Stephanie A. Gamble, Ph.D.
Stephanie A. Gamble, Ph.D.
About Me
Dr. Gamble's research and training interests focus on improving care for individuals with co-occurring substance use disorders and depression – a population at high risk for suicide and suicide attempts. With funding from a NIAAA Career Development Award, she recently completed a randomized controlled trial investigating the adjunctive effects of Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) among depressed, alcohol dependent women in outpatient chemical dependency treatment. Dr. Gamble provides training and supervision in IPT to URMC Psychiatry residents and interns. As part of the URMC Dean's Teaching Fellowship, she has also developed a co-occurring disorders training curriculum based on the SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment) model. Dr. Gamble provides mentorship in areas related to program evaluation, behavioral treatment research, gender-focused interventions, and treatments for co-occurring substance use disorders and depression.
Faculty Appointments
Associate Professor - Department of Psychiatry, Research (SMD)
Post-doctoral Training & Residency
University of Rochester, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Department of Psychiatry, Rochester, NY. Mentors: Eric Caine, M.D., Kenneth Conner, Psy.D., M.P.H., and
Nancy Talbot, Ph.D. 2004 - 2008
PhD | University at Buffalo, The State University of New York. Clinical Psychology. 2005
MA | University at Buffalo, The State University of New York. Clinical Psychology. 2001
BA | Elmira College. Psychology. 1995
Phi Beta Kappa. 1995
Valedictorian. 1995
Elmira College Valedictorian Scholarship. 1991 - 1995
Journal Articles
Poleshuck EL, Gamble SA, Bellenger K, Lu N, Tu X, Sörensen S, Giles DE, Talbot NL
Journal of psychosomatic research.. 2014 October 77 (4):264-72. Epub 07/26/2014.
Conner KR, Gamble SA, Bagge CL, He H, Swogger MT, Watts A, Houston RJ
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs.. 2014 July 75 (4):567-72. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gamble SA, Chronis-Tuscano A, Roberts JE, Ciesla JA, Pelham WE
Cognitive therapy and research.. 2013 December 137 (6):1233-1242. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gamble SA, Talbot NL, Cashman-Brown SM, He H, Poleshuck EL, Connors GJ, Conner KR
Substance abuse.. 2013 34 (3):233-41. Epub 1900 01 01.
Cort NA, Gamble SA, Smith PN, Chaudron LH, Lu N, He H, Talbot NL
Depression and anxiety.. 2012 June 29 (6):479-86. Epub 05/08/2012.
Smith PN, Gamble SA, Cort NA, Ward EA, He H, Talbot NL
Depression and anxiety.. 2012 February 29 (2):123-30. Epub 11/07/2011.
Conner KR, Houston RJ, Swogger MT, Conwell Y, You S, He H, Gamble SA, Watts A, Duberstein PR
Drug and alcohol dependence.. 2012 January 1120 (1-3):155-61. Epub 08/10/2011.
Smith PN, Gamble SA, Cort NA, Ward EA, Conwell Y, Talbot NL
Journal of clinical psychology.. 2012 January 68 (1):78-87. Epub 11/28/2011.
Gamble SA, Smith PN, Poleshuck EL, He H, Talbot NL
Journal of affective disorders.. 2011 May 130 (3):478-82. Epub 11/03/2010.
Poleshuck EL, Talbot NE, Zlotnick C, Gamble SA, Liu X, Tu X, Giles DE
The Journal of nervous and mental disease.. 2010 August 198 (8):597-600. Epub 1900 01 01.
Poleshuck EL, Gamble SA, Cort N, Hoffman-King D, Cerrito B, Rosario-McCabe LA, Giles DE
Professional psychology, research and practice.. 2010 August 41 (4):312-318. Epub 1900 01 01.
Gamble SA, Conner KR, Talbot NL, Yu Q, Tu XM, Connors GJ
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs.. 2010 January 71 (1):71-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Conner KR, Pinquart M, Gamble SA
Journal of substance abuse treatment.. 2009 September 37 (2):127-37. Epub 01/15/2009.
Poleshuck EL, Talbot NL, Su H, Tu X, Chaudron L, Gamble S, Giles DE
Comprehensive psychiatry.. 2009 50 (3):215-20. Epub 10/15/2008.
Yu Q, Tang W, Ma Y, Gamble SA, Tu XM
Computational statistics & data analysis.. 2008 September 53 (1):27-37. Epub 1900 01 01.
IPT for women with trauma histories in community mental health care
Talbot, N. L.; Gamble, S. A.
Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. 2008; 38(1): 35-44.
Conner KR, Hesselbrock VM, Meldrum SC, Schuckit MA, Bucholz KK, Gamble SA, Wines JD, Kramer J
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs.. 2007 September 68 (5):654-62. Epub 1900 01 01.
Planning of suicide attempts among depressed inpatients ages 50 and over
Conner, K.R.; Duberstein, P.R.; Beckman, A.; Heisel, M.J.; Hirsch, J.K.; Gamble, S.A.; Conwell, Y.
Journal of Affective Disorders. 2007; 97((1-3)): 123-128.
Gamble SA, Talbot NL, Conner KR, Tu X, Franus N, Beckman AM, Ma Y, Duberstein PR
Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research.. 2007 11 (4):321-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Chronis AM, Gamble SA, Roberts JE, Pelham WE
Behavior therapy.. 2006 June 37 (2):143-58. Epub 03/29/2006.
Gamble SA, Talbot NL, Duberstein PR, Conner KR, Franus N, Beckman AM, Conwell Y
The Journal of nervous and mental disease.. 2006 May 194 (5):382-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Talbot NL, Conwell Y, O'Hara MW, Stuart S, Ward EA, Gamble SA, Watts A, Tu X
The Journal of nervous and mental disease.. 2005 December 193 (12):847-50. Epub 1900 01 01.
Adolescents' Perceptions of Primary Caregivers and Cognitive Style: The Roles of Attachment Security and Gender
Gamble, S.A.; Roberts, J.E.
Cognitive Therapy and Research. 2005; 29(2): 123-141.
Current mood-state and past depression as predictors of self-esteem and dysfunctional attitudes among adolescents
Roberts, J.E.; Gamble, S.A.
Personality and Individual Differences. 2001; 30(6): 1023-1037.
Roberts JE, Shapiro AM, Gamble SA
The British journal of clinical psychology. 1999 November 38 (4):425-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Encyclopedia of Human Relationships (2009)
Chapter: Interpersonal psychotherapy
Authors: Gamble, S.A. & Talbot, N.L.
Publisher: In Harry T. Reis & Susan Sprecher (Eds.), Sage 2009