Patricia M. White, Ph.D.
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Patricia M. White, Ph.D.
About Me
Dr. White's goal is to find a biological treatment to reverse noise-induced hearing loss through a better understanding of the function of different genes in the cochlea.
Faculty Appointments
Associate Professor - Department of Neuroscience (SMD)
Associate Professor - Department of Otolaryngology (SMD) - Joint
Post-doctoral Training & Residency
House Ear Institute, Los Angeles, CA 2000 - 2009
PhD | California Inst of Tech. Developmental Biology. 2000
BS | California Inst of Tech. Biology. 1989
ARCS Scholar.
Hearst Scholar.
I want to realize the promise of developmental biology for human medicine. If we can define, describe, and understand the molecular mechanisms that regulate cell division and differentiation, then in principle, we can manipulate cells and tissues to rebuild damaged or diseas...
I want to realize the promise of developmental biology for human medicine. If we can define, describe, and understand the molecular mechanisms that regulate cell division and differentiation, then in principle, we can manipulate cells and tissues to rebuild damaged or diseased organs.
We have begun this process for human deafness, which impacts one quarter of adults over the age of 65. For many of these individuals, decades of noise exposure results in the progressive loss of mechanosensory hair cells, which detect sound vibration in the cochlea. In mammals, lost hair cells are not replaced; consequently, damage accumulates as people age. Surprisingly, when we tested the developmental capacities of nearby cells to divide and create new sensory cells, we found a latent ability for regeneration. My work here at Rochester centers on identifying what molecules regulate inner ear regeneration in mammals. My goal is to find a biological treatment for noise-induced hearing loss.
Journal Articles
Piekna-Przybylska D, Na D, Zhang J, Baker C, Ashton JM, White PM
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience.. 2024 18 :1428589. Epub 05/24/2024.
Na D, Zhang J, Beaulac HJ, Piekna-Przybylska D, Nicklas PR, Kiernan AE, White PM
Frontiers in neuroscience.. 2023 17 :1106570. Epub 05/26/2023.
Na D, Zhang J, Beaulac HJ, Piekna-Przybylska D, Nicklas PR, Kiernan AE, White PM
Frontiers in neuroscience.. 2023 17 :1250244. Epub 07/18/2023.
Na D, White PM
Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE.. 2022 December 9 (190)Epub 12/09/2022.
Gilels FA, Wang J, Bullen A, White PM, Kiernan AE
Cell death & disease.. 2022 November 1813 (11):971. Epub 11/18/2022.
Piekna-Przybylska D, Na D, Zhang J, Baker C, Ashton JM, White PM
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience.. 2022 16 :1096872. Epub 01/06/2023.
Beaulac HJ, Gilels F, Zhang J, Jeoung S, White PM
Cell death & disease.. 2021 July 712 (7):682. Epub 07/07/2021.
Patel S, Shah L, Dang N, Tan X, Almudevar A, White PM
PloS one.. 2020 15 (7):e0235491. Epub 07/13/2020.
Zhang J, Wang Q, Abdul-Aziz D, Mattiacio J, Edge ASB, White PM
The European journal of neuroscience.. 2018 November 48 (10):3299-3316. Epub 10/24/2018.
Paquette ST, Dawes RP, Sundar IK, Rahman I, Brown EB, White PM
Scientific reports.. 2018 April 108 (1):5746. Epub 04/10/2018.
Gilels F, Paquette ST, Beaulac HJ, Bullen A, White PM
Scientific reports.. 2017 April 217 (1):1054. Epub 04/21/2017.
Paquette ST, Gilels F, White PM
Scientific reports.. 2016 May 106 :25056. Epub 05/10/2016.
White PM
BioMed research international.. 2016 2016 :1870675. Epub 10/13/2016.
Savoy-Burke G, Gilels FA, Pan W, Pratt D, Que J, Gan L, White PM, Kiernan AE
PloS one.. 2014 9 (9):e108160. Epub 09/29/2014.
Gilels F, Paquette ST, Zhang J, Rahman I, White PM
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.. 2013 November 2033 (47):18409-24. Epub 1900 01 01.
White PM, Stone JS, Groves AK, Segil N
Developmental biology.. 2012 March 1363 (1):191-200. Epub 01/02/2012.
White PM, Doetzlhofer A, Lee YS, Groves AK, Segil N
Nature.. 2006 June 22441 (7096):984-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Doetzlhofer A, White P, Lee YS, Groves A, Segil N
Brain research.. 2006 May 261091 (1):282-8. Epub 04/17/2006.
Doetzlhofer A, White PM, Johnson JE, Segil N, Groves AK
Developmental biology.. 2004 August 15272 (2):432-47. Epub 1900 01 01.
Lumpkin EA, Collisson T, Parab P, Omer-Abdalla A, Haeberle H, Chen P, Doetzlhofer A, White P, Groves A, Segil N, Johnson JE
Gene expression patterns : GEP.. 2003 August 3 (4):389-95. Epub 1900 01 01.
White PM, Morrison SJ, Orimoto K, Kubu CJ, Verdi JM, Anderson DJ
Neuron.. 2001 January 29 (1):57-71. Epub 1900 01 01.
White PM, Anderson DJ
Development.. 1999 October 126 (19):4351-63. Epub 1900 01 01.
Morrison SJ, White PM, Zock C, Anderson DJ
Cell.. 1999 March 596 (5):737-49. Epub 1900 01 01.
Novak TJ, White PM, Rothenberg EV
Nucleic acids research.. 1990 August 1118 (15):4523-33. Epub 1900 01 01.