Christopher J. Stodgell, Ph.D.
Christopher J. Stodgell, Ph.D.
About Me
Another area of autism research that I actively pursuing is investigating how early embryonic exposures known to cause autism affects developmental gene expression. To model these affects, we are using the potent neuroteratogen, valproic acid (Depakote). Valproic acid is used clinically for the treatment of seizures, mania associated with bipolar disorder, migraines, and cancer. In humans, in utero exposure is associated with an increased risk for autism. Early embryonic exposure in rats, results in similar behavioral profiles and neuroanatomical deficits seen in human cases of autism. Thus, this makes valproic acid a useful tool to study the gene-environment interaction which may be critical to causing some cases of autism. Within an hour after exposure, we can measure changes in embryonic gene expression. By determining these alterations, we will be better able to understand the molecular pathways that are altered in autism.
In another study of gene-environment interaction in autism, we are focusing on populations of cases of autism that have known environmental exposures. These include fetal exposures to valproic acid, and another drug linked to autism, misoprostol. By studying the sequences of candidate genes from cases that have known exposures and autism, to those who were exposed with the disorder, we hope to identify genetic features that may increase ones susceptibility to autism.
A third area of research is investigating the teratogenic impact of uncontrolled type-II diabetes. Using rats who have been specifically bred to develop type-II diabetes, or who are resistant to the disorder, we are interested in how embryonic gene expression is different between the embryos with neurotube defects and intra-uterine growth restriction and those who appear to be developing normally.
Finally, we are also investigating the gene-environment interactions that may have an etiology in vulvar vestibulitis, a women's health condition that results in severe chronic pain of the vulva. Estimated to affect 13-15% of women, there are strong indication that genetics plays an important role in the disorder, in that women with fair, light complexions have a greater risk of developing the disorder. We have been investigating the role of genes involved in skin pigmentation and inflammation to the disorders, and identified polymorphic variants which increases the risk of diagnosis.
Faculty Appointments
Associate Professor - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (SMD)
Post-doctoral Training & Residency
NIEHS Postdoctoral Trainee
Department of Environmental Medicine
University of Rochester School of Medicine 1996 - 1997
PhD | University of Kansas. Pharmacology. 1996
MS | University of Kansas. Pharmacology. 1995
BA | University of Kansas. Arts & Sciences. 1989
NIH Loan Repayment Program. 2003 - 2008
Wilson Publication Award for Outstanding Publication. 2001
Roland D. Ciaranello M.D. Award for Research in Basic Research. 1999
James G. Wilson Award in Teratology for Outstanding Postdoctoral Research. 1998
National Alliance for Research in Schizophrenia and Affective Disorders Young Investigator Award. 1997
Another area of autism research that I actively pursuing is investigating how early embryonic exposures known to cause autism affects developmental gene expression. To model these affects, we are using the potent neuroteratogen, valproic acid (Depakote). Valproic acid is used clinically for the treatment of seizures, mania associated with bipolar disorder, migraines, and cancer. In humans, in utero exposure is associated with an increased risk for autism. Early embryonic exposure in rats, results in similar behavioral profiles and neuroanatomical deficits seen in human cases of autism. Thus, this makes valproic acid a useful tool to study the gene-environment interaction which may be critical to causing some cases of autism. Within an hour after exposure, we can measure changes in embryonic gene expression. By determining these alterations, we will be better able to understand the molecular pathways that are altered in autism.
In another study of gene-environment interaction in autism, we are focusing on populations of cases of autism that have known environmental exposures. These include fetal exposures to valproic acid, and another drug linked to autism, misoprostol. By studying the sequences of candidate genes from cases that have known exposures and autism, to those who were exposed with the disorder, we hope to identify genetic features that may increase ones susceptibility to autism.
A third area of research is investigating the teratogenic impact of uncontrolled type-II diabetes. Using rats who have been specifically bred to develop type-II diabetes, or who are resistant to the disorder, we are interested in how embryonic gene expression is different between the embryos with neurotube defects and intra-uterine growth restriction and those who appear to be developing normally.
Finally, we are also investigating the gene-environment interactions that may have an etiology in vulvar vestibulitis, a women's health condition that results in severe chronic pain of the vulva. Estimated to affect 13-15% of women, there are strong indication that genetics plays an important role in the disorder, in that women with fair, light complexions have a greater risk of developing the disorder. We have been investigating the role of genes involved in skin pigmentation and inflammation to the disorders, and identified polymorphic variants which increases the risk of diagnosis.
Journal Articles
Craig KP
The Hastings Center report.. 2022 November 52 Suppl 2 :S52-S56. Epub 1900 01 01.
Johnston J, Hyun I, Neuhaus CP, Maschke KJ, Marshall P, Craig KP, Matthews MM, Drolet K, Greely HT, Hill LR, Hinterberger A, Hurley EA, Kesterson R, Kimmelman J, King NMP, Lopes MJ, O'Rourke PP, Parent B, Peckman S, Piotrowska M, Schwarz M, Sebo J, Stodgell C, Streiffer R, Wilkerson A
The Hastings Center report.. 2022 November 52 Suppl 2 (Suppl 2):S2-S23. Epub 1900 01 01.
Lee BH, Reijnders MRF, Abubakare O, Tuttle E, Lape B, Minks KQ, Stodgell C, Bennetto L, Kwon J, Fong CT, Gripp KW, Marsh ED, Smith WE, Huq AM, Coury SA, Tan WH, Solis O, Mehta RI, Leventer RJ, Baralle D, Hunt D, Paciorkowski AR
American journal of medical genetics. Part A.. 2018 January 176 (1):56-67. Epub 11/17/2017.
Stadelmaier R, Nasri H, Deutsch CK, Bauman M, Hunt A, Stodgell CJ, Adams J, Holmes LB
Birth defects research.. 2017 August 15109 (14):1134-1143. Epub 06/21/2017.
McAleavey SA, Parker KJ, Ormachea J, Wood RW, Stodgell CJ, Katzman PJ, Pressman EK, Miller RK
Ultrasound in medicine & biology.. 2016 June 42 (6):1282-8. Epub 03/19/2016.
Kappil MA, Li Q, Li A, Dassanayake PS, Xia Y, Nanes JA, Landrigan PJ, Stodgell CJ, Aagaard KM, Schadt EE, Dole N, Varner M, Moye J, Kasten C, Miller RK, Ma Y, Chen J, Lambertini L
Environmental epigenetics.. 2016 March 2 (1)Epub 02/10/2016.
Falsetta ML, Foster DC, Woeller CF, Pollock SJ, Bonham AD, Haidaris CG, Stodgell CJ, Phipps RP
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology.. 2015 July 213 (1):38.e1-38.e12. Epub 02/12/2015.
Foster DC, Falsetta ML, Woeller CF, Pollock SJ, Song K, Bonham A, Haidaris CG, Stodgell CJ, Messing SP, Iadarola M, Phipps RP
Pain.. 2015 March 156 (3):386-396. Epub 1900 01 01.
Li Q, Kappil MA, Li A, Dassanayake PS, Darrah TH, Friedman AE, Friedman M, Lambertini L, Landrigan P, Stodgell CJ, Xia Y, Nanes JA, Aagaard KM, Schadt EE, Murray JC, Clark EB, Dole N, Culhane J, Swanson J, Varner M, Moye J, Kasten C, Miller RK, Chen J
Epigenetics.. 2015 10 (9):793-802. Epub 08/07/2015.
Nanes JA, Xia Y, Dassanayake RM, Jones RM, Li A, Stodgell CJ, Walker CK, Szabo S, Leuthner S, Durkin MS, Moye J, Miller RK,
Chemosphere.. 2014 July 106 :20-27. Epub 01/31/2014.
Ergaz Z, Guillemin C, Neeman-Azulay M, Weinstein-Fudim L, Stodgell CJ, Miller RK, Ornoy A
Toxicology and applied pharmacology.. 2014 May 1276 (3):220-30. Epub 03/01/2014.
Identification of novel mechanisms involved in generating localized vulvodynia 1 pain
Falsetta ML ;Foster, DC; Woeller CF; Pollock SJ; Bonham AD; Haidaris, CG; Stodgell, CJ; Phipps, RP.
Pain. 2014; .
Curran CP, Lau C, Schellpfeffer MA, Stodgell CJ, Carney EW
Birth defects research. Part A, Clinical and molecular teratology.. 2013 January 97 (1):2-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Ergaz Z, Shoshani-Dror D, Guillemin C, Neeman-Azulay M, Fudim L, Weksler-Zangen S, Stodgell CJ, Miller RK, Ornoy A
Toxicology and applied pharmacology.. 2012 December 1265 (2):209-20. Epub 10/15/2012.
Byler TK, Leocadio D, Shapiro O, Bratslavsky G, Stodgell CJ, Wood RW, Messing EM, Reeder JE
BMC urology.. 2012 August 1612 :21. Epub 08/16/2012.
Ornoy A, Livshitz A, Ergaz Z, Stodgell CJ, Miller RK
Birth defects research. Part B, Developmental and reproductive
Foster DC, Kotok MB, Huang LS, Watts A, Oakes D, Howard FM, Poleshuck EL, Stodgell CJ, Dworkin RH
Obstetrics and gynecology.. 2010 September 116 (3):583-593. Epub 1900 01 01.
Foster DC, Kotok MB, Huang LS, Watts A, Oakes D, Howard FM, Stodgell CJ, Dworkin RH
Obstetrics and gynecology.. 2009 April 113 (4):825-832. Epub 1900 01 01.
Murawski NJ, Brown KL, Stanton ME
Behavioural brain research.. 2009 January 23196 (2):297-303. Epub 10/02/2008.
Brune CW, Korvatska E, Allen-Brady K, Cook EH, Dawson G, Devlin B, Estes A, Hennelly M, Hyman SL, McMahon WM, Munson J, Rodier PM, Schellenberg GD, Stodgell CJ, Coon H
American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics.. 2008 March 5147B (2):187-93. Epub 1900 01 01.
, Szatmari P, Paterson AD, Zwaigenbaum L, Roberts W, Brian J, Liu XQ, Vincent JB, Skaug JL, Thompson AP, Senman L, Feuk L, Qian C, Bryson SE, Jones MB, Marshall CR, Scherer SW, Vieland VJ, Bartlett C, Mangin LV, Goedken R, Segre A, Pericak-Vance MA, Cuccaro ML, Gilbert JR, Wright HH, Abramson RK, Betancur C, Bourgeron T, Gillberg C, Leboyer M, Buxbaum JD, Davis KL, Hollander E, Silverman JM, Hallmayer J, Lotspeich L, Sutcliffe JS, Haines JL, Folstein SE, Piven J, Wassink TH, Sheffield V, Geschwind DH, Bucan M, Brown WT, Cantor RM, Constantino JN, Gilliam TC, Herbert M, Lajonchere C, Ledbetter DH, Lese-Martin C, Miller J, Nelson S, Samango-Sprouse CA, Spence S, State M, Tanzi RE, Coon H, Dawson G, Devlin B, Estes A, Flodman P, Klei L, McMahon WM, Minshew N, Munson J, Korvatska E, Rodier PM, Schellenberg GD, Smith M, Spence MA, Stodgell C, Tepper PG, Wijsman EM, Yu CE, Rogé B, Mantoulan C, Wittemeyer K, Poustka A, Felder B, Klauck SM, Schuster C, Poustka F, Bölte S, Feineis-Matthews S, Herbrecht E, Schmötzer G, Tsiantis J, Papanikolaou K, Maestrini E, Bacchelli E, Blasi F, Carone S, Toma C, Van Engeland H, de Jonge M, Kemner C, Koop F, Koop F, Langemeijer M, Langemeijer M, Hijmans C, Hijimans C, Staal WG, Baird G, Bolton PF, Rutter ML, Weisblatt E, Green J, Aldred C, Wilkinson JA, Pickles A, Le Couteur A, Berney T, McConachie H, Bailey AJ, Francis K, Honeyman G, Hutchinson A, Parr JR, Wallace S, Monaco AP, Barnby G, Kobayashi K, Lamb JA, Sousa I, Sykes N, Cook EH, Guter SJ, Leventhal BL, Salt J, Lord C, Corsello C, Hus V, Weeks DE, Volkmar F, Tauber M, Fombonne E, Shih A, Meyer KJ
Nature genetics.. 2007 March 39 (3):319-28. Epub 02/18/2007.
Lainhart JE, Bigler ED, Bocian M, Coon H, Dinh E, Dawson G, Deutsch CK, Dunn M, Estes A, Tager-Flusberg H, Folstein S, Hepburn S, Hyman S, McMahon W, Minshew N, Munson J, Osann K, Ozonoff S, Rodier P, Rogers S, Sigman M, Spence MA, Stodgell CJ, Volkmar F
American journal of medical genetics. Part A.. 2006 November 1140 (21):2257-74. Epub 1900 01 01.
Schellenberg GD, Dawson G, Sung YJ, Estes A, Munson J, Rosenthal E, Rothstein J, Flodman P, Smith M, Coon H, Leong L, Yu CE, Stodgell C, Rodier PM, Spence MA, Minshew N, McMahon WM, Wijsman EM
Molecular psychiatry.. 2006 November 11 (11):1049-60, 979. Epub 08/01/2006.
Induction of the homeotic gene Hoxa1 through valproic acid's teratogenic mechanism of action.
Stodgell, C.J; Ingram, J.L.; O'Bara, M.; Tisdale, B.K.; Nau, H.; Rodier, P.M.
Neurtoxicology and Teratology. 2006; : 617-624.
Evidence for genetic linkage of autism to chromosomes 7 and 4
Molecular Psychiatry. 2006; 11(11): 979.
Stodgell CJ, Ingram JL, O'Bara M, Tisdale BK, Nau H, Rodier PM
Neurotoxicology and teratology.. 2006 28 (5):617-24. Epub 08/16/2006.
Devlin B, Cook EH, Coon H, Dawson G, Grigorenko EL, McMahon W, Minshew N, Pauls D, Smith M, Spence MA, Rodier PM, Stodgell C, Schellenberg GD,
Molecular psychiatry.. 2005 December 10 (12):1110-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Arndt TL, Stodgell CJ, Rodier PM
International journal of developmental neuroscience : the official journal of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience.. 2005 23 (2-3):189-99. Epub 1900 01 01.
Foster DC, Sazenski TM, Stodgell CJ
The Journal of reproductive medicine.. 2004 July 49 (7):503-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Devlin B, Bennett P, Dawson G, Figlewicz DA, Grigorenko EL, McMahon W, Minshew N, Pauls D, Smith M, Spence MA, Rodier PM, Stodgell C, Schellenberg GD,
American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics.. 2004 April 1126B (1):46-50. Epub 1900 01 01.
Conciatori M, Stodgell CJ, Hyman SL, O'Bara M, Militerni R, Bravaccio C, Trillo S, Montecchi F, Schneider C, Melmed R, Elia M, Crawford L, Spence SJ, Muscarella L, Guarnieri V, D'Agruma L, Quattrone A, Zelante L, Rabinowitz D, Pascucci T, Puglisi-Allegra S, Reichelt KL, Rodier PM, Persico AM
Biological psychiatry.. 2004 February 1555 (4):413-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
The role of candidate genes in unraveling the genetics of autism.
Stodgell CJ; Ingram JL; Hyman SL.
International Review on Research in Mental Retardation. 2001; 20: 57-81.
Ingram JL, Stodgell CJ, Hyman SL, Figlewicz DA, Weitkamp LR, Rodier PM
Teratology.. 2000 December 62 (6):393-405. Epub 1900 01 01.
Stodgell CJ, Loupe PS, Schroeder SR, Tessel RE
Brain research.. 1998 February 2783 (1):10-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Van Keuren KR, Stodgell CJ, Schroeder SR, Tessel RE
Brain research.. 1998 January 5780 (1):56-66. Epub 1900 01 01.
Stodgell CJ, Schroeder SR, Tessel RE
Brain research.. 1996 March 25713 (1-2):246-52. Epub 1900 01 01.
Tessel RE, Schroeder SR, Loupe PS, Stodgell CJ
Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior.. 1995 August 51 (4):861-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Reversal of 6HD-induced neonatal brain catecholamine depletion after operant training.
Tessel RE; Schroeder SR; Loupe PS; Stodgell CJ.
Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior. 1995; 51: 861-867.
Rodent Models of mental retardation: Self-injury, aberrant behavior and stress.
Tessel RE; Schroeder SR; Stodgell CJ; Loupe PS.
Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews. 1995; 1: 99-103.
Cox DN, Davidson VP, Judd CE, Stodgell C, Traiger GJ
Toxicology and applied pharmacology.. 1992 April 113 (2):246-52. Epub 1900 01 01.
Ellis' Handbook of mental deficiency: Psychological Theory and Research (1997)
Chapter: Severe behavior problems among people with developmental disabilities.
Authors: Schroeder, SR, Tessel, RE, Loupe, PS, & Stodgell, CJ.
Publisher: L.E. Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ 1997