Georgios Romanos, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Georgios Romanos, D.D.S., Ph.D.
About Me
Diplomate, American Board of Periodontology
July 2007-present: Professor of Clinical Dentistry at the Univ. of Rochester, Div. of Periodontology and General Dentistry at the Eastman Institute for Oral Health
2007-present: Director of the Unit of Laser Den...
Diplomate, American Board of Periodontology
July 2007-present: Professor of Clinical Dentistry at the Univ. of Rochester, Div. of Periodontology and General Dentistry at the Eastman Institute for Oral Health
2007-present: Director of the Unit of Laser Dentistry at the Eastman Institute for Oral Health
October 2010-present: Professor (Prof. Dr. med. dent) for Oral Surgery and Implant Dentistry at the University of Frankfurt, Germany
2007-2010: Certificate, Postgraduate specialty Program of Periodontology, Eastman Institute for Oral Health, Univ. of Rochester, Rochester, NY
October 2005-July 2007: Clinical Professor of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry at the New York University, New York, NY, USA (College of Dentistry, Dept. of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry; Head and Chairman: Dr. D. Tarnow)
October 2005-July 2007: Director of Laser Sciences at the New York University, College of Dentistry
August 2004-October 2005: Clinical Professor (full time) of Implant Dentistry at the New York University, New York, USA (College of Dentistry, Dept. of Implant Dentistry; Head and Chairman: Dr. D. Tarnow)
2003-Oct. 2010: Associate Professor for Oral Surgery and Implantology (Priv. Doz.), Dental School Frankfurt, Carolinum, Germany
2003: "HABILITATIONSSCHRIFT" ("Venia legendi", post Ph.D.) with the title:
"Immediate loading of endosseous implants in the posterior area of the mandible. Animal and Clinical studies" (published 2005 by Quintessence Publisher, Berlin; English and German version)
1996-2003: Assistant Professor for Oral Surgery, Dental School Frankfurt;
-Clinical experience especially in the regenerative surgical procedures, implant surgery and prosthodontics with different implant systems; laser surgery. Research topics: bone healing, bone engineering, periodontal/peri-implant regeneration, wound healing, ridge augmentation procedures, laser applications, soft tissue pathology, collagen research, immediate loading of implants, bone healing around immediate loaded implants, periimplantitis treatment
1996: Certificate in Oral Surgery and Implantology
1993-1996: Postgraduate specialty Program of Oral Surgery at the Dept. of Oral Surgery and Implantology at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt, Dental School-Carolinum (Head and Chairman: Prof. Dr. G.-H. Nentwig)
1990-1993: Postgraduate specialty Program of Prosthodontics and Director of Undergraduate Prosthodontics at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg (Head and Chairman: Prof. Dr. J.R. Strub)
1992: Assistant Professor for Clinical Prosthodontics, Dental School Freiburg
1990: Doctoral Thesis (Dr. med. dent.-PhD equivalent) in the area of extracellular matrix characteristics in the healthy periodontium (Degree: very good; "magna cum laude").
Different research activities in the connective tissue research, gingival overgrowth pathology, wound healing, immunohistochemistry.
1987-1990: Postgraduate specialty Program of Periodontics at the Free University of Berlin (Head and Chairman: Prof. Dr. Dr. J.-P. Bernimoulin)
1982-1987: Graduate studies of Dentistry at the Athens University (D.D.S.)
Born in Athens, Greece
Languages: English, German, Greek (fluently; including dental terminology)
Faculty Appointments
Adjunct Professor - Department of Dentistry (SMD)
Post-doctoral Training & Residency
Certificate; Postgraduate Specialty Program of Periodontics, Eastman Institute for Oral Health, Univ. of Rochester, Rochester, NY 2007 - 2010
Certificate; Advanced Education of General Dentistry (AEGD, accredited program), Eastman Institute for Oral Health, Univ. of Rochester, Rochester, NY 2007 - 2011
Habilitationsschrift (Venia Legendi) in Oral Surgery and Implant Dentistry (Dr.med.dent.habil.) at the Dental School Frankfurt - Carolinum, Germany 1996 - 2003
Certificate; Postgraduate Specialty Program in Oral Surgery and Implant Dentistry at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt, Germany 1993 - 1996
Certificate of Attendance: Residency at the Dept. of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery at the Johann Wofgang Goethe University of Frankfurt, Germany 1993 - 1996
Certificate; Postgraduate Specialty Program in Prosthodontics at the Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg, Germany 1990 - 1993
Training in immunohistochemical techniques of collagen in the connective tissues (Research laboratory of Dr.rer.nat. C. Scroeter-Kermani, Institute of Toxicology and Embryonal Pharmacology, FU Berlin, Germany) 1988 - 1990
Certificate; Postgraduate Specialty Program in Periodontics at the Free University of Berlin, Germany 1987 - 1990
Certificate, Advanced Education in General Dentistry | Eastman Institute for Oral Health, Univ. of Rochester. General Dentistry. 2011
Certificate | Eastman Institute for Oral Health. Periodontology. 2010
Dr. habil. | Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Dental School (Carolinum). Oral Surgery and Implant Dentistry. 2003
Certificate | Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Dental School (Carolinum). Oral Surgery. 1996
Certificate | Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg. Prosthodontics. 1993
Dr.med.dent. (PhD, equivalent) | Germany-Free University of Berlin (FU Berlin). Dentistry - Connective Tissue Research. 1990
Certificate | Free University of Berlin, Dental School. Periodontology. 1990
DDS | Greece-Athens University. Dentistry. 1987
Honorary Member. 2011
Honorary Director. 2011 - 2012
Romanos, GE, Kamma, J.J., Vasdekis, V.: silver award of the ISLD and DGL (oral presentation). 2006
Kamma, J.J., Romanos, GE., Vasdekis, V.: Bronze Award of the ISLD and DGL (oral presentation). 2006
Honorary President of the Hellenic Society for Oral Laser Applications. 2006
Gold medal research award. 2004
Award of the Greek-German Academician Association Hessen, Germany. 2004
Romanos GE, Toh CG, Siar CH, Nentwig GH: Poster presentation Award. 2002
Gold medal award: Malaysia -Ministry of Science, Malaysia. 2002
Faculty of the Year 2002-2003. 2002 - 2003
Honorary member of the Spanish Society of Lasers in Dentistry (SELO). 2001
Faculty of the Year 2001-2002. 2001 - 2002
Romanos GE, Toh GG, Siar, CH, Nentwig GH (oral presentation award). 1999
First Oral Presentation Award: Laser applications in oral surgical procedures. Wound healing characteristics of the laser.. 1996
First Poster Presentation Award: Sinus floor elevation with autogenous bone grafting procedure and implant placement. 1996
Implant dentistry with focus on bone-implant interface under different loading conditions and especially various immediate functional loading treatment concepts
Laser dentistry focused on the effects of laser irradiation (various laser wavelengths) on the ora...
Implant dentistry with focus on bone-implant interface under different loading conditions and especially various immediate functional loading treatment concepts
Laser dentistry focused on the effects of laser irradiation (various laser wavelengths) on the oral tissues as well as periodontal and periimplant tissues
Treatment of periimplantitis; mucogingival surgical therapy
Cell signaling; Wound healing; connective tissue research with focus on collagen distribution in the oral tissues in health and disease; tissue regeneration, mediators of inflammation (cytokines)
Journal Articles
Endosseous arteries in the anterior mandible. A literature review to avoid surgical complications
Romanos, G.E.; Gupta, B.; Crespi, R.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2012; : xxx-xxx.
Subcutaneous Reactions and Degradation Characteristics of Collagenous and Non-collagenous Membranes in a Macaque Model.
Siar CH, Toh CG, Romanos GE, Ng KH.
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2011; 22: 113-120.
Surface roughness of dental implants and primary stability: Is there a connection?
Javed F, Almas K, Crespi R, Romanos GE:.
Implant Dentistry. 2011; 20(1): 40-46.
Proinflammatory cytokines in the crevicular fluid of patients with periimplantitis.
Javed F, Al-Hezaimi K, Salameh Z, Almas K, Romanos GE:.
Cytokines. 2011; 53(1): 8-12.
Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF) secretion and bone healing after Er: YAG laser bone irradiation.
Kesler, G.; Koren, R.; Siman Tov; Romanos, G.E.
J Oral Implantology. 2011; : Mar;37 Spec No:195-204. Epub 2010 Jun 16.
Retrospective multicenter analysis of immediate provisionalization using one-piece narrow diameter (3.0mm) implants.
Sohn DS, Bae MS, Heo JU, Park JS, Yea SH, Romanos GE.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2011; 26(1): 163-168.
Treatment concept of the edentulous mandible with prefabricated telescopic abutments and immediate functional loading.
Romanos, G.E.; May, S.;, May, D.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2011; 26(3): 593-597.
Is Titanium sensitivity associated with allergic reactions in patients with dental implants? A systematic review
Javed F, Al-Hezaimi K, Almas K, Romanos GE.
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. 2011; Mar 17. doi: 10.1111/j.1708-8208.
Temperature Change during non-contact Diode Laser Irradiation of Implant Surfaces
Geminiani A, Caton J, Romanos GE.
Lasers in Medical Science. 2011; Jan 28. [Epub ahead of print].
Implant Periapical Lesions: Etiology and Treatment options
Romanos GE, Froum S, Costa-Martins S, Meitner S, Tarnow DP.
J Oral Implantol. 2011; 37(1): 52-63.
Endosseous bony canals distribution in the mandibular symphysis using Cone Beam Tomography
Romanos GE, Gupta B, Dawits G, Damouras M.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2011; : accepted for publication.
Effect of Cigarette Smoking on the Clinical Outcomes of Periodontal Surgical Procedures
Javed, F., Al-Rasheed, A., Almas, K., Romanos, G.E., Al-Hezaimi, K.
Am J Med Sci. 2011; 2011 Jul 28. Epub ahead of print.
Comparison of Modified Widman and Coronally Advanced Flap Surgery Combined with Co2 Laser Root Irradiation in Periodontal Therapy: A 15-Year Follow-up
Crespi, R.; Capparè, P.; Gherlone, E.; Romanos, G.E.
Int J Period Restorative Dent. 2011; 31(6).
Corticocancellous porcine bone in the healing of human extraction sockets: combining histomorphometry with osteoblast gene expression profiles in vivo.
Crespi, R.; Cappare, P.; Romanos, G.E.; Mariani, E.; Benasciutti, E.; Gherlone, E.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2011; 26(4): 866-872.
Temperature Increase During CO2 and Er: YAG Irradiation on Implant Surfaces.
Geminiani, A.; Caton, J.G.; Romanos, G.E.
Implant Dent. 2011; 20(5): 379-382.
Is Titanium Sensitivity Associated with Allergic Reactions in Patients with Dental Implants? A Systematic Review.
Javed, F.; Al-Hezaimi, K.; Almas, K.; Romanos, G.E.
Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2011 Mar 17 [Epub ahead of print]. 2011; .
Rebaudi, A, Laffi ,N, Benedicenti, S, Angiero, F, Romanos, GE.
Microcomputed Tomographic Analysis of Bone Reaction at Insertion of Orthodontic Mini-implants in Sheep.
Comparison of Modified Widman and Coronally Advanced Flap Surgery Combined with Co2 Laser Root Irradiation in Periodontal Therapy: A 15-Year Follow-up.
Crespi, R., Cappare, P., Gherlone, E., Romanos, G.E.
Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2011; 31(6): 641-651.
Froum, S.J., Cho, S.C., Elian, N., Romanos, G., Jalbout, Z., Natour, M., Norman, R., Neri, D., Tarnow, D.P.
Survival rate of one-piece dental implants placed with a flapless or flap protocol-a randomized, controlled study: 12-month results.
Role of Dentifrices With Essential Oil Formulations in Periodontal Healing
Javed, F.; Al-Hezaimi, K.; Romanos, G.E.
Am J Med Sci. 2011; .
Survival rate of immediately vs. delayed loaded implants: Analysis of the literature
Romanos GE, Froum S, Hery C, Cho SC, Tarnow DP:.
J Oral Implantol. 2010; 36: 315-324.
Photodynamic therapy in periodontal therapy. Microbiological observations from a private practice.
Romanos GE, Brink B.
General Dentistry. 2010; 58: 68-73.
Platelet-rich plasma in sinus augmentation procedures: a systematic literature review. Part II
Arora N, Ramanayake T, Ren Y, Romanos GE.
Implant Dentistry. 2010; 19: 145-157.
Immediate and Delayed Lateral Ridge Expansion?Technique in the Atrophic Posterior Mandibular Ridge
Sohn DS, Lee HJ, Heo JU, Moon JW, Park IS, Romanos GE:.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010; : Sep;68(9):2283-90. Epub 2010 Jun 26.
Biologic Width and morphologic characteristics of Soft Tissues Around Immediately Loaded Implants: Studies Performed on Human Autopsy Specimens.
Romanos GE, Traini T, Johansson CB, Piattelli A.
J Periodontol. 2010; 81: 70-78.
The role of primary stability for successful immediate loading of dental implants. A literature review.
Javed F, Romanos GE:.
J Dentistry. 2010; 38: 612-20.
Implant survival rate after oral cancer therapy. A review.
Javed F, Al-Hezaimi K, Almas K, Romanos GE:.
Oral Oncology. 2010; 46: 854-859.
Immediate loading with simultaneous sinus lift procedure. A case report after five years of loading
Romanos GE.
J Osseointegration. 2010; 1(1): 45-50.
Periosteal releasing incision for coverage of augmented sites. A technical note
Romanos GE.
J Oral Implantology. 2010; 36: 25-30.
Immediate and Delayed Lateral Ridge Expansion Technique in the Atrophic Posterior Mandibular Ridge
Sohn DS, Lee HJ, Heo JU, Moon JW, Park IS, Romanos GE.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010; 68: 2283-90.
Application of Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy in Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases.
Takasaki, AA, Mizutani K, Schwarz F, Sculean A, Wang CY, Romanos G, Ishikawa I, Izumi Y.
Periodontology 2000. 2009; : 109-140.
The incisive canal: considerations during implant dentistry. Case report and literature review
Romanos GE, Greenstein G:.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2009; : 740-745.
The effect of diode laser (980nm) treatment on Aggressive Periodontitis. Evaluation of microbial and clinical parameters
Kamma J, Romanos GE, Vasdekis V.
Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. 2009; 27: 11-19.
Osteonecrosis of the jaws caused by bisphosphonates: a therapeutic approach using the Er:YAG laser.
Angiero, F, Sannino C, Crippa, R, Benedicenti, S, Borloni R, Romanos, GE:.
Lasers in Medical Science. 2009; 24(6): 849-56 Epub 2009 Mar 11.
Non-surgical prosthetic management of mandibular fracture associated with dental implant therapy: a case report.
Romanos GE.
Int J Oral Maxillofacial Implants. 2009; : 143-146.
Erbium, chromium:yttrium-scandium-gallium-garnet laser-assisted sinus graft procedure.
Sohn DS, Lee JS, An KM, Romanos GE.
Lasers in Medical Science. 2009; 24(4): 673-677.
Laser wavelengths and Oral Implantology
Romanos GE, Gutknecht N, Dieter S, Schwarz F, Crespi R, Sculean A.
Lasers in Medical Science. 2009; 24(6): 961-970.
Bone quality and the Immediate loading of implants. Critical asprects based on literature, research and clinical experience.
Romanos GE:.
Implant Dentistry. 2009; 18: 203-209.
Platelet-Rich Plasma: A literature review
Arora N, Ramanayake T, Ren Y, Romanos GE.
Implant Dentistry. 2009; 18: 303-310.
The use of CO2 laser in the treatment of periimplantitis
Romanos GE, Ko Hh, Froum S, Tarnow D:.
Photomed Laser Surg. 2009; 27(3): 381-386.
Mast cell concentration in the wound healing process of incisions made by different instruments
Azevedo LH, de Sousa SC, Correa L, de Paula Eduardo C, Dagli ML, Romanos G, Migliari DA.
Lasers Med Sci. 2009; 24: 585-590.
Immediate functional loading in the maxilla using implants with platform "shifting". Five-year results
Romanos GE, Nentwig GH.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2009; : 24(6):1106-12.
Impact of diabetes mellitus and glycemic control on the osseointegration of dental implants: A systematic literature review
Javed F, Romanos GE:.
J Periodontol. 2009; 80: 1719-1730.
Cancellous Bone Block allografts for the Augmentation of the Anterior Atrophic Maxilla.
Nissan J, Mardinger O, Calderon S, Romanos GE, Chaushu G.
Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2009; : Sep 9. [Epub ahead of print].
Evaluation of the osteogenic outcome in artificial defects with and without the exclusion of bone marrow in the rabbit tibia
Veis A, Kougias K, Tsirlis A, Parisis N, Papadopoulou C, Romanos GE.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2009; 24: 1054-1060.
Angiero F, Benedicenti S, Romanos GE, Crippa R
Photomedicine and laser surgery.. 2008 December 26 (6):517-21. Epub 1900 01 01.
Treatment of hemangioma of the head and neck with diode laser and forced dehydration with induced photocoagulation
Angiero F, Benedicenti S, Romanos GE, Crippa R.
Photomed Laser Surg. 2008; 26(2): 113-118.
Basic research methods and current trends of dental implant surfaces
Coelho PG, Granjeiro JM, Romanos GE, Suzuki M, Silva NR, Cardaropoli G, Thompson VP, Lemons JE.
J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2008; 88B(2): 579-596.
In vitro evaluation of the implant abutment connection sealing capability of different implant systems
Coelho PG, Sudack P, Suzuki M, Kurtz KS, Romanos GE, Silva NR.
J Oral Rehabil. 2008; 35(12): 917-924.
Immediate versus delayed loading of dental implants placed in fresh extraction sockets in the maxillary esthetic zone: a clinical comparative study
Crespi R, Cappare P, Gherlone E, Romanos GE.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2008; 23(4): 753-758.
Clinical recommendations for avoiding and managing surgical complications associated with implant dentistry: a review
Greenstein G, Cavallaro J, Romanos G, Tarnow D.
J Periodontol. 2008; 79(8): 1317-1329.
Human beta-defensin-1 and -2 and matrix metalloproteinase-25 and -26 expression in chronic and aggressive periodontitis and in peri-implantitis
Kuula H, Salo T, Pirila E, Hagstrom J, Luomanen M, Gutierrez-Fernandez A, Romanos GE, Sorsa T.
Archs Oral Biol. 2008; 53(2): 175-186.
Immediate nonfunctional loading of single-tooth implants in the anterior maxilla following augmentation with freeze-dried cancellous block allograft: a case series
Nissan J, Romanos GE, Mardinger O, Chaushu G.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2008; 23(4): 709-716.
Simplified technique of window preparation for sinus lift procedures: a technical note
Romanos GE.
Implant Dentistry. 2008; 17(4): 377-381.
Immediate loading using cross-arch fixed restorations in heavy smokers: nine consecutive case reports for edentulous arches
Romanos GE, Nentwig GH.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2008; 23(3): 513-519.
Regenerative therapy of deep peri-implant infrabony defects after CO2 laser implant surface decontamination
Romanos GE, Nentwig GH.
Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2008; 28(3): 245-255.
Comparison of modified Widman and CO2 laser roo conditioning in the periodontal therapy. A split mouth study with results after 15 years
Crespi R, Cappare P, Gherlone E, Romanos GE.
Int J Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry. 2008; : accepted.
Immediate occlusal loading of implants placed in fresh sockets after tooth extraction
Crespi R, Cappare P, Gherlone E, Romanos GE.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2007; 22(6): 955-962.
Effects of Er:YAG laser compared to ultrasonic scaler in periodontal treatment: a 2-year follow-up split-mouth clinical study
Crespi R, Cappare P, Toscanelli I, Gherlone E, Romanos GE.
J Periodontol. 2007; 78(7): 1195-1200.
Calvarial versus iliac crest for autologous bone graft material for a sinus lift procedure: a histomorphometric study
Crespi R, Vinci R, Cappare P, Gherlone E, Romanos GE.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2007; 22(4): 527-532.
Re: Lasers in periodontics: a review of the literature. Cobb CM (2006;77:545-564)
Romanos GE.
J Periodontol. 2007; 78(4): 595-7; author reply 597-600.
Ibuprofen sodium dihydrate, an ibuprofen formulation with improved absorption characteristics, provides faster and greater pain relief than ibuprofen acid
Schleier P, Prochnau A, Schmidt-Westhausen AM, Peters H, Becker J; Latz T, Jackowski J, Peters EU, Romanos GE, Zahn B, Ludemann J, Maares J, Petersen B.
Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2007; 45(2): 89-97.
The CO2 laser clinical effects on root surface in periodontal therapy. A case series
Crespi R, Romanos GE.
J Oral Laser Applications. 2007; : in press.
The use of a CO2 laser in the reduction of maxillary tuberocity
Romanos GE.
J Laser Dent. 2007; 15: 38-40.
Effects of Er:YAG laser and ultrasonic treatment on fibroblast attachment to root surfaces: an in vitro study
Crespi R, Romanos GE, Cassinelli C, Gherlone E.
J Periodontol. 2006; 77(7): 1217-1222.
Immediate versus delayed functional loading of implants in the posterior mandible: a 2-year prospective clinical study of 12 consecutive cases
Romanos GE, Nentwig GH.
Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2006; 26(5): 459-469.
Use of Er:YAG laser to improve osseointegration of titanium alloy implants--a comparison of bone healing
Kesler G, Romanos G, Koren R.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2006; 21(3): 375-379.
Comparative study of two root coverage procedures: a 24-month follow-up multicenter study
Moses O, Artzi Z, Sculean A, Tal H, Kozlovsky A, Romanos GE, Nemcovsky CE.
J Periodontol. 2006; 77(2): 195-202.
Osteoblast attachment on titanium disks after laser irradiation
Romanos G,Crespi R, Barone A, Covani U.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2006; 21(2): 232-236.
the short term effect of diode laser (980nm) treatment on Aggressive periodontitis. Evaluation of clinical and microbiological parameters
Kamma JJ, Vasdekis VGS, Romanos GE.
J Oral Laser Applications. 2006; 6: 111-121.
Combination therapy of intrabony periodotnal defects using an Er:YAG laser and enamel matrix protein derivative. A case series
Schwarz F, Sculean A, Bieling K, Becker J, Romanos GE.
J Oral Laser Applications. 2006; 6: 123-131.
Laser-assisted soft tissue management in Esthetic Dentistry
Sweeny S, Romanos GE.
J Oral Laser Applications. 2006; 6: 133-139.
Long term results of immediately loaded implants with a progressive thread design in compromised bone qualities
Romanos GE.
Implant Dentistry. 2006; 14: 148-150 (supplement).
Er:YAG laser in defocused mode for scaling of periodontally involved root surfaces: an in vitro pilot study
Crespi R, Romanos GE, Barone A, Sculean A, Covani U.
J Periodontol. 2005; 76(5): 686-690.
Immediate loading with complete implant-supported restorations in an edentulous heavy smoker: histologic and histomorphometric analyses
Romanos GE, Johansson CB.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2005; 20(2): 282-290.
Histologic and histomorphometric findings from retrieved, immediately occlusally loaded implants in humans
Romanos GE, Testori T, Degidi M, Piattelli A.
J Periodontol. 2005; 76(11): 1823-1832.
Influence of different treatment approaches on the removal of early plaque biofilms and the viability of SAOS2 osteoblasts grown on titanium implants
Schwarz F, Sculean A, Romanos G, Herten M, Horn N, Scherbaum W, Becker J.
Clin Oral Investig. 2005; 20(2): 111-117.
Surgical and prosthetic concepts for predictable immediate loading of oral implants
Romanos GE.
J Calif Dent Assoc. 2004; 32(12): 991-1001.
Present status of immediate loading of oral implants
Romanos GE.
J Oral Implantol. 2004; 30(3): 189-197.
Removal of epithelium in periodontal pockets following diode (980 nm) laser application in the animal model: an in vitro study
Romanos GE, Henze M, Banihashemi S, Parsanejad HR, Winckler J, Nentwig GH.
Photomed Laser Surg. 2004; 22(3): 177-183.
Periodontal treatment with an Er:YAG laser compared to ultrasonic instrumentation: a pilot study
Sculean A, Schwarz F, Berakdar M, Romanos GE, Arweiler NB, Becker J.
J Periodontol. 2004; 75(7): 966-973.
Non-surgical periodontal treatment with a new ultrasonic device (Vector-ultrasonic system) or hand instruments
Sculean A, Schwarz F, Berakdar M, Romanos GE, Brecx M, Willershausen B, Becker J.
J Clin Periodontol. 2004; 31(6): 428-433.
Healing of intrabony defects following surgical treatment with or without an Er:YAG laser
Sculean A, Schwarz F, Berakdar M, Windisch P, Arweiler NB, Romanos GE.
J Clin Periodontol. 2004; 31(8): 604-608.
CO2 laser effecrta on root surfaces in periodontal treatment: Case reports
Crespi R, Covani U, Romanos GE, Barone A.
J Oral Laser Applcations. 2004; 4: 109-117.
Treatment of advanced periodontal destruction with immediately loaded implants and simultaneous bone augmentation: a case report
Romanos GE.
J Periodontol. 2003; 74(2): 255-261.
Bone-implant interface around titanium implants under different loading conditions: a histomorphometrical analysis in the Macaca fascicularis monkey
Romanos GE, Toh CG, Siar CH, Wicht H, Yacoob H, Nentwig GH.
J Periodontol. 2003; 74(10): 1483-1490.
Peri-implant soft tissue integration of immediately loaded implants in the posterior macaque mandible: a histomorphometric study
Siar CH, Toh CG, Romanos G, Swaminathan D, Ong AH, Yaacob H, Nentwig GH.
J Periodontol. 2003; 74(5): 571-578.
Evaluation of implant stability using the Periotest
Swaminathan D, Toh CG, Romanos GE, Yaacob HB, Siar CH, Ong AH.
J Aesthet Dent. 2003; 11: 15-17.
Root surface morphological changes after focused versus defocused CO2 laser irradiation: a scanning electron microscopy analysis
Barone A, Covani U, Crespi R, Romanos GE.
J Periodontol. 2002; 73(4): 370-373.
Effects of CO2 laser treatment on fibroblast attachment to root surfaces. A scanning electron microscopy analysis
Crespi R, Barone A, Covani U, Ciaglia RN, Romanos GE.
J Periodontol. 2002; 73(11): 1308-1312.
Histologic and histomorphometric evaluation of peri-implant bone subjected to immediate loading: an experimental study with Macaca fascicularis
Romanos GE, Toh CG, Siar CH, Swaminathan D.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2002; 17(1): 44-51.
Bactericidal Efficacy of CO2-Laser against Bacteria-Contaminated Sandblasted Titanium Implants
Romanos GE, Purucker P, Bernimoulin JP, Nentwig GH.
J Oral Laser Applications. 2002; 2: 171-174.
Treatment of periimplant lesions using different laser systems
Romanos GE.
J Oral Laser Applications. 2002; 2: 75-81.
Immediate implant-supported mandibular overdentures retained by conical crowns: A new treatment concept
May D, Romanos GE.
Quintessence Int. 2002; 33: 5-12.
Peri-implant bone reactions to immediately loaded implants. An experimental study in monkeys
Romanos G, Toh CG, Siar CH, Swaminathan D, Ong AH, Donath K, Yaacob H, Nentwig GH.
J Periodontol. 2001; 72(4): 506-511.
Alterations of the implant surface after CO2- or Nd:YAG-laser irradiation. A SEM-examination
Romanos GE, Everts H, Nentwig GH.
J Oral Laser Applications. 2001; 1: 29-33.
Effects of diode and Nd:YAG laser irradiation on titanium discs: a scanning electron microscope examination
Romanos GE, Everts H, Nentwig GH.
J Periodontol. 2000; 71(5): 810-815.
Single molar replacement with a progressive thread design implant system: a retrospective clinical report
Romanos GE, Nentwig GH.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2000; 15(6): 831-836.
A preliminary study of healing of superpulsed carbon dioxide laser incisions in the hard palate of monkeys
Romanos G, Siar CH, Ng K, Toh CG.
Lasers Surg Med. 1999; 24(5): 368-374.
Diode laser (980 nm) in oral and maxillofacial surgical procedures: clinical observations based on clinical applications
Romanos G, Nentwig GH.
J Clin Laser Med Surg. 1999; 17(5): 193-197.
The role of superpulsed CO2 laser in soft tissue periodontal surgery to improve aesthetics and periodontal health. A case report
Romanos GE, Swaminathan D, Taiyeb TB.
Asian J Aesth Dentistry 1999; 7: 29-31. 1999; 7: 29-31.
Effect of Tissucol on connective tissue matrix during wound healing: an immunohistochemical study in rat skin
Romanos GE, Strub JR.
J Biomed Mater Res. 1998; 39(3): 462-468.
Present and future of lasers in oral soft tissue surgery: clinical applications
Romanos GE, Nentwig GH.
J Clin Laser Med Surg. 1996; 14(4): 179-184.
Inflamed human periodontal versus peri-implant gingival tissues: an immunohistochemical differentiation of the extracellular matrix
Romanos GE, Schroeter-Kermani C, Strub JR.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1996; 11(5): 605-611.
Extracellular matrix interactions during the in vivo degradation of collagen membranes in the rat skin: immunohistochemical distribution of collagen types IV, V, and VI
Romanos GE, Hotz ST, Schroeter-Kermani C, Strub JR.
J Biomed Mater Res. 1995; 29(9): 1121-1127.
A comparative histological study of wound healing following Nd:YAG laser with different energy parameters and conventional surgical incision in rat skin
Romanos GE, Pelekanos S, Strub JR.
J Clin Laser Med Surg. 1995; 13(1): 11-16.
Effects of Nd:YAG laser on wound healing processes: clinical and immunohistochemical findings in rat skin
Romanos GE, Pelekanos S, Strub JR.
Lasers Surg Med. 1995; 16(4): 368-379.
Healthy human periodontal versus peri-implant gingival tissues: an immunohistochemical differentiation of the extracellular matrix
Romanos GE, Schroeter-Kermani C, Weingart D, Strub JR.
Int J Oral MaxillofacImplants. 1995; 10(6): 750-758.
Histological and immunohistochemical observations of the wound healing after the use of the Nd:YAG laser in the rat skin. Distribution of collagen types IV and VII in the connective tissue
Romanos GE, Pelekanos S, Strub JR.
J Clin Laser Med Surg 1995; 13: 87-95. 1995; 13: 87-95.
Distribution of extracellular matrix components in nuchal skin from fetuses carrying trisomy 18 and trisomy 21
Brand-Saberi B, Epperlein HH, Romanos GE, Christ B.
Cell Tissue Res. 1994; 277(3): 465-475.
Clinical applications of the Nd:YAG laser in oral soft tissue surgery and periodontology
Romanos GE.
J Clin Laser Med Surg. 1994; 12(2): 103-108.
The double lateral bridging flap for coverage of denuded root surface: longitudinal study and clinical evaluation after 5 to 8 years
Romanos GE, Bernimoulin JP, Marggraf E.
J Periodontol. 1993; 64(8): 683-688.
Extracellular matrix analysis of nifedipine-induced gingival overgrowth: immunohistochemical distribution of different collagen types as well as the glycoprotein fibronectin
Romanos GE, Schroeter-Kermani C, Hinz N, Herrmann D, Strub JR, Bernimoulin JP.
J Periodontal Res. 1993; 28(1): 10-16.
Immunohistochemical distribution of extracellular matrix proteins as a diagnostic parameter in healthy and diseased gingiva
Romanos GE, Strub JR, Bernimoulin JP.
J Periodontol. 1993; 64(2): 110-119.
Distribution of fibronectin in healthy, inflamed and drug-induced gingival hyperplasia
Romanos GE, Schroeter-Kermani C, Hinz N, Bernimoulin JP.
J Oral Pathol Med. 1992; 21(6): 256-260.
Immunohistochemical localization of collagenous components in healthy periodontal tissues of the rat and marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). I. Distribution of collagen types I and III
Romanos GE, Schroeter-Kermani C, Hinz N, Wachtel HC, Bernimoulin J.P.
J Periodontal Res. 1992; 27(2): 101-110.
Immunohistochemical distribution of the collagen types IV, V, VI and glycoprotein laminin in the healthy rat, marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) and human gingivae
Romanos G, Schroeter-Kermani C, Hinz N, Bernimoulin JP.
Matrix. 1991; 11(2): 125-132.
Immunohistochemical localization of collagenous components in healthy periodontal tissues of the rat and marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). II. Distribution of collagen types IV, V and VI
Romanos GE, Schroeter-Kermani C, Hinz N, Wachtel HC, Bernimoulin JP.
J Periodontal Res. 1991; 26(4): 323-332.
Advanced Immediate Loading (BOOK, in press) (2012)
Authors: Romanos GE
Publisher: Quintessence Publ. 2012
Osseointegration and Dental Implants (2009)
Chapter: Loading protocols and biological response
Authors: Moy P, Romanos GE, Roccuzzo M.
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell, Toronto 2009
Evidence-based laser dentistry (2007)
Chapter: Lasers in Oral Surgery and Implant Dentistry.
Authors: Nammour, S., Romanos, GE:
Publisher: Quintessence Publ., Berlin 2007
Clinical and laboratory manual of implant overdentures. (2007)
Chapter: Loading approaches for mandibular implant overdentures.
Authors: May D, Romanos GE, Shafie H
Publisher: Blackwell Munksgaard 2007
Oral Laser Applications (2006)
Chapter: Laser assisted periodontal therapy
Authors: Schoop U, Moritz A, Blum R, Romanos GE, Schwarz F
Publisher: Quintessence Publ., Berlin 2006
Oral Laser Application (2006)
Chapter: Laser Atlas Surgery
Authors: Beer F, Maiorana C, Romanos GE
Publisher: Quintessence Publ, Berlin 2006
Immediate Loading in the posterior area of the mandible. Animal+clinical studies (2005)
Authors: Romanos GE
Publisher: Quintessence Publ. 2005
Sofortblelastung von enossalen Implantaten im Seitenzahnbereich des Unterkiefers (2005)
Authors: Romanos GE
Publisher: Quintessenz Verlag, Berlin 2005
Praxis der Zahnheilkunde, Band Parodontologie (4. edition) (2005)
Chapter: Parodontologie und Implantologie.
Authors: Romanos, GE, Nentwig, GH:
Publisher: Elsevier Verlag, Munich 2005
Treatment of Oral Diseases (2004)
Chapter: Laser applications for treatment of oral mucosal lesions
Authors: Romanos, G.E.
Publisher: Thieme Publisher, Stuttgart 2004
Lasers in Dentistry (2003)
Chapter: Laser surgical tools in Implant Dentistry for the long-term prognosis of oral implants
Authors: Romanos GE
Publisher: International Congress Series, Elsevier Science BV, Amsterdam 2003
Atlas der chirurgischen Laserzahnheilkunde-Atlas of the laser surgical procedure (1999)
Authors: Romanos GE
Publisher: Urban and Fisher Publisher, Munich, Germany 1999
Biological matrices and tissue reconstruction. Springer Verlag (1998)
Chapter: Influence of collagen membranes and collagenous sponge material in the connective tissue matrix during wound healing. An immunohistochemical study.
Authors: Romanos GE, Hotz STK, Beyer T, Strub JR
Publisher: Springer Verlag, Heidelberg 1998
Giornato internationali di implantologia orale (1994)
Chapter: Implantation in tlie narrow alveolar ridge
Authors: Romanos GE, Nentwig GH, Helmke U
Publisher: Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, Italy 1994