Janice A. Schriefer, M.B.A., M.S.N., Dr.P.H.
Connect with Janice A. Schriefer, M.B.A., M.S.N., Dr.P.H.
Janice A. Schriefer, M.B.A., M.S.N., Dr.P.H.
About Me
Faculty Appointments
Associate Professor - Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Hospitalist (SMD)
Associate Professor - Department of Public Health Sciences (SMD) - Joint
Post-doctoral Training & Residency
Center for Advanced Pediatric Education, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 2004 - 2006
Dr. P.H. | University of Michigan. Public Health. 2004
MSN | University of Vermont. Nursing. 1994
MBA | University of Vermont. Business or Commerce. 1990
BSN | Hartwick College. Nursing. 1985
URMC Quality Institute Healthcare Excellence Nominee. 2024 - 2025
Health Equity Quality Improvement (HE-QI) Specialty Fellow Grant. 2024 - 2024
2nd place Poster Award International Tracheostomy Symposium. 2024
GRQC Gold Customer Excellence Award Daystar Kids. 2023 - 2024
GRQC Silver Team Performance Excellence Award. 2023 - 2024
Distinguished Service Award for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. 2022 - 2023
2022 Performance Excellence Customer Service Award (GJ Express). 2022 - 2023
Honorific Membership Award. 2022 - 2023
Leadership Foundations Team for Safety Disparities. 2022 - 2023
URMC Summer Bootcamp Faculty Awardee. 2022
URMC Cohot I Awardee. 2022 - 2023
Health Equity Innovation NICU Follow Through Care Award. 2021 - 2022
Quality Safety and Value Award. 2020 - 2021
Team Based Care Summit Award for Pediatric Hospital Medicine LEAD QI Project. 2020
Silver Award for Operation Excellence Pursuing Excellence Initiative. 2020 - 2021
Bronze Award for Team Excellence Asthma QI. 2019 - 2020
Meliora Award for 7North Central Line Infection Prevention. 2019 - 2020
LEAN Award for Pediatric ICU Pursuing Excellence Team. 2019
URMC Strong Star. 2018
URMC Senior Leader Education and Development Program Nominee. 2018
Greater Rochester Quality Council Performance Award. 2018
High Performing Team Lean / Operations Excellence Silver Award. 2017
Team Based Care Summit Innovation Award. 2017
National Surgery Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) Award. 2017 - 2018
URMC Bronze Strong Star Award. 2016
URMC, Strong Star. 2015
2015 Healthcare Association of New York State Pinnacle Award for Quality and Patient Safety. 2015
Distinguished Nursing Alumnus Award, Hartwick College. 2014
University of Rochester Board Quality Award - Inpatient Asthma Care. 2013
Community Health Improvement Award for Asthma Education. 2011
University of Rochester Board Quality Award - Central Line Infection Reduction. 2010
Interactive Patient Care - Pediatric Clinician Get Connected Award. 2009
Pew Charitable Trust IOM Doctoral Fellowship in Health Policy. 1996 - 2004
Journal Articles
Laprime,A; Kanaley, R; Keller, A; Stephens, S; Schriefer, J; Fallon, A; Sosa, T.
Hospital Pediatrics. 2024; 14(5): 356-363.
Kazi, B;Talukdar, Z; Schriefer, J.
Journal of Healthcare Quality. 2024; 46(2): 81-94.
Cheng, E; Schriefer, J; Sosa, T; Haen, S; Ferguson, S; Clark, A; Boerman, C; Hochreiter, C; Gabel, M; Yung, A; Lee, D; Ackerman, K.
Pediatric Research. 2024; .
Neumeister, S; Gabel, M; Meyers, JM;, Tesini, B; Gottfried, JA; Fairchild, A; Schriefer, J.
The Journal of the Association for Vascular Access. 2024; 28(4).
Implementation and Qualitative Analysis of Peer Support for New Pediatric Gastrostomy Tube Families.
Juviler ,P; Wegman, S; Yousefi-Nooraie, R; Erlick, MR; Schriefer, J; Pulhamus, M; DiRaddo, M; Aquilina, JL; Washington, CO; Kupicha, P; Ferro, E; Ostrander, K; Ellis, K; Levatino, E; Verna, SJ;, Temple, LK; Cupertino, AP; Wakeman, D.
Journal of Surgical Research. 2024; .
Juviler, P; Meyers,JM; Levatino, E; Axford, J; Barker, E; Correll, L; Decker, AS; Faria, J; Gloff, M; Loria, A; McKenna, M; Schriefer, J; Stevens, TP; Verna, S; Wegman, S; Wolcott, K; Wakeman, D.
. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2024; 59(1): 45-52.
Caregivers of Children with Medical Complexity: A Qualitative Study of How They Adapt
Bayer, ND; Krieg, KD; Yousefi Nooraie, R; Bogetz, JF; Yu, JA; Johnson, J; Schriefer, J;, Iadarola, S; O'Connor, TG; Kuo, TZ; Halterman, JS; Petrenko,CL.
Pediatrics. 2024; .
Schriefer, J; Reagan Webster, P; Gillis, R.
American Journal of Medical Quality. 2024; 39(45): 116-117.
Erlick, MR; Pulhamus, M; Schriefer, J; Buholtz, K; DiRaddo, M; Foito, T; Hill-Sober, C; Levatino, E; Neumeister, SK; Pizzo, A; Sosa, TK; Ruffolo, LI; Verna, S; Wakeman, DS; Martin, HA.
Journal of Pediatric Surgical Nursing. 2023; .
Kanaley, RL; Gillette, C; Schriefer, J; Gottfried, JA; Bramley, J.
British Journal of Nursing. 2023; 32(2): S18-S26.
British Medical Journal BMJ Quality and Safety. 2023; 33: 86-97.
Keller, AR; Kanaley, RL; Starr, T; Strollo, B; Scharf, M; Massachi' S; Angell, L; Clough, CD; Schriefer J.
Hospital Pediatrics. 2022; 12(5): 499-506.
Ramazani, S; Gottfried, J; Leonard, M; Lynn, J; Kaissi, M; Schriefer; J; Bayer, N.
Hospital Pediatrics. 2021; 11(7): 670-678.
Bracken, AE; Schriefer, J; Whalen, H; Fable, J; Solan, LE; Philip, S; Davis, C; Shipley, LJ; Barker, E; Roberts, A; Angell, L; Flannery ,M; Muoio, E; Frey, S.
Hospital Pediatrics. 2021; 11(5): 478-484.
Erlick, M; Dutko-Fiorvanti, I; Studwell, S; Yaeger, J; Schriefer, J.
Journal of Patient Experience. 2021; 8(1): 1-10.
Ramazani S; Bayer ND; Gottfried JA; Wagner J; Leonard MS; Lynn J; Schriefer J.
Journal of Patient Experience. 2020; : 1-7.
Brophy P, Stevenson K, Kaczorowski J, Schriefer J.
Journal of Pediatrics. 2020; 224: 6-9.
Ruffolo LI , Palhamus M, Fioto T, Levatino T, Martin H, Michels J, Schriefer J, Wolcott K, Wakeman D.
Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2020; .
The Business Case for Surgical Quality--Using a Multidisciplinary Team to Drive Pediatric Surgery Quality Improvement
Wolcott, K; Schriefer, J; Michels, J; Meyers, J; Hilt, S; Gitzelmann, C; Pegoli, W; Caserta, M; McGuire, A; Thirukumaran, C; Pulhamus, M; Foito, T; Sanders.
Journal of Pediatric Surgical Nursing. 2019; 8(1): 15-20.
Robinson R; Schriefer J; Gloff M; Michels J; Webber A; Hilt S; Sanders J; Herman E.
Journal of Pediatric Surgical Nursing. 2018; 7 (2): 49-59.
Implementation of a pediatric orthopedic surgery bundle to reduce surgical site infections.
Schriefer, J; Sanders, J; Michels, J, Wolcott, K; Ruddy, C.; Hanson, J.
Orthopedic Nursing. 2017; 36 (1): 49-59.
Biondi EA, Gottfried JA, Dutko Fioravanti I, Schriefer JA, Aligne CA, Leonard MS
Journal of clinical nursing.. 2015 May 24 (9-10):1320-6. Epub 11/25/2014.
A great idea: Staff Satisfaction Survey. Strides – Journal for the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship (Path Inc.). Summer: 46-48. http://www.omagdigital.com/publication/?i=264059
Schriefer, J; Christiansen, J; Atkinson, SA. (2015).
2015; .
Using Quality Improvement Methods to Enhance Volunteer Experiences at EquiCenter. Strides – Journal for the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship (Path Inc.). Winter: 41-4.5 http://www.omagdigital.com/publication/?i=243228
Houliares, D; Taylor-Brown, S; Werth, K;, Benotti, L; Schriefer, J; Friedlander, J. (2105).
2015; .
Quality improvement learning collaborative to examine foster care guideline. Children and Youth Services Review.
Jee, S; Szilagyi, M; Schriefer, J; Conn, A; Weld, J; Scribano, P; Sigor, L; Foreky, H; Arnold-Clark, J; Carmach, A; Chrtraus, C; LaRene, A; Harmon, D; Hodges, K; Scahill, M; Tonniges, T; Shropshire, D; Meister, S.
2015; 59: 84-89.
Continuous Quality Improvement in a Level IIIB NICU to Increase Human Milk Use at Day of Life 14, Day of Life 28, and Discharge.
Lowenstein, LM; Brown, J; Barrows, J; Foti, T; Scholer, L; LeVant, C; Schriefer, J.
ICAN: Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition. 2014; 6(3): 137-143.
Respiratory Quality Improvement in the NICU
RT Magazine. 2013; : 2-3.
Development of a Multi-center Multidisciplinary Simulation -based Perinatal Team Training Program - The Vermont Oxford Network Experience
Butler, TJ; Suresh, GK; Lavin, JP; Oehlert, JW; Schriefer; JA; Halamek, LP.
Asian Journal of Clinical Pediatrics and Neonatology. 2013; .
Interdisciplinary simulation-based training to improve delivery room communication
Dadiz, R; Weinschreider, J; Schriefer, J; Arnold, C; Greves, CD; Crosby, EC; Wang, H; Pressman, EK; Guillet, R.
Simulation Healthcare. 2013; .
Quality Improvement- An Overview
Schriefer, J, Leonard, MS.
Pediatrics in Review. 2012; 33(8): 1-8.
Suresh GK, Ferguson LA, Tomlinson M, Campbell BB, Ohlinger J, Prochnicki B, Nicholas S, Warren MB, Edwards W, Chute L, Christian L, Hagen E, Sieber D, Schriefer J
Journal of nursing care quality.. 2007 22 (1):73-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Ohlinger J, Kantak A, Lavin JP, Fofah O, Hagen E, Suresh G, Halamek LP, Schriefer JA
Pediatrics.. 2006 November 118 Suppl 2 :S147-52. Epub 1900 01 01.
Zabari M, Suresh G, Tomlinson M, Lavin JP, Larison K, Halamek L, Schriefer JA
Pediatrics.. 2006 November 118 Suppl 2 :S153-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Lavin JP, Kantak A, Ohlinger J, Kaempf JW, Tomlinson M, Campbell B, Fofah O, Edwards W, Allbright K, Hagen E, Suresh G, Schriefer J
Pediatrics.. 2006 November 118 Suppl 2 :S169-76. Epub 1900 01 01.
Evidence-based Quality Improvement in Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine: The Neonatal Intensive Care Quality Improvement Collaborative Experience
Horbar, J.D.; Plsek, P.E.; Schriefer, J.A.; Leahy, K.;.
Pediatrics. 2006; 118(2): S57-S64.
Perinatal simulation of emergency cesarean section in the Vermont Oxford Network.
Lavin, J.; Hendrichs, S.; Schriefer, J.A.; Meija, Y.
Vermont Oxford Network. 2006; .
Schriefer JA, Botter ML
Outcomes management for nursing practice. 2001 5 (1):3-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Schriefer JA, Botter ML
Outcomes management for nursing practice. 2001 5 (4):146-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Schriefer JA, Botter ML
Outcomes management for nursing practice. 2001 5 (2):48-51. Epub 1900 01 01.
Schriefer JA, Botter ML
Outcomes management for nursing practice. 2001 5 (3):95-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Merging clinical pathway programs as part of overall health system mergers: A ten-step guide
Schriefer, J.; Englehard, J.; Dicesare, L.; Miller, M.; Schriefer, J.H.
Journal on Quality Improvement. 2000; 26(1): 29-38.
Combining case management, pathways and report cards for cardiac prevention.
Levkneckt, L.; Schriefer, J.H.; Schriefer, J.A.; Meconis, B.
Journal on Quality Improvement. 1997; 23(3): 162-174.
Care Management - old tools in new tool kit.
Schriefer, J.A.; Bangs, T.A.
Surgical Services Management. 1997; 3(6): 12-15.
Schriefer J, Urden LD, Rogers S
Outcomes management for nursing practice. 1997 1 (1):14-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Increasing physician interest in QI & Pathways.
Schriefer, J.; VanDam, J.
IHI Eye on Improvement. 1996; 3(23): 7-8.
Linking process improvement, critical paths and outcome data to increased profitability.
Schriefer, J.A.; Cali, R.; Sugiyama, G.; Ryan, D.
Surgical Services Management. 1996; 2(6): 46-50.
Blondin J, Schriefer J, Shinozaki T, Calhoun B, Leavitt B, Deane R, LaChaunce W
Quality management in health care.. 1996 4 (2):42-54. Epub 1900 01 01.
Behr C, Mercier C, Schriefer J
Journal for healthcare quality : official publication of the National Association for Healthcare Quality.. 1996 18 (4):21-3. Epub 1900 01 01.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Improvement Team.
Schriefer, J.A.; Blondin, J.
Effectiveness on Quality Improvement in Healthcare.
Case Management and Clinical Pathways - Improving Outcomes for Patients.
Schriefer, J.A.; Leff, E.; Barber, S.
Inside Case Management. 1995; 2(5): 1-3.
Improving breast-feeding support: A community health improvement project.
Leff, E.; Schriefer, J.; Hagan, J.; DeMarco, P.
Journal on Quality Improvement. 1995; 21(10): 521-529.
Schriefer J
Quality management in health care.. 1995 3 (2):30-42. Epub 1900 01 01.
Reducing cardiac surgery wound infection rates.
Schriefer, J.A.; Wenneker, M.B.
IHI Eye on Improvement. 1994; 1(4): 7-8.
Critical pathways and clinical algorithms: A winning combination.
Schriefer, J.A.
Quality Management in Health Care. 1994; 3(2): 8-9.
Building an infrastructure for successful critical pathways.
Schriefer, J.A.
Quality Connection. 1994; 3(3): 10-11.
The synergy of critical pathways and clinical algorithms. .
Schriefer, J.A.
Journal on Quality Improvement. 1994; 20(9): 485-499.
Reducing the length of stay for open-heart surgery patients.
Schriefer, J.A.
Quality Connection. 1993; 2(3): 8-9.
Heart Surgery Process Improvements.
Schriefer, J.A.
Quality Management in Health Care. 1993; 2(2): 38.
Efficacy of Peer Support on Caregiver Well-Being and Patient Outcomes for Critically Ill Children: A Systematic Review
Wegman, S; Juviler, P; Coffey, B; Schriefer, J; Wakeman, D.
Advances in Neonatal Care. .
Changes in Health Resource Use, Quality of Life and Productivity in Patients (2004)
Authors: Schriefer JA.
Publisher: UMI, Ann Arbor, MI 2004
Current Leadership Issues in Health Care (2001)
Chapter: Integration of Settings and Services
Authors: Schriefer J.
Publisher: Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations, Oakbrook, IL 2001
Maintaining Quality in a Managed Care Environment (1997)
Chapter: Report Card Criteria for Outcomes Management.
Authors: Schriefer, J.A., Kirk, R.
Publisher: Aspen Publishers 1997
Managed Care's Financial Impact (1997)
Chapter: Quality, Access and Measuring System Performance
Authors: Schriefer, J.
Publisher: VHA and University of Vermont Publishing 1997
The Well-Managed Health Care Organization (3rd edition) (1996)
Chapter: Managing Critical Pathway Variances
Authors: Schriefer, J., Griffith, J.R.
Publisher: Healthcare Administration Press, Ann Arbor, MI 1996
National Directory of Healthcare Critical Pathways (2nd edition) (1996)
Chapter: Critical pathways for Butterworth Health System.
Authors: Schriefer, J.A.
Publisher: COR Healthcare Resources, Santa Barbara, CA 1996
National Directory of Healthcare Critical Pathways (1st edition) (1995)
Chapter: Critical pathways from the Medical Center Hospital of Vermont
Authors: Schriefer JA.
Publisher: COR Healthcare Resources, Santa Barbara, CA 1995
Abstracts of Clinical Care Guidelines (1995)
Chapter: Commentary on post-stroke rehabilitation AHCPR guideline
Authors: Schriefer JA.
Publisher: unknown 1995
In The Quality Letter for Healthcare Leaders CQI Annual (1995)
Chapter: Identifying leverage points in clinical processes
Authors: Schriefer, J., Behr, C., McEachern, E. J., Veatch, R.
Publisher: unknown 1995
In The Juran prescription: Clinical Quality Management (1995)
Chapter: Improving care for cardiac surgery patients
Authors: Schriefer, J.A., Goonan, K.J.
Publisher: Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA 1995
Achieving Pharmaceutical Care Through Personal Skills Development (1995)
Chapter: Clinical Pathways to Success
Authors: Massaud, N., Schriefer, J.A. & Weingarten, S.
Publisher: Comed Communications & Merck Publishing, West Point, PA 1995
Health Services Management (1994)
Chapter: Quality Connection Storyboards: Beth Israel Hospital Boston and Medical Center Hospital of Vermont
Authors: Schriefer, J.A., Juran, D., Kovner, A.R. & Neuhauser, D.
Publisher: unknown 1994
Framework for Improving Performance - From Principles to Practice (1994)
Chapter: Postoperative extubation of open-heart surgery patients
Authors: Schriefer, J.A.
Publisher: Joint Commission 1994