Zhenqiang Yao, B.Med., Ph.D.
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Zhenqiang Yao, B.Med., Ph.D.
About Me
Faculty Appointments
Associate Professor - Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (SMD)
Associate Professor - Department of Biomedical Engineering (SMD) - Joint
Associate Professor - Department of Dentistry (SMD) - Joint
Associate Professor - Department of Pharmacology and Physiology (SMD) - Joint
PhD | University of Westminster. Biomedical Science. 2016
MS | Kunming Medical College. Orthopedic Surgery. 1993
The Mid-Career Faculty Travel Grant. 2021
Young Investigator Award. 2007
Young Investigator Award. 2006
2. Cancer Research: The most significant challenges in treating cancer are recurrence and metastasis. Our current projects focus on cancer immunotherapy using our newly developed engineered macrophage to prevent and eliminate metastatic cancers specifically while avoiding systemic side effects. We are also interested in the mechanism by which microbiome-derived LPS promotes the development of metastatic cancer and the influence of LPS signaling on the therapeutic response of metastatic cancer to a class of small molecular compounds that degrade IAP proteins.
Phosphonate-Chloroquine Conjugates and Methods Using Same
Issue date: May 26, 2020
Patent #: 10,660,884
Country: United States
Inventors: Robert K Boeckman, Jr., Brendan Boyce, Frank (Hal) Ebetino, Lifeng Xiao, Zhenqiang Yao
Journal Articles
Yao Z, Ayoub A, Srinivasan V, Wu J, Tang C, Duan R, Milosavljevic A, Xing L, Ebetino FH, Frontier AJ, Boyce BF
Bone research.. 2024 September 512 (1):52. Epub 09/05/2024.
Duan R, Milton P, Sittplangkoon C, Liu X, Sui Z, Boyce BF, Yao Z
Cancer immunology, immunotherapy : CII.. 2024 August 673 (10):203. Epub 08/06/2024.
Boyce BF, Li J, Yao Z, Xing L
Endocrinology and metabolism.. 2023 October 38 (5):504-521. Epub 09/26/2023.
Li J, Yao Z, Liu X, Duan R, Yi X, Ayoub A, Sanders JO, Mesfin A, Xing L, Boyce BF
Nature communications.. 2023 January 1114 (1):159. Epub 01/11/2023.
Yao Z, Boyce BF
Nature reviews. Rheumatology.. 2022 November 18 (11):617-618. Epub 1900 01 01.
Shen G, Liu X, Lei W, Duan R, Yao Z
The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2022 April 298 (4):101767. Epub 02/27/2022.
Liu X, Yao JJ, Chen Z, Lei W, Duan R, Yao Z
Frontiers in immunology.. 2022 13 :906357. Epub 08/31/2022.
Yao Z, Getting SJ, Locke IC
Cells.. 2021 December 3111 (1)Epub 12/31/2021.
Yi X, Liu X, Kenney HM, Duan R, Lin X, Schwarz E, Yao Z
Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.. 2021 December 36 (12):2426-2439. Epub 10/18/2021.
Sun S, Tao J, Sedghizadeh PP, Cherian P, Junka AF, Sodagar E, Xing L, Boeckman RK, Srinivasan V, Yao Z, Boyce BF, Lipe B, Neighbors JD, Russell G, McKenna CE, Ebetino FH
British journal of pharmacology.. 2021 May 178 (9):2008-2025. Epub 04/10/2021.
Xing L, Ebetino FH, Boeckman RK, Srinivasan V, Tao J, Sawyer TK, Li J, Yao Z, Boyce BF
Bone.. 2020 September 138 :115492. Epub 06/23/2020.
Li J, Yi X, Yao Z, Chakkalakal JV, Xing L, Boyce BF
Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.. 2020 August 35 (8):1535-1548. Epub 04/27/2020.
Lei W, Duan R, Li J, Liu X, Huston A, Boyce BF, Yao Z
Scientific reports.. 2020 April 2410 (1):7004. Epub 04/24/2020.
Li J, Ayoub A, Xiu Y, Yin X, Sanders JO, Mesfin A, Xing L, Yao Z, Boyce BF
Nature communications.. 2019 June 2610 (1):2795. Epub 06/26/2019.
Boyce BF, Li J, Xing L, Yao Z
Frontiers in immunology.. 2018 9 :2263. Epub 09/28/2018.
Yao Z, Lei W, Duan R, Li Y, Luo L, Boyce BF
The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2017 June 16292 (24):10169-10179. Epub 04/24/2017.
Krieger NS, Yao Z, Kyker-Snowman K, Kim MH, Boyce BF, Bushinsky DA
Kidney international.. 2016 March 89 (3):565-73. Epub 01/06/2016.
Boyce BF, Xiu Y, Li J, Xing L, Yao Z
Endocrinology and metabolism.. 2015 March 2730 (1):35-44. Epub 1900 01 01.
Bhardwaj R, Yester JW, Singh SK, Biswas DD, Surace MJ, Waters MR, Hauser KF, Yao Z, Boyce BF, Kordula T
The Journal of immunology : official journal of the American Association of Immunologists.. 2015 March 15194 (6):2862-70. Epub 02/13/2015.
Zhao Z, Hou X, Yin X, Li Y, Duan R, Boyce BF, Yao Z
PloS one.. 2015 10 (8):e0135728. Epub 08/19/2015.
Zhang H, Hilton MJ, Anolik JH, Welle SL, Zhao C, Yao Z, Li X, Wang Z, Boyce BF, Xing L
The Journal of clinical investigation.. 2014 July 124 (7):3200-14. Epub 06/02/2014.
Yao Z, Li Y, Yin X, Dong Y, Xing L, Boyce BF
Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.. 2014 April 29 (4):866-77. Epub 1900 01 01.
Juneja SC, Vonica A, Zeiss C, Lezon-Geyda K, Yatsula B, Sell DR, Monnier VM, Lin S, Ardito T, Eyre D, Reynolds D, Yao Z, Awad HA, Yu H, Wilson M, Honnons S, Boyce BF, Xing L, Zhang Y, Perkins AS
Bone.. 2014 March 60 :148-61. Epub 12/04/2013.
Xiu Y, Xu H, Zhao C, Li J, Morita Y, Yao Z, Xing L, Boyce BF
The Journal of clinical investigation.. 2014 January 124 (1):297-310. Epub 12/09/2013.
Kiebala M, Polesskaya O, Yao Z, Perry SW, Maggirwar SB
PloS one.. 2010 July 295 (7):e11875. Epub 07/29/2010.
Boyce BF, Yao Z, Xing L
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.. 2010 March 1192 :367-75. Epub 1900 01 01.
Yao Z, Xing L, Boyce BF
The Journal of clinical investigation.. 2009 October 119 (10):3024-34. Epub 09/21/2009.
Yao Z, Li P, Zhang Q, Guo R, Schwarz EM, Boyce BF, Xing L.
The Open Arthritis Journal. 2009; 2: 7-9.
Boyce BF, Yao Z, Xing L
Critical reviews in eukaryotic gene expression.. 2009 19 (3):171-80. Epub 1900 01 01.
Yao Z, Xing L, Qin C, Schwarz EM, Boyce BF
The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2008 April 11283 (15):9917-24. Epub 02/04/2008.
Engin F, Yao Z, Yang T, Zhou G, Bertin T, Jiang MM, Chen Y, Wang L, Zheng H, Sutton RE, Boyce BF, Lee B
Nature medicine.. 2008 March 14 (3):299-305. Epub 02/24/2008.
Boyce BF, Yao Z, Zhang Q, Guo R, Lu Y, Schwarz EM, Xing L
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.. 2007 November 1116 :245-54. Epub 1900 01 01.
Yamashita T, Yao Z, Li F, Zhang Q, Badell IR, Schwarz EM, Takeshita S, Wagner EF, Noda M, Matsuo K, Xing L, Boyce BF
The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2007 June 22282 (25):18245-18253. Epub 05/07/2007.
Zhang Q, Lu Y, Proulx ST, Guo R, Yao Z, Schwarz EM, Boyce BF, Xing L
Arthritis research & therapy.. 2007 9 (6):R118. Epub 1900 01 01.
Morello R, Bertin TK, Chen Y, Hicks J, Tonachini L, Monticone M, Castagnola P, Rauch F, Glorieux FH, Vranka J, Bächinger HP, Pace JM, Schwarze U, Byers PH, Weis M, Fernandes RJ, Eyre DR, Yao Z, Boyce BF, Lee B
Cell.. 2006 October 20127 (2):291-304. Epub 1900 01 01.
Boyce BF, Xing L, Yao Z, Yamashita T, Shakespeare WC, Wang Y, Metcalf CA, Sundaramoorthi R, Dalgarno DC, Iuliucci JD, Sawyer TK
Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research.. 2006 October 1512 (20 Pt 2):6291s-6295s. Epub 1900 01 01.
Yao Z, Li P, Zhang Q, Schwarz EM, Keng P, Arbini A, Boyce BF, Xing L
The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2006 April 28281 (17):11846-55. Epub 02/06/2006.
Boyce BF, Xing L, Yao Z, Shakespeare WC, Wang Y, Metcalf CA, Sundaramoorthi R, Dalgarno DC, Iuliucci JD, Sawyer TK
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.. 2006 April 1068 :447-57. Epub 1900 01 01.
Kaneki H, Guo R, Chen D, Yao Z, Schwarz EM, Zhang YE, Boyce BF, Xing L
The Journal of biological chemistry.. 2006 February 17281 (7):4326-33. Epub 12/22/2005.
Zhang Q, Badell IR, Schwarz EM, Boulukos KE, Yao Z, Boyce BF, Xing L
Arthritis and rheumatism.. 2005 September 52 (9):2708-18. Epub 1900 01 01.
Boyce BF, Li P, Yao Z, Zhang Q, Badell IR, Schwarz EM, O'Keefe RJ, Xing L
The Keio journal of medicine.. 2005 September 54 (3):127-31. Epub 1900 01 01.
Boyce BF, Yamashita T, Yao Z, Zhang Q, Li F, Xing L
Journal of bone and mineral metabolism.. 2005 23 Suppl :11-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Kapur RP, Yao Z, Iida MH, Clarke CM, Doggett B, Xing L, Boyce BF
Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.. 2004 October 19 (10):1689-97. Epub 07/21/2004.
Yao Z, Lafage-Proust MH, Plouët J, Bloomfield S, Alexandre C, Vico L
Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.. 2004 September 19 (9):1471-80. Epub 06/02/2004.
Skeletal Development and Repair. Methods in Molecular Biology (2021)
Chapter: RANKL-Based Osteoclastic Assay from Murine Bone Marrow Cells
Authors: Yao Z, Xing L and Boyce B.
Publisher: Springer 2021
Encyclopedia of Bone Biology (2020)
Chapter: Osteoclast Signal Transduction Pathways: The RANKL/RANK System.
Authors: Yao Z, Boyce B.
Publisher: Elsevier 2020
Encyclopedia of Bone Biology (2020)
Chapter: Translational Pharmacology in the Development of RANKL Inhibitors
Authors: Boyce B, Yao Z.
Publisher: Elsevier 2020
Current Topics in Bone Biology (2005)
Chapter: Osteoclasts and Inflammatory Osteolysis
Authors: Xing L, Zhang Q, Yao Z
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co. 2005