(12): 1220-7 PMCID: PMC3223582.
Peppone LJ, Mustian K, Morrow G, Dozier AM, Ossip DJ, Janelsins MC, Sprod LK, McIntosh S.
Onocologist. 2011; 16(12): 1784-92 PMCID: PMC3248778.
Peppone LJ, Mustian KM, Morrow GR, Dozier AM, Ossip DJ, Janelsins MC, Sprod LK, McIntosh S
The oncologist.. 2011 16 (12):1784-92. Epub 12/01/2011.
Lando HA, Hipple BJ, Muramoto M, Klein JD, Prokhorov AV, Ossip DJ, Winickoff JP
Pediatric allergy, immunology, and pulmonology.. 2010 June 23 (2):99-103. Epub 1900 01 01.
Cummings KM, Fix BV, Celestino P, Hyland A, Mahoney M, Ossip DJ, Bauer U
BMC public health.. 2010 April 710 :181. Epub 04/07/2010.
Lando HA, Hipple BJ, Muramoto M, Klein JD, Prokhorov AV, Ossip DJ, Winickoff JP
Bulletin of the World Health Organization.. 2010 January 88 (1):2. Epub 1900 01 01.
Does the number of free nicotine patches given to smokers calling a quitline influence quit rates: Results from quasi-experimental study.
Cummings KM, Fix BV, Celestino P, Hyland A, Mahoney M, Ossip DJ, Bauer U.
BMC Public Health. 2010; 10: 181 PMCID: PMC2856535.
Quitlines for smoking cessation: An effective and available referral option for healthcare providers
McIntosh S, Ossip DJ.
Smok Cess Rounds. 2010; 3(6): 1-6.
Tobacco control and children: An international perspective
Lando HA, Hipple BJ, Muramoto M, Klein JD, Prokhorov AV, Ossip DJ, Winickoff JP.
Pediatr Allerg Immunol Pulmonol. 2010; 23: 99-103 PMCID: PMC3281283.
Tobacco is a global paediatric concern
Lando HA, Hipple BJ, Muramoto M, Klein JD, Prokhorov AV, Ossip DJ, Winickoff JP.
Bull World Health Organ. 2010; 88(1): 2-3 PMCID: PMC2802441.
Hall N, Hipple B, Friebely J, Ossip DJ, Winickoff JP
Journal of clinical outcomes management : JCOM. 2009 August 16 (8):367-373. Epub 1900 01 01.
Dozier AM, Ossip DJ, Diaz S, Sierra-Torres E, Quiñones de Monegro Z, Armstrong L, Chin NP, McIntosh S
Evaluation & the health professions.. 2009 June 32 (2):144-64. Epub 1900 01 01.
Watt CA, Lassiter JW, Boyle JR, Kulak JA, Ossip-Klein D
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.. 2009 May 10 (4):258-63. Epub 03/28/2009.
Ossip DJ, Abrams SM, Mahoney MC, Sall D, Cummings KM
Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.. 2009 April 11 (4):408-17. Epub 03/26/2009.
Dozier AM, Ossip DJ, Diaz S, Sierra E, Quiñones Z, Armstrong L, Chin NP, McIntosh S.
Eval Health Prof. 2009; 32(2): 144-164 PMCID: PMC3593583.
Adverse effects with the use of nicotine replacement therapy among quitline clients
Ossip DJ, Abrams SM, Mahoney MC, Sall D, Cummings KM.
Nicotine Tob Res. 2009; 11: 408-417.
Addressing family smoking in child healthcare settings
Hall N, Hipple B, Friebely J, Ossip DJ, Winickoff JP.
J Clin Outcomes Manage. 2009; 16(8): 367-373 PMCID: PMC2864638.
Watt, C.A., Lassiter, J.W., Boyle, J.R., Kulak, J.A., & Ossip-Klein, D.J.
J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2009; 10(4): 258-263.
Ossip-Klein DJ, Fisher S, Diaz S, Quiñones Z, Sierra E, Dozier A, McIntosh S, Guido J, Winters P, Diaz O, Armstrong L
Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.. 2008 May 10 (5):851-60. Epub 1900 01 01.
Ossip-Klein D, Fisher S, Quinones Z, Sierra E, Dozier A, McIntosh S, Guido J, Winters P, Diaz O, Armstrong L.
Nicotine Tob Res. 2008; 10(5): 851-860 PMCID: PMC 2730378.
McIntosh S, Sierra E, Dozier A, Diaz S, Quiñones Z. Primack A, Chadwick G, Ossip-Klein DJ.
Bioethics. 2008; 22(8): 414-422 PMCID: PMC3347871.
Secondhand smoke exposure among women and children: evidence from 31 countries
Wipfli H, Avila-Tang E, Navas-Acien A, Sim S, Onicescu G, Yuan J, Breysse P, Samet JM, FAMRI Homes Study Investigators.
Am J Public Health. 2008; 98: 672-9 PMCID:PMC2376995.
Campbell HS, Ossip-Klein D, Bailey L, Saul J,
Tobacco control.. 2007 December 16 Suppl 1 (Suppl 1):i16-20. Epub 1900 01 01.
Minimal dataset for quitlines: A best practice
Campbell S, Ossip-Klein D, Bailey L.
Tob Control. 2007; 16(Suppl 1): i16-20.
Prokhorov AV, Winickoff JP, Ahluwalia JS, Ossip-Klein D, Tanski S, Lando HA, Moolchan ET, Muramoto M, Klein JD, Weitzman M, Ford KH,
Pediatrics.. 2006 September 118 (3):e890-903. Epub 1900 01 01.
Dozier AM, Ossip-Klein DJ, Diaz S, Chin NP, Sierra E, Quiñones Z, Dye TD, McIntosh S, Armstrong L
Tobacco control.. 2006 June 15 Suppl 1 (Suppl 1):i30-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Klein JD, Postle CK, Kreipe RE, Smith SM, McIntosh S, Spada J, Ossip-Klein D
The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.. 2006 May 38 (5):608.e1-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Do physicians discuss needed diet and nutrition health topics with adolescents?
Klein JD, Postle CK, Kreipe RE, Smith SM, McIntosh S, Spada J, Ossip-Klein D.
J Adolesc Health. 2006; 38: 608.e1-608.e6.
Youth tobacco use: A global perspective for child healthcare clinicians.
Prokhorov AV, Winickoff JP, Ahluwalia JS, Ossip-Klein DJ, Tanski S, Lando HA, Moolchan ET, Muramoto M, Klein JD, Weitzman M, Ford KH.
Pediatrics. 2006; 118: 890-903.
Tobacco use in the Dominican Republic: Understanding the culture first
Dozier AM, Ossip-Klein DJ, Diaz S, Chin NP, Sierra E, Quiñones Z, Dye TD, McIntosh S, Armstrong L.
Tob Control. 2006; 15(Suppl_1): i30-i36 PMCID: PMC2563549.
Evidence-based behavior change curriculum for the ambulatory clerkship: the double helix.
Williams GC, Markakis KM, Ossip-Klein D, McIntosh S, Tripler S, Grady-Weliky T.
Health Educ. 2005; 105(2): 142-153.
Recruitment of physician offices for an office-based adolescent smoking cessation study
McIntosh S, Ossip-Klein DJ, Hazel-Fernandez L, Spada J, McDonald PW, Klein JD.
Nicotine Tob Res. 2005; 7(3): 405-412.
Watt CA, Carosella AM, Podgorski C, Ossip-Klein DJ
Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors.. 2004 March 18 (1):56-63. Epub 1900 01 01.
Attitudes towards giving smoking cessation advice among nursing staff at a long-term residential care facility.
Watt CA, Carosella AM, Podgorski CA, Ossip-Klein DJ.
Psychol Addict Behav. 2004; 18: 56-63.
McIntosh S, Watt CA, Sesselberg T, Klein B, Guido JJ, Ossip-Klein DJ.
Evidence-Based Prev Med. 2004; 1(2): 101-110.
Ossip-Klein DJ, McIntosh S
The American journal of the medical sciences.. 2003 October 326 (4):201-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Winickoff JP, Pbert L, Klein JD, Lando HA, Carroll BC, Mermelstein R, Moolchan ET, Prokhorov AV, Ossip-Klein D
Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.. 2003 August 5 (4):435-54. Epub 1900 01 01.
Youth tobacco control research and activities in the United States: The current national landscape.
Winickoff J, Pbert L, Klein JD, Lando HA. Carroll BC, Mermelstein R, Moolchan ET, Prokhorov AV, Ossip-Klein D.
Nicotine Tob Res. 2003; 5: 1-20.
Quitlines in North America: Evidence base and applications.
Ossip-Klein DJ, McIntosh SM.
Am J Med Sci. 2003; 326: 201-205.
Improving the future of youth smoking cessation
Backinger CL, McDonald P, Ossip-Klein DJ, Colby SM, Maule CO, Fagan P, Husten C, Colwell B.
Am J Health Behav. 2003; 27 (Suppl): S170-84.
Measures of abstinence in clinical trials: issues and recommendations.
Hughes JR, Keely JP, Niaura RS, Ossip-Klein DJ, Richmond RL, Swan GE.
Nicotine Tob Res. 2003; 5(1): 13-25.
The state of office-based interventions for youth tobacco use
Pbert L, Moolchan ET, Muramoto M, Winickoff JP, Curry S, Lando H, Ossip-Klein D, Prokhorov AV, DiFranza J, Klein JD.
Pediatrics. 2003; 111: e650-e660s.
Benchmarking implementation of a computerized system for long-term care.
Ossip-Klein DJ, Karuza J, Tweet A, Howard JH, Obermiller-Powers M, Katz P, Griffin-Roth S, Swift M.
Am J Med Qual. 2002; 17: 94-102.
Smoking history, knowledge, and attitudes among older residents of a long-term care facility
Carosella AM, Ossip-Klein DJ, Watt CA, Podgorski C.
Nicotine Tob Res. 2002; 4(2): 161-169.
Documentation of suicidal behavior: Is it accurate?
Covington TM, Morphy M, Conwell Y, Schohn M, Ossip-Klein D, Sprafkin RP, Lantinga LJ.
Fed Pract. 2001; January: 10-18.
Howard LV, West D, Ossip-Klein DJ.
Geriatr Nurs. 2000; 21: 78-82.
Smokers ages 50+: Who gets physician advice to quit?
Ossip-Klein DJ, McIntosh S, Utman C, Burton K, Spada J, Guido J.
Prev Med. 2000; 31(364-369).
Recruitment strategies and success in a multi-county smoking cessation study
McIntosh S, Ossip-Klein DJ, Spada J, Burton K.
Nicotine Tob Res. 2000; : 281-284.
Ossip-Klein DJ, Pearson TA, McIntosh S, Orleans CT
Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.. 1999 December 1 (4):299-300. Epub 1900 01 01.
Smoking beliefs, attitudes and readiness to change among hospitalized acute and chronic psychiatric patients
Carosella AM, Ossip-Klein DJ, Owens C.
Addict Behav. 1999; 24: 331-344.
Smoking is a geriatric health issue
Ossip-Klein DJ, Pearson TA, McIntosh S, Orleans CT.
Nicotine Tob Res. 1999; 4: 299-300.
Evaluation of RAI/MDS software products.
Griffin-Roth S, Ossip-Klein D, Swift M.
VA CIO National Training and Education Office Newsl. 1998; 2(9): 1-2.
Self-help interventions for older smokers
Ossip-Klein DJ, Carosella AM, Krusch DA.
Tob Control. 1997; 6: 188-193.
Telephone counseling for smoking cessation: Rationales and review of evidence
Lichtenstein E, Glasgow RE, Lando HA, Ossip-Klein DJ, Boles SM.
Health Educ Res. 1996; 11: 243-257.
Issues in smoking cessation: What works? Who pays? Delivery Issues
Ossip-Klein DJ.
Tob Control. 1993; 2: S74-S75.
Effects of a smoker's hotline: Results of a 10-county self-help trial
Ossip-Klein DJ, Giovino GA, Megahed N, Black PM, Emont SL, Stiggins J, Shulman E, Moore L.
J Consult Clin Psychol. 1991; 59: 325-332.
Debunking myths about self-quitting: Evidence from 10 prospective studies of persons who attempt to quit smoking by themselves
Cohen S, Lichtenstein E, Prochaska JO, Rossi JS, Gritz ER, Carr CR, Orleans CT, Schoenbach VJ, Biener L, Abrams D, DiClemente D, Curry S, Marlatt GA, Cummings KM, Emont SL, Giovino G, Ossip-Klein DJ.
Am Psychol. 1989; 44(11): 1355-1365.
The effects of running or weight lifting on self-concept in clinically depressed women
Ossip-Klein DJ, Doyne EJ, Bowman ED, Osborn KM, McDougall-Wilson IB, Neimeyer RA.
J Consult Clin Psychol. 1989; 57(1): 158-161.
Bronchial provocation tests before and after cessation of smoking
Israel RH, Ossip-Klein DJ, Poe RH, Black P, Gerrity E, Greenblatt DW, Rathbun S, Celebic A.
Respiration. 1988; 54(4): 247-54.
Running vesus weight lifting in the treatment of depression
Doyne EJ, Ossip-Klein DJ, Bowman ED, Osborn KM, McDougall-Wilson IB, Neimeyer RA.
J Consult Clin Psychol. 1987; 55(5): 748-54.
Perceived helpfulness of messages on a community-based telephone support service for ex-smokers.
Shapiro RM, Ossip-Klein DJ, Gerrity ET, Stiggins J.
Int J Addict. 1986; 20: 1837-1847.
Emphasis shift from short- to long-term cessation
Ossip-Klein DJ.
Health Psychol. 1986; 5 (Suppl.): 90.
Classification and assessment of smoking relapse
Ossip-Klein DJ, Bigelow G, Parker SR, Curry S, Hall S, Kirkland S.
Health Psychol. 1986; : 3-11.
Shapiro RM, Ossip-Klein DJ, Gerrity ET, Stiggins J
The International journal of the addictions.. 1985 20 (11-12):1837-47. Epub 1900 01 01.
Freedom line: increasing utilization of a telephone support service for ex-smokers
Ossip-Klein DJ, Shapiro RM, Stiggins J.
Addict Behav. 1984; 9(2): 227-230.
Increasing attendance at alcohol aftercare using calendar prompts and home based contracting
Ossip-Klein DJ, VanLaningham W, Prue, DM, Rychtarik RG.
Addict Behav. 1984; 9(1): 85-89.
Low yield cigarettes: Risk reduction?
Ossip-Klein DJ, Megahed N.
Behavioral Medicine Abstracts. 1983; 4: 73-76.
Smoking cessation: Rapporteur's Report
Best JA, Ossip-Klein DJ.
Proceedings of the Fifth World Conference on Smoking and Health. 1983; .
Assessment of smoking topography generalization across laboratory, clinical, and naturalistic settings
Ossip-Klein DJ, Martin JE, Lomax BD, Prue DM, Davis CJ.
Addict Behav. 1983; 8(1): 11-17.
Does switching to low tar/nicotine/carbon monoxide-yield cigarettes decrease alveolar carbon monoxide measures? A randomized controlled trial
Ossip-Klein DJ, Epstein LH, Winter MK, Stiller R, Russell P, Dickson B.
J Consult Clin Psychol. 1983; 51(2): 234-241.
A comparison of lifestyle change and programmed aerobic exercise on weight and fitness changes in obese children.
Epstein LH, Wing RR, Koeske R, Ossip DJ, Beck, S.
Behavior Therapy. 1982; 13: 651-665.
Relationships among measures of smoking topography
Epstein LH, Dickson BE, Ossip DJ, Stiller R, Russell PO, Winter K.
Addict Behav. 1982; 7(3): 307-310.
Measurement of smoking topography during withdrawal or deprivation
Epstein LH, Ossip DJ, Coleman D, Hughes J, Wiist W.
Behavior Therapy. 1981; 12: 507-519.
Child and parent weight loss in family-based behavior modification programs
Epstein LH, Wing RR, Koeske R, Andrasik F, Ossip DJ.
J Consult Clin Psychol. 1981; 49(5): 674-685.
Relative effects of nicotine and coffee on cigarette smoking
Ossip DJ, Epstein LH.
Addict Behav. 1981; 6(1): 35-39.
The effect of nicotine extraction filters on pulse rate and vasomotor activity: A methodological note
Ossip DJ, Andrasik F, Epstein LH.
Addict Behav. 1981; 6(2): 149-152.
Modeling, coffee drinking, and smoking
Ossip DJ, Epstein LH, McKnight D.
Psychol Rep. 1980; 47(2): 408-410.
Reliability and validity of self-report and observers' estimates of relative weight
Wing RR, Epstein LH, Ossip DJ, LaPorte RE.
Addict Behav. 1979; 4(2): 133-140.
Nabi-Burza E, Drehmer J, Hipple B, Rigotti NA, Ossip D, Levy D, Klein J,Regan S, Gorzkowski J, Winickoff JP. Treating parents for tobacco use in the pediatric setting: the CEASE cluster randomized clinical trial. JAMA Pediatrics. 2019; in press.
Assessing the health status of older adults (1997)
Chapter: Screening for Depression
Authors: Ossip-Klein DJ., Rothenberg B, Andersen E
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company, Inc., New York 1997
Psychiatric care in the nursing home (1996)
Chapter: Cognitive and behavioral therapy in the nursing home
Authors: Ossip-Klein DJ, Karuza J
Publisher: Oxford University Press, New York 1996
Treating alcohol problems: Marital and family interventions (1993)
Chapter: Behavioral contracts between alcoholics and family members to improve aftercare participation and maintain sobriety after inpatient alcoholism treatment
Authors: Ossip-Klein DJ, Rychtarik RG
Publisher: Guilford Publications, Inc, New York 1993
Behavioral Medicine: International Perspectives (1992)
Chapter: Program development research for public health: The example of smoking
Authors: Best JA., Smith E, Ossip-Klein DJ
Publisher: Albex Publishing Corp, New Jersey 1992
Behavioral approaches to medicine, application and analysis (1979)
Chapter: Health care delivery: A behavioral perspective
Authors: Epstein LH, Ossip DJ
Publisher: Plenum Press, New York 1979