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Tanzy M. Love, Ph.D.



About Me

Faculty Appointments

Associate Professor - Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology (SMD)


Post-doctoral Training & Residency

Summer Visiting Scholar, Department of Statistice, Stanford University 2009 - 2009

Post-doctoral fellowship in Environmental Health Statistics.
University of Rochester, Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology 2008 - 2010

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Statistices, Canegie Mellon University 2005 - 2008


PhD | Iowa State University. Statistics. 2005

MS | Iowa State University. Statistics. 2002

MS | California State University, Hayward. Statistics. 2000

BS | California State University, Hayward. Major: Statistics Minor: Mathematics. 1999


New Researcher Travel Award. 2012

New Researcher Travel Award. 2008

Poster Award. 2008

New Researcher Travel Award. 2008

New Researcher Travel Award. 2008

New Researcher Travel Award. 2007

New Researcher Travel Award. 2006

New Researcher Travel Award. 2006

New Researcher Travel Award. 2006

New Researcher Travel Award. 2005

ENAR Distinguished Student Paper Award. 2005

Research Excellence Award. 2005

New Researcher Travel Award. 2004

Teaching Excellence Award. 2003

New Researcher Travel Award. 2003

New Researcher Travel Award. 2002

Graduate Fellowship Honorable Mention. 2001

George J. Resnikoff Scholarship. 2000


Finding hidden groups and their meanings; latent variable modeling; methods and techniques for Bayesian solutions.

Finding hidden groups and their meanings; latent variable modeling; methods and techniques for Bayesian solutions.


Journal Articles

Inflammation, lipid dysregulation, and transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 4 signaling perpetuate chronic vulvar pain.

Bekauri T, Fischer S, Honn KV, Maddipati KR, Love T, Little C, Wood RW, Bonham AD, Linder MA, Yule DI, Emanuelle C, Falsetta ML

Pain.. 2024 April 1165 (4):820-837. Epub 10/26/2023.

Methodological differences between studies confound one-size-fits-all approaches to managing surface waterways for food and water safety.

Weller DL, Murphy CM, Love TMT, Danyluk MD, Strawn LK

Applied and environmental microbiology.. 2024 February 2190 (2):e0183523. Epub 01/12/2024.

Validation and interpretation of Pan-TRK immunohistochemistry: a practical approach and challenges with interpretation.

Karakas C, Giampoli EJ, Love T, Hicks DG, Velez MJ

Diagnostic pathology.. 2024 January 1019 (1):10. Epub 01/10/2024.

Longitudinal impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the utilization of hemoglobin A1c testing in outpatients.

Zha L, MacLeod S, Love T, Fortuna RJ, Victoria Zhang Y

Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry.. 2024 January 1552 :117686. Epub 11/30/2023.

Comparing Outcomes for Emergent Cranial Neurosurgical Procedures Performed "During Hours" and "After Hours".

Ellens NR, Susa S, Hoang R, Love T, Jones J, Santangelo G, Bender MT, Mattingly TK

World neurosurgery.. 2024 January 181 :e703-e712. Epub 10/26/2023.

Postnatal methylmercury exposure and neurodevelopmental outcomes at 7 years of age in the Seychelles Child Development Study Nutrition Cohort 2.

Klus JK, Thurston SW, Myers G, Watson GE, Rand MD, Love TM, Yeates AJ, Mulhern MS, McSorley EM, Strain JJ, Shamlaye C, van Wijngaarden E

Neurotoxicology.. 2023 December 99 :115-119. Epub 10/11/2023.

KEAP1 polymorphisms and neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with exposure to prenatal MeHg from the Seychelles Child Development Study Nutrition Cohort 2.

de Paula HK, Love TM, Pineda D, Watson GE, Thurston SW, Yeates AJ, Mulhern MS, McSorley EM, Strain JJ, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ, Rand MD, van Wijngaarden E, Broberg K

Neurotoxicology.. 2023 December 99 :177-183. Epub 10/17/2023.

Error codes at autopsy to study potential biases in diagnostic error.

Goldman BI, Bharadraj R, Fuller M, Love T, Metlay L, Dignan C

Diagnosis.. 2023 November 110 (4):375-382. Epub 10/05/2023.

Maternal fish consumption and child neurodevelopment in Nutrition 1 Cohort: Seychelles Child Development Study.

Conway MC, Yeates AJ, Love TM, Weller D, McSorley EM, Mulhern MS, Wesolowska M, Watson GE, Myers GJ, Shamlaye CF, Henderson J, Davidson PW, van Wijngaarden E, Strain JJ

The British journal of nutrition.. 2023 October 28130 (8):1366-1372. Epub 02/10/2023.

Scale of analysis drives the observed ratio of spatial to non-spatial variance in microbial water quality: insights from two decades of citizen science data.

Weller DL, Love TMT, Weller DE, Murphy CM, Strawn LK

Journal of applied microbiology.. 2023 October 4134 (10)Epub 1900 01 01.

Precision detection of recent HIV infections using high-throughput genomic incidence assay.

Faraci G, Park SY, Love TMT, Dubé MP, Lee HY

Microbiology spectrum.. 2023 September 1511 (5):e0228523. Epub 09/15/2023.

Gadolinium during human pregnancy following administration of gadolinium chelate before pregnancy.

Coyte RM, Darrah T, Olesik J, Barrett E, O'Connor TG, Brunner J, Love T, Perez-D'Gregorio R, Wang HZ, Aleksunes LM, Buckley B, Doherty C, Miller RK

Birth defects research.. 2023 August 15115 (14):1264-1273. Epub 06/19/2023.

New insights into the responder/nonresponder divide in rectal cancer: Damage-induced Type I IFNs dictate treatment efficacy and can be targeted to enhance radiotherapy.

Uccello TP, Lesch ML, Kintzel SA, Gradzewicz LB, Lamrous L, Murphy SP, Fleming FJ, Mills BN, Murphy JD, Hughson A, Hannon G, Garrett-Larsen J, Qiu H, Drage MG, Ye J, Gavras NW, Keeley DC, Love TMT, Repasky EA, Lord EM, Linehan DC, Gerber SA

Cell death & disease.. 2023 July 2614 (7):470. Epub 07/26/2023.

Using logistic regression models to investigate the effects of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T confounders on ruling in acute myocardial infarction.

Liu L, Cai X, Love T, Corsetti M, Mathias AM, Worster A, Ma J, Kavsak PA

Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine.. 2023 June 2761 (7):1335-1342. Epub 01/26/2023.

Immature neurons in the primate amygdala: Changes with early development and disrupted early environment.

McHale-Matthews AC, DeCampo DM, Love T, Cameron JL, Fudge JL

Developmental cognitive neuroscience.. 2023 June 61 :101248. Epub 04/25/2023.

T Cell Responses Correlate with Self-Reported Disease Severity and Neutralizing Antibody Responses Predict Protection against SARS-CoV-2 Breakthrough Infection.

Zhao Z, Kumanovics A, Love T, Melanson SEF, Meng QH, Wu AHB, Wiencek J, Apple FS, Ondracek CR, Koch DD, Christenson RH, Zhang YV

Viruses.. 2023 March 915 (3)Epub 03/09/2023.

Radiation Therapy Exacerbates Tumor-Promoting Innervation and Nerve Signaling in Rectal Cancer.

Uccello TP, Lecsh ML, Ullman NA, Kintzel SA, Gradzewicz LB, Velagaleti T, Fleming FJ, Mills BN, Murphy JD, Garrett-Larsen J, Qiu H, Drage MG, Ye J, Gavras NW, Johnston CJ, Love TMT, Repasky EA, Linehan DC, Lord EM, Gerber SA

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics.. 2023 March 1115 (3):733-745. Epub 10/04/2022.

The association of auditory function measures with low-level methylmercury from oceanic fish consumption and mercury vapor from amalgam: The Seychelles Child Development Study Nutrition 1 Cohort.

Orlando MS, Love T, Harrington D, Dziorny AC, Shamlaye CF, Watson GE, van Wijngaarden E, Davidson PW, Myers GJ

Neurotoxicology.. 2023 March 95 :46-55. Epub 01/05/2023.

Comparison of trace element concentrations in paired formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded and frozen human placentae.

Coyte RM, Darrah TH, Barrett E, O'Connor TG, Olesik JW, Salafia CM, Shah R, Love T, Miller RK

Placenta.. 2023 January 131 :98-103. Epub 12/15/2022.

Reduced Time to Procedure for Gastrointestinal Bleeding After Warfarin Reversal With Four-Factor Complex Concentrate as Compared to Plasma.

Spector H, McRae HL, Love T, Northam K, Refaai K, Rollins-Raval MA, Refaai MA

Journal of clinical medicine research.. 2023 January 15 (1):51-57. Epub 01/24/2023.

Structural Equation Models Suggest That On-Farm Noncrop Vegetation Removal Is Not Associated with Improved Food Safety Outcomes but Is Linked to Impaired Water Quality.

Weller DL, Love TMT, Weller DE, Murphy CM, Rahm BG, Wiedmann M

Applied and environmental microbiology.. 2022 December 1388 (23):e0160022. Epub 11/21/2022.

The spectrum of renal diseases with lupus-like features: a single-center study.

Ahmed M, Love T, Moore C, Le TH, Jean-Gilles J, Goldman B, Choung HYG

Renal failure.. 2022 December 44 (1):581-593. Epub 1900 01 01.

Tumor Size, Not Small Vessel Invasion, Predicts Survival in Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma.

Zhang D, Love T, Hao Y, Liu BL, Thung S, Fiel MI, Whitney-Miller CL, Liao X

American journal of clinical pathology.. 2022 July 1158 (1):70-80. Epub 1900 01 01.

Contribution of child ABC-transporter genetics to prenatal MeHg exposure and neurodevelopment.

Love TM, Wahlberg K, Pineda D, Watson GE, Zareba G, Thurston SW, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ, Rand M, van Wijngaarden E, Broberg K

Neurotoxicology.. 2022 July 91 :228-233. Epub 05/30/2022.

Grafted and Vanishing Random Subspaces.

Corsetti MA, Love TM

Pattern analysis and applications : PAA.. 2022 February 25 (1):89-124. Epub 11/25/2021.

Development of an Orthotopic Murine Model of Rectal Cancer in Conjunction With Targeted Short-Course Radiation Therapy.

Uccello TP, Kintzel SA, Mills BN, Murphy JD, Garrett-Larsen J, Battaglia NG, Rodriguez CJ, Drage MG, Ye J, Love TMT, Johnston CJ, Repasky EA, Qiu H, Linehan DC, Lord EM, Gerber SA

Advances in radiation oncology.. 2022 7 (2):100867. Epub 12/09/2021.

Tolerance for three commonly administered COVID-19 vaccines by healthcare professionals.

Melanson SEF, Zhao Z, Kumanovics A, Love T, Meng QH, Wu AHB, Apple F, Ondracek CR, Schulz KM, Wiencek JR, Koch D, Christenson R, Zhang YV

Frontiers in public health.. 2022 10 :975781. Epub 09/27/2022.

Long-term Effectiveness of a Peer-Led Asthma Self-management Program on Asthma Outcomes in Adolescents Living in Urban Areas: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

Rhee H, Love T, Wicks MN, Tumiel-Berhalter L, Sloand E, Harrington D, Walters L

JAMA network open.. 2021 December 14 (12):e2137492. Epub 12/01/2021.

Delivery Mode and Child Development at 20 Months of Age and 7 Years of Age in the Republic of Seychelles.

Zavez A, Thurston SW, Rand MD, Mruzek DW, Love T, Smith T, Shamlaye CF, van Wijngaarden E

Maternal and child health journal.. 2021 December 25 (12):1930-1938. Epub 10/05/2021.

Developmental Toxicology of Metal Mixtures in : Unique Properties of Potency and Interactions of Mercury Isoforms.

Beamish CR, Love TM, Rand MD

International journal of molecular sciences.. 2021 November 922 (22)Epub 11/09/2021.

Gut microbiome in people living with HIV is associated with impaired thiamine and folate syntheses.

Park SY, Faraci G, Nanda S, Ter-Saakyan S, Love TMT, Mack WJ, Dubé MP, Lee HY

Microbial pathogenesis.. 2021 November 160 :105209. Epub 09/24/2021.

Long-term effects of a peer-led asthma self-management program on asthma outcomes in adolescent peer leaders.

Rhee H, Love T, Harrington D, Walters L, Mammen J, Sloand E

Patient education and counseling.. 2021 June 104 (6):1415-1422. Epub 12/03/2020.

Associations of prenatal methylmercury exposure and maternal polyunsaturated fatty acid status with neurodevelopmental outcomes at 7 years of age: results from the Seychelles Child Development Study Nutrition Cohort 2.

Strain JJ, Love TM, Yeates AJ, Weller D, Mulhern MS, McSorley EM, Thurston SW, Watson GE, Mruzek D, Broberg K, Rand MD, Henderson J, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, van Wijngaarden E

The American journal of clinical nutrition.. 2021 February 2113 (2):304-313. Epub 1900 01 01.

Prenatal methylmercury exposure and DNA methylation in seven-year-old children in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Cediel Ulloa A, Gliga A, Love TM, Pineda D, Mruzek DW, Watson GE, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Strain JJ, Myers GJ, van Wijngaarden E, Ruegg J, Broberg K

Environment international.. 2021 February 147 :106321. Epub 12/16/2020.

Associations of prenatal methylmercury exposure and maternal polyunsaturated fatty acid status with neurodevelopmental outcomes at 7 years of age: results from the Seychelles Child Development Study Nutrition Cohort 2.

Strain JJ, Love TM, Yeates AJ, Weller D, Mulhern MS, McSorley EM, Thurston SW, Watson GE, Mruzek D, Broberg K, Rand MD, Henderson J, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, van Wijngaarden E

The American journal of clinical nutrition.. 2021 February 113 (2):304-313. Epub 1900 01 01.

Multiple imputation and direct estimation for qPCR data with non-detects.

Sherina V, McMurray HR, Powers W, Land H, Love TMT, McCall MN

BMC bioinformatics.. 2020 November 2621 (1):545. Epub 11/26/2020.

Associations between overweight and obesity and asthma outcomes in urban adolescents.

Rhee H, Love T, Groth SW, Annette G, Tumiel-Berhalter L, Harrington D

The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma.. 2020 October 57 (10):1053-1062. Epub 07/03/2019.

Discovering structure in multiple outcomes models for tests of childhood neurodevelopment.

LaLonde A, Love T, Thurston SW, Davidson PW

Biometrics.. 2020 September 76 (3):874-885. Epub 11/28/2019.

Neuropathology associated with exposure to different concentrations and species of mercury: A review of autopsy cases and the literature.

O'Donoghue JL, Watson GE, Brewer R, Zareba G, Eto K, Takahashi H, Marumoto M, Love T, Harrington D, Myers GJ

Neurotoxicology.. 2020 May 78 :88-98. Epub 02/22/2020.

Methylmercury and long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are associated with immune dysregulation in young adults from the Seychelles child development study.

Strain JJ, Shamlaye CF, Watson GE, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, Conway MC, Allsopp PJ, Jusko TA, Love T, Thurston SW, Harrington D, Mulhern MS, Spence T, Yeates AJ, van Wijngaarden E, McSorley EM

Environmental research.. 2020 April 183 :109072. Epub 01/07/2020.

Association of Audiometric Measures with plasma long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in a high-fish eating population: The Seychelles Child Development Study.

Orlando MS, Dziorny AC, Love T, Harrington D, Shamlaye CF, Watson G, van Wijngaarden E, Zareba G, Davidson PW, Mulhern MS, McSorley EM, Yeates AJ, Strain JJ, Myers GJ

Neurotoxicology.. 2020 March 77 :137-144. Epub 01/23/2020.

Methylmercury and long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are associated with immune dysregulation in young adults from the Seychelles child development study.

McSorley, E.A; van Wijngaarden, E; Yeates, A; Spence, T; Mulhern, M; Harrington, D; Thurston, S.W; Love, T.M.; Jusko, T; Conway, M.C.; Davidson,P.W; Myers, G; Watson, G.; Shamlaye, C.F.; Strain, J.J.; Allsopp,P.

Environmental Research. 2020; 183.

Comparing Three Measures of Self-Efficacy of Asthma Self-Management in Adolescents.

Rhee H, Love T, Harrington D, Walters L

Academic pediatrics.. 2020 20 (7):983-990. Epub 03/16/2020.

Cranial irradiation mediated spine loss is sex-specific and complement receptor-3 dependent in male mice.

Hinkle JJ, Olschowka JA, Love TM, Williams JP, O'Banion MK

Scientific reports.. 2019 December 119 (1):18899. Epub 12/11/2019.

Acute and late effects of combined internal and external radiation exposures on the hematopoietic system.

Calvi LM, Frisch BJ, Kingsley PD, Koniski AD, Love TM, Williams JP, Palis J

International journal of radiation biology.. 2019 November 95 (11):1447-1461. Epub 07/30/2019.

Maternal immune markers during pregnancy and child neurodevelopmental outcomes at age 20 months in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Irwin JL, McSorley EM, Yeates AJ, Mulhern MS, Strain JJ, Watson GE, Grzesik K, Thurston SW, Love TM, Smith TH, Broberg K, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, van Wijngaarden

Journal of neuroimmunology.. 2019 October 15335 :577023. Epub 08/14/2019.

Analysis of the capacity of Salmonella enterica Typhimurium to infect the human Placenta.

Perry ID, Nguyen T, Sherina V, Love TMT, Miller RK, Krishnan L, Murphy SP

Placenta.. 2019 August 83 :43-52. Epub 06/26/2019.

Maternal Gestational Immune Response and Autism Spectrum Disorder Phenotypes at 7 Years of Age in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Irwin JL, Yeates AJ, Mulhern MS, McSorley EM, Strain JJ, Watson GE, Grzesik K, Thurston SW, Love TM, Smith TH, Mruzek DW, Shamlaye CF, Monthy C, Myers GJ, Davidson PW, van Wijngaarden E

Molecular neurobiology.. 2019 July 56 (7):5000-5008. Epub 11/14/2018.

Associations of blood mercury and fatty acid concentrations with blood mitochondrial DNA copy number in the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Study.

Xu Y, Wahlberg K, Love TM, Watson GE, Yeates AJ, Mulhern MS, McSorley EM, Strain JJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Rand MD, Myers GJ, van Wijngaarden E, Broberg K

Environment international.. 2019 March 124 :278-283. Epub 01/17/2019.

Social Network Spatial Model.

Ciminelli JT, Love T, Wu TT

Spatial statistics.. 2019 March 29 :129-144. Epub 11/20/2018.

Comparing Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ) and National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) asthma control criteria.

Rhee H, Love T, Mammen J

Annals of allergy, asthma & immunology : official publication of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology.. 2019 January 122 (1):58-64. Epub 09/11/2018.

A Potential Biomarker for Predicting the Risk of Radiation-Induced Fibrosis in the Lung.

Groves AM, Williams JP, Hernady E, Reed C, Fenton B, Love T, Finkelstein JN, Johnston CJ

Radiation research.. 2018 November 190 (5):513-525. Epub 08/17/2018.

Daily HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate-emtricitabine reduced Streptococcus and increased Erysipelotrichaceae in rectal microbiota.

Dubé MP, Park SY, Ross H, Love TMT, Morris SR, Lee HY

Scientific reports.. 2018 October 128 (1):15212. Epub 10/12/2018.

Insulin resistance involvement in prevalence of familial dysbetalipoproteinemia in ?2?2 subjects by Bayesian network modeling.

Corsetti JP, Love TM, Sparks CE, Bakker SJL, Dullaart RPF

Clinical biochemistry.. 2018 September 59 :31-36. Epub 06/18/2018.

HIITE: HIV-1 incidence and infection time estimator.

Park SY, Love TMT, Kapoor S, Lee HY, Hancock J

Bioinformatics.. 2018 June 1534 (12):2046-2052. Epub 1900 01 01.

Maternal polymorphisms in glutathione-related genes are associated with maternal mercury concentrations and early child neurodevelopment in a population with a fish-rich diet.

Wahlberg K, Love TM, Pineda D, Engström K, Watson GE, Thurston SW, Yeates AJ, Mulhern MS, McSorley EM, Strain JJ, Smith TH, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ, Rand MD, van Wijngaarden E, Broberg K

Environment international.. 2018 June 115 :142-149. Epub 03/21/2018.

Fractionation enhances acute oligodendrocyte progenitor cell radiation sensitivity and leads to long term depletion.

Begolly S, Olschowka JA, Love T, Williams JP, O'Banion MK

Glia.. 2018 April 66 (4):846-861. Epub 12/30/2017.

Editor's Highlight: Variation in Methylmercury Metabolism and Elimination Status in Humans Following Fish Consumption.

Caito SW, Jackson BP, Punshon T, Scrimale T, Grier A, Gill SR, Love TM, Watson GE, van Wijngaarden E, Rand MD

Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology.. 2018 February 1161 (2):443-453. Epub 1900 01 01.

Cognitive factors predict medication adherence and asthma control in urban adolescents with asthma.

Rhee H, Wicks MN, Dolgoff JS, Love TM, Harrington D

Patient preference and adherence.. 2018 12 :929-937. Epub 05/24/2018.

Common allergies in urban adolescents and their relationships with asthma control and healthcare utilization.

Rhee H, Love T, Harrington D, Grape A

Allergy, asthma, and clinical immunology : official journal of the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.. 2018 14 :33. Epub 09/03/2018.

Blood Neutrophil Count is Associated with Body Mass Index in Adolescents with Asthma.

Rhee H, Love T, Harrington D

JSM allergy and asthma.. 2018 3 (1)Epub 05/11/2018.

Comorbidity of atopy in urban adolescents with asthma.

Rhee H, Love TM, Harrington D, Grape A

Annals of allergy, asthma & immunology : official publication of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology.. 2017 November 119 (5):466-467. Epub 1900 01 01.

The HIV Genomic Incidence Assay Meets False Recency Rate and Mean Duration of Recency Infection Performance Standards.

Park SY, Love TMT, Reynell L, Yu C, Kang TM, Anastos K, DeHovitz J, Liu C, Kober KM, Cohen M, Mack WJ, Lee HY

Scientific reports.. 2017 August 77 (1):7480. Epub 08/07/2017.

CYP3A genes and the association between prenatal methylmercury exposure and neurodevelopment.

Llop S, Tran V, Ballester F, Barbone F, Sofianou-Katsoulis A, Sunyer J, Engström K, Alhamdow A, Love TM, Watson GE, Bustamante M, Murcia M, Iñiguez C, Shamlaye CF, Rosolen V, Mariuz M, Horvat M, Tratnik JS, Mazej D, van Wijngaarden E, Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Rand MD, Broberg K

Environment international.. 2017 August 105 :34-42. Epub 05/10/2017.

Editor's Highlight: Glutathione S-Transferase Activity Moderates Methylmercury Toxicity During Development in Drosophila.

Vorojeikina D, Broberg K, Love TM, Davidson PW, van Wijngaarden E, Rand MD

Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology.. 2017 May 1157 (1):211-221. Epub 1900 01 01.

Finding vulnerable subpopulations in the Seychelles Child Development Study: effect modification with latent groups.

Love TM, Thurston SW, Davidson PW

Statistical methods in medical research.. 2017 April 26 (2):809-822. Epub 12/14/2014.

Methyl mercury exposure and neurodevelopmental outcomes in the Seychelles Child Development Study Main cohort at age 22 and 24years.

van Wijngaarden E, Thurston SW, Myers GJ, Harrington D, Cory-Slechta DA, Strain JJ, Watson GE, Zareba G, Love T, Henderson J, Shamlaye CF, Davidson PW

Neurotoxicology and teratology.. 2017 59 :35-42. Epub 10/28/2016.

Total-Body Irradiation Exacerbates Dissemination of Cutaneous Candida Albicans Infection.

Barlow ML, Cummings RJ, Pentland AP, Love TM, Haidaris CG, Ryan JL, Lord EM, Gerber SA

Radiation research.. 2016 November 186 (5):436-446. Epub 10/06/2016.

Polymorphisms in ATP-binding cassette transporters associated with maternal methylmercury disposition and infant neurodevelopment in mother-infant pairs in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Engström K, Love TM, Watson GE, Zareba G, Yeates A, Wahlberg K, Alhamdow A, Thurston SW, Mulhern M, McSorley EM, Strain JJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ, Rand MD, van Wijngaarden E, Broberg K

Environment international.. 2016 September 94 :224-229. Epub 06/02/2016.

Molecular clock of HIV-1 envelope genes under early immune selection.

Park SY, Love TM, Perelson AS, Mack WJ, Lee HY

Retrovirology.. 2016 June 113 (1):38. Epub 06/01/2016.

SPMM: estimating infection duration of multivariant HIV-1 infections.

Love TM, Park SY, Giorgi EE, Mack WJ, Perelson AS, Lee HY

Bioinformatics.. 2016 May 132 (9):1308-15. Epub 12/31/2015.

Methods for Individualized Determination of Methylmercury Elimination Rate and De-Methylation Status in Humans Following Fish Consumption.

Rand MD, Vorojeikina D, van Wijngaarden E, Jackson BP, Scrimale T, Zareba G, Love TM, Myers GJ, Watson G

Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology.. 2016 February 149 (2):385-95. Epub 11/15/2015.

Genetic variation in FADS genes is associated with maternal long-chain PUFA status but not with cognitive development of infants in a high fish-eating observational study.

Yeates AJ, Love TM, Engström K, Mulhern MS, McSorley EM, Grzesik K, Alhamdow A, Wahlberg K, Thurston SW, Davidson PW, van Wijngaarden E, Watson GE, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ, Strain JJ, Broberg K

Prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and essential fatty acids.. 2015 December 102-103 :13-20. Epub 09/14/2015.

Examining the Effects of External or Internal Radiation Exposure of Juvenile Mice on Late Morbidity after Infection with Influenza A.

Misra RS, Johnston CJ, Groves A, DeDiego ML, St Martin J, Reed C, Hernady E, Miller JN, Love T, Finkelstein JN, Williams JP

Radiation research.. 2015 July 184 (1):3-13. Epub 06/26/2015.

Outlier Identification in Model-Based Cluster Analysis.

Evans K, Love T, Thurston SW

Journal of classification.. 2015 April 132 (1):63-84. Epub 03/10/2015.

Prenatal exposure to methyl mercury from fish consumption and polyunsaturated fatty acids: associations with child development at 20 mo of age in an observational study in the Republic of Seychelles.

Strain J, Yeates AJ, van Wijngaarden E, Thurston SW, Mulhern MS, McSorley EM, Watson GE, Love TM, Smith TH, Yost K, Harrington D, Shamlaye CF, Henderson J, Myers GJ, Davidson PW

The American journal of clinical nutrition.. 2015 March 101 (3):530-7. Epub 01/21/2015.

Sustained reduction of central line-associated bloodstream infections outside the intensive care unit with a multimodal intervention focusing on central line maintenance.

Dumyati G, Concannon C, van Wijngaarden E, Love TM, Graman P, Pettis AM, Greene L, El-Daher N, Farnsworth D, Quinlan G, Karr G, Ward L, Knab R, Shelly M

American journal of infection control.. 2014 July 42 (7):723-30. Epub 05/23/2014.

Bayesian Models for Multiple Outcomes in Domains with Application to the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Xiao L, Thurston SW, Ruppert D, Love TM, Davidson PW

Journal of the American Statistical Association.. 2014 January 1109 (505):1-10. Epub 1900 01 01.

Associations between prenatal and recent postnatal methylmercury exposure and auditory function at age 19 years in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

Orlando MS, Dziorny AC, Harrington D, Love T, Shamlaye CF, Watson GE, van Wijngaarden E, Davidson PW, Myers GJ

Neurotoxicology and teratology.. 2014 46 :68-76. Epub 1900 01 01.

Autism spectrum disorder phenotypes and prenatal exposure to methylmercury.

van Wijngaarden E, Davidson PW, Smith TH, Evans K, Yost K, Love T, Thurston SW, Watson GE, Zareba G, Burns CM, Shamlaye CF, Myers GJ

Epidemiology.. 2013 September 24 (5):651-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Latent Factor Regression Models for Grouped Outcomes

Woodward, D.; Love, T.M.; Thurston, S.W.; Ruppert, D.; Sathyanarayana, S.; Swan, S.H.

Biometrika. 2013; .

Neurodevelopmental outcomes at 5 years in children exposed prenatally to maternal dental amalgam: the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Study.

Watson GE, van Wijngaarden E, Love TM, McSorley EM, Bonham MP, Mulhern MS, Yeates AJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Strain JJ, Thurston SW, Harrington D, Zareba G, Wallace JM, Myers GJ

Neurotoxicology and teratology.. 2013 39 :57-62. Epub 07/13/2013.

Prenatal exposure to dental amalgam in the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Study: associations with neurodevelopmental outcomes at 9 and 30 months.

Watson GE, Evans K, Thurston SW, van Wijngaarden E, Wallace JM, McSorley EM, Bonham MP, Mulhern MS, McAfee AJ, Davidson PW, Shamlaye CF, Strain JJ, Love T, Zareba G, Myers GJ

Neurotoxicology.. 2012 December 33 (6):1511-1517. Epub 10/12/2012.

Secondhand smoke exposure and serum cytokine levels in healthy children.

Wilson KM, Wesgate SC, Pier J, Weis E, Love T, Evans K, Chhibber A

Cytokine.. 2012 October 60 (1):34-7. Epub 07/16/2012.

Designing a genome-based HIV incidence assay with high sensitivity and specificity.

Park SY, Love TM, Nelson J, Thurston SW, Perelson AS, Lee HY

AIDS.. 2011 October 2325 (16):F13-9. Epub 1900 01 01.

Socioeconomic position and cognitive function in the Seychelles: a life course analysis.

Kobrosly RW, van Wijngaarden E, Galea S, Cory-Slechta DA, Love T, Hong C, Shamlaye CF, Davidson PW

Neuroepidemiology.. 2011 36 (3):162-8. Epub 04/20/2011.

Reconceptualizing the classification of PNAS articles.

Airoldi EM, Erosheva EA, Fienberg SE, Joutard C, Love T, Shringarpure S

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.. 2010 December 7107 (49):20899-904. Epub 11/15/2010.

An empirical method for establishing positional confidence intervals tailored for composite interval mapping of QTL.

Crossett A, Lauter N, Love TM

PloS one.. 2010 February 95 (2):e9039. Epub 02/09/2010.

Repeated Measurements on Distinct Scales With Censoring-A Bayesian Approach Applied to Microarray Analysis of Maize.

Love T, Carriquiry A

Journal of the American Statistical Association.. 2009 June 1104 (486):524-540. Epub 1900 01 01.

Gene expression patterns during somatic embryo development and germination in maize Hi II callus cultures.

Che P, Love TM, Frame BR, Wang K, Carriquiry AL, Howell SH

Plant molecular biology.. 2006 September 62 (1-2):1-14. Epub 07/15/2006.

Love, T.M.; Shelley, M.; and Keinert, F.

Redesigning Discrete Math as a web-based course:

Discovery of Latent Patterns with Hierarchical Bayesian Mixed-Membership Models and the Issue of Model Choice

Airoldi, E.; Fienberg, S.; Joutard, C.; and Love, T.M.

Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining: Merging Multimedia and Data Mining Research. 2006; : 91-100.

Growth hormone benefits children with 18q deletions.

Cody JD, Semrud-Clikeman M, Hardies LJ, Lancaster J, Ghidoni PD, Schaub RL, Thompson NM, Wells L, Cornell JE, Love TM, Fox PT, Leach RJ, Kaye CI, Hale DE

American journal of medical genetics. Part A.. 2005 August 15137 (1):9-15. Epub 1900 01 01.


Handbook of Statistics: Bioinformatics (2012)

Chapter: Hierarchical Bayesian methods for microarray data

Authors: Love, T.M. and Carriquiry, A.L.

Publisher: Elsevier 2012

Frontiers of Statistical Decision Making and Bayesian Analysis - In Honor of James Berger (2010)

Chapter: Hierarchical Bayesian Mixed-Membership Models and Latent Pattern Discovery

Authors: Airoldi, E.; Fienberg, S.; Joutard, C.; Love, T.M.

Publisher: Springer Verlag 2010

Data Mining Patterns: New Methods and Applications (2008)

Chapter: Discovery of Latent Patterns with Hierarchical Bayesian Mixed-Membership Models and the Issue of Model Choice

Authors: Airoldi, E.; Fienberg, S.; Joutard, C.; and Love, T.M.

Publisher: IGI Global, Hershey, PA 2008